What does playing house mean in a relationship


Alternative forms[edit]

  • playhouse


play +‎ house.


play house (plural play houses)

  1. A child's toy domestic dwelling, either for dolls or large enough for the child to enter. Synonyms: (for dolls): doll's house, (for children): cubby house, toyhouse, Wendy houseHypernyms: toy, house



play house (third-person singular simple present plays house, present participle playing house, simple past and past participle played house)

  1. (children's games) To pretend to be a family in the household, acting out housekeeping and different family roles.

    Little girls seem to enjoy playing house more than little boys.

  2. To live as if married without actually being legally married.
    • 1981, Emily Toth, Inside Peyton Place: the life of Grace Metalious, page 209:

      Though she flaunted her affair with TJ, Grace never admitted in print that she and George had “played house” before their marriage. Instead, she claimed they were married in 1942

    • 2009, Fisher Ellie Slott, Mom There's a Man in the Kitchen and He's Wearing Your Robe:

      Playing House Instead / There are times you may find it more appropriate to live with someone rather than rush into marriage.

    • 2010, Kim Stafford, Damage, page 122:

      I really don't like you playing house with the kids around. I don't want the kids to think that it's okay to live together without commitment.


to live unmarried as if being married

What does it mean when a guy wants to play house?

“Playing house often means couples want to live as an exclusive couple without the commitment of marriage,” Dr. Playing house is totally healthy, Fisher says, and could actually be a great way for you and your partner to try out what marriage or a bigger commitment looks like without taking the legal plunge.

What does the term playing house mean?

House, also referred to as “playing house” or “play grown up”, is a traditional children’s game. It’s a form of make believe where players take on the roles of a nuclear family. Common roles include parents, children, a newborn, and pets.

What are games in a relationship?

“’Games’ in terms of relationships are maneuvers people do to manipulate others, including dates and partners,” says Tina B. Tessina, Ph. “Playing games is about intentionally not being transparent and forthright with the person you’re dating,” he says.

What is another word for Playhouse?

In this page you can discover 8 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for playhouse, like: wendy-house, hippodrome, lyceum, theatre, coliseum, theatres, barbican and THEATRE’S.

What is the meaning of shacking up?

intransitive verb. : to sleep or live together as unmarried sexual partners.

What was the other name for outdoor playhouses?

There were two different types of playhouse in London during Shakespeare’s time. There were outdoor playhouses, also known as ‘amphitheatres’ or ‘public’ playhouses, and indoor playhouses, also known as ‘halls’ or ‘private’ playhouses.

What is the synonym of unpredictable?

uncertain, fickle, unstable, erratic, unreliable, capricious, chance, chancy, dicey, doubtful, fluky, iffy, incalculable, inconstant, random, touchy, unforeseeable, variable, whimsical, fluctuating.

Is shacking up a good idea?

Yet a 2013 survey by Penn State psychologist Catherine Cohan, which tracked more than 100 studies on cohabitation spanning 25 years, found that couples who shacked up before getting engaged or married were more likely to dissolve their marriages, reporting lower levels of marital satisfaction and commitment.

Is shacking a sin?

God doesn’t call it shacking up. Fornication is a sexual sin as outlined by God and His Son Jesus Christ. In fact, Jesus said in Matthew 19:8-9, that the only reason a married couple could divorce is because of fornication. The Apostle Paul stated in Acts 15 that all believers are to abstain from fornication.

What’s another word for playhouse?

What 5 features did all playhouses share?

All outdoor playhouses had:

  • a central yard that was open to the sky;
  • a raised stage sticking out into the yard;
  • a roof over the stage, which was called ‘the heavens’, although the first Rose theatre (1587-92) may not have had one;

What does the phrase playing house mean?

(children’s games) To pretend to be a family in the household, acting out housekeeping and different family roles. Little girls seem to enjoy playing house more than little boys. To live as if married without actually being legally married.

What does playing a person mean?

“to play someone” means to play with someone’s emotions. It usually refers to a potential romantic relationship, where person A likes person B, but maybe person B doesn’t feel the same towards person A. Person B might be giving hints to person A, giving person A the impression that person B might like person A.

Why do kids love playing house?

Playing house gives children an opportunity to practice adult roles, solve problems and act out feelings they may not yet know how to express in words. This is important pretend play for both boys and girls.

When to know if a guy is playing you?

He backpedals every time he starts to seem more invested. If the guy you’re seeing is super hot and cold when it comes to commitment, you’re right to see it as a red flag. Sometimes a guy will know when you’re getting wise to his tricks and he’ll pour on the affection and promises as a way to keep you around.

What does playing house mean in Urban Dictionary?

Doing wifey stuff for a man that is not yours or providing a “home” for a man with no income. 1. He come over every night, they playing house. Get a Playing House mug for your sister-in-law Nathalie. “When the parents are away the children will play.” Having the house alone and inviting your girlfriend or fbuddy over and having a sex-stravaganza.

When do you play house in a relationship?

Playing house isn’t just something that you did with your stuffed animals when you were a kid. When you’re in a romantic relationship, you might find yourself setting up IRL tea parties with the person you love, except it’s every day and it’s not tea parties.

Is it bad for a couple to play house?

Contrary to popular belief, it’s not always about saving money. “Playing house often means couples want to live as an exclusive couple without the commitment of marriage,” Dr. Wyatt Fisher, licensed psychologist and marriage counselor, tells Elite Daily. So, is it a bad thing? Nope!

Doing wifey stuff for a man that is not yours or providing a “home” for a man with no income. 1. He come over every night, they playing house. Get a Playing House mug for your sister-in-law Nathalie. “When the parents are away the children will play.” Having the house alone and inviting your girlfriend or fbuddy over and having a sex-stravaganza.

What does a man say when he is having fun with you?

If you’re just someone he is having temporary fun with, he isn’t concerned about you getting pissed about those things. But if he makes a point of saying, “Hey, sorry for taking so long, I was busy with a call for work,” or “Oh my god I just realized you sent me a text when I was in the gym and I completely forgot to answer!

What to do when Guy says he doesn’t like you?

You might shrug and say that he doesn’t like you like that because he’s joking about you two dating, he’s not straight-up asking you out. But this definitely proves how he feels because he’s going to be way too nervous to just ask you to go out sometime. He wants to feel around and see how you react to his joking about you two dating.

What does it mean when a Guy likes you?

When a guy likes you, he’ll definitely act a certain way, and do certain things that will make you realize that he’s got it bad. The same thing is totally true if he just sees you as a friend and isn’t into you romantically. It’s super exciting to realize that he feels the same way… just like it’s super horrible to figure out that he doesn’t.

What does it mean when someone says your playing house?

(children's games) To pretend to be a family in the household, acting out housekeeping and different family roles. Little girls seem to enjoy playing house more than little boys. To live as if married without actually being legally married.

Why do kids play house?

Children playing house is an imaginative and fun approach to preparing for adulthood.” Playing house isn't just a game to pass the time. It means so much more than that. It means they have witnessed a family structure and had first-hand experience to be able to model key aspects of a functioning family.

What do kids learn from playing house?

Young children learn through curiosity, imagination and action. Pretending or imaginative play, such as playing house, can help develop a child's social and emotional skills, improve language, encourage problem-solving and build other developmental skills.

Why do couples play?

The monotony leads to couples desiring to seek excitement outside the relationship. Playing together and indulging in recreational activities that are novel and wholesome or exciting is a great way to inject some joy and thrill into a marriage or romantic relationship.