Mother daughter spa day packages near me

Mother daughter spa day packages near me

“So mothers be good to your daughters too…” It’s not just a lyric from one of John Mayer’s most famous songs, “Daughters,” it’s also a major life lesson. As we get deeper into Women’s History Month, we must show appreciation for the females we love the most. Mothers, aunts, and sisters, of course… but also our daughters! Whether they’re aged 10, 20, 30, or beyond, the bond between mother and daughter is unbreakable. And you can strengthen it further this March by developing the best spa traditions to enjoy together. Maybe you’re a mother-daughter duo that prefers a good pedicure. Or you can also experiment with facials, wellness classes, steam rooms, and more! Here are a few ideas on how to make your mother-daughter spa day a beloved tradition….

Get a mother-daughter couple’s massage

Hear us out, sometimes your life partner is actually your daughter. She’s the apple of your eye that loves you unconditionally. There’s no better way to show your appreciation than with a side-by-side massage. Used by couples to build intimacy and establish traditions, a mother and daughter receiving a dual treatment will find these same benefits. There are many options to choose from — Swedish, hot stone, reflexology massages, just to name a few. With a couple’s massage, you can bond over a beautiful treatment that relaxes the body and mind. We’re avid encouragers of the monthly massage, as you may know. And these couples’ techniques are even more beautiful when done by a mother and daughter. Take dad along and show him that self-care is for men, too!

Make it a surprise (the first time!)

Moms get their celebration each year in the form of Mother’s Day, but daughters deserve to be pampered, too! Surprise her this March, which also happens to be Women’s History Month, with a Spafinder Gift Card that guarantees beautiful massages, mani-pedis and bonding with mom. (We think every daughter wants to be pleasantly surprised with pampering!) You’ll get to see the sparkle in her eye for what will hopefully be the first of many mother-daughter massage dates, which are a beautiful way to start your bonding traditions. Even if the surprise is gone going forward, you can still make every visit to the spa unique and exciting by experimenting with new treatments.

Start your mother-daughter spa traditions early

Your daughter may be too young for a massage or facial but every girl loves a sparkly manicure. Choose a spa or beauty treatment that is age appropriate. If you’re not sure, ask an expert at the spa or salon. They will be able to recommend treatments and services for any age. As your daughter grows older you can introduce her to new treatments that will enhance her wellness.

Blend old and new traditions

We fully understand that mother-daughter traditions are a privilege rather than a right, and those who already share lovely rituals with their daughters are the luckiest people ever. If you’re one of these fortunate few, why not blend traditions old and new for a day that’s sentimental and full of self-care? This can be as simple as baking muffins together as you did in childhood, before heading out for your manicure and pedicure appointment. Additionally, some high-end spas may even put on your favorite film that you can watch together while getting a shoulder massage! It’s the little things in life that we can all appreciate, like magical memories with your daughters, and you can incorporate them into your modern dates for a fusion of love and nostalgia.

Take some goodies home with you

While your spa day only lasts a few hours, you can make the relaxation and memories last much longer by bringing home a gift. Maybe your daughter was obsessed with the pumpkin treatment the spa used on her skin, which helped to exfoliate and remove blackheads better than any cleanser could. Or perhaps you found a shampoo that tames your strands and adds shine to both you and your daughter’s hairdo? This makes total sense, as you may have passed down your magnificent mane to her. We’re firm believers that memories and relaxation are the best things to take away from a spa day, but gorgeous beauty products never hurt. And you can show your daughter how much you love her by bringing home a luxurious tool for the skin, hair, or nails.

Mother daughter spa day packages near me

Stay away from your phones

You know how some friend groups collect phones at the beginning of a dinner to keep the conservation focused on each other? You can do the same with your daughter at the spa. Simply turn your phones on silent and put all the attention on your daughter, talking about everything from the old days to new experiences to the beauty of everyday life. You may not realize just how many distractions are around you each day until you’re spending time at the spa with your favorite person, enjoying a treatment that brings major relaxation. And this is a revelation that you’ll cherish for all your future traditions with your daughter!

Mother daughter spa day packages near me


About the author: Spafinder

At Spafinder, we want you to explore spa in every way. From experiential videos to special offers and beautiful photography so you can take a sneak peek before your visit. Enjoy wellness inspiration and spa insights that make keeping well easier, each and every day.

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How do I have a spa day with my daughter?

Here are 10 steps for hosting a DIY spa day for girls….
Prepare Your Salon. We lay out pink beach towels so each girl has her own “salon bed”. ... .
Select Nail Polish. ... .
Make Lemonade or Tea. ... .
Make a Homemade DIY Facial Mask. ... .
Put on Relaxing Music. ... .
Apply Face Masks. ... .
Massage Feet and Hands. ... .
Remove Face Masks with Warm Cloths..

What is included in a spa day?

The most common spa treatments are massages, manicures/pedicures and facials. However, you might also see offered such treatments as a body scrub/exfoliation, a fingers or toes file & polish (like a mini manicure or pedicure) or a scalp massage.

How do I plan my spa day for my mom?

Draw a warm bath, and put some of her favorite scented candles nearby. Maybe put on some music, and treat her to some uninterrupted alone time. You can have a face mask going at the same time and even keep a few light snacks and spa water nearby for her to enjoy.

What is amenity spa?

AMENITY SPA / RESORT SPA – As the name implies, this is an added facility for the resort goer who enjoys the concept of a spa in combination with other non-spa activities.