Map of ancient near east old testament

Ancient Near East in the Time of Abraham is a map that also includes historical highlights from 2700-2000 BCE (EB2-MB2A) and the route of Abram’s travels from Ur to Haran and from Haran to Canaan (c. 2100; MB1-MB2A).


Note the PDF’s relatively large, 6.6mb, download size.

PDF ver. 2014-03-01
2 pp. 7.08 x 4.67: 6.6 mb (larger size)

PDF version history:
2014-03-01: Updated SKU
2014-02-26: New public release
2008-09-09: New internal release

ANE in the Time of Abraham | End | To the top ↑

Note - Those links that are titled "Introduction to...." or "at the Time of..." include Timelines, Introductory Background and usually a Map related to the specific time.

  • Near East at the Time of Genesis
  • Garden of Eden
  • Table of Nations
  • Abram Travels to Canaan
  • Jacob Returns to Canaan
  • Egypt at the Time of Joseph
  • Journey to Mount Sinai
  • Introduction to Leviticus
  • Introduction to Numbers
  • Journey to Canaan
  • Boundaries of the Promised Land
  • Introduction to Deuteronomy
  • Introduction to Joshua
  • Conquest of Canaan: Southern Campaign
  • Conquest of Canaan: Northern Campaign
  • Allotment of the Land
  • Introduction to Judges
  • Judges of Israel
  • Gideon Defeats Midianites
  • Samson’s Exploits
  • Introduction to Ruth
  • Introduction to 1 Samuel
  • Introduction to 2 Samuel
  • Battle at Elah
  • David Flees from Saul
  • Battle at Mount Gilboa
  • David Captures Stronghold of Zion
  • David and Absalom
  • Extent of Solomon’s Kingdom
  • Israel and Judah in 2 Kings
  • Solomon’s Administrative Districts
  • The Kingdom Divides
  • Syria Captures Gilead
  • Resurgence during Azariah, Jeroboam II
  • Prophets of Israel and Judah
  • Resurgence of Assyrian Influence
  • Fall of Samaria, Deportation of Israelites
  • Exile to Babylon
  • Extent of David’s Kingdom
  • Solomon’s International Ventures
  • Syria and Israel Attack Judah
  • Judah after the Fall of Israel
  • Persian Empire at the Time of Ezra
  • Persian Empire at the Time of Nehemiah
  • Judea under Persian Rule
  • Persian Empire at the Time of Esther
  • Near East at the Time of Isaiah
  • Israel and Judah at the Time of Jeremiah
  • Babylonian Empire
  • Babylon Attacks Judah
  • Jeremiah Prophesies against Egypt
  • Near East at the Time of Ezekiel
  • Ezekiel’s Vision of Israel’s New Boundaries
  • Introduction to Daniel: Babylonian Empire
  • Empires of Daniel’s Visions: Persians
  • Empires of Daniel’s Visions: Greeks
  • Empires of Daniel’s Visions: Ptolemies and Seleucids (Early)
  • Empires of Daniel’s Visions: Ptolemies and Seleucids (Late)
  • Maccabean Kingdom
  • Near East at the Time of Hosea
  • Introduction to Joel
  • Near East at the Time of Amos
  • Introduction to Obadiah
  • Introduction to Jonah
  • Near East at the Time of Micah
  • Near East at the Time of Nahum
  • Near East at the Time of Habakkuk
  • Near East at the Time of Zephaniah
  • Jerusalem at the Time of Haggai
  • Near East at the Time of Zechariah
  • Introduction to Malachi
  • Introduction to Matthew
  • Jesus’ Birth and Flight to Egypt
  • Jesus’ Ministry in Galilee
  • Jesus’ Ministry beyond Israel
  • Jesus’ Final Journey to Jerusalem
  • Last Supper
  • Jesus’ Arrest, Trial, and Crucifixion
  • Introduction to Mark
  • Jerusalem at the Time of Jesus
  • Introduction to Luke
  • Jesus Travels to Jerusalem
  • Jesus’ Appearances after Resurrection
  • Introduction to John
  • Introduction to Acts
  • Nations at Pentecost
  • Paul’s First Missionary Journey
  • Paul’s Second Missionary Journey
  • Paul’s Third Missionary Journey
  • Paul’s Journey to Rome
  • Introduction to Romans
  • Introduction to 1 Corinthians
  • Introduction to 2 Corinthians
  • Introduction to Galatians
  • Introduction to Ephesians
  • Introduction to Philippians
  • Introduction to Colossians
  • Introduction to 1 Thessalonians
  • Introduction to 1 Timothy
  • Introduction to 2 Timothy
  • Introduction to Titus
  • Introduction to James
  • Introduction to 1 Peter
  • Introduction to 1 John
  • Introduction to Revelation


