Cornerstone business solutions benefits coordinator manager in training

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Cornerstone business solutions benefits coordinator manager in training

Black Friday is fast approaching for many business owners and everyone wants to have their deals, products and promotions ready. However, you need to make sure that your online presence precedes your business products or services. Your customers need to find you, be interested in what you have to offer and have some proof that they’ll find benefit and value in that offer.

If you’re a new business it may be hard to get your reputation up that quickly. You cant just expect to have great sales during the highest shopping seasons of the year without people knowing who you are. The question is, “How can you look good and boost your black Friday online presence” immediately?

Here are 3 Main ways:

  1. Be listed on multiple directories – Make sure your contact information, hours or operation, location are correct on all directories as possible. People need to find you. A listing builder resource to maximize your online presence by ranking you high on popular search engines like Google, Bing, Yelp, Mapquest, Glassdoor and hundreds of others great way to maximize your online presence.
  2. Manage your Social Media Platforms – Post your products, services and valuable content regularly to capture and engage with your potential customers. Cloud Campaign, Planoly and Later have some really great social media management tools and features. Our favorite is Cloud campaign because they have unlimited media storage, posting calendar that automatically post reels and other content for months and helps to monitor and engage analytics for you individually or for marketing agencies. If you would like to try it out , we offer the Studio plan for almost the price of the monthly freelancer! Great Deals for our clients!
  3. Request Reviews – Reviews provide transparency and build trust like no other!
    • Online reviews are critical to the success of your business. In fact nearly 90% of consumers say they’ll only consider using a business if they have an average rating of 3 to 5 stars!

Let us help you have the power to gather customer experiences to boost your Black Friday online presence and drive more business. Win the trust of your new customers and collect their valuable feedback and show up where they are looking.

Our Review online app allows you to :

Send email review request

Send bulk review request

Customize & display a review generation widget on your website

Post Reviews to Websites, directories and request reviews there as well

Customize Review templates

Access Purchasing text/SMS Add-ons

Mobile Kiosk

Send automation follow up emails

These features increase business awareness, increase traffic to your site and ultimately sales!

Use happy existing customers to win new customers: Leverage the voice of brand ambassadors to improve your business’ online word-of-mouth. Invite existing customers to share their experiences online so new customers know your company can be trusted.

Monitor and Collect feedback to better your business: Ensure customers are getting what they want and expect. Invite them to share their experiences so you can put their valuable feedback to work.

Build a targeted presence across popular review sites: Make sure your business’ reviews show up where your customers spend alot of their time looking for the products or services you offer. Focus on collecting feedback on the review sites that impact your business. Depending on your industry, Angies List, Nextdoor, Chambe of Commerce,, Yelp, Bing, Google, Zillow, Zomato,

Help businesses shine in local search: Maximize the SEO benefits of positive customer experiences. Gathering authentic reviews will help your clients show up in search so new customers can find them.

Reach customers wherever they are: Customer Voice gives your clients the flexibility to request reviews on the medium that works best for their customers—either text message or send as a part of an email campaign.

We understand that new and existing business owners should have firm foundation of tools, resources and strategies in place that support business goals. Cornerstone provides an all in one platform that offers support to build your business as you visioned it to be. Look into our incorporation services to start your LLC, S Corp or C corp! Also we highly recommend Northwest Registered Agency who also has a 60% sale going on for LLC Formation right now!

Our Business Builder Suite includes Business formation, planning for business funding, Marketing strategies and setting up your QuickBooks for financial prosperity. We help build small business foundations for long-term success.

Start your own Social Media Marketing agency and utilize this platform to impress your customers with unlimited media storage, content calendar to schedule reels, posts and manage your company’s online presence with time saving solutions! Even if you are not an agency we offer individual plans to manage your own social media business needs.

