Why does my cat try to bury her wet food

Well, you may be confusing and looking for an answer to this question – ” Why Does My Cat Try To Bury Her Food ” ?

This article is going to explain why your cat is trying to bury her food & what can you do with it.

Animals do the strangest of things and cats are not an exemption. You will notice from their every move how such acts will leave you asking, “why are they doing that?” Cats have even more strange habits around their food that may constantly puzzle you.

One of which is how they paw around their dish before, during, or after eating, as if they are trying to bury their food. You may wonder why would they do that when prior to giving them their food they have been meowing like crazy, right?

Why Does My Cat Try To Bury Her Food / Dish / Water Bowl?

If this is the first time you encounter your cat show such behavior, you can instantly assume they dislike what you are feeding them. That is not true.

​Cats pawing around their food as if they are trying to bury them is a ritual they do even with the food they have previously eaten and liked.

​Your feline may paw, scratch, or knead the floor in a digging manner before, during, or after they touch their food. And, believe me, it is not unusual behavior.

When your cat does these things, he is simply demonstrating an instinct that is natural for not just for them but for bigger cats, too. Cats trying to bury their food is a very positive sign that they are comfortable at your home.

​Floor pawing in cats roots back to their African wildcats ancestors. It is a survival instinct. Back in the wild, moggies hunt and kill prey. They eat until they are full and bury the remainder.

​Nevertheless, there are other possible reasons for the cat burying his food. When they do that to uneaten food, they are trying to conceal traces of their presence.

​It is an identical cat logic when they are compelled to bury their waste in the cat litter.

​Masking smell is important for cats. They consider doing so for reasons like:

  • ​Protecting her territory from another aggressive feline
  • ​Alerting potential preys about her presence
  • ​Concealing her presence from larger predators

​So, is your cat burying her food to save it for later? Not exactly. A lot of animals hide their food to have something to eat when they go hungry again. Not cats. Cats are not rummagers. They don’t scavenge and they have no interest in eating stale and soiled food.

​But, there is an exception of course. That is the steady supply of dry food that cat owners serve along with wet food as an accompaniment. It becomes a part of the cat’s routine and she comes back for it sporadically within the day as a snack.

​When your cat buries or hides treats around the house, chances are she won’t remember them and will look for something new to eat in an hour or two.

​Make sure you are always on the lookout for these hidden gems since not long after they will spoil and rot.

​And when your cat smells the unpleasant odor from the decaying treats, it will deter them from eating the same kind of food.

Other Cat Behaviors Towards Food

Cats Scratching Bowl After Eating

​Kitten’s appetite is urged by their sense of smell. When the bowl still smells like food long after they have finished their meal, it will be easy for them to assume that there is still some more food in there.

​This will prompt her to scratch her bowl, desperately trying to dig out the smell she is sensing.

​Before it becomes a habit, you can start nipping in the bud by scooping up her bowl after every meal.

​Wash the bowl immediately with soap and water to remove any traces of food scents. Do this and she will realize that when the meal is done, it is done.

​Cat Burying Her Food Without Eating

​If your cat doesn’t even touch his food and buries it, he may not be interested to eat. There are possible reasons they are not eating.

​Blowing The Food Off

​Some cats are fuzzy and picky eaters. They want their food to look and smell appealing. According to Preventative Vet​, you can make their food more interesting by:

  • ​Trickling some juice from tinned tuna over their food
  • ​Drenching the food with chicken stock
  • ​Warming the food to release the scent of the food
  • ​Adding a considerable amount of strong-smelling cheese

If these don’t work, then you may want to switch your cat’s food to something they’d prefer. Stick with wet food if that is what they prefer. Do it gradually since a sudden change in the cat’s diet may cause stomach upset.

Eating Somewhere Else

When your cat comes home full and disregards her food bowl, she might have been eating somewhere else. This is a habit that must be corrected. Especially, you only want what’s best for your mouser. Who knows what he could be feeding with from your neighbor.

​If you have any idea where your cat goes to eat, like maybe your neighbor, talk to them about your cat and discourage them from offering food to him.

​On the other hand, if you are clueless about your cat’s outside hangouts, it would be best to restrain them from going out.


As with most animals and humans, too, refusal of food may indicate a medical condition. She could be under the weather. Dental pain is a major reason why sometimes cats don’t want to eat.

​However, if your cat doesn’t show dental issues like drooling, bad breath, or loose teeth, they could be suffering from a more serious condition.

​Your cat may have diabetes, liver disease, or kidney problems that deter them from eating. If your cat doesn’t eat for more than 24 hours, go and see a vet.

​Eating Some and Burying The Rest

​This behavior suggests that your cat’s appetite may not be as voracious as you thought it may be.

It can also be a sign that your cat is growing older. Senior cats are usually less hungry than younger ones.

How Do You Stop This Behavior?

Though it’s not a major concern, but if you are really worried or seems like your cat is going extreme, here are some tips you can consider:

  • Serve a small amount of food. It’s a good time to really observe and see how much they eat and do not overdo.
  • Let him play a lot and try to distract him with other activities once you start seeing the behavior.
  • Keep observing. Once you know he’s about to finish, take the bowl up and provide fresh water to drink.
  • Fun tips: You can try a puzzle feeder to let the cat hunt for food.


Do cats get bored of their food?

Yes. Cats can get bored of their food. They eat the same food for months and if you do not rotate or change, they get bored of the same food just like humans.

Why do cats try to cover their food?

The same reasons they try to bury also applies here. Cats try to cover their food in order to avoid attracting any predators to the area.

Why does my cat try to cover her water?

Your cat tries to cover her water because she may feel like drinking some of them later on. Usually, they try to protect their food or water by covering.

Why does my cat scratch the floor around her food bowl?

Your cat scratches the floor around her food bowl because they probably did not learn from their mother. It is an example of instinctive behavior. Some will take it to the extreme while others will slowly reduce. It’s up to you to train them.


​Cats burying their food is a harmless behavior. It is their survival instinct and they will always embrace it.

​What you need to look out for are red warning signs about this behavior that could be indicative of something else. And from there, you can follow the advice we have presented above.

AJ oren

Hi There, AJ Oren here. I am the founder of this amazing pet blog & a passionate writer who loves helping pet owners to learn more about their pets through my articles. I am also the content manager of this blog. I have experience in pet training and behavior, sheltering, and currently working for a veterinary clinic.

Why does my cat try to bury its wet food?

If you notice a feline burying her food, it may be a signal that she gets more food than she can eat. It's similar to hiding feces: A cat sees the excess food as something she is not going to return to, so she instinctively wants to bury it.

How do I get my cat to stop trying to bury his food?

Pick up feed bowls after meals – monitor your cat as they eat, and once they finish eating and go to bury the food, simply pick the bowl up and store or dispose of excess food. This won't necessarily stop the cause of the behavior, but it will physically stop it.