What causes green veins to appear on the skin

Veins are the literal lifeblood of your circulatory system. As we’ve discussed before, veins and vein valves work to bring the blood back up to your heart once your arteries have dispersed it throughout your body.

We all know that blood is red, so why are your veins blue?

According to LiveScience, “veins look blue because light has to penetrate the skin to illuminate them.” Red lights have longer wavelengths, and blue lights have shorter ones, thus red and blue “penetrate with different degrees of success.” The longer wavelength of red allows it to travel further under your skin to where it is absorbed by hemoglobin. The shorter wavelength of blue means that it doesn’t travel as far as red, thus it doesn’t travel as deep under your skin as the red does. In short, the shorter wavelength that “makes it back to your eye is the blue light.”

So why do only veins look blue? This is because, according to Science Blogs, “veins are the only vessels we actually observe through the skin.” Why is that the case? “Veins are larger, have thinner walls, and are more superficial than arteries.” Also, veins are located closer to the surface of the skin. This helps explain the color of your veins, and why your veins are so blue.

What about green veins versus blue veins?

If you experience green veins vs. blue veins, you don’t need to be concerned. There is no issue with your veins being green versus being blue. The color of your veins on the surface is largely due to the undertone of your skin as well as the amount of body fat you have.

What you do need to be concerned about is if it seems like your blue veins are bulging or if they become painful in any way. These are some of the signs of venous insufficiency. Venous insufficiency is something that occurs when the veins in your legs don’t allow blood to flow back up to your heart.

The major signs of venous insufficiency include dilated veins as well as swelling and a change in the color of your legs due to blood pooling in your legs. This leads to inflammation in your skin which can rear its ugly head as:

  • Itchiness
  • Open sores
  • Redness
  • Dryness
  • Oozing fluid
  • Shiny, hard areas

Ulcers are also a potential side effect of venous insufficiency, which can turn into something quite nasty if not properly treated.

See below for a list of common vein disease symptoms and the visual illustration of the impact different vein diseases have on your body, including spider veins, venous leg ulcers, hyperpigmentation, and more.

What causes green veins to appear on the skin

Find a vein clinic in your city

In order to avoid any of the above issues from causing you problems, it’s best to get your vein health checked by a vein specialist at Vein Clinics of America. This ensures that any problems are nipped in the bud at the first sign of problems. While venous insufficiency isn’t deadly, it is something that can greatly compromise your quality of life.

And luckily, it is typically something that can be treated with a minimally-invasive outpatient procedure at a vein clinic near you.

Worried about the color of your veins?

Medically Reviewed by

Dr. Satish Vayuvegula

Dr. Satish Vayuvegula is the National Medical Director at Vein Clinics of America. Certified by the American Board of Venous & Lymphatic Medicine, Dr. Satish Vayuvegula is recognized as a physician who has met rigorous standards of knowledge and extensive training in phlebology, the diagnosis and treatment of varicose vein disease and related disorders. Dr. Satish also shares his passion and expertise by serving as a board member of the American Vein and Lymphatic Society, the predominant national organization for venous and lymphatic disease.

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Visible Hand Veins and Why You Have Them

  • What causes green veins to appear on the skin

Have you noticed veins starting to show in your hands? It happens to many people and can signify age. Age isn’t the only thing that can cause veiny hands though. If you are looking to improve the appearance of your hands by reducing hand veins The Vein Centre in Nashville (Belle Meade, Brentwood, Franklin & Mt. Juliet) can help. Bulging, blue veins on your hands can become very prominent and for some, this is a cosmetic issue they wish to avoid. Learn more about the causes of hand veins showing on the surface of the skin and the treatment options available.

What causes hand veins to become more visible?

Everyone has veins all through their bodies. They are necessary to transport blood and nutrients. Veins can show more or less on one person to another. Certain conditions can make your veins more visible such as hot temperatures, exercise, tight clothing, and sun damage. In most cases, their appearance on hands is a cosmetic issue, but they may be a sign of a medical problem like a vascular disease.

What Causes Veins To Be More Visible in Arms?

Your arms are also susceptible to visible veins. You often see this on bodybuilders and others who are into fitness. These veins are often desirable because they come along with low body fat and well-defined muscles. Veiny arms can also be caused by increased blood pressure, high stress levels, genetics, and age.

Causes of bulging hand veins:


We all will inevitably age, and with that, our skin gets thinner. Thinner, less elastic skin is less able to hide the veins underneath the skin.

Not only is our skin weaker with age, but the valves in our veins are, too. Weak valves can cause blood to pool in veins. Strained blood flow enlarges vein size and exacerbates their visible signs.

Low body fat:

While many have the goal of losing fat to achieve their preferred aesthetic, doing so can create other cosmetic changes.

With less fat to cover and pad the skin around veins, you can see them protrude more on the surface of the skin. This doesn’t happen only on your hands, you may notice it on your arms, abs, and other body parts.

Hot weather:

Heat can play a role in why your veins are so visible. With increased temperates, veins will dilate and expand. This expansion adds stress to the vein wall and can be painful or crampy. With blood pooling under the skin from hot weather, you may notice blue ropey looking veins on your hands.