Cloud Campaign helps you build a thriving marketing agency with powerful, brandable, scalable social media management software and five-star support dedicated to your business’s success.
Partners can white-label the system to completely match their own internal branding in both the platform as well as their store. Creating social media posting for months in minutes!
Cornerstone business solutions benefits coordinator manager in training
Cornerstone business solutions benefits coordinator manager in training
It is an all-in-one system that gives agencies the ability to create and collaborate on content, send client content approvals, schedule posts, and report back on their efforts. 
Cornerstone business solutions benefits coordinator manager in training
The system can post to Facebook, Google Business Profile, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube, and Pinterest. You can have up to 7 social media accounts per workspace, however, once you purchase 5 licenses, you have up to 150 social accounts per workspace.
Cornerstone business solutions benefits coordinator manager in training

Not only does the system automate many of the laborious tasks which plague agencies, but it also enables them to punch above their weight class by providing their clients with a more professional experience.

We know that content creation is one of the biggest pain points agencies, as well as clients, face. To aid with this, the system is loaded with features to expedite and help with the content creation process.

Starting a business is exciting but finding the tools and resources to maintain the value that customers are looking for need to be consistent.

It’s almost impossible to imagine a world without social media. Millions of people visit social media websites each day, which is why learning how to market on these platforms is so important.

Social media marketing has many advantages, such as:

  • You can market your website for free by engaging your social media audience.
  • You can buy effective advertising campaigns for as little as $5/day.
  • You can highly target the audience that you want to show your ads to.

Luckily, there are online courses available on these platforms themselves that will help teach you how to market to the millions of users that use these platforms daily. From paid campaigns to getting your content to go viral, if you want to learn about something, there will be a course available that can help. Look in our online store for the resources and tools to get you started!

If you want to start an LLC our affiliate partner NorthwestRegistered Agent is one of the best Platforms offering a wide variety of services.

Cornerstone business solutions benefits coordinator manager in training

When it comes to business, things have changed in the past few years and it doesn’t look to be changing that drastically any time soon. Remote work has exploded in popularity, and with small business formation booming, interest in flexible workspaces has grown exponentially. 

While work was once synonymous with a traditional office, storefront, or job site, nowadays you can work from just about anywhere. Virtual offices and coworking spaces are two popular substitutes for traditional office space, offering different levels of workspace flexibility. 

But, which is right for you?  

Virtual offices provide a mix of remote and physical office services, offering a combination of tools and services designed to provide you with all the benefits of a physical office, while you work remotely. Unlike a regular office suite, you don’t actually rent physical working space in an office. Instead, you rent the address located at a physical office building.

This is one of the most important aspects of a virtual office. In order to fulfill many key requirements of running your business – such as entity registration, forming an LLC, applying for business licenses, and so on – you need to provide the government with a physical address and be on major Directories. 

And, while you can use a home address, this option helps separate your personal and business finances, and protect your personal assets. This also builds your company’s credibility, as it reassures clients, partners, and potential lenders that your company is a legitimate organization and not a fraudulent enterprise.  

Virtual offices also give you the flexibility of remote working while still ensuring you have somewhere professional to meet with partners or clients. Onsite meeting rooms and office space can be used as needed and paid for by the hour, offering a highly flexible workplace solution. 

Cornerstone business solutions benefits coordinator manager in training

Coworking spaces are flexible working spaces located throughout the US, and globally. They provide a mix of rented desks within an open, shared office, along with designated offices for private working space. Onsite amenities usually include a variety of meeting rooms, lounge and kitchen areas, event space, a coffee station, and a receptionist desk.

Coworking spaces host a range of workers from several different organizations simultaneously – hence the name ‘co’ working. The result is a collaborative, community-focused work culture. 

Ideal for entrepreneurs who want a supportive, amenity-rich work environment away from the home, entrepreneurs can rent a desk in a shared workspace or commit to their own private office with full-time access. Coworking is useful for building connections and gaining inspiration from others.

Cornerstone business solutions benefits coordinator manager in training

Ultimately, a coworking space provides many of the same features as a virtual office. 

