How does global warming affect the earth

Our climate is changing around us faster than predicted. From more frequent and extreme storms to unprecedented heatwaves, we’re feeling the impacts of human-caused global warming.

But we still have time to change course. We can avoid more dire impacts of climate change by limiting warming to 1.5° C (2.7° F) according to a recent report by the United Nations.

The world is already 1.1° C (1.9° F) hotter than it was between 1850 and 1900, the pre-industrial era. And while there’s no question that limiting warming to 1.5° C will be difficult, there’s also no question that we have the technology needed to do it—and that every tenth of a degree matters.

In 2015, 196 countries signed on to a single, sweeping plan that aims to keep global warming to well below 2° C (3.6° F)—or even 1.5° C. The unprecedented Paris Agreement builds on decades of gradual work by the international community to combat climate change and adapt to its impacts. World leaders must work together to eliminate the release of heat-trapping carbon by 2050. To do this, they will need to strengthen their commitments to cut emissions over time.

But climate change is not a problem that governments can solve alone; we need collaboration across regional governments, businesses, and communities as well. We also need to help wildlife and people cope with a rapidly warming planet.

Here’s what’s at stake if we don't limit warming:

Sea Level Rise

Sea level rise by 2100


1.5 feet


1.8 feet

Rising sea levels could impact 1 billion people by the year 2050

Coral Bleaching

Coral reefs at risk of severe degradation by 2100


Virtually all

Changes in water temperature causes algae to leave coral reefs, turning them white and making them vulnerable to disease and death—a phenomenon known as coral bleaching.

Ice-Free Arctic

Ice-free Arctic summers


At least one a century


At least one a decade

Arctic sea ice recedes every summer, but still covers millions of square miles of ocean today. But the Arctic is warming faster than anywhere else on Earth and ice-free summers could become a reality.

Heat Waves

People exposed to extreme heat waves every 5 years


1 billion


2.7 billion

Heat waves will become more frequent and severe around the world, affecting hundreds of millions—or even billions—of people if we don’t act.


Increase in flood risk



Global warming increases the risk of more frequent—and heavier—rainfall, snowfall, and other precipitation. And as that risk increases, so too does the risk of flooding.

Wildlife Habitat

Plants and animals at risk of losing more than half of their habitats


6% of insects

8% of plants

4% of vertebrates*


18% of insects

16% of plants

8% of vertebrates

As the earth continues to warm, crucial habitats may no longer be hospitable for certain animals or plants. This puts a variety of species at risk, depending on whether they can adapt or move.

*Animals with a backbone

How does global warming affect the earth

You are part of the solution. Here’s how.

Your impact on climate change primarily comes from what you eat, how you power your home and mobile devices, and how you travel from place to place. The average US citizen emits 20 tons of greenhouse gas emissions per year due primarily to these activities. (This is 10 times the emissions from the average person in India, for example.) Here are a few ideas for reducing your carbon footprint:


If you own your own house, consider getting solar panels or looking into community solar projects in your area. Also, check if your utilities offer renewable energy options (most do) and make the switch. As renewable energy prices drop, this change can have little to no effect on your bills.


Reduce the fossil fuel impact of your daily commute to work or school by riding your bike, carpooling, or using public transportation one or more days per week.


Take a hard look at household food waste in your home and commit to cutting it from its current level. Only buy what you need and eat what you buy.

Animations by Hannah P. Mode.

  • In This Story:
    • Effects of Climate Change
    • Adapting to Climate Change
    • Climate
    • Global Climate Action

What are 5 effects of global warming?

Effects of Climate Change.
Hotter temperatures. As greenhouse gas concentrations rise, so does the global surface temperature. ... .
More severe storms. ... .
Increased drought. ... .
A warming, rising ocean. ... .
Loss of species. ... .
Not enough food. ... .
More health risks. ... .
Poverty and displacement..

How will global warming affect us?

Changes in weather and climate patterns can put lives at risk. Heat is one of the most deadly weather phenomena. As ocean temperatures rise, hurricanes are getting stronger and wetter, which can cause direct and indirect deaths. Dry conditions lead to more wildfires, which bring many health risks.

How does global warming affect human and environment?

Global warming can result in many serious alterations to the environment, eventually impacting human health. It can also cause a rise in sea level, leading to the loss of coastal land, a change in precipitation patterns, increased risks of droughts and floods, and threats to biodiversity.

Does global warming affect Earth's atmosphere?

Wild Weather The atmosphere is warming. We're starting to feel the effects. A warming atmosphere affects more than just air temperatures: while heat waves and droughts are becoming more common and intense, rainstorms are also becoming more powerful, sometimes provoking dangerous floods.