Sword art online hollow realization deluxe edition switch

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What is included in Sword Art Online hollow realization Deluxe Edition?

"SWORD ART ONLINE: Hollow Realization Deluxe Edition" features the main game, as well as the additional content "Abyss of the Shrine Maiden" and the large-scale update "Warriors of the Sky!"

Does Sao hollow realization Deluxe Edition include DLC?

With a unique story supervised by the author of the SWORD ART ONLINE, Reki Kawahara, SWORD ART ONLINE: HOLLOW REALIZATION DELUXE EDITION features an expansive world with a MMORPG-like interface and fierce raid Boss battle - and includes all DLC previously released on other platforms.

Is Sword Art Online: Hollow Realization worth buying?

We'd give Sword Art Online: Hollow Realization a recommendation overall – this is a good, quality RPG – just make sure you do a bit of research in advance to confirm that it's what you're looking for.

How many hours is Sao hollow realization?

Hollow Realization is approximately 30 to 40 hours in length; however, completely finishing the game such as leveling up to the highest level and completing all the quests will take the player approximately 70 to 100 hours.