Nu shooz i can t wait sample

Whether a child of the ‘80s or not, most people know of the infectious tune “I Can’t Wait,” the 1984 hit single by Nu Shooz. The Oregan-based group has had its song sampled in popular hip-hop songs and can still be heard on radio stations three decades later, a gift the group says never ceases to amaze them.

“Did we know it would be a hit all these years later? No way,” said Nu Shooz singer Valerie Day. “It’s just a miracle. Like ‘Wow, we made this thing,’ it grew up, moved away and now it’s sending money home and taking us on trips everywhere.”

The group, fronted by Day and her husband John Smith, are scheduled to perform at the Super Freestyle Explosion on June 27 at the Citizens Business Bank Arena in Ontario along with acts from the same era like include Stevie B, Debbie Deb, Lisa Lisa, Stacey Q, Exposé and more.

“It’s been a blast to get to know these people and it’s kind of like an ‘80s therapy camp,” Day said of the concert’s lineup. “I think that each act has their own thing they do best. We’re all different from each other, yet part of this connective tissue that is freestyle.”

Freestyle is a genre of music describing a dance club style that originated in Miami that features Latin percussion, not freestyle rap like Day admittedly thought when Nu Shooz was lumped into the genre in the ‘80s. Even now, Day and Smith find it interesting to be called a freestyle group.

“Really all the freestyle I’ve ever heard is an 808 drum machine,” Smith said. “A lot of it is four on the floor. We’re not that. Nu Shooz was always a horn band; kind of a soul-based horn band. We aren’t freestyle, but it’s great in the show. It’s a nice break from this other thing. I think we’re a little more organic and less 808.”

Still, Day believes, “We do fit.”

“The show has a nice combination of different things,” Day said, adding that they’re looking forward to seeing acts like Stacey Q, a former labelmate, as well as the others.

Nu Shooz’s departure from the music industry was a rough one. After its record deal ended in the late 1980s, despite success and a Grammy nod in 1987, the group decided to not get another one.

“It wasn’t fun anymore,” Day said.

She later began teaching voice lessons.

“I dropped out of keeping track of what is current,” she said. “I went back to doing jazz and John does orchestral stuff sometimes. We just spread our wings into different genres.”

Fast forward several years to when the hip-hop artist Mann rapped over a sample of “I Can’t Wait” sample with 50 Cent for “Buzzin,’” a song released in December 2010 that had a music video that reached more than 24 million viewers on YouTube.

“‘I Can’t Wait’ has been sampled a lot of times,” Smith said. “Some of them we liked more than others. Mann and 50 Cent made a record called ‘Buzzin,’’ which I feel is the best one of all. They really made a great song. I like it as much as ours.”

Day added the song was “all over radio” in 2011, which he said felt amazing to seeing kids go crazy for.

The group recently released a Maxi Single for “I Can’t Wait” with five versions of the song on its website

Smith said he also hears the group’s sound influencing newer artists like Pharrell Williams and Daft Punk.

“That’s why it’s fun to come back,” Day said. :We had a 20- to 25-year hiatus from our style and we’re falling in love with it again. The ‘80s are better the second time around.”

Nu shooz i can t wait sample

Multiple Elements
Hip-Hop / Rap / R&B

Nu shooz i can t wait sample

Multiple Elements
Hip-Hop / Rap / R&B

Nu shooz i can t wait sample

Multiple Elements
Hip-Hop / Rap / R&B

Nu shooz i can t wait sample

Vocals / Lyrics
Hip-Hop / Rap / R&B

Nu shooz i can t wait sample

Nu shooz i can t wait sample

Multiple Elements
Hip-Hop / Rap / R&B

Nu shooz i can t wait sample

Multiple Elements
Hip-Hop / Rap / R&B

Nu shooz i can t wait sample

Multiple Elements
Hip-Hop / Rap / R&B

Nu shooz i can t wait sample

Multiple Elements
Hip-Hop / Rap / R&B

Nu shooz i can t wait sample

Multiple Elements
Hip-Hop / Rap / R&B

Nu shooz i can t wait sample

Multiple Elements
Hip-Hop / Rap / R&B

Nu shooz i can t wait sample

Multiple Elements
Hip-Hop / Rap / R&B

Nu shooz i can t wait sample

Multiple Elements
Hip-Hop / Rap / R&B

Nu shooz i can t wait sample

Hook / Riff
Electronic / Dance

Nu shooz i can t wait sample

Multiple Elements
Hip-Hop / Rap / R&B

Nu shooz i can t wait sample