How to connect to xfinity hotspot on ps4

Hey guys,

I was hoping this could be a thread we all help each other get Remote Play functioning properly. Contrary to pre-PS4 reports, the Vita Remote Play DOES work over the internet, and not just local / Wii U style. After much work, I was able to get mine working over an Xfinity Hotspot a few miles from my apartment.

The biggest problem I had with troubleshooting is that after you make a change, you have to LEAVE your apartment to properly test (otherwise it just direct connects PS4 or uses your wifi, which doesn't properly test out Remote Play).

Now, I'm not a network techie guru, so hopefully enough people pitch in to help. But I wanted to give some helpful hints.

1) Create a static IP address for your PS4. Check your router manual for this.

2) Sony says you need to either choose "Universal Plug-and-Play" or use port forwarding to your router. Mine has a UnPnP option, but that didn't seem to work. So I had to forward ports. You need to forward them to the static IP you make for your PS4.

3) The Ports are.... TCP: 9295 UDP: 9296-9297


That link is your friend, and not terribly easy to find. Scroll to the bottom.

5) One other IMPORTANT Quirky thing I've noticed (And May only be for me): When I connected to Remote Play and LOST my signal (I walked down a hallway), I lost all ability to communicate with PS4...even after restarting PS4 Link. When I got back to my place, it seemed the PS4 was frozen. I couldn't wake it up with DS4 and had to hold Power/3 Beeps/hard off.

That part was annoying, because I was out testing multiple hotspots and thought "damn these don't work." But it turns out my PS4 was just locked up at that moment. Once I got home, put my PS4 into standby mode, and went back to those hotspots, it worked great.

6) Obviously its not perfect. The video can get pixelated, and latency might be a problem. But fundamentally, it works, and that is amazing.


Sorry this is so long, but hopefully this helps out a few of you.

There’s no denying that console and PC gaming have their advantages, but sometimes you want to take your game with you — whether it be on your smartphone, tablet, or a portable gaming device. The only problem? Gaming these days often requires being connected to the Internet.

Thankfully, there are plenty of ways to remain connected wherever you are, ensuring a great gaming experience — just like you would enjoy in your living room, with the proper connections and Internet speeds. Here are some of the best ways to stay on your game away from home.

A good data plan

If you’re gaming on your phone without WiFi, you’ll need a great cellular data plan. There are a few things to consider when looking at a data plan if you’re an avid gamer: for starters, you’ll want to consider how much data (or what strength of "internet connection", essentially) you need. If you use your data network every day, you’ll need enough data on your plan to avoid overage costs. Unlimited data plans allow you to use as much data in a month as you want. Xfinity Internet customers qualify for Xfinity Mobile cell phone service.

Hotspots for gaming

Sometimes, a basic cellular data plan on your phone simply isn’t enough, especially when it comes to connecting with devices like the Nintendo Switch.

The solution? WiFi hotspots. Hotspots are basically like WiFi on the go. There are several ways you can take advantage of a mobile hotspot for online gaming. For the best mobile hotspot for gaming, look to your Internet service provider. As an Xfinity WiFi customer, you already have access to millions of Xfinity WiFi hotspots around the country. Some hotspots are public, allowing you can connect instantly, while the private, more-secure connections will require you to log in with your Xfinity username and password. These hotspots are fast and secure, as they’re attached to a WiFi hub rather than a data plan (which could be spotty in some areas).

Another way to get connected on the go when you're online gaming (if you don't have access to a hotspot nearby) is by “tethering.” When you tether, you’re actually using your phone as a mobile hotspot, meaning that you’re using your data plan. Setting up tethering varies a little depending on what phone you’re using, but you can usually access this feature through the Settings app on your phone. After turning on tethering functionality, you can connect to your phone’s network on your devices such as Nintendo Switch, Nintendo 3DS, PlayStation Vita, or any other portable gaming device.

What’s right for me?

The solution that is best for your mobile internet access needs depends on a few different factors, including pricing options, how much data you have, which device you want to use for gaming, and which hotspots are available to you. Luckily, as an Xfinity customer, you have access to all of these different mobile WiFi hotspot plans and options, so get gaming!

Looking to amplify your mobile gaming experience? Check out the best phones for gamers.

How do I connect to Xfinity hotspot?

How to Connect.
Enable WiFi access on your device..
Download the Xfinity WiFi Hotspots app..
Sign in to the app using your Xfinity ID and password..
The app will download and install the Xfinity WiFi secure profile, allowing you to automatically connect to the secure Xfinity WiFi network..

Why won't my PS4 hook up to my hotspot?

First, turn off your hotspot and reconnect both devices. Then, if the issue is still there, try restarting both your PS4 and mobile phone. Also, try to connect your phone with other hotspot devices like laptops or desktops. This will help you learn if it's a problem with a particular hotspot device or with your PS4.