  • A business address 
  • A place to receive mail and have it forwarded 
  • Meeting rooms 
  • Shared or private workspace (often both) 
  • Onsite staff to offer support, greet visitors and set up meeting rooms 

The main difference is that coworking spaces are set up to accommodate people who want a regular place to work, often on a full-time basis. This is reflected in the price. A virtual office does provide a physical workspace, but it’s accessible on an hourly or daily basis and paid for as needed. That’s why the cost of a virtual office is typically much lower. 

The right working space depends on your business needs, but also your own personal requirements. An extrovert might not enjoy working at home alone and therefore a virtual office might not be enough. On the other hand, introverted people may not need a coworking space. If you find you do your best work in a quiet environment, you may find that the best solution is to work from home and use a virtual office for your business. 

Once you have decided what’s the right fit, one resource you need to consider for finding the right space for you is a company called Alliance Virtual Offices. They help innovative businesses scale faster with high-quality flexible workspaces and market-leading tech infrastructure. With their network of 1200+ global locations, you can modernize the way your business operates.

Both options are available with Alliance Virtual Offices and are flexible, service-led, and cost-efficient. Head over to their site today to learn more and chat with an expert to find the flexibility you need for your work.

If you need assistance starting your business we have our Ultimate Small Business Master Class and Business Bundle. We Build Business Foundations for small business owners to grow and scale using foundational tools like Live Plan, Quickbooks, Marketing tools and LLC Formation.

Do What You love!

Cornerstone business solutions benefits coordinator manager in training

Listings are an online summary of essential information for your business that serve as a powerful tool to help customers find you online and in real life. Here’s what you need to know:


No, we didn’t fall asleep on the keyboard. NAP+W is the acronym that explains all the information that should be included in business listings.

Phone number

These four pieces of information are the business listings starter-pack. They provide the basic information potential customers need to have in order to research, contact and locate your business.

Want to score some major bonus points? Include information like hours of operation in business listings—it’s what consumers are most interested in!

Will my listings work?

The effectiveness of a business listing depends on the information’s presence and accuracy. Listings are available through a variety of sources, including search engines, online directories and maps, or social sites. When it comes to listings presence, more is definitely better. Availability on as many sources as possible will create multiple avenues for consumers to find your business. But (and this is a big but), presence only pays off if the listings are accurate. Listings are accurate if the information is correct and consistent across all potential sources. Seems easy enough, right?

Why are listings important?

Listings with good presence and accuracy will undoubtedly pay off for your business. Here’s how:

No more hide and seek

Just as the brightly lit bat signal guides everyone’s favorite caped crusader (that’s right Superman, we said it!), accurate and readily available listings will help guide consumers right to your business’s door steps.

Cornerstone business solutions benefits coordinator manager in training

They even have similar shapes. Coincidence? We think not…

If a business’s listing is incorrect or missing, the majority of consumers will feel less confident about the brand, likely leading them to choose a competitor’s product or service. The availability of accurate listings ensures customers are actually able to find brick and mortar locations while they’re open for business. This means money in the business owner’s pocket and, just as importantly, it means the business can be reviewed.

“In my humble opinion…”

An ample review pipeline is an essential tool for developing a business’ online reputation and fostering brand loyalty. Reviews allow customers to communicate their experience with a business to potential buyers, but if consumers can’t find a business listed online, their opinion of it won’t be well-informed. Accurate listings create the opportunity for transparency between businesses and consumers in the form of reviews, and the availability of this information will help increase a business’s visibility.

All aboard the search engine

Consistent, accurate listings and the generation of reviews will directly benefit a business’s visibility by boosting its ranking in local search engine results. Search engine optimization is a complex tool, so why not take advantage of it by simply ensuring your business is listed accurately! Increased visibility means more customers, and what business owner doesn’t want that?

Now what?

