Case western reserve university financial aid for international students

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High-potential students are invited to apply for the Need-based Aid offered by the Case Western Reserve University for international students for the academic year 2021-2022.

The students who identify as international students will be eligible to receive this award. The students must also demonstrate a strong financial need to receive this application that will cover the tuition fee of any applied programme at Case.

  • Award
  • Application Process
  • Clarity of Information


Great offer for students in the USA.

Case Western Reserve University is a private research university that lists the best universities in the USA located in Cleveland, Ohio. It dreams to improve and enrich people’s lives through research that capitalizes on the power of collaboration.

Why choose to study at Case Western Reserve University? Case Western Reserve University offers the kind of education dramatically engages the students in the study process. It is working harder towards becoming an internationally recognized institution that provides students with the knowledge, skills, and experiences necessary to become leaders in a world characterized by rapid change and increasing interdependence.

Application Deadline: 30th November 2021

Brief Description

  • University or Organization: Case Western Reserve University
  • Department: NA
  • Course Level: Bachelor or Master
  • Award: Tuition fee
  • Number of Awards: NA
  • Access Mode: Online
  • Nationality: International
  • The award can be taken in the United States


  • Eligible Countries: All nationalities.
  • Eligible Course or Subjects: Applicants can apply to study any bachelor or master degree programme offered at Case.
  • Eligibility Criteria: To be eligible, the applicants must meet all the following/given criteria:
  • Applicants must be international first-year or transfer students enrolled in a programme at Case.

How to Apply

  • How to Apply: The students are required to submit their application via the Common Application or Coalition ApplicationThe applicants are required to have set up a CSS profile and apply for the opportunity through the same.
  • Supporting Documents: The students are required to present the following documents to the university:
  • High school results
  • Admission essay
  • Admission Requirements: The applicants must have completed high school graduation to be accepted in any programme at Case.
  • Language Requirement: The applicants are required to attain minimum scores in the following English language proficiency tests:


The aid will provide support to selected international students towards the tuition fee of any undertaken bachelor or master programme at Case.

Apply Now

Want to study abroad but worried about finances? Let us alleviate your worries! CWRU students retain all of their financial aid on all study abroad programs and are eligible for many scholarships! Additionally, many program types frequently end up being cheaper than the same amount of time spent at CWRU (ex: a semester abroad usually has cheaper room and board, and the tuition costs are a student's regular CWRU tuition fees). The financial structure for each study abroad program type is listed below.

To learn more about how financial aid can help you study abroad, please visit the Financial Aid website. Students wishing to receive additional aid to cover study abroad expenses, should fill out the cost sheet for the appropriate program type here: Short Term Study Abroad Cost Sheet and Full Semester Study Abroad Cost Sheet. For more detailed questions, students may contact Nancy Issa, the associate director of university financial aid, at  or 216.368.4530.

CWRU study abroad program types follow one of the financial models referenced below, and financial aid can be applied to all. There are also many scholarships available to study abroad students that study abroad advisors can (and do) help students apply for and win!

Short-Term/Faculty-Led Study Abroad

  • Students register for the study abroad course at CWRU, and pay tuition and a program fee to CWRU. Program fees and the items they cover vary by program.
  • Federal financial aid can be used for tuition, program fees, and other course-related expenses.
  • Students are responsible for paying any additional expenses themselves (travel, souvenirs, etc.)
  • Additional need may be met with Parent PLUS or private loans for undergraduate students and Graduate PLUS loans for graduate/professional students.

Long-Term Study Abroad (Semester/Year Abroad)

  • Students continue to pay tuition to CWRU, and CWRU pays the student’s tuition to the study abroad program on their behalf. All aid, including academic scholarships, state grants, need-based funding, and outside assistance, is still applied toward CWRU’s tuition charge.
  • Students are responsible for paying room, board, and any additional fees to the directly to their overseas institution or program provider; students will not pay room or board to CWRU during the term(s) spent abroad.
  • Additional need may be met with Parent PLUS or private loans for undergraduate students and Graduate PLUS loans for graduate/professional students.

Summer Study Abroad (at a CWRU Partner Institution)

  • Students pay tuition, room, board, and any fees to the overseas institution and not CWRU.
  • Federal financial aid can be used for tuition, room, board, fees, and other related expenses. Additional need may be met with Parent PLUS or private loans for undergraduate students.

Petition Programs

Petition programs are an option when students have an academically compelling reason and the support of a faculty advisor to attend a non-approved institution.

Students must first successfully petition the study abroad petition committee months before the corresponding deadline. Visit our deadlines page for those details.

  • Students pay tuition, housing, and any fees to the overseas institution and are assessed a $500 study abroad processing fee by CWRU
  • All aid—including academic scholarships, state grants, need-based funding and outside assistance—is still available for student use

Does Case Western University give full financial aid to international students?

At Case Western Reserve University, we provide a variety of merit- and need-based aid to our students, including international students, through scholarships, grants, loans, work-study and more.

Does Case Western Reserve University give 100% financial aid for international students?

Financial aid available Case Western Reserve offers generous merit scholarships and financial aid consideration and meets 100% of demonstrated financial need for all admitted students.

Does Western University give scholarships for international students?

Entrance Scholarships for International Students: As is the case for domestic students, Western offers a group of entrance scholarships available only to international students who are beginning full-time, first-year studies at Western's main campus.

How much financial aid does Case Western give?

Financial Aid Breakdown for Full-time Incoming Freshman.