How to see whos not following you back on instagram

How to see whos not following you back on instagram

Want to know how to see who doesn’t follow you back on Instagram? In this post, we’ll show you a few ways to screen through your followers and see who doesn’t follow you back.

😍 If you want to see your lost followers, you can use our Instagram statistics app, free.

First, the Instagram app doesn’t tell you which accounts don’t follow you back. Instead, the app shows you the top 50 accounts you’ve most and least interacted with. Now, this doesn’t mean that the people you’ve least interacted don’t follow you back. For that, you’ll need to rely on 3rd party apps.

Here are 4 apps you can use to see who doesn’t follow you back on Instagram #

These apps are great for checking who follows and unfollows you on Instagram. They’ll screen through your followers’ lists and suggest people you should unfollow based on how frequent they interact with your posts.

1. Sharemyinsights

We allow you to see how many followers you lose everyday so you can see your total overall growth. This app is 100% safe as it uses Instagram official platform however you can't see the names of people that unfollowed you.

2. XProfile app

This app analyzes your followers and tells you which users are not following you back, but also which users have unfollowed you recently.

3. Followers & Unfollowers app

This app identifies which followers are most active, inactive (or ghosts) and people who don’t follow you back on Instagram.

4. nFollowers app

This app shows insights into your followers including who unfollowed you recently and who doesn’t follow you back.

These apps work well however if you want to get more followers insights, we would suggest using a fully featured Instagram analytics tool. This way you can learn about where your followers are from, what they like and dislike - which can be even more useful to grow your account.

You can use any of these apps to learn how to see who doesn't follow you back on Instagram however they don't use Instagram official API - so use at your own risk.

Remember: Instagram doesn’t like follow-unfollow activities or using 3rd party apps to clean your followers’ list. If you choose to unfollow accounts, make sure you don’t delete more than 50 accounts in one day or else, you could be labelled as a spammer by Instagram.

Disclaimer: We're not affiliated with these apps, and you should use with caution as they do not use the official Instagram api.

If you care about your follower count on Instagram, it can be kind of unnerving when someone unfollows you. Perhaps they unfollowed you because they haven’t seen you in a long time, or maybe it’s something else? Whatever the case, Instagram won’t alert you when you are unfollowed, so you have to take extra measures if you want to figure out who unfollowed you. Here’s how to see who unfollowed you on Instagram.

READ MORE: How to unfollow someone on Instagram

How to see who unfollowed you on Instagram

Checking a user’s Following list

By visiting a user’s Instagram profile, you can manually check to see if they follow you or not. Of course, you will need to know whether or not they ever followed you in the first place to determine if they unfollowed you.

How to see whos not following you back on instagram

Curtis Joe / Android Authority

On their profile, press the number in the top right above Following. If they follow you, your account will appear at the top of this list.

How to see whos not following you back on instagram

Curtis Joe / Android Authority

Example of someone who has not unfollowed you.

If that Instagram user is not following you—meaning they never followed you in the first place or ended up unfollowing you—then your profile will not appear in their Following list at all.

Checking your own Followers list

To check your own Followers list, go to your Instagram profile. Here, Instagram allows you to see the total number of people that follow you and all of the accounts that follow you.

How to see whos not following you back on instagram

Curtis Joe / Android Authority

Within your follower list, type the name or username of the person you think unfollowed you in the Search field at the top. If their profile appears, they still follow you; if they have unfollowed you, it will say No users found in the results.

How to see whos not following you back on instagram

Curtis Joe / Android Authority

Utilizing a third-party app

The other way to see who unfollowed you on Instagram is to use a third-party app like Followmeter. You must grant the app access to your Instagram account by logging in. After that, Followmeter will keep track of all the following activity that goes on with your account.

How to see whos not following you back on instagram

Curtis Joe / Android Authority

Open the Followmeter app (Android | iOS), then press the Unfollowers button to check who recently unfollowed you.

How to see whos not following you back on instagram

Curtis Joe / Android Authority


Instagram allows you to unfollow a maximum of two hundred accounts per day.

The best way to do this would be to mute that user. You can decide what you want to see from them for as long as you want.

How do you know who isn't following you back on Instagram?

To find out who unfollowed you, click on the first tab at the bottom left corner. Now, click on 'Unfollowers'. You can also find out who does not follow you by clicking on 'Not following you back'. To find out people that follow you, but whom you do not follow back, click on 'You are not following back'.

How do you see who unfollowed you on Instagram 2022?

To see your unfollowers, click on the lost followers tab and a list of your Instagram unfollowers will be displayed. You can dig deeper into your Instagram analytics by reviewing your “ghost followers”, track average engagement per post, check out who's posting nearby and lots more.

Does Instagram tell someone if you unfollow them?

Once you've unfollowed someone, their profile will say Follow instead of Following. People won't be notified when you unfollow them.

What happens if I don't follow back on Instagram?

Additionally because following someone on Instagram does not create a two-way link between your accounts, unfollowing them will only stop their content appearing in your feed, and will not stop them seeing content that you post. If your account is private then you can remove them as a follower.