How long does ground turkey last in the freezer

If you are like me then you probably buy ground meat in bulk, portion it, and freeze it for later. Store it correctly and be sure to put a date on it because it won’t last forever. So how long can you freeze ground turkey before it goes bad?

How long does ground turkey last in the freezer

I love cooking, just not every day. I try and meal prep on the weekends which means lots of dishes! But this also gives me a chance to use up any frozen meat I may have hanging out in my freezer. And keeps me from eating out last minute and can be used in so many different ways.

This type of meat is healthier and because of its mild flavor, is perfect for a variety of delicious meals.

If you freeze anything, then you will definitely want to keep track of how long it’s been in the freezer. Like everything else, it has a shelf life. Waiting too long to use it can leads to freezer burned meat. When you freeze any ground meat such as ground chicken, ground beef, turkey, and even lamb, it is critical to do it the right way.

If your ground turkey is room temperature, then you already have to be careful. So, best practice with any raw meat means keeping it refrigerated until you plan to use it. Room temp means it has probably already been out too long.

That might be fine if you live in a super cold house and it is winter outside, but for most people, room temperature is already too warm to keep any sort of raw meats out. Keep that in mind if you are defrosting frozen turkey especially.

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How long does ground turkey last in the freezer

The shelf life of ground turkey is not long. But, properly stored fresh ground turkey will last 3-4 months! That’s good news because I like to buy in bulk. Raw ground turkey has a very short shelf life so it’s important to check the expiration date when you purchase, and use or freeze immediately. Buy the best quality available to you.

If you store raw ground turkey properly, then freezing up to two months is not a problem. By using a vacuum seal system or sturdy freezer bag, then three months is doable. It really comes down to how much air will get in.

For example, if you just wrap the ground turkey in a bit of plastic wrap or aluminum foil and toss it in, then don’t look for it to keep longer than a month.

With anything you plan to store in the freezer, always try to mark down when it went in and when to use it by. Things go missing in freezers. That helps you keep track to avoid any issues. My mom keeps a list on the front of her refrigerator with inventory and dates. She’s always so organized!

Can ground turkey go bad in the freezer?

If you place your raw turkey in a very airtight container, then you should be able to freeze it for up to two months. However, if any air gets in the container, and then air exposure, then that is not ok. The air is what causes freezer burn and causes bad ground turkey.

To store raw ground turkey for freezing:

  • Use a container with a lid that seals tightly.
  • Freezer bags with zipping lock tops work well, but try to make sure to get as much air out as possible when you close the top.
  • A vacuum sealer bag system is the best method if you have one. They remove the air that causes all the problems. With a “seal-a-meal” you can get up to 3 months of storage and is the safest way to freeze.
  • It’s a good idea to mark the date it goes in and when to use it by. Organize your freezer shelves by categories.
  • Avoid storing ground turkey in the original package it came in if the seal is broken. If its seal is unbroken, then it is ok to freeze that way. If freezing for a long time, switch it to a more sturdy option for the freezing process.

How to tell if ground turkey is bad after freezing?

Ground turkey is bad if it has any sort of strong odor or slimy texture. If you see a lot of frost formed on the frozen ground turkey then that means it is freezer burnt as well. Spoiled ground turkey is a hazard so do not eat it.

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How long does ground turkey last in the freezer

When should you throw out frozen ground turkey?

If you have any sort of questions about using your frozen ground turkey, then better safe than sorry. After the turkey thaws, then here is the best way to tell and what to watch out for. We want to avoid harmful bacteria and food poisoning if at all possible.

  • If the turkey seems slimy after you thaw it, then don’t use it.
  • When there is any sort of smell to the ground turkey, then that is also a bad sign.
  • Frozen turkey will lose the pink color of the meat, but that is ok as long as it doesn’t have the slimy texture or distinct aroma. If you can’t smell it, and is a light beige with no significant color change, it is still ok. However, if it has turned grey upon thawing then this is an obvious sign that is too old.

How long does ground turkey last in the freezer

Looking for more information on storing and cooking with ground turkey? Check out my Ground Turkey Guide for all best tips and tricks!

Ground Turkey Questions

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How long does ground turkey last in the freezer

Ground Meat Recipes To Check Out

These recipes are very flexible to use ground beef, ground turkey, or ground pork, depending on your preference.

  • Easy Ground Beef Recipes
  • Hobo Stew
  • Crockpot Chili
  • Rotel Dip
  • John Wayne Casserole Content and photographs are copyright protected. Sharing of this recipe is both encourages and appreciated. Copying and/or pasting full recipes to any social media is strictly prohibited.

How can you tell if frozen ground turkey is bad?

The best way to tell if turkey is still good is smell and texture. As points out, if the turkey has a sour odor and/or a slimy texture, it's probably not good anymore — no matter what the date on the package says.

How long until frozen ground turkey goes bad?

How long does raw ground turkey last in the freezer? Properly stored, it will maintain best quality for about 3 to 4 months, but will remain safe beyond that time. The freezer time shown is for best quality only - ground turkey that has been kept constantly frozen at 0°F will keep safe indefinitely.

Can you eat a turkey that's been frozen for 2 years?

How Long Can You Freeze Turkey? According to the Butterball Turkey Talk Line, you can keep a turkey stored in the freezer for up to two years, and it's still safe to cook.

How long is turkey meat good in the freezer?

In both cases, you'll want to store the turkey in the deepest part of the freezer. When properly stored, raw turkey pieces should stay good in the freezer for up to 9 months, while whole raw turkeys last for a year when frozen. Cooked turkey pieces last in the freezer for 4–6 months.