How to make slime with shampoo only

Don’t have glue at home and wondering how to make slime without glue? You can if you have shampoo! This shampoo slime recipe is glue-free and is a fun alternative to traditional slime recipes. Check out all of our slime recipes. Slime making is a favorite pastime of ours.  There is no better way to make the kids smile at the end of the day than by telling them they will be making slime!

How to make slime with shampoo only

Glue-Free Shampoo Slime Recipe

Making slime is a favorite in our home. We are also always looking for ways to make slime clean up easier. By using plastic cups and sticks to mix you can literally make this slime and throw away all of those mixing cups! All that would be left to clean is just putting the shampoo and sugar away. Also check out how to make slime without borax.

We’ve done our fair share of fun science fair projects. We also adore our monthly science kits for kids. But theres just something special about creating slime!

Learn how to make slime with shampoo and sugar below:

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Find all of my favorite slime ingredients here.

  • Clear shampoo (or mostly clear)
  • Sugar
  • Plastic cup
  • Fork

How to make slime with shampoo only

How to make slime without glue

Note: This slime is super cold! If you hold it in your hand too long, your fingers start to tingle. If your kids hate cold fingers, we suggest trying another slime recipe. This is also a how to make slime without glue AND borax post! (Who would have thought that was actually possible?!)

Shampoo Slime Recipe

For the shampoo slime recipe – Pour about a half a cup of shampoo into a plastic cup. You can use more shampoo, but it will take longer to develop, and you might want the shampoo to clean your hair later. 🙂

How to make slime with shampoo only

Add a teaspoon of sugar and mix. The shampoo will thicken almost right away. Add a bit more sugar until the mixture clings to the spoon similar to wet slime.

How to make slime with shampoo only

To finish the slime without glue recipe, place the cup into the freezer for at least two hours.

The slime will thicken, but because of the shampoo’s ingredients, it won’t crystallize.

After a few hours, remove the slime from the freezer. Stretch and play with the slime as normal.

How to make slime with shampoo only

This slime will be stickier than traditional slime, but it’s a fun non-glue slime recipe alternative to glue-based slimes. And, it’s cold to the touch, which kids love!

As the slime warms, it will get liquidy again, but you can always pop it back in the freezer and play with it another day.

How to make slime with shampoo only

You can find all of our slime recipe’s here.

I hope you enjoyed this tutorial on how to make slime without glue or borax. It has a different consistency than what you may be used to, but that’s obvious when you make slime without glue!

Making slime with just shampoo and toothpaste isn’t an exact science, and sometimes it turns out a bit thicker than regular slime, but it's still fun to play with! To get started, pour about 2 tablespoons (30 milliliters) of shampoo into a bowl. Try to use a thick shampoo if you have one available. Then, add about 1 teaspoon (5 milliliters) of toothpaste. After you add that, stir everything together with a spoon, and put the slime in the freezer for at least 10 minutes. Once it feels firm to the touch, just knead it between your fingers until it’s soft again, and then you’re done! To learn how to make other kinds of slime with shampoo and toothpaste, scroll down!

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Can you make slime out of shampoo and sugar?

Shampoo Slime Recipe Add a teaspoon of sugar and mix. The shampoo will thicken almost right away. Add a bit more sugar until the mixture clings to the spoon similar to wet slime. To finish the slime without glue recipe, place the cup into the freezer for at least two hours.