Visible veins in your hands could be part of your makeup, unfortunately. You may notice others in your family who’s hands show veins in the same way. If this is the case, the veins most likely don’t signify a health concern, but you may opt for a cosmetic procedure to reduce the appearance.

Varicose veins:

When you think of varicose veins, you most likely think of them on legs. Varicose veins are a sign of blood vessels not functioning properly.

Spider veins and varicose veins can appear on any part of the body where blood flow is disrupted or where vein walls and valves are damaged, and this includes hands. In this case, you may be dealing with a health issue, and you should seek medical counsel from a vascular surgeon.

Superficial thrombophlebitis:

Veins can swell near the surface of the skin, and this is called superficial thrombophlebitis. This occurrence is another health concern, but it is not usually dangerous, only painful.

This vein inflammation is generally associated with other health conditions like an autoimmune disorder, an infection, or another type of injury. Sometimes, a blood clot can be the cause of visible veins. Blood clots can form from prolonged use of an IV (intravenous drip).


Surprisingly, something good for you can create visible hand veins. When you work out, your blood pressure gets higher as more blood pumps through the body. Your hands aren’t an exception, and you can see veins more easily when veins are full and pushing up against the skin.

For most, the visual appearance of bulging veins returns to normal after exercise is complete, and the body has calmed down. Some individuals who exercise frequently or do high exertion exercises like lifting heavy weights may begin to see permanent blue veins in the skin.

What If My Veins Suddenly Turn Blue?

If you notice prominent blue veins appear suddenly, check for skin discoloration and wounds that won’t heal on your legs. This can be an indicator of DVT, deep vein thrombosis, which is a serious condition. Veins rapidly turning blue can be a sign of blood pooling in your veins when the circulatory system is not functioning correctly. If the veins deepen in color, turn purple, or turn green, this is a sign to seek medical evaluation immediately.

Treatment for Visible Hand Veins

There are a few options available for treating visible hand veins. You will need to consult your doctor to determine the root cause of bulging hand veins before you can start a treatment plan. If you have varicose veins or spider veins showing in your hands, there may be deeper health problems you will need to address. Something like low body weight would mean that visible veins would return to normal with weight gain. In this case, any treatment would be purely cosmetic and may not even be necessary.


This is a well-known procedure to reduce the look of visible veins. During sclerotherapy, a chemical solution is injected into predetermined veins. The solution makes the injected vein collapse, and it closes permanently. Over two to three weeks, the closed vein will heal and visually disappear.

Vein stripping and ligation:

This is a surgical method to close off a vein and remove it. Your doctor will make an incision, tie off the target vein, and manually remove it. Vein stripping is a more invasive treatment and will require anesthesia.

Endovenous ablation therapy:

Ablation is a less invasive manner of treating smaller veins. You may have heard of it as laser therapy or radiofrequency ablation. An amplified light or radio wave is pointed at the target vein to close it off without any incisions. No anesthesia is needed for this method of vein removal.

Ambulatory phlebectomy:

Ambulatory phlebectomy is a minimally invasive treatment to remove hand veins. Veins are removed using small incisions. You will need to consult a vascular surgeon for this type of procedure, as it is considered mini surgical.

Find a Board-Certified Vascular Surgeon in Nashville, TN

After reading this, you may have an idea of what is causing your hand veins to show visibly and how it can be resolved. Only a certified vascular surgeon is qualified to assess this type of health concern, so do make sure you choose a doctor with the right experience. You need to ensure you are getting the appropriate vascular diagnosis and treatment plan. Vein scans can tell so much about your health if they are read with a skilled eye.

The vascular surgeons at The Vein Centre in Nashville, Brentwood, and Franklin, Tennessee, are board certified. Our doctors can take a look at your visible hand veins, along with administering vascular health screenings to determine the appropriate course of treatment. Give The Vein Centre a call at 615-269-9007 to schedule a consultation.

By Vein Centre|2022-10-21T19:09:00+00:00January 26th, 2022|

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What causes green veins to appear on the skin

Is it normal to have greenish veins?

If you experience green veins vs. blue veins, you don't need to be concerned. There is no issue with your veins being green versus being blue. The color of your veins on the surface is largely due to the undertone of your skin as well as the amount of body fat you have.

What does it mean when you have green veins showing?

Green veins are superficial veins located near the surface of your skin. They appear green instead of red because green has a shorter wavelength than red. You're more likely to see green or blueish-colored veins if your skin is a lighter color. If you have darker skin, it can be harder to see the color of your veins.

How can I get rid of green veins on my skin?

If a person has varicose veins, they can try the following home remedies to help manage the condition and improve symptoms:.
Exercise. ... .
Compression stockings. ... .
Plant extracts. ... .
Dietary changes. ... .
Eat more flavonoids. ... .
Herbal remedies. ... .
Choose non-restrictive clothing. ... .
Keep the legs elevated..

Should I be worried if my veins are green?

While green veins aren't in itself unusual, it's a good indicator of what your blood vessels are doing. These are an indicator of impaired blood flow in the legs and venous insufficiency and can be a warning flag for more serious underlying issues.