How to open files on a chromebook

Although you may not install many applications on the Chromebook itself, you will have a need for some storage. For instance, you might want to download a file attachment from an email, or take a screen shot or capture some video footage or stills with your Chromebook camera. You not only need storage space for these files, but you also need to gain access to them.

If you want to search for files on your Windows PC, you would use Windows Explorer. If you use a Mac, you would turn to the Finder. On Chromebook, you use an app called Files. Here, learn how to navigate your Chromebook file system, how to add and use external storage, and how to set up and use Google Drive.

Open Files in Chromebook

To launch Files in your Chromebook, follow these steps:

  1. Click the App Launcher icon in the bottom-left corner of your screen.

    The App Launcher opens.

  2. Locate the app icon for Files and click it.

    Files opens in a window that is not a Chrome browser.

Search for files

If you would like to search for a specific file, you can do so by following these steps:

  1. Click the magnifying glass icon on the far right of your Files toolbar.

    A cursor appears in the Search bar.

  2. Type in the word or words that are in the name of the file you desire.

    As you type, Chrome displays all files that fit your search term.

Delete files and folders

Deleting files and folders can be accomplished with the following steps:

  1. Click the App Launcher icon in the bottom-left corner.

    The App Launcher appears.

  2. Locate the Files icon and click it.

    Files opens in a window that is not a Chrome browser.

  3. Select the file that you wish to delete by clicking or tapping the file once.

  4. Click the trash can icon located in the bottom-right corner of the Files app window.

    Once you click the trash can icon, your file is gone forever. That’s right. There is no trash, no recycle bin, and no opportunity to change your mind. Once you delete an item, it evaporates into the ether.

Make sure you really don’t need a file any longer before you delete it!

You can delete multiple files and folders: First, select them by holding down the Ctrl key and clicking the files (or tapping on the files with your touchpad). Then press the trash can icon in the lower-right of the Files app window to delete all the selected files at once.

If your files are all in a row, you can select them more easily by pressing the Shift key+click and then moving the cursor to highlight the sequential files.

Many Chromebook users have complained their devices fail to open files. For example, they can navigate to Folders but are unable to open their documents. There’s no error message on the screen. It’s just that nothing happens when they select a file. This issue often occurs when users are trying to open PDF files. If you’re experiencing similar issues, follow the troubleshooting steps below.

What to Do If Chromebook Won’t Open Files

Use a Different Folder to Open the Files

Check if you can open the problematic file from a different folder. For example, go to Folders and select Recent if you recently used the file. Alternatively, you can go to Image, Video, or Audio and check if you can open the problematic document.

If you’re trying to open an Android app file, go to My files and select Play files. Try to open your files directly from the Downloads folder.

How to open files on a chromebook

Update Your OS and Browser

Make sure you’re running the latest OS and browser version on your laptop. To manually install the latest updates, go to Settings, and click on About Chrome OS. Then click on Check for updates. Don’t forget to restart your laptop after installing the updates.

How to open files on a chromebook

If your laptop is managed by a company or school, and you can’t update it, contact your IT admin for further help.

Use Incognito Mode

Check if you can open your documents in Incognito mode. Launch Google Chrome, click on More Options, and select New Incognito Window. If the issue is gone in Incognito mode, clear your browsing cache.

Reset Chromebook Hardware

Check if resetting your Chromebook hardware solves the problem.

  1. Turn off your laptop, and wait for one minute.
  2. Then press and hold the Refresh and Power keys until your device boots up.
    How to open files on a chromebook
  3. Release the Refresh button when your device starts up.
  4. Check if you can open the problematic documents.

Save a New File Copy

If the issue persists, check if you can open the problematic file on a different computer. Save the file in the cloud and check if you can access it directly from your Chromebook. Then save a new copy of the file using a chromeOS-compatible format. If the file got corrupted, saving a new copy should fix the problem.


If you can’t open specific files on Chromebook, check if you can open them directly from the Downloads folder. Additionally, use Google Docs in Incognito mode to open the problematic files. Then, make sure to update your OS and browser and reset Chromebook hardware. If the issue persists, open the file on a different device, and save a new copy using another format.

Did you manage to fix the problem? Which of the solutions above worked for you? Let us know in the comments below.

Why cant I open my files on my Chromebook?

If you can't open specific files on Chromebook, check if you can open them directly from the Downloads folder. Additionally, use Google Docs in Incognito mode to open the problematic files. Then, make sure to update your OS and browser and reset Chromebook hardware.

How do I open a PDF file on my Chromebook?

You can view a PDF on your Chromebook in three simple steps..
Find the PDF you want to open from your Files app..
Single-click on the file to select it, then select Open at the top of the window. This will open a dropdown menu of different applications..
Choose the application you want to use to open the PDF..