What can you do while pregnant to increase milk supply

Published Aug 1, 2022 in Birthing Services, For the Health of It

While pregnant, many people ask us how they can begin to prepare themselves physically and mentally for breastfeeding. In all cases, the best thing you can do to prepare is to look for education and support.

  1. Where can I learn more about breastfeeding?
    Take a breastfeeding class, join a support group or schedule a prenatal consultation with an international board-certified lactation consultant. At CentraCare, we offer an excellent resource, an app called Yomingo, that contains information about pregnancy, breastfeeding and much more. Download Yomingo today!
  2. How do I prepare my breasts for breastfeeding before giving birth?
    No physical preparation is needed. Your breasts will naturally adapt to their new role.
  3. How do I toughen my nipples for breastfeeding?
    You do not need to strengthen your nipples. If you are concerned about pain, the best plan is to learn how to accomplish a good latch. You also should learn how to correctly use a breast pump and how to fit the flange, the part of a breast pump that fits over your nipple to form a seal.
  4. How can I increase my milk supply while pregnant?
    Unfortunately, there is no way to increase milk supply while pregnant. Learning about breastfeeding and how the breasts produce milk will provide good background information for how to increase milk supply once you have your baby.
  5. What foods should I eat to increase milk supply before birth?
    While you can’t increase milk supply during pregnancy, you should focus on eating healthy for both you and baby. Maintain a balanced and nutritious diet and stay hydrated to meet the demands placed on your body. Your plate should feature the five food groups — fruits, vegetables, grains, dairy and protein:
    • Fill half of your plate with fruits and vegetables.
    • Choose whole-grain products for at least half of your grains.
    • Select low-fat or fat-free milk, yogurt or cheese.
    • Pick from a variety of different proteins.

To learn more about preparing your mind and body for breastfeeding, schedule an in-person, 30-minute prenatal lactation consult by calling:

  • Melrose: 320-256-4228
  • Monticello: 763-271-2218
  • St. Cloud: 320-654-3630
  • Sauk Centre: 320-352-6591

If you’re expecting again or planning another pregnancy and want to continue breastfeeding, you probably have some questions. Here are your answers!

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Here's What to Know if You'll Be Breastfeeding While Pregnant

As your baby surpasses his or her 9-month milestone and approaches their first birthday, you may already be considering your next pregnancy. Of course, every mom is different! Whatever decision you’ve made – or if you haven’t given much thought to more children yet – is what works best for you and that’s wonderful!

If you’ve recently found out you’re expecting again or if another pregnancy may be right around the corner, you probably have questions about breastfeeding while pregnant. Making sure that doing so is safe for both your little one and your developing fetus is imperative as your pregnancy progresses, particularly because breastfeeding releases hormones like oxytocin, which can cause mild uterine contractions. In fact, that’s why our first tip for breastfeeding during pregnancy is so important:

  1. Check with your healthcare provider first.

You can never be too cautious, especially when it comes to your babies. Generally, breastfeeding while pregnant is safe. Though trace amounts of pregnancy hormones can be present in your milk, these are not harmful to your breast milk feeding child. Additionally, oxytocin is released in small amounts during a nursing session, so it is not enough to induce preterm labor. The contractions caused by this hormone are very minor and rarely increase the chance of having a miscarriage. However, there are certain circumstances when your doctor may advise weaning your child, such as:

  • If your pregnancy is deemed high risk or you are at risk for miscarriage

  • If you are carrying twins or multiples

  • If you have been experiencing uterine pain or bleeding

  • If you have been advised to avoid sex while pregnant

Talking to your healthcare provider will be a crucial part of determining whether you should continue breastfeeding while pregnant. If it is not recommended for your unique situation, that’s okay – you’ve done a great job and now it is important for your body to prepare for your new baby and the next chapter of your breastfeeding journey!

  1. Sit or lie down while breastfeeding.

It’s no secret that nursing and/or pumping requires energy, something that can be hard to come by with both a baby and a developing pregnancy. Be sure to sit or lie down in a relaxing spot when breastfeeding or pumping to give yourself extra time to rest as your baby is fed. As your pregnancy continues to progress, you may need to get creative with new pumping or nursing positions that are comfortable for you and your little one.

  1. Monitor your milk supply. 

Many moms’ milk supplies will start to decrease around months 4 or 5 after birth, so it is important to begin incorporating other nutrition into your baby’s diet. If they are satisfied after breast milk feeding and are meeting their growth and weight markers, then there’s usually no reason to be concerned. The other nutrition your baby is receiving will make up for any temporary or permanent decrease in their breast milk intake. Chatting with your little one’s doctor and/or an experienced lactation consultant can be especially helpful during this time.

Once your new baby arrives, it is important for them to get colostrum, or your early milk. With that in mind, you may decide to nurse him or her first and/or temporarily limit your older child’s breast milk feeding during these important first few days after the new baby’s birth

  1. Consider your diet.

By now, you know all about how eating well is important for the health of your baby – both during your developing pregnancy and after birth, while breast milk feeding. However, consuming additional calories is also crucial for you, mama! Pregnancy and breastfeeding both require a lot of energy, so it’s important to ensure you’re taking in enough calories to maintain your own overall wellness. A general rule of thumb is:

  • 500 extra calories needed if your breast milk feeding child is also eating other foods or 650 extra calories needed if he or she is under 6 months old.

  • This is in addition to the 350 extra calories needed if you are in the 2nd trimester of your pregnancy or the 450 extra calories needed if you are in the 3rd trimester of your pregnancy.

Most healthcare providers agree that no additional calories are required if you are in the 1st trimester of your pregnancy, which is often considered a positive for moms who are experiencing morning sickness or nausea.

  1. Invest in breast and nipple care.

You probably already know that sore nipples can be a frequent ailment for breastfeeding moms, but this can be especially noticeable if you are expecting and breastfeeding. This is because breast tenderness is a common symptom of pregnancy, so taking time for self-care is important for both mental and physical wellness. Keeping a supply of products like lanolin and hydrogel pads can provide some much-needed relief, so be sure to stock up!

In many situations, breastfeeding during pregnancy can be done. Remember, even though you might be tired, irritable, busy, cranky, or otherwise exhausted, your body is providing important care to your babies. You got this, Super Mom, and we’re here for you through every step (and each baby) along the way!

What week in pregnancy do you start producing milk?

Milk production generally begins around the midpoint of pregnancy, somewhere between weeks 16 and 22. At this stage your body is producing what's known as colostrum—a yellowish milk that's rich in calories and disease-fighting antibodies—which will serve as baby's first food after birth.

How can I prepare my milk supply before birth?

How to Prepare for Breastfeeding in the Month Before Birth.
Get your breast pump. ... .
Choose a lactation counselor. ... .
Talk with your ob-gyn about breastfeeding challenges – and ask if you have any health conditions that could make it harder. ... .
Plan for skin-to-skin contact right after delivery. ... .
Free up time for breastfeeding..

Does your milk supply drop when you get pregnant?

If you are breastfeeding when you become pregnant, your milk supply will drop. This is because hormones during pregnancy cause a decrease in milk production. Your milk supply will not dry up completely. But you may notice it drop more in the fourth and fifth month of pregnancy.

Can I pump before baby is born?

If you have a normal, healthy pregnancy, there is absolutely no harm in pumping colostrum before the baby arrives. If you want to plan ahead and save enough for a bottle or two, you can let your partner or a family member be in charge of a feeding when you take a much-needed postpartum nap.