Shaquille oneal fleer 92-93 card value

Shaquille O'Neal is featured in at least 260 basketball cards in our database including this 1992 Fleer Base #298. We track this card in 4 grades including PSA 10, PSA 9, BGS 9.5 and BGS 9. The highest price we're tracking for Shaquille O'Neal's 1992 Fleer Base #298 is $499.99 and the lowest price is $19.98.

How many cards are in the 1992/93 Fleer Basketball set?

The complete 1992-93 Fleer basketball set contains 444 standard-size cards. The set was distributed in two series of 264 and 180 cards, respectively.

How much is Shaq's rookie card worth?

Estimated PSA 10 Value: $25 Look closely at the grey and blue nameplate behind Shaquille O'Neal's name and you'll see what I'm talking about. While some of Shaq's other rookie cards featured more exciting shots of him dunking the ball, this card makes it clear how imposing Shaq was under the basket.

How many Shaquille O'Neal rookie cards are there?

Collectors can find a total of seven cards that meet the standard rookie designation. However, other early cards, including some of the most valuable 1992-93 cards for Shaq, are covered, as well. These various options, including his Beam Team insert, are documented below the official rookie card guide.

How old was Shaq 94?

Per Game.