Find the dimensions of the rectangle calculator

How do you find the dimensions of a rectangle?

To find the dimensions of a rectangle:.
Rewrite the perimeter equation P = 2(a+b) in terms of one of the dimensions, like so: b = P/2−a ..
Now insert the above equation into the equation for the area (A): ... .
Solve the quadratic equation a² − (P/2)×a + A = 0 to get a ..
Find b using b = P/2−a or b = A/a ..

How do you find the dimensions of a rectangle given the area?

To sum up: to find the length of a rectangle, you need to divide its area by the known width.

How do you calculate dimensions?

Measure all three aspects--the length, width and height--of an object to get a three-dimensional measurement. Continuing the example above, the 3 foot x 4 foot rectangle is the side of a box that has a length of 5 feet, so the dimensions are expressed as 3 ft. (width) x 4 ft. (height) x 5 ft.