Stitches in my mouth are bothering me reddit

Stitches in my mouth are bothering me reddit

So I got my wisdom teeth removed on saturday and I was only able to open my mouth really good yesterday because it hurt to much to really move around. I noticed the doctor stitched my bottom gum on the right side of my face. Now he didn't tell me he even used stitches at all much less tell me that he stitched my gum to my cheek! It explains why my right cheek is still swollen and I'm pissed because I don't think this is normal to stitch my gum to my cheek and its probably why its been especially hurting on that side. Now before I go all angry to my doctor tomorrow, I was wondering is this normal? Because its bothering me the dentist didn't communicate what he did after or during the procedure and it's bothering me that my gum and cheek are stitched together because I don't want it to heal that way. I feel like my mouth feels more restricted and I can't open it as wide as before. So is it normal or should I get this fixed and complain?

Stitches in my mouth are bothering me reddit

i had 4 wisdom teeth taken out on friday. saturday night i woke up in the middle of the night with a horrible fever... i just went back to sleep. the next day(sunday) i started having some pain on the right side of my face, my jaw and ear but not the actual holes where the teeth were. im taking amoxicillin and ibuprofen but i still felt the pain so i took an oxycocet and the pain went away. i also started having a really bad taste in my mouth. today the bad taste continued and the pain on the right side of my face returned (it only goes away when i take the oxycocet) the pain is not horrible but its enough to bother me. today (4 days post surgery) i called the dentist and he said the bad taste could be the amoxicillin or some food stuck and i should rinse my mouth with salt water... which i had been doing. so when i got home i decided to rinse the holes with the syringe he had given me. as soon as i did this the stitches on one tooth came loose. im really worried about the whole thing, with the pain being pretty bad and now the stitches being loose. did i cause any problems?

I got my wisdom teeth taken out last Friday, November 4th. (I actually had five wisdom teeth instead of four). They healed well, and I don't really have any more pain in the gum; the only that that hurts is my bottom jaw due to the adjustment of my teeth.

HOWEVER. I have a lot of irritation on my right side. The left side feels fine, I can't really touch anything with my tongue. BUUUUT on the right side, I can feel two ends of something that are sticking out. From what I can see, it look like its not the black thread (no idea what to call it. Suture maybe?), but instead a cream colored thread thing. ALSO. There is a raised bump on the bottom right side of my mouth on the flesh of my cheek right by the stitches, and from what I can see while looking a mirror and shining light into my mouth, it looks like a cream colored thread is going into my cheek and flesh has healed over it. Its pretty painful and I can't open my mouth very far, and the bump in the flesh of my cheek goes pretty far. I don't have the same issue on the left side.

I only really noticed these issues about a day or two ago, because after the surgery I was pretty much just laying down and sleeping. I didn't start noticing until I came back to work and the movement started irritation.

TLDR is the cream colored thread that looks like its going into my cheek bad? Might the stitch not gotten finished, or come undone and thats why I feel the pokey loose ends? Should I try and find someone who can see me today or tomorrow, or wait until my follow up appointment on Monday?

I would've posted this in the 'dentists' subreddit, but that place looks dead.

Stitches in my mouth are bothering me reddit

level 1

Day 5 and I'm at my wits end with the stitching on my lower left side.. stabbing me near my throat and back of my tongue. LOL. I'm extra tempted to just yoink them out since I've tried to cut them and I just can't get my mouth open enough. I've already requested to have my dentist just cut the length down but trying to go to bed until then.. feeling like you have popcorn kernel shells stuck in your throat is god awful.

level 1

All I know is going on Reddit after getting my wisdoms out did nothing but monger unnecessary anxiety

level 2

Ugh ain’t this the truth lol

level 1

last one fell out while i was sleeping on day 8

level 1

my dentist took mine out after a week even though they were dissolvable. He did miss one little stitch, it didn’t dissolve until week 4

level 2

I'm like.. day 4.. 5.. one of those. I hope he can just take the ones on the left out because.. after looking at it more, it's the knot of the stitch that's being stabbed into my gag reflex area. It's AWFUL.

Is it normal for stitches in mouth to hurt?

For the first 24-48 hours, you may experience pain due to stitches. However, the pain wouldn't be very different because your mouth will be sore for 7-10 days after the surgery.

Can dental stitches irritate gums?

Since they are made of natural materials like processed collagen and some synthetic materials that your body can easily break down, they are completely safe and will not irritate your gums or other areas of your mouth. In most cases, the wound will be completely healed by the time they dissolve.

How do you know if your mouth stitches are infected?

Signs of infection include:.
oozing of pus or other fluid..
pus or blood in nasal discharge..
a new sensation, such as a scratching feeling, in the extraction hole..
bad taste in the mouth that's not removed by brushing or rinsing..

How long does it take your mouth to heal with stitches?

Most sutures will dissolve or fall out on their own within 2–7 days following surgery. Some types of sutures may take 2 weeks or more to dissolve. Your surgeon or nurse will tell you which type of suture was used during your particular procedure.