How to get rid of a pot belly quick

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How to get rid of a pot belly quick
How to get rid of a pot belly quick
Have your six-pack abs been replaced by a pot belly over the years? Doing these three exercises regularly can help you tone up your tummy muscles.

3 Exercises for a Pot Belly

  1. Belly Lifts: Removing a saggy belly takes a combination of eating a healthy diet and exercise. Exercise will melt excess fat in your belly. Certain exercises combine both aerobic activity with strength and muscle training to remove a saggy belly. Get down on all fours and relax your stomach muscles as you inhale deeply. As you exhale, contract your stomach muscles and focus on drawing your belly button upward. Hold this contraction for 10 seconds, then inhale again and relax for 10 seconds before repeating. Repeat this exercise 10 times.
  2. Pelvic Tilts: This exercise targets your lower abdominal muscles. Lie down on your back with your knees bent and your feet on the floor. Contract your stomach muscles and press the small of your back into the floor. This should create a slight tilt of your hips and pelvis. Hold this tilt for 10 seconds. Repeat this exercise five times initially, working up to 10 or 20 reps.
  3. Pelvic Lifts: Pelvic lift is an exercise to strengthen the lower back, glute muscles, lower abdominal muscles, and maintain hip muscle balance. It does not require weights, although they can be placed on the stomach. Lay on your back with your knees up toward your chest and your feet off the floor. Contract your stomach muscles, pulling your knees closer to your chest and lifting your buttocks off the floor. Hold this contraction for 10 seconds before repeating. Do this exercise 10 to 20 times.

These exercises will help you build stronger abdominal muscles. However, in order to see your results, you’ll also need to get rid of the excess fat with a weight loss program that includes diet and regular exercise.

As you already know – Being confident and comfortable about your body will boost your self-esteem and the way you see yourself. And, having extra fat in your stomach, a situation that’s commonly referred to as a “pot belly” can sometimes kill your confidence, but it doesn’t have to be that way.

Are you looking for solutions to reduce your pot belly so that you’ll look smarter in your clothes? Don’t worry, you are not alone…

Just sit back, relax and in 5 minutes you’ll learn the most effective way to reduce your pot belly.​

How to get rid of a pot belly quick

A few weeks ago, I got a message from Kevin who happens to be one of the dedicated members of our exclusive Facebook community – Style Destination For Gentlemen.

Kevin wanted me to give some style tips for big/large men, specifically how he could reduce his pot belly so that his clothes will fit. I instantly gave him a few tips from my personal experience but I decided to turn his Question into an article. So here it is.

The truth is, I could relate to this issue as I was in the same boat about a year ago – I wasn’t so fat, but damn… my belly was really big. I was able to get in shape using a combination of 2 simple strategies: “Eating right” and “Exercising”.

Before you say you’ve heard it all and you don’t think you have the strength and time for exercise, please do stay me to find out the secret. But I’ll tell you for free – you don’t need excessive excessive or intense work out routines to see the results you seek.

By trying out my strategies, it took me about a month to get my first compliment [YOU LOOK GOOD, MAN!]

And then, I kept at it – another 5 months of staying faithful to my strategy, I was there! I had achieved the result which I sought after – A FLAT STOMACH but… No rock-hard six-pack abs [yet] as that wasn’t my goal —  😃.

I know a lot of men are facing a similar challenge and would want to find solutions to reduce their pot belly. As MR KOACHMAN ambassadors, please do share this article with them in hope that they will find the result they seek.


I can confidently tell you that it’s very possible to reduce your pot belly. Don’t listen to hearsay, with dedication, endurance, sacrifice and most importantly, discipline you can achieve your desired goal.

Continue reading, as this piece is strictly dedicated to all those who have been struggling with their pot belly.

How to get rid of a pot belly quick

Inspiration: Pasquele “Pat” Brocco before and after weight loss


Now that you’ve enrolled, let’s start with your Foundation Course…


Why you?

I’ll tell you why.

As you age, your metabolism is slow and this makes it harder to burn the fat in your pot belly, too.

You need to increase your activity level and reduce your consumption of certain foods as you get older, in order to burn more calories.

What are the common reasons people have a Pot belly Stomach, including me?

How to get rid of a pot belly quick

There are different reasons why different people have a pot belly. Some people have pot belly because they eat late at night and don’t exercise, have weak abdominal muscles, drink too much beer, or don’t even exercise at all.