  • The City of Ur
  • The Table for the Bread of the Presence
  • The High Priest’s Holy Garments
  • The Altar of Incense
  • The Golden Lampstand
  • The Bronze Altar
  • The Ark of the Covenant
  • The Tabernacle Tent
  • The Tabernacle and Court
  • Tabernacle, Court Architectural Plan
  • The City of Jericho
  • Jerusalem in the Time of David
  • Jerusalem in the Time of Solomon
  • Solomon’s Temple
  • Temple Architectural Plan
  • Jerusalem in the Time of Hezekiah
  • Zerubbabel’s Temple
  • Jerusalem in the Time of Nehemiah
  • Ezekiel’s Temple Vision
  • The City of Babylon
  • The City of Nineveh
  • Jerusalem in the Time of Jesus
  • The Temple Mount in the Time of Jesus
  • Temple Mount Architectural Plan
  • Herod’s Temple in the Time of Jesus
  • Temple Architectural Plan
  • The Synagogue and Jewish Worship
  • Synagogue Architectural Plan
  • Temple Complex in the Time of Jesus
  • Temple Complex Architectural Plan
  • Golgotha and the Temple Mount
  • Architectural Plan of the Temple Mount - ESV resource not available
  • Rome in the Time of Paul
  • Corinth in the Time of Paul
  • Ephesus in the Time of Paul
  • Philippi in the Time of Paul


