Phantom of the opera red death costume

The Red Death is a fictional character first featured in Edgar Allan Poe's short story The Masque of the Red Death (also The Mask of the Red Death). A grotesque figure garbed in a blood stained robe similar to a death shroud and with a face resembling that of a corpse, it is the embodiment of the red death itself ( a fictional plague in the story) which has come to bring death to the nobles who vainly sought to escape its reach by hiding in an abbey. Various interpretations have been advanced by scholars as to how best to interpret the story with some insisting that it is a work of allegory while others contend that it something entirely different.

In The Phantom of the Opera, Erik dresses as the Red Death to the Masquerade Ball.

Red Death costumes: the good, the neutral, and the bad

THE GOOD: The replica costume has some really nice qualities. It’s a menacing figure with a skull head. The overblown doublet sleeves and padded pants makes arms and legs appear thinner than they are, underlining the idea of a skeleton. Stylistically, it’s also a foreshadowing of the style of the opera he presents: the Don Juan costumes. He pretty much echoes Piangi’s Don Juan, which is a nice hint of what’s to come. My favourite.

I’m also a huge fan of the Hungarian costume. The doublet with exposed ribs and “rotting flesh” is perfectly gruesome and embodies the whole idea of a skeleton, topped with a skull mask. And the belt! Awesome detail.

THE NEUTRAL: What’s this elegant uniform fetish? I don’t get it. The Czech costume, with long red coat and skull head, almost made it to the “the good” category. I really like the skull mask and the upper half of the coat. The similar cut-away uniform jacket of the Restaged Tour and the 2004 movie isn’t bad per se, and the movie’s Napoleon reference is cool. My issue with it is that I could never see the Phantom wear this style, and it also doesn’t appear particularly menacing. Also, the cut-away jackets raises the issue of the lower half. We usually see tight-fitting pants revealing that this is in no way a festering skeleton, it’s a muscular man. And I dislike pushing the sexiness of the actor in moments where he should be gruesome/scary/skeleton like. So I’m neutral to these. They’re well made, and not bad looking on their own. But they feel out of character and also far from the skeleton Leroux described.

THE BAD: Romania… Peter Pan? Robin Hood? A Shakespeare character? Leather? WHAT EVEN? Also, where’s death? Where’s the mask? Where’s the danger? But then there’s Poland! Pirate look! Always a winner at parties! They started plain, with a black uniform, red waistcoat and puffy shirt. But then they skipped the jacket and went all puffy shirt and vest, LIKE A TRUE PIRATE!

Phantom of the opera red death costume

(Sssssh! It’s hot! Everyone wanna be a pirate!)

(also, it looks like something that came off the rack at WalMart)

October 13th, 2006 (09:40 am)


Posted at: October 13th, 2006 10:38 am (UTC)

That's absolutely gorgeous *_*

Posted at: October 13th, 2006 11:13 am (UTC)

Very elaborate. I dig it! Looks like a LOT of work.

Posted at: October 13th, 2006 11:37 am (UTC)

Oh my Lord! That must have taken forever to make, it's sooo awesome! I need me one of those to walk downtown in!

Posted at: October 13th, 2006 11:39 am (UTC)

P.S. Please do eat Pikachu!

Posted at: October 13th, 2006 01:07 pm (UTC)

Posted by: The Amanda (

Phantom of the opera red death costume

Posted at: October 13th, 2006 12:45 pm (UTC)

Wow, it looks really good, the detail is amazing!

Posted at: October 13th, 2006 12:58 pm (UTC)

great work, girl~! congrats!!

Posted at: October 13th, 2006 01:06 pm (UTC)

Thanks! I want to see photos!

Posted by: rack wishes to subscribe to your newsletter (irish_ais)

Posted at: October 13th, 2006 01:37 pm (UTC)

That's amazing! I have one question: are you going to wear gloves with this costume? I think it would really give it a final OOMPH! Not that this isn't bleeding ASTOUNDING (and I love you for doing it this well) and one of the best Red Deaths I've ever seen. I would have never had the patience for all that embroidery!

Posted at: October 13th, 2006 01:58 pm (UTC)

In the Musical he doesn't wear Gloves with this costume. I agree that they'd look great with it though (And I didn't stick to the musical design cause, uhhh cod peice and gay ass shoes/socks are a no no)

I'm just kinda at a loss as to what kind/color of gloves would look best with it.

Posted by: rack wishes to subscribe to your newsletter (irish_ais)

Posted at: October 13th, 2006 04:06 pm (UTC)

Posted by: ♥ Jamie StarDust ♥ (hagiel)

Posted at: October 13th, 2006 02:29 pm (UTC)

that my friend is made of hot sex. Very nice very nice.

Posted at: October 13th, 2006 02:38 pm (UTC)

*bows to you* You are amazing.

Posted at: October 13th, 2006 02:47 pm (UTC)

Holy wow. That is gorgeous @.@ @.@ @.@

Thanks for the how-you-made-it part too!!!! VERY amazing.

Oh and I love the cute pictures XD Totally threw me off as I was going through them XD

Posted at: October 13th, 2006 03:27 pm (UTC)

thats AMAZING!

its all so detailed and elaborate!
you must be very very talented! well done!

Posted at: October 13th, 2006 03:47 pm (UTC)

Wow. Just fabulous!

Posted at: October 13th, 2006 03:52 pm (UTC)

That's stunning!

Posted by: The Man in Black (antieden)

Posted at: October 13th, 2006 03:53 pm (UTC)

AH. OH GOD. You = a complete and utter winner. Holy hell. Bravo. I'm stunned speechless at work. ♥!

Posted at: October 13th, 2006 04:08 pm (UTC)

That is positively amazing. I love it.