Best exercise for love handles and belly fat

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Best exercise for love handles and belly fat

Jim Hughes Photography, Inc. / Getty Images

You’ve tried situps, cardio, and dumbbell side bends, but nothing seems to help you lose love handles. Sound familiar? It might be time to change up your gym routine—or start a new one. That belly fat collecting around your torso is a key indicator of poor overall health. To get the best moves for a lean torso, we asked Sadik Hadzovic, an I.F.B.B. men’s physique professional, and Adam Rosante, strength and nutrition coach, for their 15 favorite exercises to shed love handles.

“This workout is effective because it’s fast paced and designed to target both the rectus abdominals and the transverse abdominals,” Hadzovic says. “To burn fat, you must do more then just crunches and situps; you need to recruit your entire body to enter a thermogenic state that leads to an accelerated rate of fat loss.” Complete your dream physique with these 15 moves that will carve up your core fast.

Best exercise for love handles and belly fat

The Best Exercises to Help You Lose Love Handles


Do these exercises as a workout once a week, as well as adding individual exercises into your regular strength and conditioning routine. On other days, churn through high-intensity interval training three times a week. And stick to a clean diet.

Best exercise for love handles and belly fat

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