  • Genealogies of Genesis
  • Genealogies: Age at Fatherhood and Death
  • Chronology of Noah’s Time in Ark
  • Generations of Genesis
  • Four Kinds of Abraham’s Offspring
  • Covenantal Call and Dialogue
  • Battle between Yahweh and Rulers of Egypt
  • Sacrifices
  • Holy Feasts
  • Israel in Camp
  • Positions and Duties of Levites
  • Parallels: Exodus and Numbers
  • Ancient Treaty Structure
  • Joshua 1:1–9 as a “Table of Contents”
  • Historical Books Timeline
  • Seven Stone Memorials in the Land
  • Covenant Renewal Ceremony at Shechem
  • Judges
  • Common Cycle for Each Judge
  • Samson’s Ten Feats of Strength and Heroism
  • Family of Ruth
  • Journey of Ark of Covenant in 1–2 Samuel
  • Fall of Saul and Rise of David in 1 Samuel
  • Events of 1–2 Samuel Referenced in Psalms
  • Rise and Failure of David in 1–2 Samuel
  • Solomon’s Tainted Glory in 1 Kings
  • Divided Kingdom
  • Evaluating Kings of Israel and Judah
  • Basic Chronology of 1–2 Chronicles
  • Comparison of 1–2 Chronicles, 2 Samuel, 1–2 Kings
  • Chronology of Ezra
  • Adversaries Hinder Work
  • Kings of Persia in Ezra–Nehemiah
  • Chronology of Nehemiah
  • Chronology in Esther
  • Structure of Psalms
  • Psalms Based on Incidents in David’s Life
  • Use of Psalm 22 in Matthew
  • Terms in Psalms
  • Creation in Psalms
  • Terms in Psalm 119 for Covenant Revelation
  • Essential Features of a Good Life (Proverbs 19)
  • Simplified Overview of Isaiah
  • Kings of Judah in Time of Isaiah
  • Datable Events in Book of Isaiah
  • Oracles against Nations in Prophets
  • Writing Prophets during Kings of Israel and Judah
  • Parallels: Jeremiah and Lamentations
  • Traditional View of Daniel’s Visions
  • The 70 Weeks of Daniel
  • Day of the Lord in Prophets
  • Afflictions of Assyria against Israel
  • Zechariah’s Visions
  • Zechariah Quoted in NT on Jesus’ Ministry
  • Malachi’s Sixfold Wake-up Call
  • Lord of Hosts: Frequency/Use in OT
  • Twelve Apostles
  • Parables of Jesus
  • Harmony of Events of Holy Week
  • Five Controversies from Mark 2:1–3:
  • Three Major Passion Predictions in Mark
  • Parallels: Jesus, Peter, and Paul in Luke–Acts
  • Predictions/Proofs of Jesus’ Death/Resurrection
  • First Week of Jesus’ Ministry
  • Jesus Is God: Theos Applied to Jesus
  • Seven Signs Pointing to Jesus as Messiah
  • Physical Items Used by Jesus to Teach Spiritual Truths
  • Witnesses to Jesus
  • “I Am” Statements of Jesus
  • Work of the Trinity
  • High Priestly Prayer
  • Major Sermons in Acts
  • Major Events in the Life of Paul
  • Itinerary of Paul’s First Journey
  • God’s Sovereignty in Salvation in Acts
  • Itinerary of Paul’s Second Journey
  • Itinerary of Paul’s Third Journey
  • Paul Collects Offering for Judea
  • OT Testimony that All Are under Sin
  • Trinity in Romans
  • Spiritual Gifts in Paul’s Letters
  • The Epistles
  • Imitating Paul as Paul Imitates Christ
  • Church Leaders, Examples to Imitate
  • Divorce and Remarriage
  • Earthly Bodies and Resurrection Bodies
  • Believer’s Apparent Defeat, Actual Victory
  • Sufficiency of God in 2 Corinthians
  • Weakness and Power in 1–2 Corinthians
  • Spectrum of Beliefs about Christians and Law
  • Trinitarian Expressions in Ephesians
  • Christ and the Church
  • Principles of Marriage
  • Joy and Rejoicing in Philippians
  • “In Christ”: Central Theme in Colossians
  • Second Coming in 1 Thessalonians
  • Authentication of Paul’s Letters
  • False Teaching and Teachers
  • Qualifications for Elders
  • Qualifications for Deacons
  • God and Christ as “Our Savior” in Titus
  • Levitical High Priests, Jesus the High Priest
  • Redemptive History in Book of Hebrews
  • Psalm 110 in Hebrews
  • Echoes of Sermon on the Mount in James
  • Leviticus 19 in James
  • Regeneration in the New Testament
  • Deity of Jesus Christ in 2 Peter
  • Theological Themes of 1 John
  • Equivalent Expressions for “Last Days”
  • Jude’s Application of Prophecies/Events
  • Letters to Seven Churches
  • Promises to Overcomers
  • Doxologies to God and the Lamb
  • Seven Trumpets
  • Four Series of Seven Messages or Visions
  • Seven Benedictions
  • Seven Bowls of Wrath
  • “Bookends” of Biblical Theology


