The strokes not the same anymore lyrics

The strokes not the same anymore lyrics

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The strokes not the same anymore lyrics

level 1

This is Frank Sinatra Casablancas making love to room on fire . Haha . It’s absolutely beautiful

level 2

My exact same thoughts when I just heard it!

level 2

I though i was the only one that thought of that! Crazy how we caught onto that

level 1

Yo when he says; "Her and a boy on a Saturday night" - THAT'S WHY SUNDAYS ARE SO DEPRESSING!

level 2

· 2 yr. ago

First Impressions of Earth

level 1

Is this song about child abuse? Damn, this record is heavy. Lyrics are dark. Amazing, but dark.

level 2

· 2 yr. ago

Call It Fate, Call It Karma

Damn reading the lyrics and yeah it well be about abuse.

level 2

Thats what I thought, the mood of the song is so sad and the lyrics point in that direction."uncles house,, I forget" "I couldn't change, I was too late" I hope its not this what its true meaning is.

level 2

· 2 yr. ago · edited 2 yr. ago

It feels for me like a woman's betrayal, so that is why he says "her and a boy on a saturday night", it feels kinda personal too...

[Edit] So I was looking around that idea... Julian's parents divorced when he was young, I didn't found reasons but it could actually be his confession about that time.

level 1

If you told me Julian recorded this during FIOE I would believe you, the vocals sound EXACTLY like that era

level 1

· 2 yr. ago · edited 2 yr. ago

feel like this song is going to be one of the new "underrated" strokes songs tbh. that second&last chorus is incredibly emotional, both lyrically and the way jules delivers it - that moment is a high point on the album for me for sure.

level 1

This track feels like a classic Room on Fire era Strokes song but from the perspective of the current Strokes, if that makes any sense...

it feels like seeing an old friend that you haven't seen for almost twenty years and realizing how much you've changed, reminiscing on the past but knowing how much you've grown in the process.

level 2

· 2 yr. ago

I Wish It Was Christmas Today

The verse gives me ROF vibes while the chorus sounds Comedown Machine + ROF-y. I love it anyhow.

level 2

That was a very beautiful and accurate way to put it

level 1

The chorus feels lifted straight from a lost room on fire session.

level 2

Sounds like the pre-Chorus of "Your'e talking too much"

level 1

You'd make a better window than a door

The song overall is evoking such a feeling. Its driving me mad I can't pinpoint what it is

I need a lot of time to digest this song. I feel like there's so much there to unravel

level 2

i think it means “you’re so transparent i can see right trough you and i don’t have to wait for you to open up”

level 2

To me I take it as

I see more through (window) you than you can open up (door). Ahhhhhhh

The Strokes tend to be intricate lyricists, as in sometimes it can be challenging to ascertain exactly what’s going down in their songs. For instance on “Not the Same Anymore”, the singer references somebody’s uncle, perhaps the addressee. Moreover it seems as if he may have been trying to get a job from this individual. But the way the story reads in its entirety, especially towards the end, is that the song actually centers on romance. Or more to the point, it is about the singer’s inability to conduct himself constructively in certain romantic settings – for instance when his significant other pushes him “overboard”. 

Or stated differently, he displays something like a callous attitude in terms of him acknowledging a tendency to do “something wrong” in relationships. That is to say he understands he has such a habit. Yet at the same time being that the mistakes have already been made, it isn’t like he can go back and undo them.

So conclusively, the accepted explanation of this song is that it is actually centered on the singer’s past screw-ups in romance. He is aware, to some degree, of his shortcomings in that particular area. And the lyrics contained therein ultimately lead to that conclusion.

The strokes not the same anymore lyrics

Writing Credits

This song was written by the crew we know as The Strokes. We therefore have the following as the official credited writers of the song:

  • Casablancas
  • Valensi
  • Fraiture
  • Hammond Jr.
  • Moretti

Production Credits and Album

The track’s production work was handled by Rick Rubin. FYI, Rubin also handled all of the production work on The Strokes’ 2020 album “The New Abnormal”. And “Not the Same Anymore” is featured on it.

Release Date of “Not the Same Anymore”

This song was officially released on by Cult Records and RCA Records on the 10th of April 2020.