How to make a diy vibrator

The origins of the vibrator are shrouded in myth, but legend has it that Cleopatra serviced herself with a hollow gourd filled with angry bees. Naturally, this evolved into something more portable and less likely to cause PETA riots, but today we exist in a space where there are so many choices that the “buzzy” beginner can get a little overwhelmed. Instead of investing in a sex chest to rival Hefner’s collection, a DIY vibrator might be just the ticket.

Je Joue’s new Ooh line centers around a vibrating motor that produces a range of low-frequency, tingle-inducing buzzes and works with interchangeable attachments — think of it as a multitasking solution. The idea behind the mix-and-match sex toy is to let users experience different pleasurable sensations, experimenting with options they might have otherwise passed on. For now there are three options — cock ring, pebble and vibrator — with plans to expand the line in 2016. Then you’ll be able to add a butt plug, rabbit attachment and G-spot vibrator to your vibrator tool kit. 

How to make a diy vibrator

The motor and all of the vibe pieces are waterproof and coated in body-safe silicone. “The vision was to design a sex toy range that was available at a more accessible price point,” explains Jane Welsh, Je Joue’s global marketing manager. As the vibrator motor is generally the most expensive part of any sex toy, pairing one with multiple attachments seems like a handy solution. Orgasms are not just for those who can afford them, right?

The bright colors and non-phallic shape make the attachments look more like high-tech kitchen gadgets.

The modular method could be encouraging for newbies, as it’s a gentle approach to a salacious arena. Once comfortable with the snap-on classic vibe (available in coral and hot pink), users might be open to trying something else. The bright colors and non-phallic shape make the attachments look more like high-tech kitchen gadgets than bedroom pleasure tools, which might be appreciated by those more reserved … or with nosy roommates. Because the vibrator doesn’t look like a sex toy, when the time comes to charge your motor (as it were), you can leave it plugged into your computer, via USB, without worrying too much about having your naughty side discovered. 

The Ooh Je Joue motor is $50 and accessories are sold separately, ranging in price from $25 to $40 — something to keep in mind as you start filling up your toy box. Something else to consider: The mix-and-match sex toy arena is still new. The technology behind these modular products is still evolving, says sexologist Charlie Glickman, and it’s hard to determine whether they’ll be as effective as existing toys. And yet, while there’s no guarantee that the Ooh will put extra “ooh” into your sex life, this kind of DIY vibe can offer a safer buzz to your nether regions than a vessel full of bees.  

Frugal Couple Use Their Mad DIY Skills to Make a Vibrator With a Hot Glue Gun

Ladies, step away from the hot glue gun.

While it might be one of our most beloved DIY supplies, the humble hot glue gun is being used to make some of the worst “crafts” known to man.

You won’t see any of this shit on Better Homes and Gardens, I can assure you.

A frugal couple found an old electric toothbrush at a garage sale and decided to make themselves a fun new toy with the help of their favourite craft tool.

“My boyfriend and I found this electric toothbrush at a garage sale for $2 and noticed that it vibrated pretty intensely and decided to buy it. Of course, to make it usable we needed to cover the metal part in order to make it insert-able.”

Thank heavens they had the necessary intelligence to understand this.

“Our first idea was putty, but it was too mushy and didn’t harden well.”

How to make a diy vibrator

“2nd Attempt – Glue! Several layers of hot glue to be precise. Here’s the first layer. There were about 5/6 total until the glue flowed into the base naturally.”

How to make a diy vibrator
They sure are committed to this foolhardy scheme, I’ll give them that.

“Almost done… My boyfriend put the rest of the layers on and didn’t take pictures.”

Sounds like he was pretty keen to get this nifty little project finished in record time!

“At the end, he got creative and decided to add some ridges! The glue worked perfectly and feels very smooth.”

Ridges, you say?

How to make a diy vibrator

Oh jesus.

How to make a diy vibrator

Oh no. Hell to the NO.

“Just the tip. Another picture of the top of it – smooth and nicely done!”

How to make a diy vibrator

“To make it easier to use, we wrapped it in a condom and put a small rubber band at the bottom. Fits perfectly.”

How to make a diy vibrator
“Ready for action!

Turned it on and ready to go! We tried it out and ladies, it’s wonderful. A two-setting vibrator for $2 – great value and easy to make!

Easy, cheap, and feels amazing.”

How to make a diy vibrator

So I guess I have to do the responsible thing here and remind you all not to do this at home yourself.

There are alternatives. Economical and easily purchased alternatives to fashioning somebody else’s used toothbrush into a makeshift vibrator with a hot glue gun.


Thank you for your time.

Source: Giphy and Imgur