Topic sentence for compare and contrast essay

A Compare and contrast essay is an analysis of two or more subjects. A comparison of the similarities and contrast of differences is discussed between two or more subjects that are connected in a meaningful way.

The objective of compare and contrast essays is not to state the obvious but rather to find the minute differences and, unknown and unexpected similarities.

Let us take a small example here. Suppose you have to prepare a compare and contrast essay on the topic ‘Growing up in a nuclear family, v/s growing up in a joint family’ The essay should explore sub-topics on similarities, for instance, the presence of immediate relations (parents, siblings, etc). Additionally, it should discuss the differences like the social and emotional connection with grandparents, etc.

 Building a Compare and Contrast Essay

To build a compare and contrast essay it is very important to choose subjects that have some relevance to each other. Compare the similarities that exist in 2 distinct but comparable topics. The similarities can vary in nature, scope, degree, and magnitude. The only rule of thumb is that some commonalities must exist.

The similarities, thus, become the basis of comparison. The other part discusses the contrast. As the name suggests, contrast refers to differences between the subjects in hand. As two unique topics of discussion, these subjects will have ample differences to discuss and elucidate. Therefore, compare and contrast essays are all about understanding and highlighting what is common and what is different between two topics.

How to pick Compare and Contrast Essay Topics for 2022?

Picking the right compare and contrast topics could be tricky at times as comparing two subjects that have nothing in common or subjects that are not related to each other in any way makes no sense at all. However, choosing identical subjects won’t work as well. In a situation like this, you will be unable to distinguish between the two.

For example, if you pick 2 subjects like “ Importance of Exercise”, “Rapid growth of E-commerce Websites”, or if we choose 2 subjects like “Importance of exercise” and “How physical activity can improve your health”, building a comparison and contrast essay for subjects like these is next to impossible. The reason simply is that these two subjects can neither be compared nor be contrasted.

Write a Winning Essay

Before writing an essay it is very important to think about what you are going to write and make a proper road map of how you are going to explain each point and in what sequence you are going to write your essay.

Break your essay into a proper section. Introduce your essay by highlighting why you think the subjects at hand should be compared and contrasted. Following this next would be to deal with the two sections on comparison and contrast. Again, divide these broader sections into subsections grouping together various categories of similarities and differences. TutorBin also helps you to write a Winning Essay

Use facts and figures to prove your points and make the essay reading more authentic. Give examples or stories which demonstrate the authenticity of your points. Be clear with what you want to write, do not write ambiguous statements. If you are clear about how the two or more subjects in hand are related and how they are similar or different from one another, writing a compare and contrast essay will be a piece of cake for you.

Compare and Contrast Essay Topics for 2022

At this point, it might be a good idea to take a sneak peek into the top Compare and contrast essay writing topics for 2021. Make sure to pick a topic that you can build both sides on. Simply focusing on either comparison or contrast will not solve your purpose.

Compare and Contrast Essay Topics for 2022 on Healthcare

  • Free Health Care and Paid Health Care
  • Vaccination vs Medication
  • Compare two different roles in the field (nurse to doctor)
  • Osteopathic and allopathic medicine: similarities and differences.
  • Does the city need mobile first aid stations, or are there enough local hospitals
  • Where is the best possible care for the sick – at home or in the hospital?
  • Canadian Health Care and American Health Care
  • Female vs male doctors
  • Operations vs. therapeutic cancer curing.
  • Should Vaccinations be made mandatory?

Compare and Contrast Essay Topics for 2021 on Technology

  • Mac OS vs Windows
  • Spotify vs Apple Music
  • Social Media: Positive impact or negative impact
  • Twitter vs Instagram
  • Contrasting Features in Different Generations of Intel Processors
  • Buying things online VS Buying things at a shopping mall
  • Video Conference vs In-person meeting
  • Apple or Google Pixel
  • Machine learning or deep learning
  • Comparison of different cloud services

 Compare and Contrast Essay Topics for 2022 in College

  • E-learning vs Classroom Learning
  • School vs. College Writing Center: What’s New?
  • Students, Who Work Vs Unemployed Students: Who Takes the Best of This Life?
  • Research Paper and Essay: What Is More Responsible?
  • Comparing Life with Parents to Living on Campus
  • Part-Time Jobs Vs Seasonal Jobs
  • Traditional classes vs Online Courses
  • Bachelor’s Degree vs Associate degree
  • College vs Job
  • Fiction vs NonFiction