This listings low-down provides a basic definition and describes the benefits of business listings. Create listings on sites worth lots of points to improve your listings score. We’ve ranked them by importance using a lot of key factors—how many sites reference them, traffic, demographics and more.

If you need more help with LLC formation, Business Planning, Marketing services or bookkeeping, we provide an all in one platform of business solutions for your company.

Meet Productively with Alliance Virtual Offices

Cornerstone business solutions benefits coordinator manager in training

With many companies thriving remotely and many entrepreneurs building their empires, the way of doing business is changing. However, The four pillars that remain constant and of high importance are Business planning, Business Formation, Marketing and a great accounting software. So small business owners need to move in a direction that compliments the changes and keep the constants steady in an ever evolving world. This includes, No longer needing expensive rental agreements or furnishing big spaces because businesses are finding new ways to grow and save.

This new sense of freedom also allows a company or entrepreneur to put their money and focus on what really matters. But, is there a drawback to such “freedom”?

Running a business or side hustle still requires credibility with clients, investors, and banks. This usually comes in the form of a legitimate business address to conduct said business. However, there’s a simple solution to this that can help any remote company handle the business side of things professionally and productively.

A company called Alliance Virtual Offices helps companies and their employees grow their business flexibly in this new-age business world. With high-quality flexible workspaces and market-leading tech infrastructure, they help innovative businesses scale faster. Plus, thanks to their network of 1200+ global locations, you can modernize the way you work while boosting your productivity.

Now, going back to credibility. On top of a commercially recognized address, Alliance Virtual Offices also offers fantastic meeting rooms to handle anything you need. No more looking for an alternative to crowded coffee shops and overpriced hotels. Instead, take your meetings out of the coffee shop and into a professional, private, and secure conference room where you can speak freely with no distractions.

Every meeting room provided is professionally managed and designed for business success. Think quiet environments with zero background noise, spacious seating arrangements, and everything you need for a focused, productive meeting. With flexible rates (by the hour, half-day, and full-day) and friendly onsite staff that greets visitors, you can be assured that your meeting will run smoothly and your clients will be impressed.

View everything Alliance Virtual Offices has to offer and other Business resources we offer so that you can take your business to the next level today.

Learn More

As of July 18th, 2022 QuickBooks will be increasing their rates and July 1st, 2022 for Existing Customers. We want to help you lock in rates and save at a time when prices are going up in so many other areas of running a business.

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  • July 1, 2022 for existing Simple Start and Essential customers who pay directly for their subscription and their QuickBooks Online attached Core Payroll employee fees. 
  • July 18, 2022 for all new subscriptions, upgrades, or downgrades, including Core Payroll employee fees.
  • August 1, 2022 for existing Plus and Advanced customers who pay directly for their subscription, and any standalone or attached Core Payroll employee fees.
  • September 1, 2022 for subscriptions enrolled before July 18, 2022 through the Cornerstone ProAdvisor Account Management programs, including Core Payroll employee fees.

For existing customers, price protection and hold outs include:

  • A 6-month tenure protection in place for new customers.
  • A 12-month price protection in place for QBO Advanced upgrade customers (those who upgraded from a lower SKU within the last 12 months).
  • No change to customers during the promotional period. Increases will be applied at the end of the promotional period.
  • Customers who upgrade or downgrade will see new pricing in the product.

We know this can be a challenge but we have built a campaign around helping small business owners manage their businesses’ effectively regardless of what is going on around us. Especially when the world is being effected in such a way that makes sustaining business operations a little more difficult. We are rallying up our small business owners and trying to provide solutions that help you to stay in the green and profitable.

Here’s a QuickBooks Article HERE

30%Off Monthly Subscription Lifetime Discount under Cornerstone (New Businesses)

35% Off Annual Subscription Lifetime Discount under Cornerstone (New Businesses)

40% Off Monthly or Annual Subscriptions w/ Account Management Services or any Cornerstone services (New and Existing Businesses)

If you are under another accountant we can accept your company once they release you.

