Sample letter from tenant to landlord notice to vacate

by Lesly Gregory | Updated: Feb 2, 2021

When you decide you're ready to move out of your rental home, there's a lot of preparation. Not only do you have to find a new place, pack up and finalize moving plans, but you also need to communicate your intentions to your landlord.

Sample letter from tenant to landlord notice to vacate

Standard practice is to give a 30-day notice to your landlord when you decide to move. The best way to do this is with a letter. Whether you email it, drop off a hard copy or mail it in, creating the paper trail helps protect you when you're ready to go.

Why landlords need to be in the know

It's more than a courtesy to tell your landlord that you're moving. They need this information as early as possible to get ready to rent the home to the next tenant. Having enough notice allows them to list the house while you're still living in it, lessening the gap between when you move out and someone else moves in. They may also want to start the process of finding a new tenant before you move out.

“Your landlord has the right to show the house while you're still living in it," says SFGate, but most states require they give you notice before entering the home and only come during normal business hours.

When should you give a 30-day notice to your landlord?

Giving your notice means you're spelling out your intention to leave your current home. No matter the reason why you're moving, this information is a must. You're providing your landlord with a move-out day, so they have an accurate timeline for when the house will become empty. While your lease will spell out the details for terminating your lease, it's always best to give your 30-day notice to your landlord as soon as possible.

Follow your lease

When and how you should submit your 30-day notice to your landlord is almost always included in your lease. Make sure you look there first so that you do everything correctly. You may even have to submit a 45 or 60-day notice.

In addition to when your landlord expects to get your notice, your lease may also include specifics on how to submit your letter. Do they prefer email or for you to drop off a copy? Do they want it sent as certified mail to keep everything on the up-and-up? No matter the method of submission, make sure to keep a copy for your own records.

Tips for writing a 30-day notice to your landlord

Since this is a legal document, you want to make sure your 30-day notice to your landlord has all the right information. Focus on the specifics of your move with special attention to the dates. Keep it succinct and related only to the subject of moving out. Here's what you should include:

  • The date you're submitting your notice
  • The date you're moving
  • Information on your current home — the address and the landlord's name
  • A statement declaring that you intend to leave the home
  • A straightforward statement that you're providing this letter, 30 days out, per your lease agreement
  • Your current contact information, as well as how to reach you after you move
  • A forwarding address for your security deposit refund

Don't forget to sign the letter, as well. If you're technically breaking your lease when you leave and there are extra fees involved, make sure you state in your letter that you're aware of these and when you intend to pay.

30-day notice template

Use this template to make it quick and easy to write up your 30-day notice and submit it to your landlord.

For your convenience, we've included downloadable templates: PDF | Word Doc

[Your Name]

[Full address of your current home]

[Today's Date]

Re: Official 30-day notice to vacate

Dear [Landlord's name and/or company]

This letter is to inform you of my official 30-day notice to vacate. I will move out and terminate my lease for the property located at [home's address] on [move out date].

I am aware a final inspection of the home will take place and potentially impact my security deposit. [Include any information on damages you already know are there, if any.] Please let me know if the full amount is not being returned and what deductions were made.

You can return my security deposit to my new address [forwarding address].

Should you need to reach me at any point over the move-out period or beyond, please don't hesitate to contact me via phone [phone number] or email [email address].


[Your name and signature]

What happens if you don't give a 30-day notice?

Failing to give proper notice, especially if it's part of your lease, usually leads to penalties. This can mean paying extra rent for a month or longer based on whether or not your lease automatically renews.

If you're on a month-to-month lease, fees are typically lower, but if your lease is renewed for another year, you may face real issues. Your landlord may also keep your full security deposit as an additional fee.

If you know in advance that you can't give 30-days notice, make sure to talk to your landlord. Explain the specifics of your situation and see what they say. Timing may be right that giving a shorter notice still works for them.

Moving out done right

Moving out doesn't have to create bad blood between you and your landlord. When handled correctly by giving proper notice, you'll have one less things to worry about on moving day. You'll also retain a positive referral for your next home.

The information contained in this article does not, and is not intended to, constitute legal or financial advice. Readers are encouraged to seek professional financial or legal advice as they may deem it necessary.

How do I write a letter to vacate my landlord?

This letter constitutes my official [number of days notice you agreed to give in your lease]-day notice to vacate. I will move out and terminate my lease for the property located at [rental address, including apartment number if applicable] on [move out date]. I am leaving because [relocation, rent increase, etc.]

How do I write a letter to move out?

As for what to include in a move out notice, make sure you hit on all of the essentials, which includes:.
Your name and current address (including unit number).
The current date..
The date that you plan to vacate the apartment..
Your new address..
Your contact information..

How do I write a letter to a landlord for moving out early?

It should contain the essentials, such as:.
Your name, and the landlord's name and address..
The date you're writing the letter..
Informing the landlord you're breaking your lease early..
The reason why you're breaking your lease..
The building and apartment you're vacating..
The date by which you're vacating..

How do you write a letter asking tenants to leave?

Your lease termination letter should include:.
Your name..
Name of tenants..
Today's date..
The reason for termination..
The end of lease date..
Move-out process instructions..
Copy of the move-out checklist..
A request for tenant's new address..