Why put a red cup on toilet seat

Why put a red cup on toilet seat

It might seem a bit unusual but it will help you get over one of your biggest fears

People all around the world are placing a cup under their toilet seat before they go to bed at night. This simple, yet unusual trick will help you fight one of your biggest fears. With just a small amount of effort, you will prevent many sleepless nights. You will thank yourself later. Continue on to the next page for the reason why, as well as a few other easy tricks for which you only need household items.

Find out more on the next page!

Have you ever thought about placing a red cup under toilet seat? If not, then you should start placing a cup in your toilet. But why keep a cup in toilet and how can a red cup in toilet seat solve any problem?

Well, read this post to find out.

1. To Signal the End of Toilet Paper

Leaving an empty red cup under the toilet seat is a smart way to alert the following user that they need to get toilet paper. Since users will try to remove the cup before using the toilet, they can take the hint beforehand. 

2. For Hygiene

It’s good to use an empty paper cup to support the toilet seat in public restrooms so you don’t have to touch it when lowering or raising it.

However, data suggests that this is much more unclean than manually raising the toilet seat since germs are splashed all over the place when a toilet flushes.

In addition, an impermeable toilet seat won’t collect nearly as many germs as a porous piece of paper glass. 

  • Warning System

This trick is to remove all your fears. For example, if you’re living in an area where snakes or rats are common, you can set up a warning system by placing a red cup in the toilet seat. 

So, whenever an unwelcomed guest may enter your house, the cup will dislodge, causing the toilet seat to crash. This way, you can wake up and check the house for any crawling creatures. 

3. To Measure Urine

Those with a heart ailment or diabetes may need to track how much they urinate throughout the night or day, so putting a paper or plastic red cup under the toilet seat could serve as a reminder to track their urine rather than simply relieve themselves.

4. To Train Young Boys

Have you ever tried to educate a young boy to elevate the toilet seat before relieving themselves? It’s a complete nightmare. 

However, when a paper cup is placed under the seat, the young child can not sit or target the toilet bowl. Therefore, the youngster will have to remove the plastic container, which serves as a reminder to raise the seat before peeing.

5. To Wake Up Sleepwalkers

While it may be an uncommon experience, some people can sleepwalk.

They may even sleep while urinating and even sleep-poo. However, strong noises can wake these people up as they have no control over their actions.

So, when they try to sit, the sleepwalker may dislodge the red cup that has been placed in the toilet seat. As a result, the loud bang will wake them up, preventing them from soiling themselves.

6. To Alert the Toilet Cleaning Staff

If you’re in a public lavatory, put a paper cup under the toilet seat to alert the cleaning personnel that there’s no more paper.

You may also use this to inform them that their toilet is out of order and requires the services of a plumber.

Final Thoughts

Placing a red cup in toilet is a clever hack. However, if you’re confused whether you should only use a red cup, then don’t worry.

The red cup can only help as a color code. In contrast, you can place any paper or plastic cup you have at hand.

Why put a red cup on toilet seat

Many homeowners around the world place a red cup under their toilet seat before going to bed. You may be clueless and have this question in mind, ‘Why put a red cup under toilet seat at night?’

Believe it or not, this red cup under the toilet seat hack has many purposes. It’s used as a warning if the toilet paper is out and an animal has traveled into the pipes and reached your toilet.

If you want to know if it’s worth doing it, you have to read the rest of the article. You’ll know the other reasons why people put a plastic cup under the toilet seat.

Table of Contents

  • Reasons For Putting a Red Cup Under Toilet Seat at Night
    • 1. Toilet paper has run out
    • 2. For the sake of hygiene
    • 3. For intruders
  • More of Red Cup Under the Toilet Seat
  • Final Part

Reasons For Putting a Red Cup Under Toilet Seat at Night

Why put a red cup on toilet seat

1. Toilet paper has run out

Have you experienced using the toilet and it was too late when you realized that there’s no toilet paper? It can happen as it’s hard to resist the call of nature. You’ll fail to check the availability of toilet paper before sitting on the throne. Even if it’s not nighttime, people put a cup under the toilet seat to let others know that there’s no more toilet paper.

