How to get my dog qualified as a service dog

How to get my dog qualified as a service dog

At USA Service Dog Registration we are often asked how to make your dog a service dog?  A service dog by definition is a dog that helps somebody with a disability.  Service dogs can help with a number of conditions like those listed below.

Following Conditions a Service Animal May Help With

  • Guide Dog
  • Mobility Aid Dog
  • Seizure Alert Dog
  • PTSD Service Dog
  • Hearing Alert Dog
  • Diabetes Alert Dog
  • Migraine Alert Dog
  • Narcolepsy Alert Dog
  • Seizure Response Dog
  • Psychiatric Service Dog
  • Narcolepsy Response Dog

How Do I Make My Dog a Service Dog?

Once your dog is trained to assist with a disability you can register with us to be recognized in our national database, registration is free and you can Register Service Dog Here

Many individuals train their service dog’s on their own, or you can find service dog trainers at this link Service Dog Trainers . The first step is to know what the requirements and laws and access rights for service dogs. Title II and Title III of the ADA defines Service Animal as any dog that is trained perform tasks for the benefit of any person with a disability.  The disability may include physical, sensory, psychiatric, intellectual, or other emotional disability.

The American Disability Act of 1990 defines service dogs as a dog that provides a professional service to individuals with disabilities that require their support will be allowed access to public places when accompanying their handlers. This is not limited to seeing-eye dogs as commonly believed! 

Training Your Service Dog

Many handlers have trained their own service dog to assist with their personal disability. Purchasing a trained service dog or having your dog trained can cost thousands of dollars, therefore many train their own dogs. Training a service dog is time-consuming but very rewarding, it is important to put in enough time to train your future service dog. While the United States has no minimum requirement, international standards suggest approximately 120 hours over six months. During this time when training we also recommend public distraction training, many of our trainers find that stores like Home Depot and Lowe’s very accommodating when in training. It is important to have a service dog “in training” vest on your dog during this time so people know he is working.

How to get my dog qualified as a service dog

Taking care of an animal can be a great way to improve your mental health. But not every landlord allows pets. You can get around this if a mental health professional certifies that you need an emotional support animal. There are other types of service animals too—it’s important to understand what you’re trying to get, because the steps are different for each type.

Emotional support animals (ESAs)

An emotional support animal (ESA) is just what it sounds like—a pet that provides emotional support. ESAs don’t need any special training (beyond the normal training a pet needs). Dogs and cats are the most common, but any domesticated animal can be an ESA.

ESAs are covered under the Fair Housing Act. This allows people with an ESA to have their pet in their home even if there is a “no pet” policy. The law also prevents additional pet fees for ESAs. Small ESAs can also travel with you on a plane free of charge. Unlike service dogs, ESAs aren’t allowed into other public places that don’t normally allow pets.

In order to get the benefits of an ESA, you will need a “prescription” from a mental health professional. This is basically just a signed letter stating that you have a mental health condition and that your pet helps you deal with it. Some landlords and airlines will accept a letter from a medical doctor, but usually it needs to be a therapist or a psychiatrist.

Service animals (dogs only)

The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) defines service animals as dogs that are individually trained to perform tasks for the benefit of an individual with a disability. This can be a physical, sensory, psychiatric, intellectual, or other mental disability. Only dogs are legally considered service animals. Other domestic animals are covered only as emotional support animals or therapy animals.

Qualifying for a service dog is simple. Actually getting one is a bit harder. To qualify for a service animal, all you need to do is get written documentation from your healthcare provider that you have and are being treated for an emotional or psychiatric disorder or disability and require the assistance of an animal because of it. The work a dog has been trained to do must specifically relate to your condition. Training a service dog yourself can be difficult and can take years. Usually you would get a service dog from someone else who has already trained it.

Psychiatric service dogs (PSDs)

A psychiatric service dog (PSD) is a specific type of service animal trained to assist those with mental illnesses. These include post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), schizophrenia, depression, anxiety, and bipolar disorder. For example, a dog may assist someone with PTSD in doing room searches or turning on lights. Or it might help someone in a dissociative episode from wandering into danger. Providing companionship, calming anxiety, or providing a sense of safety merely by its presence are not legally considered “tasks.”

If you’re not sure whether to get an ESA or a PSD, think about what your specific needs are. Is this animal going to assist you in tasks you wouldn’t otherwise be able to do? You’ll probably need a service animal. Are they primarily going to provide companionship, non-judgmental positive regard, and affection? That sounds more like an ESA, which is much easier to get anyway.

Therapy animals

Therapy animals are used in therapeutic settings, like hospitals or nursing homes. Some examples might be a cat that lives at a treatment facility, a dog that is taken to visit people in a disaster area, or a horse used in equestrian therapy. Therapy animals provide affection and comfort to people, but they are different than PSDs or ESAs. They are screened for their ability to perform a specific type of therapy, and they are handled by professionals.

Can you take care of an animal?

Before getting any kind of pet or service animal, it is important to seriously consider the responsibilities that come along with it. Think about whether you can care for it physically, mentally, and financially. Service animals in particular are a big commitment. ESAs are a little easier since they don’t need special training, but any pet is still a commitment. If you can’t handle a dog, consider a lower-maintenance pet like a cat or a fish. If even that is too much, try starting with a plant or a stuffed animal, or another form of treatment.

What are the requirements for a service dog in Arizona?

They must be individually trained to do work or perform tasks for a person with a disability and its work must be directly related to the handler's disability. It is protected under the ADA regardless of whether they have been licensed or certified by a state or local government.

How do I make my dog a service dog in Colorado?

Identification Requirements for a Service Dog in Colorado.
Ask the owner to declare their illness or disability..
Demand documentation regarding registration or training..
Ask the owner to have the animals perform their assigned task as a demonstration..

How do I register my emotional support animal in Louisiana?

To register your emotional support animal in Louisiana, one must obtain a letter from their mental health professional. The letter must be written within the last year on appropriate letterhead and must reference a qualifying condition. Other requirements may need to be met based on the individual.

How do I register my dog as a service dog in Georgia?

Registration and Certification of Service Animals in Georgia. The truth is that you are not legally required to register or certify a service dog in Georgia or any other state in the U.S. Service dogs are protected under the ADA, Americans with Disabilities Act.