5 hrs a month of Troubleshooting and Product Questions

5 Hrs Payroll Troubleshooting


A dedicated Account Rep

Call Back Request

Discounts on Forms, Checks and Supplies

New Accounts are eligible for a lifetime Discount w/ CBSLLC

3 Paid Referrals for ProAdvisor Account Manager Services =  Free Subscriptions


  • Sign in to QuickBooks Online as a primary admin.
  • Go to Settingsand select Manage users.
  • Select the Accounting firms tab.
  • Select Invite.
  • Enter your accountant’s info and select Save.

We will receive an email with steps for how to connect. Accountant users have privileges to undo reconciliations, reclassify transactions, and write off invoices.

Step 2: Give Cornerstone permission to take over billing

You need to give us permission to make the transfer to let us handle billing:

  • Please have the client’s primary admin to sign in to QuickBooks Online.
  • Go to Settings ⚙ and select Account and settings.
  • Select the Billing & Subscription tab.
  • Select the Allow billing transfer to your accountant link.
  • Select the name of the accounting firm you want to transfer billing to.
  • Select Allow transfer.

Once you give us permission, we have two days to finish the transfer.

QuickBooks ProAdvisor Online Executive Account Management Services

Cornerstone business solutions benefits coordinator manager in training

As part of our campaign to assist small business owners building a firm foundation, we are offering QuickBooks ProAdvisor services on a more personal level. This is because there is a demand for a contact that knows the history of your business and you wont have to start over each time you call in with a new rep.

We know as a small business, you are always looking for extra help running your finances in an easy, efficient, and smart way. That’s why we’re excited to share that we now have the opportunity to offer our services in a more attentive way. This way you can worry about the other pressing issues of the day-to-day operations of your business while we confidently handle QuickBooks.

By using QuickBooks Online, you will save time and money because it is designed as a simple, automated, and organized platform that stores all your accounting information in one place. QuickBooks Online also helps with managing your invoices and expenses by using custom reminders and tracking features throughout its lifetime.

We are now offering Businesses a discount on QuickBooks Online :

30%Off Monthly Subscription Lifetime Discount under Cornerstone (New Businesses)

35% Off Annual Subscription Lifetime Discount under Cornerstone (New Businesses)

40% Off Monthly or Annual Subscriptions w/ Account Management Services or any Cornerstone services (New and Existing Businesses)

These discounts save you much more than the 50% for 3 months and then the bill skyrockets and you forgot you were on a trial run and your account is being billed the regular plan rate. Here’s the option to have low rates consistently.

Cornerstone business solutions benefits coordinator manager in training

Monthly Services Include:

5 hrs a month of Troubleshooting and Product Questions

5 Hrs Payroll Troubleshooting


A dedicated Account Rep

Call Back Request

Discounts on Forms, Checks and Supplies

New Accounts are eligible for a lifetime Discount w/ CBSLLC

3 Paid Referrals for ProAdvisor Account Manager Services =  Free Subscriptions

** This is for a 3 months of support and will end 3 Months from the day you accept this great offer

If you have any questions regarding this offer or the QuickBooks products, please do not hesitate to reach out to us.

We hope you take advantage of this amazing offer and we can’t wait to hear how QuickBooks Online has helped you!

Invite Cornerstone as your accountant

  1. Sign in to QuickBooks Online as a primary admin.
  2. Go to Settings ⚙ and select Manage users.
  3. Select the Accounting firms tab.
  4. Select Invite.
  5. Enter your accountant’s info and select Save.

We will receive an email with steps for how to connect. Accountant users have privileges to undo reconciliations, reclassify transactions, and write off invoices.

