What are the risk factors for type 2 diabetes

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The Epidemic of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus

Risk Factors for Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus

Fletcher, Barbara RN, MN, FAAN; Gulanick, Meg PhD, RN; Lamendola, Cindy RN, MSN, ANP

Author Information

Clinical Associate Professor; University of North Florida, Department of Nursing; Jacksonville Beach, Florida

Associate Professor; Niehoff School of Nursing; Loyola University Chicago; Chicago, Illinois

Adult Nurse Practitioner, Division of Endrocrinology; Stanford University School of Medicine; Stanford, California

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What are the risk factors for type 2 diabetes

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Read the full fact sheet

  • Type 2 diabetes is the most common type of diabetes. While there are some risk factors that can’t be changed, being overweight and inactive increases the risk of developing type 2 diabetes.
  • People with pre-diabetes can reduce their risk of developing diabetes by increasing their physical activity, eating healthily and losing weight (if they are overweight).
  • Common symptoms of diabetes include being more thirsty than usual, passing more urine, feeling tired and lethargic, slow-healing wounds, recurring infections and blurred vision. However, many people with type 2 diabetes may not have any symptoms.
  • Early evidence shows that some people with type 2 diabetes who are overweight and recently diagnosed can reverse type 2 diabetes if they are able to achieve significant weight loss.

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What are the risk factors for type 2 diabetes

What are the risk factors for type 2 diabetes

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What are the risk factors for type 2 diabetes

What are the risk factors for type 2 diabetes

  • The long-term effects of brain injury will be different for each person and can range from mild to profound.

  • A person with alcohol related brain impairment (ARBI) might experience problems with coordination, thinking, planning and memory.

  • If a person with alcohol related brain impairment is aware of their memory limits, they can learn how to deal with them.

  • People with alcohol related brain impairment benefit when their life is organised and follows a good structure.

  • Loss of memory can be temporary or permanent, but 'amnesia' usually refers to the temporary variety.

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What is the main risk factor for type 2 diabetes?

Factors that may increase your risk of type 2 diabetes include: Weight. Being overweight or obese is a main risk. Fat distribution.

What are the risks of diabetes 2?

You need to keep an eye on your health and have regular check-ups if you have type 2 diabetes because it can lead to:.
heart disease and stroke..
loss of feeling and pain (nerve damage).
foot problems – like sores and infections..
vision loss and blindness..
miscarriage and stillbirth..
problems with your kidneys..

What are the risk factors of type 2 diabetes GCSE?

Inactivity – If you do not exercise, you have an increased risk of developing type 2 diabetes due to the risk of having high blood pressure or being overweight. Family history – If you have a parent, brother, sister or child with type 2 diabetes, you will have a two to six times higher risk of developing it.