Why does eating fruit make my stomach hurt

Why does eating fruit make my stomach hurt

Are you curious to know why do I feel sick when eating fruit? Or Why do I vomit every time I eat fruit? Worry not because we are going to make it all crystal clear for you.

Here, we will tell you everything about the health issues associated with fruit intake. Also, we will answer all your queries like why your stomach hurts after eating fruit and what are the right measures to avoid these issues.

So, let’s get to it then.

Can Fruits Cause Sickness?

Well, you must have heard from different individuals that you should eat fruits to stay healthy. That makes sense, but fruits causing health issues sounds odd. Doesn’t it? Anyhow, it’s a reality that people often complain about sickness after eating fruits.

The reason for fruits hurting your stomach is food poisoning. Food poisoning can happen due to the presence of harmful germs like Salmonella, Listeria, and E. coli. The symptoms of such food poisoning can start to appear after 30 minutes to several hours of eating fruits.

If it happens to you, you may be asking yourself, “Why Do I Feel Nauseous After Eating Fruit?” The reason is again food poisoning. But how to avoid this issue? Simply by washing the fruits before use and eating only fresh fruits.

Most Common Fruits That Cause Health Issues

Why does eating fruit make my stomach hurt

People often complain about different fruits causing health issues and ask questions like why do I feel like throwing up after eating raw vegetables and fruit? Therefore, we have done thorough research and gathered information about the most common health problems caused by some common fruits.

Let’s explore them one by one:

  • Why Do I Feel Sick After Eating Fruit Like Bananas

Why does eating fruit make my stomach hurt

Banana is one of the most popular fruits and is highly recommendable for people experiencing diarrhea or nausea. However, it can sometimes act the other way and make people sick.

The reason is that not every stomach can tolerate bananas as they are rich in sorbitol, fructose, and fiber. That’s why they are not very easy for your body to break down. Hence, if you have gastrointestinal issues, Bananas can hurt your stomach and make you feel sick.

  • Why Do Strawberries Make Me Feel Sick?

Why does eating fruit make my stomach hurt

If you feel sick after eating strawberries, you may be eating strawberries that are contaminated. Symptoms of eating contaminated strawberries could be fever, vomiting, headaches, nausea, and diarrhea. These symptoms can start to show up within 12 hours to 3 days.

Another potential reason could be that a person is allergic to a specific protein present in strawberries. In that case, you are recommended to eat cooked strawberries. But only if you still like their taste.

  • Are You Vomiting After Eating Berries?

Why does eating fruit make my stomach hurt

There are different types of berries like Blueberries, Blackberries, and Raspberries. Almost all of them can trigger food poisoning and cause vomiting as a result.

Berries are not easy to digest, so consuming them in excess amounts can be problematic for your stomach. So, be aware of the quantity you are consuming.

  • Why I Get Stomach Pain After Eating Plums?

Why does eating fruit make my stomach hurt

Plums are quite rich in fiber content, and eating too many plums simply means too much fiber intake. It often results in bloating and gas, causing serious stomach pain as a consequence.

Eating too many dried plums can also make you vulnerable to many other stomach problems like diarrhea. Adding to it, swallowing a whole dried plum or pit at once can be a nightmare for you. It can result in intestine blockage.

  • Why Do Apples Make My Stomach Upset?

Why does eating fruit make my stomach hurt

You must have heard that “an apple a day keeps the doctor away.” But apples can also send you rushing to the Doctor. Why? Because apples contain sugar that can’t be absorbed easily by everybody. It could result in bloating and gas that causes a lot of unease for an individual.

Another reason for an upset stomach after eating apples can be fructose malabsorption. Fructose is a  sugar that is contained naturally in many fruits like apples. If your stomach gets too much fructose content, it can struggle to absorb it.

This condition is known as fructose malabsorption. If you are experiencing this issue, you simply need to reduce apples from your diet.

  • Why Do Cherries Make Me Sick?

Why does eating fruit make my stomach hurt

Cherries are a prominent source of dietary fibers. As the human body can’t digest dietary fibers, it is almost intact through your digestive system. If you eat cherries at a reasonable limit, they won’t cause you any trouble.

But consuming too much of them can trigger these issues:

  • Bloating
  • Gas
  • Diarrhea
  • Cramping

The Bottom Line

Fruits are an essential part of the human diet and are a great source of protein, vitamins, fibers, and energy. However, it is very important to consume them in a reasonable amount as the excess of anything is bad.

Here, we have answered many of your queries, including why does fruit always make me nauseous? People also ask about the reason for feeling weak after eating fruits. It happens because while eating fruits, your brain gets the signal that you have eaten enough when you haven’t.

As a result, your body is deficient in the nutrients it needs, and you feel weak.

That’s it from this blog; if you have any queries, just ask us without any hesitation.

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Ella & Joseph are professional smoothie makers and bakers. They have both worked in bakeries around the US and also worked for Smoothie King for a few years, where they learned everything about smoothies.

Why do I feel sick after eating fruit?

Some people experience itchiness in their mouth and throat, sometimes with mild swelling, immediately after eating fresh fruit or vegetables. This is known as oral allergy syndrome. Oral allergy syndrome is caused by allergy antibodies mistaking certain proteins in fresh fruits, nuts or vegetables for pollen.

Is fruit hard on the stomach?

While raw fruits and vegetables are great for health otherwise, when consumed on an upset stomach they can worsen diarrhoea. This is because they are high fibre foods. It is advisable to keep away from them temporarily until the stomach upset passes.

Why does my stomach hurt after eating fruits and vegetables?

There are two major reasons why vegetables can be hard on our stomachs: soluble fiber and cellulose, or insoluble fiber. Fiber is healthy, but for some, it can cause issues. Your gut flora easily ferments soluble fiber. This fermentation does produce some gas but usually not enough to cause any significant symptoms.

Can eating too much fruit hurt your stomach?

Risk of diarrhea Fruit is rich in natural fibers and sugars. Eating too much fiber may give some people diarrhea. The combination of high liquid, high fiber, and some sugars may have a natural laxative effect, which could lead to diarrhea for some people.