What is dragon fruit in spanish


"dragon fruit" in Spanish

dragon fruit{noun}

pitahaya- pitaya- fruta del dragón

Translations & ExamplesSimilar Translations


dragon fruit{noun}

dragon fruit(also: pitahaya, pitaya)


dragon fruit(also: pitahaya, pitaya)


dragon fruit(also: pitahaya, pitaya)

fruta del dragón{f}


Similar translations for "dragon fruit" in Spanish


dragón- arpía


fruta- fruto- cajitas para frutas- fruta- maricón- mariposa- lilo


frutal- frutero- frutícola

to fruitverb

dar fruto

How to say dragon fruit in Spanish?

¿Cómo se dice dragon fruit en español? Dragon fruit in Spanish translation: fruta del dragón, pitaya o pitahaya. The ‘dragon fruit’ ‘fruta del dragón’ is located in Latin America, mainly in Mexico.

It is an exotic fruit with intense and predominant colors such as dark red, pink or yellow, and inside it can be white or pink. It has a sweet flavor with a touch that reminds us a lot of kiwi, papaya and avocado.

What is dragon fruit in spanish

Pitahaya or dragon fruit are the fruits of various species of the Hylocereus genus of the Cactaceae family from America. However, its production has expanded to other regions of the world. No side effects have been reported from the consumption of dragon fruit, so its disadvantages have more to do with economics: Dragon fruit is costly.

There is no supply all year round due to its low production. It is rich in Vitamin C, contains B vitamins and minerals such as calcium, phosphorus, and iron, and it has high water content, vegetable protein, and soluble fiber. The edible seeds contain beneficial fatty acids. It is a tremendously rich source of antioxidants and helps fight free radicals, slowing our aging.

Like any fruit, we can eat it fresh. It is cut in half widthwise or lengthwise, and the pulp is scooped out with a spoon, and the seeds (which are small like those of a kiwi and are also eaten). Pitahaya is an exotic fruit with great benefits. “A healthy body for a healthy mind.”

-Improves digestion
-Prevents aging
-Prevents respiratory diseases
-Combat cardiovascular diseases since its seeds contain essential fatty acids such as omega-3.

The origin of this new fruit is located in Latin America, mainly in Mexico, even though today its cultivation has spread to more countries and even to regions of China and Vietnam. Its flavor is delightful, and its growth habit is columnar cacti. According to the nutritionist, there are no problems in consuming this exquisite fruit every day, as long as it is not in an excessive quantity.

Although pitahaya is a delicious fruit with multiple health benefits, its price is a bit high.

There are two main types of dragon fruit, one of them is ‘yellow’, which is yellow in color and with thorns, it also has a high sugar content, so it is very sweet and has a very good flavor.

Another type is the ‘red’ dragon fruit that does not have thorns but bracts, has a slightly larger size and a harder rind than the yellow one.

One of the benefits is that it is a diuretic fruit that, in addition to preventing you from retaining fluids, will keep you hydrated. Being a source of vitamin C, it is considered a fruit with antioxidant properties, which means that it will delay the signs of aging on your skin. It also combats the risk of suffering from chronic degenerative and cardiovascular diseases.

dragon fruit –fruta del dragón, pitaya o pitahaya


Lily: Carlos, a mi me gusta mucho la fruta del dragón | Carlos, I really like dragon fruit

Carlos: Está bien | OK

Sentences with the term dragon fruit in Spanish

La pitahaya se conoce también como fruta del dragón. Pitahaya is also known as dragon fruit.
La fruta del dragón es proveniente de América. Dragon fruit is from America.
En varias regiones del mundo hay producción de fruta de dragón. In various regions of the world there is production of dragon fruit.
Entre las frutas exóticas que conozco está la fruta del dragón. Among the exotic fruits that I know is the dragon fruit.
Hay muchos nutrientes contenidos en la fruta del dragón. There are many nutrients contained in dragon fruit.
Me encanta la fruta del dragón. I love dragon fruit.
La fruta del dragón es muy refrescante. Dragon fruit is very refreshing.
La fruta del dragón es un antioxidante. Dragon fruit is an antioxidant.
Si necesitas vitamina C debes consumir fruta del dragón. If you need vitamin C you should consume dragon fruit.
Nunca antes había comido fruta del dragón. I had never eaten dragon fruit before.
¿Conoces la fruta del dragón? Do you know the dragon fruit?
No he hecho antes jugo con fruta del dragón. I have never juiced dragon fruit before.
Jamás me ha gustado la fruta del dragón. I have never liked dragon fruit.
¿Vendes fruta del dragón? Do you sell dragon fruit?
¿Qué precio tiene la libra de fruta del dragón? What is the price of a pound of dragon fruit?
Mi madre come mucha fruta del dragón. My mother eats a lot of dragon fruit.
La fruta del dragón previene el envejecimiento. Dragon fruit prevents aging.
Si tienes problemas digestivos deberías comer más fruta del dragón. If you have digestive problems you should eat more dragon fruit.
La fruta del dragón es un energizante natural. Dragon fruit is a natural energizer.
La semilla de la fruta del dragón contiene omega- 3. Dragon fruit seed contains omega-3.
La fruta del dragón combate enfermedades cardiovasculares. Dragon fruit fights cardiovascular diseases.
Me gusta comer fruta del dragón en crudo. I like to eat raw dragon fruit.
¿Ya pelaste y cortaste la fruta del dragón? Have you peeled and cut the dragon fruit yet?
Tráeme zumo de limón para acompañar la fruta del dragón. Bring me lemon juice to go with the dragon fruit.
Haré una ensalada de frutas y le pondré fruta del dragón. I’ll make a fruit salad and put dragon fruit in it.
Compré en el mercado fruta del dragón y otras frutas tropicales. I bought dragon fruit and other tropical fruits at the market.
La fruta del dragón tiene muy bajo aporte calórico. Dragon fruit is very low in calories.
Para prevenir la gripe puedes usar la fruta del dragón. To prevent the flu you can use dragon fruit.
Yo tenía problemas de anemia hasta que empecé a ingerir fruta del dragón. I had anemia problems until I started eating dragon fruit.
¿Qué sabor tiene la fruta del dragón? What flavor does dragon fruit have?
La fruta del dragón es deliciosa. Dragon fruit is delicious.
La fruta del dragón cuesta cinco dólares. Dragon fruit costs five dollars.
Hice un jugo de la fruta del dragón. I made a dragon fruit juice.

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What is dragon fruit called in Mexico?

1) Dragon fruit (pitahaya) Mexican pitaya fruit (also spelled “pitahaya”) – or dragon fruit.

What is dragon fruit in Spain?

Español. dragon fruit n. (food: pitahaya) pitahaya, pitaya, fruta del dragón nf.

Is dragon fruit a Mexican fruit?

Pitahaya or dragon fruit is native to southern Mexico and Central America.

Is pitaya Spanish?

Etymology. From American Spanish pitahaya, from Taíno [Term?].