Cornerstone business solutions benefits coordinator manager in training

Do you often answer business calls feeling rushed or distracted? Lack of focus, background noise, interruptions — they all add up to a poor call experience. For busy small business owners, this is often the reality. Good news is, we have a cost-effective solution to help strengthen your call experience and create positive impressions. Starting from just $95 per month, our team of experienced receptionists answer calls in your company name and provide a friendly, professional service for a more productive call experience. Build your brand the right way. Create positive impressions from the start and establish solid foundations for strong, loyal business relationships. 

Looking for more ways to establish positive impressions about your business? Our Virtual Office and Virtual Phone solutions can help. Gain instant brand credibility with a recognized business address, easy access to professional meeting rooms, and a dedicated business number, all starting from just $79 per month. 

Even better, purchase any U.S. Virtual Office + Virtual Phone bundle in November 2021 and save an instant $75* on the one-time Virtual Office setup fee (normally $150). Or, purchase any standalone Virtual Office plan and pay just $89 on the set-up fee. Simply use   SETUPNOV21   at checkout.

Cornerstone business solutions benefits coordinator manager in training

Hurry – this fantastic promotion is only valid on purchases made in November 2021! 

You can activate your account from anywhere. If you need help or support, our team is available during normal business hours (from 8am – 8pm Eastern) by phone, email or live chat. 

Call (877) 917-9186

Cornerstone business solutions benefits coordinator manager in training

As we all know, marketing our business to potential customers is a necessary part of having a successful business.

The issue with traditional advertising, such as newspaper, radio, and television ads, is that they can be expensive and may produce little or even no return on investment.

Advertising online may be a better option. You can track the effectiveness of each advertisement. Then, you can focus your marketing strategies on the techniques that are the most profitable. Plus, there are options for online advertising that don’t cost you any money at all!

Here are some free online marketing methods that you may want to consider for your business:

  1. Partner up with another expert in your field. Consider joining forces with another brand. You can then offer a more substantial product together than either one of you could offer alone.

● In addition, you’ll automatically get the attention of both audiences, resulting in more sales and adding more leads to your email list. In the future, these new leads can drive more sales of another one of your products.

● Partnering on even one marketing campaign can bring long-term benefits to both of you.

  1. Encourage user-generated content. If you can acquire user-generated content, your website will grow without you having to create your own content. This type of content also increases your website visitors. Enable comments on your website and contribute to the discussions.

● Allow visitors to submit their own articles and encourage guest posts from other experts.

  1. Affiliate marketing. When you create an affiliate program for your business, you will be getting other experts in your field and the public to send business your way. This can be mutually beneficial, and you will only be paying commissions (after the sale) if the affiliate makes a sale.

● As with the partnering technique, many of these new visitors will sign up for your email list, even if they don’t buy something right away, bringing you long-term benefits and sales.

  1. Be active on social media. There are millions of users visiting the various social media platforms daily, so it makes sense for your business to have a presence there.

● Share funny or interesting images or videos that are relevant to your business.

● Post insights and valuable information.

● Let your audience know when you have a sale on your products. Give your social media followers coupons or discounts.

● Encourage engagement by participating in discussions. Ask questions and answer theirs.

● Run a survey, poll, or contest.

● In turn, these will then be shared by your followers, increasing your reach and ultimately resulting in more sales of your products or services.

  1. Use free online tools. There are plenty of tools online that can help your business. You can sign up for websites that will enable you to create free surveys, or you can use a free online service to send emails to your customers. You do not have to pay a premium to receive top-notch service.
  2. Change and reuse old advertisements. Rather than going through the expensive route of creating new articles with every marketing campaign, try reusing parts of an advertisement that worked well. This will save you time and expense.

● Plus, keeping consistent brand imagery through every ad will help with brand recognition too.

  1. Build an email list. If people are visiting your website, chances are good that they are interested in what you have to offer. Make a form available for them to join your email list and be kept in the loop about future product releases or special offers.

● Once they’ve signed up to this email list, you can send emails to these prospects with news and further information about your products. Let them know whenever something goes on sale.

