Why when i follow someone on instagram it unfollows

As we all know, Instagram has become one of the biggest parts of our every day lives. Whether we are using it just for fun and as a hobby or we have the purpose of promoting a business, product or a brand, either ways Instagram plays a great roll of most of our daily lives.

Almost all of the Instagrammers all over the world have at least once asked themselves “Why do Instagram people follow then unfollow?”. This is a very common question which would pop up on every Instagrammers mind when they see their follower numbers are decreasing. You sleep with 6k200 followers and wake up to only 6k followers. You have lost 200 followers OVER NIGHT! this is annoying and makes you think what can be the reason that people unfollow you on Instagram?

There area actually some reason I have came up to and I want to share it here in this article.

  • They are playing the follow/unfollow game

One of the main reasons why people first follow you and then after some time unfollow you is that they are taking part in that popular and nowadays common folow/unfollow game which means they would follow you just to get a follow back!

Instagram followers really does matter to all of us. this has been a very common a way to get Instagram followers for years. When an account follows you it makes you curious about what their content is so you’d definitely take a look at their Instagram account and that might lead to you following them and that’s what they want then after sometimes they’d easily unfollow you since they have gotten what they wanted which was a follow back.

They do this to tons of accounts and this way they grow their Instagram account. There is actually a way you can recognize these type of accounts which follow you to then unfollow your Instagram account.

Just stake a look at their Instagram profile. if their following numbers were much more than their followers it means that they are trying to grow their Instagram followers using the follow/unfollow strategy.

  • They have reached the limits

Another prospect of why people unfollow your after sometime, is that they have reached the Instagram limitation of not having more than 7500 followings at once. Instagram does not allow an account to have more than 7500 followings at a time and if an account has that much followings it would seems to be spammy and this can hurt the account.

In this case the account’s owners are urged to start unfollowing some accounts and that’s what leads to them unfollowing you.

  • They might no longer be interested in your content

Not all our interests are going to stay the same all through our lives.

The people that have once love your content might not like it after some weeks and months so that they decide to unfollow your account. Or maybe your content is not the same niche as it once was so it is completely normal if people unfollow you since you do not post on what they used to follow you for.

  • You post a lot or not enough

Another thing that would lead to loss of followers on your Instagram account is that you might be posting a lot and that annoys your followers. Nobody loved their Instagram feed to be full of the same and repetitive content since that makes the other posts on their feed to collapse and they’d not be able to see the rest of the things they are interested in.

On the other hand, you might not be posting enough for the people who like your content and want more. Imagine you post a great video and your followers love it a lot and engage with it and they expect to see something as good as that in the future but you do not post for more than a month.

That disappoints them and makes them to unfollow your Instagram account.

  • You do not engage at all

If your followers are the only ones who keep engaging with your accounts and posts and you just seat and enjoy the engagement you should expect a decrease in your follower numbers. It might be times that your followers ask you some questions or criticizes you in a nice and productive way, those are the times you need to reply to their comment or thank them and if you never ever do that, they’d get upset and surely your engagement and followers would drop.

Along with all the reasons above for why people unfollow you on Instagram, we have to accept the fact that this is an inseparable part of Instagram which is never going to stop and once we gain a follower we might lose a follower as well.

Can’t follow anyone on Instagram? First, check for technical problems. You may need to reinstall the app. Also, Instagram limits how many people you can follow. If you rapidly follow many accounts, it may temporarily ban you for bot-like behavior. You also can’t follow over 7,500 people.

You might be asking yourself, “Why can’t I follow people on Instagram?” Everything was fine earlier, but now the Instagram follow button is not working. 

Have you made a mistake? Is this a technical issue? Maybe! Keep reading to determine what caused this problem and what you can do about it.


  • 1 Technical Issues
    • 1.1 You’ve Lost Internet Connection
    • 1.2 It’s The App
    • 1.3 Your Device Is Malfunctioning
    • 1.4 Instagram Is Down
  • 2 Instagram Policy Issues
    • 2.1 You’ve Reached The Maximum Follow Limit
    • 2.2 Instagram Thinks You’ve Been Hacked: Change Your Passwort Immediately (Video)
    • 2.3 You’ve Been Temporarily Banned For Bot-Like Behavior
    • 2.4 Hourly And Daily Following Limits
  • 3 FAQs
    • 3.1 Why can't I follow more people on Instagram?
  • 4 You Now Hopefully Know Why You Can’t Follow More People On Instagram

Technical Issues

You’ve Lost Internet Connection

Make sure your device is connected to the internet. If it isn’t, see if reconnecting solves your problem.