  • Listing of Numerous Maps related to the Book of Acts
  • Tour the cities in Acts click "Tour", "Next" in upper right corner
  • Acts - The Areas Traveled in the Book of Acts
  • Acts 8:1-13:3 Journeys of Philip the Evangelist
  • Acts 13:4-15:9 Paul's First Missionary Journey
  • Acts 15:40-18:23a Paul's Second Missionary Journey
  • Acts 18:23b-21:15 Paul's Third Missionary Journey
  • Acts 21:16-28:31 Paul's Journey to Rome - scroll down page
  • Acts 9 Gate in Damascus
  • Jail Cell at Philippi - possibly similar to one that held Paul & Silas -Acts 16
  • Acts 17 Ancient Marketplace at Thessalonica
  • Acts 17 Altar Dedicated 'To the Unknown God
  • Acts 20 Large Theatre at Miletus
  • Appian Way - Traveled by Paul to Rome - Acts 28:15, 16
  • Churches in Acts
  • Chronology of Acts and the Epistles
  • New Testament Asia - Churches in Modern Day Turkey
  • Map of New Testament Italy
Paul's First Missionary JourneyActs 13:4-14:28Paul's Second Missionary JourneyActs 15:36-18:22Paul's Third Missionary JourneyActs 18:23-21:26

Note that the maps in the table above are some of the highest quality maps available. They are from the Holman Bible Atlas (digital book;  Hardcover/Paperback version) copyrighted © 1998 B&H Publishing Group, used by permission, all rights reserved.

  • Here is a map with all three journeys on one map.
  • ESV Maps - First, Second, Third, Paul to Rome

Cities, Rivers, Seas, Mountains, Valleys - OT

M&P = Map and Pictures

  • Beersheba - M+P (Wiki) Genesis 21:14 (all 33 uses)
  • Bethlehem - M+P Genesis 35:19 (all 39 OT uses) // Alternative
  • Dan - M+P Genesis 14:14 (first use)
  • Dan to Beersheba - (Google) Judges 20:1 (all 10 uses)
  • Dead Sea - M+P Genesis 14:3 (all 10 OT uses in NRSV) // Alternative
  • En Gedi- M+P Joshua 15:62 (all 6 OT uses NKJV) // Alternative
  • Golan - map + pictures Deut 4:43 (all 4 OT uses) // Alternative
  • Hazor - M+P Joshua 11:1 (all 19 uses) // Alternative
  • Jericho - M+P Numbers 22:1 (all 53 OT uses)
  • Jezreel, Jezreel Valley - M+P (Google) Joshua 15:56 (all 44 uses) // Alternative
  • Kidron Valley - M+P (Google) 2Samuel 15:23 (all 10 uses) // Alternative
  • Megiddo - M+P Joshua 12:21 (all 12 uses) // Alternative
  • Megiddo
  • Mount of Olives (Alternative) - 2Sa 15:30, Zech 14:4
  • Negev - or click here - M+P Genesis 12:9 (all 35 OT uses) // Alternative
  • Philistine Plain, Philistia - Exodus 15:14 (all 8 OT uses) // Alternative
  • Valley of Jehoshaphat - Joel 3:2, 12
  • Mount Ararat Compared to other Mountains in Scripture

Cities, Rivers, Seas, Mountains, Valleys - NT

M&P = Map and Pictures

  • Athens - M+P (Alternative) Acts 17:15 (all 5 NT uses)
  • Bethlehem - M+P Matthew 2:1 (all 8 NT uses)
  • Bethlehem
  • Cana of Galilee - M+P John 2:1 (all 4 NT uses) // Alternative
  • Capernaum - M+P Matthew 4:13 (all 16 NT uses) // Alternative
  • Caesarea by the sea - M+P Acts 8:40(all 15 NT uses)
  • Caesarea Philippi - M+P Matthew 16:13 Mk 8:27 // Alternative
  • Greek Temple at Corinth
  • Galilee - M+P Matthew 2:22 (all 62 NT uses)
  • Galilee, Sea of - M+P Matthew 4:18 (all 5 NT uses)
  • Huleh Valley - see also Caesarea Philippi; Dan; Hazor
  • Jericho - M+P Matthew 20:29 (all 6 NT uses)
  • Kidron Valley - M+P (Google) 2Chronicles 29:16
  • Jordan River Valley - M+P (Google)
  • Kidron Valley - M+P (Google) John 18:1
  • Masada - M+P
  • Mount of Olives (Alternative) - Matthew 21:1 (See also Olivet)
  • Nazareth - M+P Matthew 2:23 (all 17 NT uses) // Alternative
  • Nazareth
  • Nazareth Inscription Stone
  • Qumran - M+P
  • Israel - Physical Features
  • Topographical Map of Israel- focusing on Major Mountains


