What happens if you miss connecting flight due to delay united

What happens if you miss connecting flight due to delay united
One World. Many Destinations.

What happens if you miss connecting flight due to delay united

This blog post was updated on October 1, 2022.

It’s among the worst feelings in the world. You’re running across the terminal when you hear that announcement that your “gate is now closing” and you know you won’t make it there in time. Or, just as bad, you’re stuck in the air circling the airport as the plane of your connecting flight takes off without you. We’ve all been there, and it’s far from pretty. Yeah, missing a flight can add layers of trouble and delays to your schedule. But if you can keep a level head, in most cases you should be able to board a suitable alternative flight and start heading in the right direction ASAP.

Whose Fault Was It?

What happens if you miss connecting flight due to delay united
First of all, it must be said that, if you miss a flight and it’s not the airline’s fault…well, chances are you’re on your own. The airlines don’t have to accommodate you if you were late because you fell asleep in the terminal or had to deal with an unruly child. Fortunately, the airline in question will usually assist you with rebooking and might be able to get you on a flight you otherwise wouldn’t have been able to book. Just don’t get too bossy about it. Remember, the airlines aren’t required to help you out, so any assistance you receive is going to emerge from the goodwill of the airline employee you’re dealing with.

Now that we’ve gotten the bad news out of the way, here’s some relief in the way of tips about what to do when you miss a connecting and the airline is at fault.

Missing a Connection with the Same Airline

What happens if you miss connecting flight due to delay united

If you miss your connection booked with the same airline that your were on for your first flight, and the issue is due to a delayed take off or anything else that’s in the hands of your airline, it’s the airline’s responsibility to rebook you on the next available flight. If that’s not until the next day, the airline should book you with another airline or offer you overnight accommodation and vouchers for meals. If your connection was missed due to weather, the airline should do the same – just minus the room and food. But be aware: although this is standard practice, airlines aren’t required by law or industry regulation. So, again, it pays to be nice.

If the Connection is with Another Airline

What happens if you miss connecting flight due to delay united

If your connection is with a different airline than that of your first flight, remember what we said earlier…again, you’re on your own, pal. Airlines aren’t obliged to assist you with making it on time to another carrier’s flight, and generally don’t do much in the way of helping. Maybe if the two airlines are in the same alliance there might be a way to ease the hassle of rebooking. But if you booked and paid for the flights separately, don’t get your hopes up for much assistance from either carrier. The best advice we can give to make sure when you’re booking your flights to give yourself plenty of time between each leg of your journey and to get a sense of the airport’s layout so you know how to get from point A to point B quickly.

Remember the Three P’s

What happens if you miss connecting flight due to delay united

With respect to dealing with airline reps in pretty much any tricky situation, it’s always wise to remember the three P’s: be Patient, Polite, and Persistent. Keep in mind that whoever is addressing your concerns probably is coping with a load of other passengers’ problems and may have only limited information to go on to help you. Interspersing little words like “yes,” “please,” and “thank you” can work wonders in getting you on your way swiftly without tempers flaring. If you know you’re in your rights and the rep isn’t doing enough to fix things, hold your ground and ask to speak to their manager.

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Be Prepared Before You Take Off

Taking a couple of steps so you’re ready to handle missing a connecting flight doesn’t require a lot of forethought. The first, and most obvious, is getting travel insurance the moment you book those cheap multi-city flights you had your eye on. Not all policies and plans are the same, so you’ll need to make sure you get one that covers missing a connection. It can lessen the painful financial pinch. Another good idea? Bring essentials, like toiletries and a change of clothes, in your carry-on. Just in case.

Have you ever missed a connecting flight? How hard did your airline work to get you to your final destination?

About the author

Chris Osburn

Chris Osburn is a freelance writer, photographer, consultant, and curator and the driving force behind the long running and award winning blog, tikichris.com. Originally from the American Deep South, Chris has lived and worked all over the world and has called London home since 2001.

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