● Email marketing is one of the best ways to drive sales. Treat your list members like gold, because that’s what they are to you and your business.

  1. Create some video content. Video content is incredibly important nowadays as the younger generation would rather watch a video than read a blog post. If you can create interesting videos, you’ll create interest in your brand.

It’s certainly possible to do online marketing without spending money. Some of these methods might take some time and effort to implement, though, before you see profits.

For example, it can take a while to build an email list. However, once you have a list, making sales can be as easy as sending out an email to your list. Once you’ve built a social media following, making sales can be as easy as making a post on your social media accounts.

If you want to see an immediate ROI, like for a special promotion, you may want to consider paying for ads online. But if funds are tight, be patient as you put these free strategies into place, and soon you’ll have plenty of ways to make immediate sales for free.

Cornerstone business solutions benefits coordinator manager in training

Essential Tools For Your Online Business

Developing a successful online business is not easy despite what you may have heard. After you complete incorporation you will need to put systems and tools in place to carry out SOPs (Standard Operating Procedures). You are going to need all of the help that you can get and there are lots of tools available to assist you.

Here we will look at what we consider to be the essential tools that you need for your online business.

Keyword Research Tools

A good online business always starts with good keyword research. You need to know what terms people are entering into search engines to find the information that you provide. If you have an ecommerce store then what are the terms that people use to find the products that you sell for example?

There are a number of tools available that will help you to identify the keywords that people are searching with. One of the best tools is completely free and is called the Google Keyword Planner. You just need a free Google account to access this tool.
You need to use a “seed” keyword to get things rolling with the Google Keyword Planner. So if your ecommerce store sells shoes then you can start with the term “shoes”. This is a very broad term so you might want to refine it a bit to “womens shoes” or “mens shoes” for example.

The Google Keyword Planner will not only tell you how many searches there are each month for these terms (by country) but it will also provide related keywords that you could use for your online business. You can download any keywords that you find in a CSV file or a Google sheet and save them.

There are a number of paid keyword research tools available as well. All keywords have a degree of competition and if you want to rank your pages in the search engines for free traffic then you need to know how competitive each keyword is. The Google Keyword Planner will not tell you this but others will.

Document Applications

You are going to need a word processing application and probably a spreadsheet application for your online business. There are other useful document applications too such as slide presentations.
Google Docs is totally free and has some very useful document applications. All you need is an Internet connection. If you prefer the applications to be installed on your computer then you can purchase Microsoft Office or choose one of the free application suites such as Open Office.

Autoresponder Service

Building an email list is highly recommended for your online business. Very few visitors to your website will make a purchase the first time and you can lose them forever. If you can capture their email address then you can send them emails about your business at any time.
The best way to capture emails and build an email list is to use an autoresponder service. This is a service which allows you to send an automated sequence of emails to new subscribers and a broadcast feature where you can send an email out whenever you want. You will pay monthly for an autoresponder service. Constant Contact and ActiveCampaign are two CRMs that house features like auto responders, landing pages and automation to make your email list and customer acquisition process grow.


It is essential that you know what is going on with your online business so that you can make important decisions about it. The Google Analytics package is free and very comprehensive. You can see how many visitors you are getting for your web pages, where they came from, how long they stayed and much more. WordPress also offers elaborate insights and KPIs that connect with your Google Analytics for optimal performance.

Cornerstone provides you these resources and tools to leverage and run your business with success.

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What do Cornerstone Business Solutions do?

Cornerstone Business Solutions is a client-focused, results-oriented business development practice. Our mission is to help businesses unlock their full potential by building on the cornerstones of FINANCE, OPERATIONS, MARKETING and PEOPLE. We help clients identify and solve business problems.

What does a benefits coordinator do?

Benefits coordinators are needed in the human resources department of almost every industry. They oversee and administer various employee benefits programs. This includes retirement plans; life, health, and disability insurance benefits; the company's personal leave policies; wellness programs; and more.