  • Corinth - M+P (Alternative) Acts 18:1 (all 6 NT uses)
  • Map of Corinth // Greek Temple at Corinth
  • 1 Corinthians - map corresponding to Phillip's paraphrase
  • 2 Corinthians - map corresponding to Phillip's paraphrase

Empires Associated with Israel

  • Mesopotamia - Google
  • What is Mesopotamia?
  • Mesopotamia map (another map)
  • Map of Metal Production in Ancient Middle East
  • Mesopotamia - click map
  • Map of the Ancient Fertile Crescent (2500 B.C.)
  • Map of Israel and her Neighbors (2000 B.C.)
  • Map of the Egyptian Empire (1450 B.C.)
  • Map of the Donations of Alexandria (34 B.C.)
  • Map of Old Testament Events

The Assyrian Empire

  • Maps of Assyrian Empire - Google
  • Assyria - Wikipedia (2500-612) (map)
  • Middle Assyrian empire 1365-1056BC
  • Neo-Assyrian Empire (911-612BC) (map)
  • The Assyrian Empire
  • The Assyrian Empire
  • Map of Assyrian Expansion
  • Map of Assyrian and Babylonian Empires
  • The Assyrian and Babylonian Empires

The Babylonian Empire

  • Babylonian Empire - Google
  • Map of the Babylonian Empire (550 B.C.)
  • Map of the Babylonian Empire
  • Babylon time of Hammurabi (1810-1750BC)
  • Who was Hammurabi?
  • What was the code of Hammurabi
  • Babylon (1595-1155BC)
  • Neo-Babylon (650-539BC)
  • What was Neo-Babylon?

The Persian Empire

  • The Persian Empire - Google
  • The Persian Empire 
  • The Persian Empire - scroll down
  • Persia - Achaemenid (550-330)
  • Persian Empire (500BC)

The Greek Empire - The Inter-testament Period

  • Alexander the Great (Maps) - Google
  • Alexander the Great
  • Empire of Alexander the Great
  • Greek - Seleucid (312-63BC) (map)(map2)
  • Map of Alexander the Great - Decisive Battles (336-323 B.C.)
  • The Division of Alexander's Empire ca. 275 BC (low resolution)
  • Ptolemies (map)
  • Ptolemaic Kingdom (323-30BC) (map)
  • Map of Decline of Ptolemies (200BC)
  • Map of Division of Alexander's Empire, 310 BC
  • Seleucid Empire, ca 198 BC
  • Maccabean Revolt 167-160BC (excellent map) from Holman Bible Atlas (digital book; Hardcover/Paperback version) copyrighted © 1998 B&H Publishing Group, used by permission, all rights reserved.
  • The Maccabees - several woodcuts by Gustave Dore
  • Maccabean Period (168BC-63AD)
  • Selected Events in Maccabean Revolt (168-142BC)
  • Jewish Expansion under Hasmonean Dynasty
  • Palestine Under the Maccabees

The Roman Empire

  • Roman Empire - Google
  • Early Rome
  • Roman Expansion (200-100BC)
  • Growth of Roman Empire (from 270BC to 116AD)
  • Animated Map of Romans Rise and Fall
  • Roman Empire at time of Constantine (324AD)
  • Roman Empire  (rise and fall)
  • Legend of Romulus/Remus - Founding of Rome
  • Circus Maximus Rome's First and Largest Arena // Roman Coliseum
  • Map Showing Greatest Extent of Roman Empire
  • Appian Way (Map) (Pix)


