Rounding to significant figures worksheet with answers pdf

Before delving into our rounding to significant figures worksheets, let's shed some light on how significant figures play out in real life. Had it not been for significant figures, engineers, statisticians, and scientists would have a tough time presenting figures as easily and precisely as possible. For instance, 36,345 – the population of a state – would be far easier when it's 36,000. This is what sig-figs are at their simplest. Get the knack of how a decimal is rounded to significant digits and learn what differentiates it from decimal places with this bunch of free pdf worksheets. Play with the rules properly, include and drop zeros accordingly, and round the decimals to 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5 significant digits as directed.

These printable rounding decimals to signifcant figures worksheets is perfect for 7th grade, 8th grade, and high school students.

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Rounding to Significant Figures: Worksheets with Answers

Whether you want a homework, some cover work, or a lovely bit of extra practise, this is the place for you. And best of all they all (well, most!) come with answers.


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Mathster is a fantastic resource for creating online and paper-based assessments and homeworks. They have kindly allowed me to create 3 editable versions of each worksheet, complete with answers.

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Rounding to significant figures 1 2 3

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Rounding: significant figures Questions Solutions
Rounding: highest/lowest values Questions

Rounding to significant figures worksheet pdfs are a surefire hit with high school students and help comprehend the degree of accuracy and precision in any measurement. Begin by looking for a decimal point, and then apply the Atlantic-Pacific Rule. To round off to "so many" significant digits, count digits from the Pacific side (left to right), starting with the first non-zero digit for decimals, and then round off from there. As for whole numbers, it is from the Atlantic side (right to left). Rounding helps you decide on which numbers to drop, and the last number indicates if it has to be rounded up or rounded down. Try your hands at our free rounding to sig-digs worksheets for a head start.

Select the Measurement Units U.S. Customary Units Metric Units

Rounding to significant figures worksheet with answers pdf

Rounding to 1, 2, & 3 Significant Figures

Whether it is rounding decimals or whole numbers to 1, 2, or 3 significant digits get high school students busy watching out for decimals followed by leading, captured, or trailing zeros and counting sig-figs from the Pacific or Atlantic side and round off as specified.

  • Rounding to significant figures worksheet with answers pdf

Rounding to significant figures worksheet with answers pdf

Rounding up to 5 Significant Figures

Be better equipped with these printable rounding numbers up to 5 sig-figs worksheets. Open your bag of rules and round to the specified number of significant figures by overestimating, if the last digit is ≥ 5 or underestimating, if the last digit is < 5.

  • Rounding to significant figures worksheet with answers pdf

Rounding to significant figures worksheet with answers pdf

Rounding the Sum or Difference

We often come across values with a different number of sig-figs in calculations. Recall the rule that states the final sum or difference should contain the same number of sig-figs as the original number with the fewest significant digits and round off accordingly.

  • Rounding to significant figures worksheet with answers pdf

Rounding to significant figures worksheet with answers pdf

Simplification | Addition and Subtraction

Bring students out of their comfort zones as they perform dual operations: addition and subtraction on each numerical expression, followed by rounding the result to the least precise initial value. Get ready to handle the curveball or word problems with real-life scenarios.

  • Rounding to significant figures worksheet with answers pdf

Rounding to significant figures worksheet with answers pdf

Rounding Product or Quotient

If you are running low on practice these rounding products and quotients to appropriate sig-digs worksheet pdfs should be your pick. Multiply or divide the numbers and round to the same number of significant figures as the term in the expression with the fewest sig-figs.

  • Rounding to significant figures worksheet with answers pdf

Rounding to significant figures worksheet with answers pdf

Simplification | Multiplication and Division

Give high school learners repeated exposure in rounding to the fewest sig-figs with these printable worksheets involving multiplication and division. Carry out both operations to simplify the expression in the real-life scenarios and apply the rules to round off.

  • Rounding to significant figures worksheet with answers pdf

How do you round numbers to significant figures?

It rounds to the most important figure in the number. To round to a significant figure: look at the first non-zero digit if rounding to one significant figure. look at the digit after the first non-zero digit if rounding to two significant figures.

What is significant figures PDF?

1) ALL non-zero numbers (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9) are ALWAYS significant. 2) ALL zeroes between non-zero numbers are ALWAYS significant. 3) ALL zeroes which are SIMULTANEOUSLY to the right of the decimal point AND at the end of the number are ALWAYS significant.

How do you round something to 3 significant figures?

We round a number to three significant figures in the same way that we would round to three decimal places. We count from the first non-zero digit for three digits. We then round the last digit. We fill in any remaining places to the right of the decimal point with zeros.