Bible verse about lucifer being a musician

Just so no one will accuse me of being a Baptist preacher who doesn't know anything about music, let me preface my comments by stating that I have a Bachelor's in Music Education, have been a minister of music, have been involved with music all of my life, and am still an active musician. Now to my reply:

Yes - "pipes" has to do with wind instruments, and "tabrets" refer to percussive instruments. That covers all types of musical instruments, even the electronic ones, because they mimic one or the other.

Lucifer was what we'd call the "top" angel in Heaven, to put it simply. He was created for a specific purpose: to present music. In our modern terms, he was the Director Of All Things Musical in Heaven.

Who better, then, to counterfeit God's standard for music than he?

As for worship and music - they "can" be used together, but most music people don't understand this, nor do most pastors. I learned a long time ago that most preacher's don't know anything about music, and most music men in our churches (or women, for that matter) don't know anything about the Bible.

True Worship of God, according to Philippians 3:3, is done through the indwelling Holy Spirit, and, I might mention, it does not say through music. It doesn't even say through the Word of God in this particular passage, but let me be quick to point out: the filling of the Holy Spirit is necessary in order to worship God through the indwelling Spirit, and it is not possible to be filled without confession and repentance, and that can only come as we look into the Word of God and see ourselves as God sees us, whereupon we confess, ask for cleansing, yield ourselves to His Spirit and ask to be filled, then believe that we are because HIS WORD SAYS WE ARE. Therefore, true woship can, in no way, be separated from the Word of God.

Most music people miss this. They felt something at the point of salvation - all of us do, though it is different for each person - and seek to have that feeling again (a sign of tremendous immaturity), and, not realizing that music, improperly used, can duplicate the feeling of being Spirit-filled without the actual filling itself! Thus, they equate the feeling with the filling, and wrongly believe that they are filled based on how they FEEL, rather than on the WORD OF GOD!

This is a terrible mistake, because Satan can counterfeit every aspect of salvation - except salvation itself - INCLUDING HOW WE FEEL WHEN FILLED WITH THE HOLY SPIRIT OF GOD!

And - if he can get us to accept the COUNTERFEIT, he will have very successfully inoculated us against THE REAL THING, and, friends, when THAT happens, he gets us to REJECT true, Bible-centered, Spirit-filled worship! Thus, when we go to a church that doesn't have a mirrored ball, a karaoke machine, a strobe light, and a "praise team" (I tell our people that the WHOLE CONGREGATION is supposed to be the "praise team"), he will REJECT Bible Christianity because he has been fooled into accepting the false, rather than the genuine!

This, of course, is part of Satan's overall plan - to prepare mankind for the one-world religion of the antichrist by getting them to place how one FEELS above the authority of the inspired, infallible, inerrant, Holy Word of God!

In this era of church history where the culture is changing the church instead of the church changing the culture, the really SAD thing, to me, is that this is being allowed, yea, often pushed, by PASTORS who either don't know or don't care that music is NOT a-moral, and, therefore, MUST be under the control of the Holy Spirit, rather than the flesh! In a desparate attempt to get more people in their buildings, they are making the church like the lost world, claiming that the lost will want what we SAY we have if we get down where they live and are LIKE THEM.

NONSENSE! The lost instinctively KNOW that there is something worng with them, and that they need to be CHANGED! Why do you think they tatoo themselves and have metal piercing their bodies or drink, take drugs, etc? - THEY HAVE A GOD-DESIGNED NEED TO BE CHANGED FROM WHAT THEY ARE INTO THE LIKENESS OF CHRIST! But - if we offer them nothing more than a sanitized version of the life the are ALREADY living, they will REJECT IT, by and large, because, after all, who wants to give up all the "fun stuff" if all you do to be a Christian is become a little more civilized? THE LOST NEED TO BE CHANGED, not just cleaned up on the outside when the REAL NEED is to be washed by the blood of the Lamb on the INSIDE!

Well, I've made enough enemies for one night.

Going home now.

Who was the first musician in the Bible?

Jubal (also Yuval, Yubal or Tubal; Hebrew: יוּבָל – Yūḇāl) is a Biblical figure in Genesis 4:21 of the Hebrew Bible and Old Testament. Mentioned only once, he is sometimes regarded by Christians, particularly by medieval commentators, as the 'inventor of music'.

What is Lucifer's occupation?

Lucifer Morningstar
Portrayed by
Tom Ellis
In-universe information
Archangel Ruler of Hell (formerly, returned) Healer of Hell Night club owner (formerly) Civilian police consultant (formerly) God (formerly, abdicate)
Lucifer Morningstar - › wiki › Lucifer_Morningstarnull

Who is Lucifer music?

"Lucifer" is a song written by Bob Seger featured on the album Mongrel. It reached #84 on the Pop Singles chart in 1970. ... Lucifer (Bob Seger song).

Was David a musician in the Bible?

As a youth, David distinguished himself as a musician and warrior. This gained him the attention of King Saul, for whom he played the harp and fought the Philistines. David's popularity aroused the king's jealousy. After Saul tried to kill him, David fled and became a leader of outlaws.