  • Ephesus: Panoramic pictures - a virtual tour of the city
  • Ephesus at the Journeys of Paul take the Tour click "Next" in upper right corner
  • Ephesians map corresponding to Phillip's paraphrase
  • Ephesus: Virtual Tour
  • Ephesus pictures
  • Ephesus - Google


  • Exodus: Life of Moses
  • Exodus - Google
  • The Exodus Route - excellent-hold pointer over place name for Bible ref or click for >info
  • Map of The Amalekites Territory
  • Exodus' Wilderness Wanderings
  • Exodus 15:22, 23, 27, 16:1Jo - Israelites Out of Egypt Under Moses
  • Exodus 17:1, 8 - Israel - Possible Routes Through Sinai
  • Exodus 19:18 - Mt Sinai - Pix 
  • The Desert of Sinai
  • Israel's Wilderness Camp Around the Tabernacle - nice schematic
  • Old Testament Map 3 - The Exodus


  • Genesis 2:8,9, 10 - Picture
  • Genesis 6-8: Noah's Ark - top of page addresses several questions
  • Genesis - Nimrod's Empire
  • Genesis - Palestine
  • Genesis - Early Canaan
  • Genesis - Aram-Naharaim- Homeland of Terah
  • Genesis - Early Mesopotamian Kingdoms
  • Discussion of tower of Babel
  • Genesis 10:1, 2-31, 32 - The Table of Nations
  • Genesis 10:1, 2-31, 32 - The Table of Nations
  • Genesis - Palestine
  • Genesis - Early Canaan
  • Genesis 12:1 (Acts 7:2) Ge 11:31 - Abraham's Journey to Canaan
  • Genesis 12:6, 7 (Acts 7:4) - Abraham Enters Canaan
  • Genesis 12:8 - Abraham and Lot Between Bethel and Ai
  • Genesis 12:9, 10 - Abraham in the Negev
  • Genesis - Old Testament Map of the Negev - Home of Abraham
  • Genesis 12:10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 - Abraham Migrates to Egypt
  • Abraham's Journey
  • Abraham's Lineage to Jesus
  • Genesis 14:1,2 - Chedorlaomer's Alliance
  • Genesis 14:3, 8, 9, 10 - Route of Chedorlaomer's Invasion
  • Genesis 14:14, 15, 16 - Abram's Rescue of Lot
  • Genesis 14:18, He 7:1,2,3,4- Abraham Meets Melchizedek
  • Genesis 16:4,5,6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 - Hagar, Setting of
  • Genesis 18:1, 2 - Setting of Sodom and Gomorrah
  • Genesis - Sodom and Gomorrah - Map of Possible Locations
  • Genesis 20:1,2 -Abraham in Philistia - Gerar = capital of the Philistine colony on the coast
  • Genesis 21:14, 15,16, 17, 18, 19 - Hagar and Ishmael Flee
  • Genesis 25:24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29-34 -Jacob & Esau
  • Genesis 27:43 - Jacob's Flight from Esau
  • Genesis 28:12 - Jacob's Ladder, the Site of
  • Genesis 32 - Jacob and Esau Reunite
  • Genesis 33:18 - Jacob Stays in Shechem
  • Genesis - Jacob and Sons in Canaan
  • Genesis - The Land of the Patriarchs
  • Land of Canaan from Abraham to Moses (click to enlarge)

