Sample email for employee leaving the company

Here's how to explain an employee departure. And how to present an employee departure announcement. Employee turnover is a common occurrence in the workplace. When one employee quits a company, particular preparation is required, including informing the remainder of the team. A professional, clear, informative employee leaving notice should contain information about what the remaining workers may expect in the future.

Sample email for employee leaving the company

What is a notice of an employee's departure?

An official business document informing workers and clients that another employee is departing the firm is an employee departure announcement. The letter or email's objective is to notify everyone that the employee will be leaving the firm. The letter may include details such as the date of departure, the reason for departure, and any details concerning a goodbye celebration. It might also provide instructions on how to handle the employee's obligations and communications after they depart.

How do you inform a team that there are employee departures happening?

It's critical to make a professional announcement about an employee's resignation. The entire company may need to know about a significant departing employee. Her is how to write an employee departure email for the entire company.

As you compose your email, keep the following stages in mind:

1. Make an appointment with the office.

Begin by sending it to the proper person or department. You can send the letter to the entire business or only the employee's department, depending on the company's size. Before creating and distributing the announcement to a more extensive list of recipients, contacting the retiring employee's department or direct reports get considered.

Related: Resignation Letter

2. State the letter's objective.

Begin the body of your letter by expressing your reason for writing, which is to inform an employee that they will be departing the firm. Make sure to mention the employee's name in the letter so that other employees are aware of their departure.

3. Include the date of your leave and any other pertinent information.

Effective date is the most relevant data to offer. This is the employee's last day of work, giving coworkers enough time to prepare for their departure.

You may want to include more information about the employee's departure, especially if they are leaving for a good cause, such as furthering their schooling or enhancing their career. On the other hand, personal details are generally better left out to allow the employee to reveal such information on their own.

4. Provide information about the following stages.

An employee departure letter's goal is to tell the firm of the employee's leaving and offer them information about what to expect. This message is an excellent opportunity to inform the employer that you will be employing or have already identified a successor for the position. You might also offer instructions on how staff should handle conversations or responsibilities that would typically get assigned to the departing employee.

Sample email for employee leaving the company

5. Include details regarding a goodbye function.

It's critical to make an employee's leave known as soon as feasible. This message allows their coworkers to prepare and make preparations to attend any goodbye ceremonies. If your group has decided to have a farewell gathering, give information regarding the event's time, date, and venue.

6. Show your gratitude.

Thank the leaving employee for their time and efforts at the end of the letter. It is typically a good idea to keep a departure announcement upbeat, regardless of the reason for the resignation. Emphasize the employee's favorable characteristics and professional accomplishments. You can thank the employee for their contributions to the firm and ask other employees to do it.

Related: Reasons for Leaving a Job

Employee Departure Announcement Template (How to Write a Professional Employee Resignation Announcement Email)

You may use a variety of strategies to create your employee leaving notification, but the template below is one example:

Hello, [Company Name] employees!

I'm writing to inform you that [Employee Name] will be leaving the firm on [leave date]. [Employee Name] has chosen to [explain why they are leaving]. Please address any department questions to [Interim Employee] until we can find a replacement as of [leave date].

Please join us in the office break room on [date] at [time] to bid [Employee Name] goodbye. We appreciate everything [Employee Name] has done for us over the last [length of employment], and they will be missed. They were crucial to the [name contribution], and it will be impossible to replace them. I wish [Employee Name] the best of luck in all of their future efforts.


[Your Full Name]


Example messages announcing an employee's departure

Here are a few messages announcing any departing employees to remaining employees.

Formal Example

Hi team,

I'm writing to inform you that Bryan Johnson will be leaving the firm on September 28, 2021. Bryan has opted to continue her studies by enrolling in full-time classes. Please address all department concerns to Daniel Rutger beginning September 28 until we can find a replacement.

Please join us in the office break room on September 26 at 4 p.m. to bid Bryan goodbye. Bryan's tireless efforts for us during the past four years have been much appreciated, and she will be missed. She was instrumental in the growth of our customer satisfaction department, and her absence will be tough to fill. I personally wish her the best of luck in all of her future undertakings.


Dan Brown


Informal Example

Hi there team,

Susan Smith is leaving Apple, effective December 15, and I've been given the responsibility of breaking the sad news to all. She has opted to spend more time with her true family after 11 years in our work family, and we can't blame her. After December 15, please send all department concerns to James Royce to locate her successor.

