How can you look at someones instagram without them knowing

How can you look at someones instagram without them knowing
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Do you want to be able to look at Instagram without having an account? While you won’t have access to all Instagram features, there are a few ways you can check out someone’s profile and Instagram Story if their account is public. This wikiHow article will teach you how to view someone’s Instagram without an account.

  1. How can you look at someones instagram without them knowing


    Type into your preferred web browser. On your mobile device or computer, open up your preferred web browser and type this into the address bar.

  2. How can you look at someones instagram without them knowing


    Type an Instagram username into the search bar. At the top of the website, there’s a white search bar. This is where you can type in the username of the profile that you want to view.


  3. How can you look at someones instagram without them knowing


    Tap or click on Search. This is the black button inside of the search bar.

  4. How can you look at someones instagram without them knowing


    View their Instagram Story. After the website loads, simply scroll down to view the user’s Instagram Story.

    • Keep in mind that this function is only available if the user has a public account. Also, you won’t be able to view anything if the user doesn’t currently have anything on their Story.

  5. How can you look at someones instagram without them knowing


    Click on Download (optional). If you want to download the Instagram story to your device, simply click on Download underneath the Story.

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  1. How can you look at someones instagram without them knowing


    Type into your preferred web browser. On your mobile device or computer, open up your preferred web browser and type this into the address bar.

  2. How can you look at someones instagram without them knowing


    Type an Instagram username into the search bar. This is a white search bar at the top of the website.

  3. How can you look at someones instagram without them knowing


    Tap or click on the magnifying glass icon. This is to the right of the search bar.

  4. How can you look at someones instagram without them knowing


    Tap or click on the correct profile. A list of profiles similar to the one you typed in will appear on the website. Simply click on the correct one.

    • Keep in mind that this function is only available if the user has a public account.

  5. How can you look at someones instagram without them knowing


    View their posts. Now just scroll through the user’s page to view all of their posts. If you want to see the caption or comments on a particular post, simply click on it.

  6. How can you look at someones instagram without them knowing


    Click on Download (optional). If you want to download a certain post to your device, simply click on the red Download button underneath the post.

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  • While these three methods are easy ways to view someone’s profile, you will still have relatively limited functions without an account. You may want to create an Instagram account to have more autonomy, such as viewing a private account.


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Article SummaryX

1. Find a specific Instagram username.
2. Open a web browser on your computer.
2. Type in the Instagram profile URL.
3. Scroll through their Instagram.

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