How do i retrieve my contacts from my google account

If you've ever deleted a Gmail contact and only later realized what a big mistake you've made, you can relax as long as you made the change in the last 30 days. Regardless of how many contacts you add or delete, Gmail keeps a 30-day history of every contact in your address book. So if you accidentally delete one or more, all it takes are a few clicks to bring them back.

The process makes for a somewhat blunt tool. You can't restore specific contacts, but you can retrieve every deleted contact back to a specified date. However, unless you've recently gone on a deleting spree, it shouldn't be terribly difficult to find the contact or contacts you're looking for.

This tip requires that you log into your Gmail account using a web browser -- not the Gmail mobile app. Any browser, whether you access it from your phone or laptop, will do. 

How to retrieve your deleted Gmail contacts

1. Open Google Contacts in your browser.

2. Tap or click on the Settings (gear) icon in the upper right corner.

3. Tap or click Undo changes.

4. Choose the timeframe you'd like to restore from, anywhere from 10 minutes to 30 days ago, then tap or click Undo.

5. Gmail will confirm by saying, "Your contacts list will be restored back to how it was on [date you chose]. It may take some time for these changes to show up on your device."

Still have a little remorse? Here are six ways to deal with regret, frustration and spam in your Gmail inbox. While you're tinkering, ratchet up the security on your Gmail account in just four steps. Finally, here are our favorite hidden Gmail features you need to know.

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Accidentally delete some contacts that you wanted to keep? You can restore your Google contacts in case they have been accidentally deleted or altered. This wikiHow article will teach you how to restore your Google contacts on a web browser, on the app, as well as how to export and import contacts.

Things You Should Know

  • From your web browser, sign in to Google Contacts. Click Trash. Find your contact, check the box next to their name, and click Recover.
  • From your mobile, sign into the Google Contacts app. Go to > Trash. Tap the contact you want to restore and then tap Restore.
  • On Android, go to

    How do i retrieve my contacts from my google account

    > Google > Set up & restore > Restore Contacts. Tap your contact and press Restore.

  1. How do i retrieve my contacts from my google account


    Go to Google Contacts and sign in to your Google Account. Enter your Google email and password and click "Sign in". You will be taken the contacts profile of your account.

    • You can also access this page by signing into Gmail and selecting "Contacts" from the "Gmail" menu in the top left corner.
    • You only have 30 days after you originally delete the contact to recover it. After 30 days in the trash, that contact will be permanently deleted and you can't restore it.

  2. How do i retrieve my contacts from my google account


    Click Trash. It's the last option in the menu on the left side of the page next to a trash can icon.


  3. How do i retrieve my contacts from my google account


    Hover your mouse over the contact you want to recover and click to check the box when it appears. You can select one or multiple contacts this way. If you want to select all the contacts in the trashcan, select one contact, then select the drop-down arrow next to the box at the top of your screen and click All.

  4. How do i retrieve my contacts from my google account


    Click Recover. You'll see this near the top of the page next to "Delete forever." Any contacts you have selected will be removed from the trash.[1]

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  1. How do i retrieve my contacts from my google account


    Open Google Contacts on your Android, iPhone, or iPad. This app icon looks like a silhouette of a person in a blue circle.

    • You can only recover contacts from the trash if you have automatic sync turned on. You can find this setting in Settings > Google > Settings for Google apps > Google Contacts sync > Status > Automatically Sync.[2]
    • You only have 30 days after you originally delete the contact to recover it. After 30 days in the trash, that contact will be permanently deleted and you can't restore it.

  2. How do i retrieve my contacts from my google account


    Tap . It's on the left side of your screen under your name.

  3. How do i retrieve my contacts from my google account


    Tap Trash. You'll find this at the bottom of the menu next to a trash can icon.

  4. How do i retrieve my contacts from my google account


    Tap the contact you want to recover then tap Restore. This is at the bottom of your screen.

    • If you want to recover multiple contacts, press and hold the contact, then tap to select multiple entries. Finally, tap Restore at the bottom of your screen to remove them from the trash.[3]

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  1. How do i retrieve my contacts from my google account


    Open Google Contacts on your Android, iPhone, or iPad. This app icon looks like a silhouette of a person in a blue circle.

  2. How do i retrieve my contacts from my google account


    Tap . It's on the left side of your screen under your name.

  3. How do i retrieve my contacts from my google account


    Tap Settings. This option is next to a gear icon.

  4. How do i retrieve my contacts from my google account


    Tap Export. It's under the "Manage contacts" header.

    • If you have multiple Google accounts, you will need to pick which account you want to export contacts from.

  5. How do i retrieve my contacts from my google account


    Tap Export to .vcf file and Save. Once you tap these, your contacts are saved to the location that you selected.

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  1. How do i retrieve my contacts from my google account


    Open Google Contacts on your Android, iPhone, or iPad. This app icon looks like a silhouette of a person in a blue circle.

  2. How do i retrieve my contacts from my google account


    Tap . It's on the left side of your screen under your name.

  3. How do i retrieve my contacts from my google account


    Tap Settings. This option is next to a gear icon.

  4. How do i retrieve my contacts from my google account


    Tap Import and select an import location. If you saved a .vcf file previously, you'll want to select .vcf file here. If the contacts are on your SIM card, tap SIM card.

    • If you have multiple Google accounts, you'll need to pick which account you want to import to.

  5. How do i retrieve my contacts from my google account


    Follow the on-screen instructions to import the contacts. You'll either be asked to navigate to the .vcf file or select contacts on your SIM card to import.[4]

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  1. How do i retrieve my contacts from my google account


    Open Settings. You can swipe down to open the Quick settings panel and tap the gear icon from there or you can tap the gear app icon on your Home screen.

