Can we see who views your reels on instagram

  • Why Do People Care About Video Views That Much?
    • Who Viewed Your Instagram Videos: Misconceptions
    • Who Viewed My Instagram Videos? (Step-by-Step)
  • To Conclude Who Viewed Your Videos

The relevance of the question of “how to find out who viewed my videos on Instagram” does not lose its top position among many others that try to rise.

We’re curious creatures, and we constantly look for new ways to impress and attract people. What’s the point of Instagram anyway, if we take away the chance of peacocking?

The Instagram app continues to evolve and add new features for its users. Hence, the ability to share video content has greatly expanded its range of users.

Can we see who views your reels on instagram

Why Do People Care About Video Views That Much?

People are swarming the platform; as we know, there are more than 1.5 billion monthly active users on the network. That number is huge.

If only a handful of that number were convinced to watch your videos, you’d easily get a million views; and it wouldn’t take hours for you to achieve that. You can get instant views from our website to get to the number you want on Instagram.

For each account owner, the number of video views and the audience has become incredibly significant. After all, videos bring in more engagement than regular pictures.

The best thing for Instagram users is that the app’s creators listened to numerous requests and created such an option; so, you can see how many people have viewed your video.

However, is it possible for someone to see who viewed their video?

Let’s find out.

Who Viewed Your Instagram Videos: Misconceptions

The question of “who viewed my video on Instagram” does not lose its relevancy among users. People have a constant need for knowledge about who interacted with them, who will, and profit from that relationship.

However, it’s worth noting that many apps and programs allegedly help to find out in the public domain. This is not the case, and these applications do not perform the mentioned process as they claim.

Can we see who views your reels on instagram

  • It is recommended that account holders do not use these types of applications. Otherwise, your account and personal information may get stolen.
  • The mere purpose of apps that claim to show video viewers is to make money or steal account information from a subject that interests them.

Who Viewed My Instagram Videos? (Step-by-Step)

The only legal way to track who viewed a video on Instagram is to use a handy tool in the app.


Can we see who views your reels on instagram

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Instagram distinguishes itself from other social media platforms thanks to its focus on images. The days when you just cared about changing your Insta...

However, even then, you can’t see the individuals as Instagram doesn’t allow anyone to fetch information about that subject.

Nevertheless, you can see how many people have viewed your video, if that helps.

  1. Open the Instagram app.
  2. Find the video you want to see its viewers.
  3. Right below the video, tap on the view count.
  4. In this way, you can see who viewed your Instagram video.

This option is available in the Instagram version 7.17.1 and above for all platforms.

If this option is not available to you, check for updates in Google Play (for Android) or App Store (for iPhone) and install them if there are any.

To Conclude Who Viewed Your Videos

In this article, we have answered the questions of seeing who viewed or watched your Instagram videos and is such a feature possible.

You cannot see who has watched your Instagram Reels videos. And any third-party app that tells you otherwise is lying.

In August of 2020, Instagram released their TikTok clone “Instagram Reels“. This feature allows users to create short “Reels” and release them to the public. Once a video is published, you will be able to see who liked or commented on your video. However, you will notbe able to see who viewed it.

If you look at the bottom of your Reels video, you will see that there is no option to see a list of viewers:

Can we see who views your reels on instagram

This is by design.

The reason behind this is pretty simple. Because the video will be released to the public, there is always the chance that it will rack up thousands of views. Consequently, providing a “list” of viewers may prove to be an unnecessary technical headache for Instagram.

Think about it. Such a feature would prove to be useless after a certain number of views have been reached. A user would have to scroll for quite some time just to see if someone had watched their Reels video.

You’d end up scrolling through an endless list of random strangers that you didn’t even know existed before.

This begs the question: Why would Instagram go through the bother of building server infrastructure for a feature that would become unusable after a certain number of views?

Another huge issue is privacy. When you like or comment on a Reels video, you are putting yourself out there. You are OK with the fact that the creator will see your “interaction” with their video. However, when you are just browsing videos, you might not want some stranger in Ohio to know that you just watched his stupid lip-sync video.

This brings me onto my next point.

Allowing people to see who viewed their Reels videos could cause drama.

In a previous article about screenshotting Instagram stories, I pointed out that Facebook tends to avoid features that could cause drama or friction.

If the Instagram app allowed you to see who looked at your video, then you’d potentially be able to figure out which friends viewed it and ignored it.

“OMG, she looked at my video but she didn’t even like it?!” “Dave is supposedly my friend, yet he didn’t give my last video any support.” “Is Lisa mad at me or something? She looked at my Reels video last night and ignored it.”

You get the point.

You might think that I am exaggerating about how petty or anxious people can be when it comes to social media.

However, this is sadly not the case. You’d be surprised by how certain people can become fixated on who did and who didn’t like their posts.

With Instagram Stories, things are different. Reactions to Stories are a private matter between the person who uploaded it and the person who is responding. Unlike public posts, nobody feels as if they haveto react to an Instagram story.

TikTok doesn’t allow you to see who viewed your videos.

Lastly, but not least, Instagram Reels is a clone of TikTok. If you have ever created a video on TikTok before, then you will know that the app does not let you see who viewed your videos. This begs the question: If TikTok does not provide such a feature, why would Instagram bother to do so?

Related: Can you see who viewed your Instagram page?