See also 

  • Genesis - Nimrod's Empire
  • Genesis - Palestine
  • Genesis - Early Canaan
  • Genesis - Aram-Naharaim- Homeland of Terah
  • Genesis - Early Mesopotamian Kingdoms
  • Genesis 12:1 (Acts 7:2) Ge 11:31 - Abraham's Journey to Canaan
  • Genesis 12:6, 7 (Acts 7:4) - Abraham Enters Canaan
  • Genesis 12:8 - Abraham and Lot Between Bethel and Ai
  • Genesis 12:9, 10 - Abraham in the Negev
  • Genesis - Old Testament Map of the Negev - Home of Abraham
  • Genesis 12:10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 - Abraham Migrates to Egypt
  • Genesis 14:1,2 - Chedorlaomer's Alliance
  • Genesis 14:3, 8, 9, 10 - Route of Chedorlaomer's Invasion
  • Genesis 14:14, 15, 16 - Abram's Rescue of Lot
  • Genesis 14:18, He 7:1,2,3,4- Abraham Meets Melchizedek
  • Genesis 16:4-14 - Hagar, Setting of (images only)
  • Genesis 18:1, 2 - Setting of Sodom and Gomorrah
  • Genesis - Sodom and Gomorrah - Map of Possible Locations
  • Genesis 20:1,2 -Abraham in Philistia - Gerar: Capital of Philistine colony on the coast
  • Genesis 21:14, 15,16, 17, 18, 19 - Hagar and Ishmael Flee (Images only)
  • Genesis 25:24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29-34 -Jacob & Esau
  • Genesis 27:43 - Jacob's Flight from Esau
  • Genesis 28:12 - Jacob's Ladder, the Site of
  • Genesis 32 - Jacob and Esau Reunite
  • Genesis 33:18 - Jacob Stays in Shechem
  • Genesis - Jacob and Sons in Canaan
  • Genesis - The Land of the Patriarchs

The following maps are some of the highest quality maps available. They are from the Holman Bible Atlas (digital book; Hardcover/Paperback version) copyrighted © 1998 B&H Publishing Group, used by permission, all rights reserved.

  • Genesis 10:1-32 - Table of Nations
  • Ancient Near East - Topography (plains, etc)
  • Ancient Near East
  • Biblical Regions - Palestine
  • Modern States superimposed on Ancient near east
  • Ancient Near East - Third Millennium
  • Near East Time of Patriarchs (2000-1550BC)
  • Mesopotamia - Homeland of Abraham (see Ur)
  • The Land of Canaan from Abraham to Moses
  • Palestine in the Middle Bronze Age
  • The Migration of Abraham
  • Abraham in Canaan
  • Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob
  • Travels of Jacob
  • The Journeys of Joseph

Israel Enters the Promised Land (see also Joshua below)

  • Old Testament Nations
  • Judges 3:5 Israel's Enemies (Canaanites, Jebusites, Hivites, Perizzites, etc)
  • Map of the Twelve Tribes of Israel
  • Map of Some Major Old Testament Events
  • Old Testament Palestine, North
  • Old Testament Palestine, South
  • Israel's Enemies
  • Map of Division of Land to the Twelve Tribes of Israel
  • Northern Cities/Mountains in Israel
  • Southern Cities/Mountains in Israel

Israel During the time of the Judges

  • Judges 3:5 Israel's Enemies (Canaanites, Jebusites, Hivites, Perizzites, etc)
  • Israel at time of Joshua, Judges, Ruth
  • Period of the Judges
  • The Period of the Judges - click to enlarge
  • Judges 16 Map of the Philistine Valley of Sorek
  • Twelve tribes in Canaan Joshua to Saul 1400-1100BC

Israel - Reigns of Saul, David, Solomon

  • 1Sa 4:1-22 -The Battle at Ebenezer and the Loss of the Ark
  • Ebenezer on Google
  • Geography of the Books of Samuel
  • Judah and Israel During the Period of the Kings
  • Samuels Circuit
  • 1 Samuel 11, 2 Sa 10 The Ammonites
  • Battle of Michmash
  • Map of Philistine Cities and Expansion - 1 Samuel 13-14, Judges 18-19
  • 1 Sa 17:1-4, 16, 20, 21-24, 26, 32, 33-48, 49-58 -David & Goliath at Elah
  • David's Flight from Saul (scroll down to about mid page)
  • David's Rise to Power 
  • Kingdom of Israel around the time of David and Saul
  • Map of the Nations Defeated by King David
  • Map of the Kingdom of David and Solomon
  • 12 Tribes of Israel
  • Solomon's Temple

