How to grill tuna steaks on a gas grill

This Grilled Tuna Steak Recipe is easy and delicious! The savory lime and soy based dipping sauce is mouthwatering and full of flavor. Learn how to grill tuna steaks in less than 10 minutes with a fun dipping sauce using any type of grill.

How to grill tuna steaks on a gas grill

Best Tuna for Grilling

Thick cut, Yellowfin or Ahi, Tuna is the best for grilling. Specifically look for thicker cut steaks that are at least 1 ½ inches thick. This allows a quick sear on both sides while leaving a nice pink center.

How to grill tuna steaks on a gas grill

Try to buy them fresh. The frozen tuna steaks in the freezer section of your grocer will be thinner, and when thawed look more an ashen gray from the freeze drying process.

Here is a great visual resource on the various species of tuna.

Do I Need to Marinade?

No. Tuna is very lean, so instead of marinade use a fun dipping sauce to add flavor at the end.

Our favorite tuna dipping sauce includes:

  • Soy
  • Honey
  • Freshly Squeezed Lime
  • Freshly Ground Ginger

What is Best Seasoning for Tuna?

We use an equal mix of kosher salt and coarse black pepper. Simply coat the tuna with extra virgin olive oil and the salt and pepper seasoning.

How To Grill Tuna Steaks

  1. Make the dipping sauce and set aside. Once the grill is ready the steaks cook fast and they are best warm. So having the sauce done first allows you to eat the grilled tuna steak warm.
  2. Prep Grill: Set up the grill for direct grilling with lump charcoal and target 550 – 600 degrees Fahrenheit. If using a gas grill use the burners on high for the same target temperature.
  3. Season Meat: Oil and season the tuna.
  4. Grill the Tuna Steaks: Start by placing them over the direct heat. After a few minutes, the sear will occur and the tuna steak will easily release from the grill grates and be ready to flip. Use good tongs to flip or a fish spatula. If the tuna is not easily releasing, let it continue cooking another 30 seconds.
    How to grill tuna steaks on a gas grill
  5. Flip: And continue cooking just another couple minutes. Remove at your desired temperature. We like ours with a little pink in the middle, or 125 — 130 degrees F using an instant read thermometer like a Thermoworks MK4 Thermapen.
  6. Remove, and slice immediately and dip into the soy ginger dipping sauce. Serve the slices warm as an appetizer, or plate it with the sauce for each guest.
How to grill tuna steaks on a gas grill

How Long To Grill Tuna Steaks

Tuna cooks fast. With a 1 ½ inch steak it should take 3 minutes per side at 550 degrees F over direct heat.

Temperature Ranges for Grilled Tuna Steak

How to grill tuna steaks on a gas grill
  • Rare: 120 – 130 degrees F
  • Medium Rare: 130 – 140 degrees F
  • Medium: 140 – 150 degrees F (145 is the USDA recommended temperature)
  • Well: over 150 and we don’t typically cook our tuna that high

How to grill tuna steaks on a gas grill

  • 4 6 ounce ahi tuna steaks
  • ½ tablespoon kosher salt
  • ½ tablespoon coarse ground pepper

Dipping Sauce

  • ¼ cup soy sauce
  • 3 tablespoons local honey
  • 1 tablespoon freshly squeezed lime
  • 1 clove garlic, grated
  • ¼ teaspoon fresh ginger, grated
  • teaspoon fish sauce
  • ½ teaspoon sesame seeds (optional)

  • Prepare grill for two zone or direct/indirect grilling. Target the temperature between 500 and 600 degrees over direct heat. Ours was at 550.

  • Pat dry the tuna with a paper towel.

  • Combine the salt and pepper in a small dish and season the tuna steaks.

  • Place the seasoned tuna steaks over direct heat and grill for approximately 3 minutes. Flip to the other side and cook an additional 3 minutes. The internal temperature should be between 125 and 130 degrees F for a medium rare steak.

  • Remove from the grill. Slice the tuna into pencil thin slices and serve with the dipping sauce. Tuna is best served warm.

Dipping Sauce

  • In a medium size bowl combine all ingredients and whisk to incorporate. Place in 4 small dipping dishes if serving as a main course or one dish if doing for an appetizer.

  • Optional – Sprinkle some sesame seeds into the dipping sauce.

Chef’s Tip: Use a micro plane to grate the both the ginger and the garlic. It makes for very fine texture when in the dipping sauce. Another great trick is to freeze unused fresh ginger. You can remove from the freezer and simply grate it again for the next recipe.

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How to grill tuna steaks on a gas grill

Other Grilled Fish Recipes

  • Easy Grilled Fish Tacos
  • Grilled Salmon
  • Seafood Seasoning for the Grill
  • Grilled Shrimp with Garlic Wine Butter Sauce

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Reader Interactions

How do you know when tuna is done on the grill?

Pat the tuna dry and sprinkle liberally with salt and pepper. Grill 30 to 60 seconds per side, until cooked on the outside but still raw on the inside. It's helpful to use a food thermometer: the internal temperature should be 115 degrees Fahrenheit.

What temperature should tuna be grilled at?

When grilling, searing, or baking tuna steaks, you should always cook them to an internal temperature of at least 130° F. You can use the ThermoPro Meat Thermometer to safely and accurately check the tuna's internal temperature as it cooks, ensuring that you are at no risk of consuming harmful parasites from your fish.

How do you keep tuna steaks from sticking to the grill?

It's important to dry the fish well on both sides, using paper towels—minimizing surface moisture helps speed the searing process along and reduces the chances of the tuna sticking to the grill. To that end, I also like to lightly rub the dried steaks with a neutral oil like canola or vegetable oil.

What temperature do you cook tuna steaks?

Here's how to cook tuna steak in an oven to keep your stove top free for whipping up a side dish..
Preheat the oven to 450°F. ... .
Bake 4 to 6 minutes per ½-inch thickness of fish or until fish begins to flake when tested with a fork but is still pink in the center..