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If you can figure out what caused your pot belly, then you can make some conscious lifestyle choices to eliminate it.

If you eat late or you bloat easily, then you may want to try and avoid certain foods and habits. And if drinking too much beer is the major cause of your pot belly, then I’d advise you to reduce your intake, drink moderately or stop drinking altogether.

There are other alcoholic drinks that you can drink (responsibly) without getting a pot belly.

Keep in mind that if you eat right and exercise regularly, you will be able to avoid getting a pot belly.

How Can I Decrease or Get Rid Of My Pot belly?

How to get rid of a pot belly quick

There are several ways to reduce your pot belly stomach. Pot belly CANNOT be cured with diet supplements or herbal drinks. One key solution to reduce pot belly is to exercise and improve your dietary habits.

It is actually easier to get a pot belly than it is to get rid of it. By eating healthy and exercising regularly, you can avoid getting a pot belly to begin with. So the big question, how do you reduce a pot belly?

While there’s no surefire way that will work overnight magic for everyone, here is the formula I used to get in shape in just 4-5 months.

  • For exercise: At least 180 mins – 240 mins workout each week for a start. I personally adopted 60 minutes each day, 4 times every week for a start. You can choose to start at 30 minutes each day, 6 times a week. Most importantly you MUST incorporate aerobic exercise and strength training.
  • For eating right: This is the part a lot of people struggle with. I avoided high-carbohydrate foods and replaced them with lots of healthy foods like non-starchy vegetables. I also completely avoided processed carbs like ice cream, white bread, pizza, as your body stores more fat around the stomach areas the more you take these. When you avoid these, your body starts to burn fat more effectively.


Here Are 7 Sure Ways To Reduce Your Pot Belly

#1. Incorporate both Aerobic and Anaerobic Exercises in your workout routine

How to get rid of a pot belly quick

Aerobic include exercises that use a lot of oxygen and large muscles over a period of time. They include cardio machines, spinning, running, swimming, walking, hiking, aerobics classes, dancing, and kickboxing. There are many other types.

Anaerobic are exercises that do not use oxygen to generate energy. Examples of anaerobic exercise include weight lifting, sprinting, and jumping; any exercise that consists of short exertion, high-intensity movement, is an anaerobic exercise.

Aerobic exercises can become anaerobic exercises if performed at a level of intensity that is too high.

Why aerobic and anaerobic exercise? The former helps you burn fat and the latter helps you build muscles, which then helps to burn fat. Sweating during exercising is very good, it will help you burn calories and fat. So start doing anaerobic and aerobic exercises to get rid of a pot belly.

See also  5 Simple and Easy Workouts to Get a Six-Pack Abs Fast

#2. Reduce Your Intake of Beer and Stop Smoking (if you’re a smoker)

How to get rid of a pot belly quick

A lot of men love to drink a lot, while this is not a bad thing, “too much of everything is not good”. Taking too much beer causes pot belly not to mention the damage that it does to your health.  

Before I like to enjoy a few bottles every now and then, but I came to the realization that beer and pot belly are two best friends. So, cut down your usual intake of beer, stop smoking (if you are a smoker) because it will help you shed those extra pounds in your stomach.

You can try a different type of poison (alcoholic drink) for a change, maybe try the famous James Bond’s signature drink. But remember, drink responsibly.

#3. Manage Portion Control 

How to get rid of a pot belly quick

It is best to eat small portions of healthy food three (3) times a day to burn more fat. 

Or you can snack on a bowl of fruit or vegetables if you feel hungry. But do this in moderation as well. Eat with smaller plates as it can help you control the portions of food you put on your plate.

#4. Drink Lots of Water and Other Healthy Fluids

How to get rid of a pot belly quick

Drinking a lot of water, fruit juice, and vegetable juice can help you burn fat faster. Water helps boost your metabolism and cleanses your body of waste. It also suppresses your appetite, so you feel full. Also, drinking more water helps your body to stop retaining water, this helps to drop extra pounds of water weight.