You can easily see the red cup. Once you get the message, your eyes will search for the toilet paper. Thus, it saves you from the embarrassment and frustration that an empty toilet roll can cause.

You better buy toilet paper with thick sheets from Cottonelle, Quilted Northern, and Reel bamboo toilet paper. Every user will only need a few sheets because they’re thick so the toilet paper is not used up quickly.

2. For the sake of hygiene

A red cup toilet seat can promote hygiene, especially in public toilets. With this setting, you can avoid getting in contact with germs when you need to lift the seat. If there’s a red cup, the seat is slightly popped and you can use your foot and leg to lift it.

3. For intruders

The last thing that you expect to happen is that snakes and critters find their way to your toilet. You may have heard about an urban legend that alligators dwell in the sewer of New York City. However, it can be true if you live in Florida. In this state, it’s easy for the said animals to get into the toilet.

What’s the connection of the red cup trick in this situation? You would know that something tipped the red cup if your toilet seat is closed. This is a practice done at night as you don’t know what’s happening around you when you’re asleep. Once the red cup drops, there will be a banging sound.

If this happens and you see the toilet cover is down, you’ll be more careful and mentally prepared to deal with the situation.

  • Measuring urine

Some people have medical conditions that require them to measure their urine. They don’t put a red cup under the toilet seat for measuring. Instead, it’s a reminder for them to do what’s required.

  • Potty train young boys

It’s not easy to potty train young boys but placing a red cup under the toilet seat can help. It can remind them that they need to lift their seat before doing their business. They should develop this habit so urine won’t splatter all over the place.

  • Waking up sleepwalkers

Some people are sleepwalkers and these individuals can pee and even poop in their sleep. Since they don’t have control over their actions, they can soil themselves. When it happens, a red cup under a toilet seat can wake them up. Knocking the red cup makes a noise that can alert and wake them.

More of Red Cup Under the Toilet Seat

Why put a red cup on toilet seat

You may want to learn more about red solo cup facts since valid reasons are unveiled. Learn more in this part.

  • Solo cup or more?

You want to be sure if it’s fine to have a solo cup under the toilet seat. Won’t it dislodge easily? If this worries you, especially if you do it at night, you can have two cups under the toilet seat. It’s not necessary at all and it can have consequences like giving a child a hard time removing the two cups. But you can use two if the need arises.

Final Part

You now know the answer to, ‘Why put a red cup under toilet seat at night?’ Indeed, it is useful as it can serve various purposes, such as minimizing contact with the toilet, warning of no toilet paper, finding out if there’s an animal that got into your toilet, potty training, reminding users to measure urine, and waking up sleepwalkers. One cup is fine but you can make it two if it’s necessary.

Read more: Reasons for putting dish soap in the toilet at night.

What does a Red Cup toilet seat mean?

A red cup toilet seat can promote hygiene, especially in public toilets. With this setting, you can avoid getting in contact with germs when you need to lift the seat. If there’s a red cup, the seat is slightly popped and you can use your foot and leg to lift it. 3. For intruders

Why would you put a Cup under a toilet?

This means that putting a cup under the toilet system as a warning system is a good idea no matter where you happen to live. If an unwanted guest gets up your toilet’s pipes, the red cup will fall, and the toilet seat will make a banging noise as the creature exits the toilet. This will provide you with a heads-up to deal with the situation.

Should you put a Cup under the toilet seat before bed?

People all around the world are placing a cup under their toilet seat before they go to bed at night. This simple, yet unusual trick will help you fight one of your biggest fears. With just a small amount of effort, you will prevent many sleepless nights. You will thank yourself later.

How to teach a child to pee in the toilet?

Teaching children how to urinate in a toilet can be a difficult task. Using a red cup under the toilet seat as a visual aid is very effective for this. When the child goes to the bathroom, seeing the red cup propping up the toilet seat will remind them that the seat has to be lifted.