It’s The App

If you only encounter this problem with the Instagram app (as opposed to a browser, like Google Chrome), it’s probably malfunctioning or outdated. 

Try restarting it. If that doesn’t work, you can try one of these solutions:

  • Log out and back in.
  • Link your Facebook and Instagram accounts.
  • Reinstall/update the app.

Check our video to see all three solutions:

Your Device Is Malfunctioning

Try using a different phone or computer to follow people. If this works, there may be something wrong with your device. Restarting it may solve the issue. 

Instagram Is Down

You can’t use Instagram when its servers are down. Click here to check its status.

Instagram Policy Issues

You’ve Reached The Maximum Follow Limit

If you try to follow over 7,500 people, you’ll get this message: “Error: You can’t follow any more people.” Instagram created this limit to reduce spam. 

Instagram Thinks You’ve Been Hacked: Change Your Passwort Immediately (Video)

If you access your account from multiple IP addresses or devices, Instagram may suspect that it has been compromised. This is especially likely if you can’t confirm your identity through two-factor authentication.
Of course, Instagram could be right. If you notice unfamiliar account activity, change your password ASAP! You can review your account activity through these steps:

1. Go to your profile.

Why when i follow someone on instagram it unfollows

2. Tap the three lines on the upper right.

Why when i follow someone on instagram it unfollows

3. Choose Settings.

Why when i follow someone on instagram it unfollows

4. Select Security.

Why when i follow someone on instagram it unfollows

5. Select Access Data.

Why when i follow someone on instagram it unfollows

6. Select View All to investigate a type of activity (scroll down for more options).

Why when i follow someone on instagram it unfollows

You can also watch our video to see the steps in action:

You’ve Been Temporarily Banned For Bot-Like Behavior

Sometimes, Instagram temporarily bans accounts that violate its rules. Affected users are prohibited from actions such as following people. These bans often last 24 – 48 hours. 

Instagram prohibits using bots to rapidly like posts, comment on them, or follow many accounts. Even if you do these on your own, Instagram may think you’re using a bot. 

Hourly And Daily Following Limits

Instagram appears to limit how many people you can follow per hour and day. Because it hasn’t explained these limits to the public, all information in this section is based on user experiences, as documented by Digital Trailblazer:

To prevent a temporary ban, increase your account activity week by week, rather than increasing it suddenly on one day. Both following and unfollowing seem to count towards following limits. 

During your first week, follow or unfollow 100 – 150 accounts per day. From then on, increase your daily follows by 25 each week until you’re following 700 – 1000 accounts daily. No matter how old your account is, never exceed this amount.


Why can't I follow more people on Instagram?

If you can’t follow people on Instagram, the reason may be policy-related or technical. You can get temporarily banned for liking, commenting, or following too frequently. You also can’t follow over 7,500 accounts. Common technical issues include a lost internet connection, an outdated or corrupted app, and device problems. 

You Now Hopefully Know Why You Can’t Follow More People On Instagram

I hope my article helped you solve your problem. If someone asks you, “Why can’t I follow people on Instagram?” here’s a recap of what to tell them:

  • They may have lost internet connection, or Instagram’s servers could be down.
  • Updating or reinstalling the app may work.
  • They could try restarting their phone.
  • They can’t follow over 7,500 accounts.
  • Instagram might think their account’s been hacked.
  • They may be temporarily banned, especially for bot-like behavior.

Have questions? Let me know in the comments!

Why does Instagram keep unfollowing people I follow?

No, Instagram doesn't unfollow Instagram accounts on your behalf. Therefore, if you've noticed that your Instagram friends are no longer people that you follow, it's likely that it could be that someone decided to remove you as their follower and that someone might have hacked your account.

How do you know if someone has you on restricted on Instagram?

The best way to find out if you're restricted is to comment on one of their posts and ask a mutual friend if they can see your comment. If your comment isn't visible to your friend but you're able to see it just fine, the post's creator likely restricted your account.

Does Instagram randomly unfollow accounts?

A spokesperson for Instagram confirmed the social media platform would never unfollow people on anyone's behalf.

Why can't I follow one person on Instagram?

If you cannot follow specific people on Instagram, you might have muted or restricted them accidentally. This issue is valid for people who can follow most accounts but are unable to follow others. Instagram allows users to restrict specific accounts that they don't want to interact with.