#5. Work On Your Stomach Muscles


How to get rid of a pot belly quick
Another solution to reducing pot belly is by keeping yourself in a good posture at all times. This will reduce the appearance of a pot belly. Always keep your stomach muscles tucked in throughout the day, you can also get a waist trainer to help you tuck it in. Try to suck your stomach inside because muscles have memory and doing this regularly will help you keep a good form. The stronger your abdominals get, the more fat you will shed, the better you will look.

#6. Reduce Consumption of Sugary and Starchy Foods

How to get rid of a pot belly quick

Reducing the number of sugary or starchy foods you consume since they increase abdominal fat. When you eat too much sugary or starchy food, it increases your blood glucose level.

It doesn’t only affect your health but all the extra sugar is stored in your fat cells. This can lead to weight gain, it is advisable to watch the amount of sugary and starchy food you consume, this includes junk food like; burgers, pizza, fries, etc. Starchy foods include; white rice, white bread, instant noodles, etc.

#7. Exercise More

How to get rid of a pot belly quick

Exercising more is one of the solutions to reduce pot belly. Sign up at a gym near you if you haven’t, make sure you exercise every day since it is a quick way to burn the extra calories. You can also try doing crunches, they are one of the solutions to reduce pot belly because they get you strong abdominal muscles and burn stomach fat quickly. 

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There are exercises specifically designed for your abdominals. Pilates is one of them, it is a full-body workout that focuses on your core throughout. 

Also Read: How Waking Up an Hour Earlier Can Improve Your Appearance


Final Thought

You clicked on this title because you were looking for solutions. Don’t feel bad about your current situation, just get ready to put in the work and in 3 to 6 months time, you can rest assured that you will be “where you wanna be”.

For a start, I urge you to stand in front of a mirror, tell yourself how confident and awesome you are. Look at yourself in the mirror and appreciate the uniqueness that makes you stand out from everyone. Take a deep breath, and take a bold step to follow these tips covered here today to get the flat tummy you desire.

I can assure you that you can do it, share with us your progress so we can join you on this amazing journey. Feel free to ask your questions below.

Until next time, continue to do well, live well and dress really well. Stay healthy, folks.

Yours in Style,

Kobi O. Mbagwu [Mr. Koachman] Founder, KOBI KOACHMAN FASHION

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How to get rid of a pot belly quick
How to get rid of a pot belly quick
How to get rid of a pot belly quick
How to get rid of a pot belly quick
How to get rid of a pot belly quick

Mr. Kobi

My name is Kobi O. Mbagwu, a professional image consultant, menswear style expert, and entrepreneur who uses fashion, style and clothing as key tools in transforming ordinary men into extraordinary classy gentlemen. My personal goal is to help gentlemen dress better, live well, do well and develop a unique personal style that matches their lifestyle and goals. I believe that success can be built through style. I believe that fashion is a tool that can be used to change people’s lives positively. I also strongly believe that if you dress well, you look good, and if you look good, you feel good and when you feel good, you worry less, and the less you worry the more you are able to stay motivated and focused on your goals pursuit and by so doing you are able to live a more fulfilling and successful life.

How can I reduce my pot belly naturally?

How to burn belly fat: 7 natural ways.
Warm water with lemon in the morning. ... .
Jeera water in the morning. ... .
Garlic in the morning. ... .
Drink plenty of water. ... .
Use coconut oil for cooking: ... .
Eat only natural sugar. ... .
Consume herbs..

How long does it take to lose pot belly?

Losing belly fat and getting a flat stomach is done through achieving a caloric deficit by eating less, exercising more, and doing that for at least 6-12 weeks. The more stubborn your belly fat is, the more strict and consistent you need to be with your diet and exercises regimen throughout that period.

How to lose a pot belly in 2 weeks?

22 effective ways to lose 2 inches of belly fat in 2 weeks.
Include tart cherries in your diet. ... .
Increase calcium intake. ... .
Include more vegetables in your diet to lose weight fast. ... .
Add some acidic foods to your meals. ... .
Include more grains in your diet. ... .
Consume more fish. ... .
Add more garlic to your food..

How do you get rid of a pot belly at home?

Here are effective ways to reduce your pot belly.
Aerobic exercise. ... .
Reduce Alcohol Drinking. ... .
Manage Portion Control. ... .
Control Your Sugar Intake. ... .
Drink Lots of Water and Other Healthy Fluids. ... .
Hit the gym every day. ... .
Crunches. ... .
White Rice, White Bread and Starchy foods..