Compare and Contrast Essay Topics for 2022 in Economy

  • Do I need to study economics for business research or not
  • Economic growth is important to improve life or not
  • Importance of understanding economics vs no need
  • Economics and Management: Similarities and differences
  • Economy vs Economics
  • Economics or business studies
  • Economic upliftment vs better standard of living
  • Economic growth or per capita income
  • Rich and poor: differences and similarities
  • GDP vs GNP

  Topics for 2022 in Politics

  • Which is better: Free trade or certified trade?
  • Fascism vs Nazism
  • Republicans vs Democrats
  • Lincoln vs Washington
  • Autocracy vs Democracy
  • Oratory or Agenda in Politics
  • Christian vs Islamic political thoughts
  • Use of Technology in Politics
  • American Government vs Soviet government
  • Socialism vs communism

 Compare and Contrast Essay Topics for 2022 in Education

  • Ebooks vs Paper Textbooks
  • Facts vs Truth
  • Modern and Ancient Philosophers
  • Homework help online or home tuitions
  • Indian vs American education system
  • Difference Between Ph.D. and Master’s Degree
  • Oral learning vs written learning
  • After school job or internship
  • Vocational education vs academic education
  • Biology Vs Chemistry

Compare and Contrast Essay Topics for 2022 on Sports

  • Chess vs Checkers
  • Aikido vs Judo
  • Roger Fedrer or Rafel Nadal
  • Ice climbing vs Traditional climbing
  • Early morning workout vs late night workout
  • Ballet Vs Breakdance
  • American soccer vs basketball
  • Ronaldo vs Messi
  • Gymming vs sports
  • Indigenous sports or modern sports

Compare and Contrast Essay Topics: Natural Sciences

  • Similarities between Jupiter and Saturn
  • Physics vs anatomy
  • Fossil & nuclear energy
  • The correlation between science and technology
  • Disputable scientific claims
  • The difference between the sun & moon
  • Is it possible to live on other planets?
  • Are hurricanes more dangerous than tornadoes?
  • Can people apply theories in physics to interpret every life aspect?
  • Which type of natural disaster does more harm: earthquake vs tsunami

Compare and Contrast Essay Topics for 2022 on Teenagers

  • University or College: Which is better?
  • Life in high school vs life in college
  • Online tuitions or home tuitions
  • Acting vs Lying
  • Parental control vs Complete Freedom
  • Spending money on education vs spending money on fun
  • Math vs English: which class is easier?
  • Childhood vs Adulthood
  • Extracurricular activities vs academics
  • Boys vs girls: differences in behavior

 Other Compare and Contrast Essay Topics for 2022

  • Virtual friends vs real friends
  • Judaism Vs Christianity
  • The way how people live in: Asia vs Europe
  • Steve Jobs vs Bill Gates
  • Are aliens real or not?
  • Pizza or Burger?
  • Comic books vs Tv shows
  • Netflix vs Amazon Prime
  • Harry Potter: Book vs Movie
  • Summer vs Winter

Are you still worried about writing that essay?? Stuck with an essay, and the deadline is approaching?? Do you require immediate essay writing help?? Don’t worry!! TutorBin is there to help you, just submit your queries, and our expert Tutors are there to help you. Our expert writers have in-depth knowledge about a range of subjects and can deliver state-of-the-art essays on the top compare and contrast essay topics for 2021. So if you ever find yourself stuck and unable to write the top essays, count on us. We will ensure that you submit the best compare and contrast essays and get the best grades.

What is an example of a compare and contrast sentence?

Vancouver has a mild winter, but Halifax has a cold one. In contrast to Vancouver, Halifax has a cold winter. Halifax differs from Vancouver by having a cold winter.

How do you start compare and contrast essay?

The compare-and-contrast essay starts with a thesis that clearly states the two subjects that are to be compared, contrasted, or both and the reason for doing so. The thesis could lean more toward comparing, contrasting, or both.

What is a good hook for a compare and contrast essay?

A hook for a compare and contrast essay can vary. You can find one or two best features of the two discussed objects and write them as the opening sentence of your piece, creating interest for a reader. Alternatively, you can intrigue the reader with a question, quotation, or a scene.

What is a topic sentence example?

Topic Sentence: Cooking requires a number of different skills. The topic is "cooking" and the controlling idea is "many different skills." Topic Sentence: It is important to be ready before buying a house. The topic is "buying a house" and the controlling idea is “it is important to be ready."