Israel during the Divided Kingdom

  • The Kingdoms of Israel and Judah
  • The Kingdoms of Israel and Judah
  • The Divided Kingdoms of Israel and Judah
  • Divided Monarchy
  • 1Ki 12:1 Shechem
  • Israel During The Divided Monarchy - mouseover place names for Bible ref, click name for >info
  • The Northern Tribes of Israel
  • The Southern Tribes of Israel

Israel After the Babylonian Exile

  • Jerusalem in the Time of Nehemiah (Discussion)
  • Images and Maps

Israel at the time of Jesus & Early Church

  • Palestine at Time of Jesus
  • Map of Israel's Cities
  • 1st Century Israel - click opens new map + place description
  • The Kingdom of Herod the Great
  • Herod the Great - Family Tree
  • kingdom_herod_agrippa_1_israel.swf
  • Herod's Kingdom Divided Archelaus (Judea, Idumea, Samaria), Decapolis, Ituraea and Trachonitis, Herod Antipas (Galilee, Perea)
  • Palestine under the Herods 
  • Qumran and the Dead Sea Scrolls
  • The Kingdom of Herod Agrippa I
  • Pentecost and the Jewish Diaspora
  • May of Early Church in Roman Empire
  • Timeline 200-450 AD

Israel Modern

  • 1949 Map of Israel with boundaries
  • The Holy Land in the Modern Day

Jesus' Ministry

  • Palestine in the First Century
  • Map of Major Events in Jesus' Life
  • The Division of Herod's Kingdom
  • The Roman Empire - 1st Century BC
  • Galilee - Nice Color Map
  • Probable route that Jesus took after the Last Supper - note Alternate Golgotha outside the gates
  • Places in the Gospels
  • Herod's Temple
  • Herod's Temple
  • Temple Site on Mt Moriah (Read discussion)
  • Matthew 1-7: Jesus Birth & Ministry Leading up to Sermon on the Mount
  • Galilee in the Time of Jesus
  • Palestine in the Time of Jesus
  • Jesus' Ministry in Galilee and beyond
  • Jesus in Jerusalem - primarily pictures
  • Golgotha or Calvary - Map of Location
  • Intertestamental Chronology (Seleucids, Ptolemies, Maccabeans) (Discussion)
  • Galilee and the North
  • The Hill Country of Samaria
  • The Hill Country of Judah
  • Coastal Plain and Shephelah
  • Hill Country and Wilderness
  • The Negev and the South

Jerusalem - Old Testament

  • City of David (Discussion)
  • From time of City of David's City to time of Hezekiah
  • Jerusalem At Time of Kings up to Hezekiah
  • Jerusalem in Time of Nehemiah (2)
  • Jerusalem after Israel Returns from Exile at time of Nehemiah
  • Nehemiah 2:13, 14, 15 - Refuse [Dung] Gate, Fountain Gate, Valley Gate

    Nehemiah 3:1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6,7 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15,1 6, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32 - Sheep Gate, Fish Gate, Old Gate, Water Gate, Horse Gate

    Where was the ancient Near East?

    The ancient Near East refers to early civilizations in a region roughly corresponding to the modern Middle East: Mesopotamia (modern Iraq and Syria), Anatolia (modern Turkey), the Levant (modern Syria, Lebanon, Israel, Palestine, and Jordan), as well as Persia (modern Iran), and Ancient Egypt, from the beginnings of ...

    Where was Canaan in the Old Testament map?

    The land known as Canaan was situated in the territory of the southern Levant, which today encompasses Israel, the West Bank and Gaza, Jordan, and the southern portions of Syria and Lebanon.

    How many seas are found in the Old Testament world?

    The Seas (Six Great Seas) There were six great seas in the Old Testament World.