    • Since Androids have built-in Google contacts, iPhones and iPads will not be able to do this.

  2. How do i retrieve my contacts from my google account


    Tap Google. It's next to a "G" icon.

  3. How do i retrieve my contacts from my google account


    Tap Set up & restore. You'll see this at the bottom of the menu.

  4. How do i retrieve my contacts from my google account


    Tap Restore Contacts. It's usually the first option in the menu.

    • If you have multiple Google accounts, you can pick which account to restore from using the drop-down at the top of your screen.

  5. How do i retrieve my contacts from my google account


    Tap the phone with the contacts to copy. You'll see it listed under "Device backup."

    • You may need to enter your phone's PIN to password to continue.

  6. How do i retrieve my contacts from my google account


    Tap Restore. It's at the bottom of your screen and will begin the restoration process. Your phone will avoid creating duplicates of contacts and only restore items that it doesn't already have.[5]

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  1. How do i retrieve my contacts from my google account


    Open Settings. Tap the gear app icon to open Settings.

  2. How do i retrieve my contacts from my google account


    Tap Contacts. You may need to scroll down to find it.

  3. How do i retrieve my contacts from my google account


    Tap Add account. If you already have a Google account synced, tap Accounts instead.

  4. How do i retrieve my contacts from my google account


    Follow the on-screen instructions to create a Google account. If you already have an account synced, you may need to make sure "Contacts" are enabled.

  5. How do i retrieve my contacts from my google account


    Sync your Contacts. After you make sure "Contacts" are enabled, you might need to go to Account > Advanced > Use SSL.

  6. How do i retrieve my contacts from my google account


    Tap Save. Once you do this, open Google Contacts to sync your contacts.[6]

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  1. How do i retrieve my contacts from my google account


    Go to Google Contacts and sign into your Google Account. Enter your Google email and password and click "Sign in". You will be taken the contacts profile of your account.

  2. How do i retrieve my contacts from my google account


    Select the contacts you want to export. When you hover your mouse over a contact, a checkbox appears. Click it to check it, and repeat this process for as many contacts as you'd like to export. If you want to select all of your contacts, check the box to select one, then go to Selection Actions > All.

  3. How do i retrieve my contacts from my google account


    Click and select Export. This menu is located just below the search bar.

  4. How do i retrieve my contacts from my google account


    Choose an export setting. By default, "Selected contacts" is set. You can also choose to export all of your contacts.

  5. How do i retrieve my contacts from my google account


    Select the file format you want for your contacts export. Google CSV is the format for import into another Google account (this is the best choice as a Google account backup). You can also choose Outlook CSV or vCard if you use Microsoft or Apple products frequently.

  6. How do i retrieve my contacts from my google account


    Click Export. A save dialog will appear.

  7. How do i retrieve my contacts from my google account


    Choose a save location and click Save. A backup file with your current Google contacts will be saved to the selected location.

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  1. How do i retrieve my contacts from my google account


    Go to Google Contacts and sign in to your Google Account. Enter your Google email and password and click "Sign in". You will be taken the contacts profile of your account.

  2. How do i retrieve my contacts from my google account


    Click Import. This button is listed in the left sidebar and will open a window to select an import source.

  3. How do i retrieve my contacts from my google account


    Click Choose File. This will open a window to browse for the contacts file you created when you exported.

  4. How do i retrieve my contacts from my google account


    Select a contacts file and press Open. The file will appear in the import window.

  5. How do i retrieve my contacts from my google account


    Click Import. This will import the contacts from the contacts file into your Google contacts list.[7]

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  • Question

    What do I do if I try to restore my Google Contacts and it only restores a few of them?

    How do i retrieve my contacts from my google account

    This answer was written by one of our trained team of researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness.

    How do i retrieve my contacts from my google account

    wikiHow Staff Editor

    Staff Answer

    There are multiple answers for this. If you're using a phone, Contacts will only restore contacts that aren't already on your phone. That includes any that are on your SIM, so make sure those missing contacts aren't there. If you're using the browser, you can't restore contacts from the trash that have been permanently deleted, either if you're past the 30-day marker or if you've manually deleted them from the trash.

  • Question

    How do I restore my Google Contacts from two days ago? Where is the restore contacts button on the app?

    How do i retrieve my contacts from my google account

    This answer was written by one of our trained team of researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness.

    How do i retrieve my contacts from my google account

    wikiHow Staff Editor

    Staff Answer

    If you are in the Google Contacts app, tap the three-line menu, then Settings, then Restore. You can also get to this via your phone's Settings > Google > Set up & restore > Restore contacts

  • Question

    Hi the option to restore contact is not showing on my google contact menu bar?

    How do i retrieve my contacts from my google account

    This answer was written by one of our trained team of researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness.

    How do i retrieve my contacts from my google account

    wikiHow Staff Editor

    Staff Answer

    This has recently relocated since this article has been updated. Now, click the gear icon (in the upper right) and select Undo changes, then select an option from there.

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  • Keep your contacts export file in a safe place, like an external backup drive.

  • Export a contacts file regularly if you frequently update your contacts.

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  • Even using a custom period, Google only backs up contact information 30 days back. You must perform the operation within this time frame or make your own backup before it becomes permanently lost.


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Article SummaryX

1. Sign in to
2. Click Trash.
3. Hover your mouse over the contact you want to recover and click to check the box when it appears.
4. Click Recover.

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