On Friday, Susan will be honored with a farewell happy hour at Frisbee's. Daisy has done so much for Apple, and I know I'm not alone in my gratitude—been she's here since the beginning! She was a forerunner in developing customer platforms, and she was instrumental in helping our company grow into the industry leader it is today. I'm hoping you'll join me in congratulating her.

Thanks so much,

Dan Brown


Related: Exit Interview Questions

Why is it important to make the announcement professional and polite?

When an employee leaves, it is vital to make an announcement.

There are various reasons why this should get done professionally and politely.

Sample email for employee leaving the company

Relationships Between Companies.

Maintaining excellent connections with an employee who is departing to take up a new position within the firm is critical. This message will ensure that the organization benefits from the relocation.

There's no need to send your notice to departments that have nothing to do with the departing employee. This message is intrusive and will get perceived as unimportant.

Industry Collaborations.

Maintaining a great connection with a coworker who is going to another position in the same business is critical.

This message might be beneficial in terms of establishing long-term commercial relationships inside the sector.

Plans for the Future.

An employee's departure should be announced at the appropriate time. Think about the preparations required and how long they will take.

This message will aid in the organization of the business. It guarantees that staff changes get communicated to all internal and external stakeholders.

Sample email for employee leaving the company


Professionalism will get demonstrated by sending an email to all employees announcing an employee's resignation.

It will demonstrate to other workers that you respect employee decisions and evaluate the influence on the entire team.

It's a good idea to notify external agencies or clients ahead of time. This message will demonstrate to them that you value the business connection.

Taking into account the circumstances.

It is critical to comprehend the cause for the resignation. Positive motivations include advancing their education, pursuing a promotion, or fulfilling family obligations.

Personnel layoffs or the employee no longer being the perfect fit for the organization might be negative causes.

If an employee departs on good terms, they may want to notify close coworkers. This message should be sent before making a more formal statement.

If they are leaving in a bad situation, they should make a statement right away. This message will prevent the spread of rumors and wrong information.

Common questions

Questions from employees.

Should human resources write emails when an employee leaves?

Not always. It's okay for leaders to write about employee departures. Always avoid discussing why an employee is leaving the business. If a reason is discussed in the announcement email, it should only contain a positive reason for the departure.

Should you write an email to staff and announce employee departures?

Generally, no. When an employee resigns, it should be a personal event. Only high-profile employees and managers should get announced. It is part of the departing employee's responsibility to write their own farewell email when leaving.

This protects company culture from deteriorating as many employees could feel as though "all employees are leaving this company."

Sample email for employee leaving the company

Favorite Resources

Our favorite resources are included below.

Job interview resources

  • Common Interview Questions by Marquette University
  • Prepare for Behavioral Interview Questions by Marquette University
  • Preparing for Job Interviews by the University of Kansas
  • Mock Interview Handbook by CSUCI
  • Interview Guidebook by Lebanon Valley College

Resume and cover letter resources

  • Writing a Resume and Cover Letter by USC
  • Resume Writing Tips by the University of Wisconsin-Madison
  • Resume and Cover Letter Guide by Harvard University

Job search resources

  • Building and Engaging Your Network by UC Berkeley
  • Career Ready Assessment by UC Berkeley

Sample email for employee leaving the company

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How do you write an employee departure email?

What should be included in an employee departure email?.
Direct the announcement appropriately. ... .
Get to the point. ... .
Include the departure date. ... .
If appropriate, include the circumstances of the employee's departure. ... .
Discuss the next steps. ... .
Invite your team to a farewell event, if applicable. ... .
Show your gratitude. ... .
Sign off..

How do you announce an employee is leaving an email?

Breathe easy, though: Here's how to announce your employee's departure in a few simple, tension-breaking steps..
Send an announcement email or hold a team meeting..
Be clear about what you're announcing..
Include the date of leave and any other important information..
Invite everyone to a goodbye event..
Show your gratitude..

What to write when an employee is leaving?

Dear [Company Name] staff, I am writing today to notify you that [Employee Name] is departing the company, effective [leave date]. [Employee Name] has decided to [reason for leaving]. As of [leave date], please direct all department questions to [Interim Employee] until we are able to secure a replacement.

How do you announce an employee is leaving the company?

Dear [department or organization] employees, Your colleague [employee name] is leaving our organization on [date of departure]. [Employee name] has been an important part of our company's success over the past [years of employee], and we wish [him/her/them] well in their future opportunities.