Grief retreats for bereaved parents 2023

What to Expect

Whether online or in-person, each Spark of Life Grief Retreat is characterized by acceptance of each participant no matter your loss, background, or any other factor.

The purpose of each retreat is to give hope that, although life can never be the same after loss, life can be rich, fulfilling, and meaningful again.

We CAN Live Forward after a horrific loss. We will supply each participant with materials, practical strategies, and group interactions to deal with the hurts and pain of your loss, to help you climb out of that “pit of grief.”

Once you register for your retreat, you will receive an email with further details.

Grief retreats for bereaved parents 2023

This five-session series is for those who wish to companion the bereaved or are already doing so in various capacities and want to hone their skills.
The art of supporting those who grieve life’s losses is deceptively simple, but many who support the bereaved discover a challenge of an imbalanced approach of head, heart, and persistence.

Often the best approach feels counter-intuitive, counter-intellectual, and even counter-western culture.
In this training, we explore the ‘Three-Legged Stool’, a natural and balanced approach to companioning the bereaved along with compassionate approaches to guiding the bereaved towards purposeful and intentional healing.

At the completion of this five-session training, participants will:

  • -understand grief, the grief process, and its significance to healing life’s losses
  • -understand the main components of the ‘Three-legged Stool’ approach to supporting the bereaved
  • -understand the companioning philosophy with sensitivity to serving differing ages, cultures, ethnicities, and spiritual backgrounds
  • -learn compassionate approaches to help guide the bereaved effectively through their grief
  • -learn specific methods to help the bereaved identify and overcome roadblocks to healing life’s losses
  • -learn ways to nurture and cultivate resiliency in the bereaved to enhance their capacity to endure their grief reactions and honor their unique mourning style.

The gatherings will include:

  • -presentation and educational activities
  • -small and large group interaction
  • -meditation and griever-friendly rituals
  • -opportunities to practice skills
  • -opportunities for personal integration.

Participants will receive:

  • -four grief-related books
  • -practical handouts
  • -certification of completion of 40 Continuing Education Hours (4 CEU).

Program Requirements:

  • -attendance at all five Saturday gatherings
  • -a space of 1.5 years since a significant loss (preferred)
  • -reading and intentional reflection before sessions

Saturdays, January 28, February 25, March 18, April 29, and June 24, 2023
Cost of $545 includes $65 non-refundable deposit, all five training days, four books, handouts and materials, meals, and CEUs.

Facilitated by members of the Grief Support Training Team

Registration and Application Process:
1. Complete and submit the registration form.
2. Once your registration is received, you will be emailed a biographical application form which is required to be completed and submitted for review by the training program team.
3. You will be notified regarding your acceptance into the program and mailed the assignment for the initial gathering. Once accepted, please submit the non-refundable deposit.
Registration is due by Tuesday, December 27, 2022.

Melissa Minkley, MSW, CT, is the Program Director of the Grief Training Center of Wisconsin and is a social worker with over 25 years of experience in psychosocial oncology and bereavement counseling. She is the Executive Director of Healing Hearts of Waukesha County, a program supporting children and families impacted by loss. Her personal experience of loss has given Melissa insight into the impact of grief on one’s life.

With a body-centered approach to healing and transformation, Kathy Ginn has led and taught several modalities of bodywork for over 30 years. Kathy is also a certified End of Life Care Doula, where she companions those at end of life. Kathy teaches Ethics, Inner Leadership, and the Art of Being a Healing Presence.

Cat Horzewski is involved in suicide prevention and bereavement facilitation in the Greater Milwaukee area. With over 15 years of experience serving youth and families through the nonprofit sector, she is pursuing her Masters in Thanatology through Marian University.

Daryl Powers founded The Grief Training Center of Wisconsin and is the author of The Lies Cancer Told Me: A Journey Toward Truth. He is a graduate of Marquette University and spent more than 20 years supporting nationally known companies, while building corporate teams and raising his family.