Best way to keep dog hair off hardwood floors

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We love our dogs! We enjoy their company and the joy they bring. In most cases, they are treated as a member of the family.

However, our beloved dogs can sometimes be a big inconvenience. They shed their hair all the time and we know that their hair always gets to most impossible places, particularly if you use hardwood floors.

Best way to keep dog hair off hardwood floors

This can be a huge problem for people who have allergy problems. A regular (and hectic, particularly if you have huskies) routine of pet grooming and floor cleaning go a long way in keeping the floors free of dog hair. Aside from this, I would be sharing some other ways to keep floors free of dog hair.

Ways to Clean Dog Hair From Hardwood Floors Include:

Reduce Shedding

This has to be the most basic way to keep your hardwood floors clean of dog hair. By keeping your dog clean, you can be sure that the amount of hair it would shed would reduce. Thus, making you have to stress less about the hair. Here are some tricks that can help you reduce the rate at which your dog sheds hair:

· Feed them with meals with lots of protein. This ensures the growth of healthy fur and less loose fur
· Regularly trim your dog’s hair to minimize loose hair and additional shedding
·Depending on the layout of your house, you can train your dog to avoid areas covered in hardwood.
·Regularly give your dog baths with proper shampoo.

Use Damp Mop for Hardwood

A damp mop is almost like a magnet for pet hair. By using this technique, you can rid your hardwood floors of a majority of dog hair shed by your pet.

Use a Vacuum Cleaner

This is an easy but time-consuming way of cleaning hardwood floor of dog hair. You can use the traditional handheld vacuum cleaners or the more stylish and convenient robovacs. To help your robovac live longer and be more effective in cleaning dog hairs, always do these:

· Brush your dogs before vacuuming
· Empty your vacuum and check the filters

While vacuuming your hardwood floors, go over the floor a few times in alternating directions, as this increases your chances of picking up more strands of hair.     

Do not underestimate the effectiveness of Microfiber dusters

This has to be one of the most effective tools for cleaning dust and hair. Just like the damp mop, it acts as a magnet for everything from dirt to dust. Most Microfiber dusters have flexible heads, so you can bend it and clean the baseboards while you clean the floor at the same time.


Humidifiers can also be utilized for the removal of dog hairs from hardwood floors as they keep loose fur from clinging to surfaces of hard floor.

Utilizing De-shedding Gloves

You can easily remove dog hair from hardwood floors using this tool to rub over the surface. It can also be used to pick up loose hair from your dog’s fur coat.

Best way to keep dog hair off hardwood floors


When you clicked the link that brought you to this page, you must have been expecting one major technique that would totally rid you of all your dog hair problems.

However, let me disappoint you by telling you that there is no “best technique for the removal of dog hair”. While the techniques may have varying levels of effectiveness, the best technique is the one that works for you. So, try a new technique today. I also recommend that you combine a few techniques for you to get more effective results. For instance, you can combine the use o a vacuum cleaner with utilizing humidifiers to get better results.

Good Luck!

Best way to keep dog hair off hardwood floors




Best way to keep dog hair off hardwood floors

Related Items:clean dog hair from hardwood floors, cleaning hardwood floors, dog hair, featured, how to clean dog hair, reduce shedding, robotic vacuums

Dogs are man’s best friend, however, that friendship does not mean that your best friend will keep your floors clean at all times. Dogs will shed all over your floors. Unfortunately, there is little you can do about it except clean up the dog hair that is lying around.

The good news is that you have several good options to use in order to get that dog hair off your floors. To find out about those good options, just continue to read our article. It has those descriptions so you and your best friend can remain friends.

Best Way to Get Dog Hair Off Hardwood Floors

Best way to keep dog hair off hardwood floors
Best way to keep dog hair off hardwood floors

Using a microfiber-covered mop is the best way to clean dog hairs off your floors. The reason it is given this honor is that as you make each stroke, the microfiber cloth creates an electrostatic charge.

That charge then attracts dog hairs and other dirt particles to the mop where they can be picked up easily. This way is the best because you are not using any electrical energy, damaging your floors with water solutions, or scratching them using a brush.

Then, you will want to use a microfiber mop that comes with a pad. The pad maximizes your cleaning effort, getting more dog hairs off the floor at one time. Watch the pad as you go.

If it gets too dirty, you will need to rinse the dirt and dog hair off before continuing your cleaning. Also, when you rinse and use the mop, make sure to get all the excess moisture off the pad.

Too much moisture will start the process that harms hardwood floors. Once you are done mopping make sure to dry the floor to get as much moisture off before it seeps into the wood or the joints.

Alternative Methods You Can Use

Best way to keep dog hair off hardwood floors
Best way to keep dog hair off hardwood floors

If you do not have a microfiber mop or mop pad, that is okay. You still have some other methods you can use. However, they may not be as good as using the microfiber option. Here are some of the alternatives.

1. Vacuum Cleaner- With the right attachment, you should be able to pick up all the dog hairs your friend left behind. The key is to use the appliance that is made to work on your hardwood flooring. Not every vacuum cleaner will do the job.

Then, when you use the hardwood floor attachment, you should not scratch your beautiful flooring. Nor will you need to worry about placing too much moisture on the floor while you work.

Best way to keep dog hair off hardwood floors
Best way to keep dog hair off hardwood floors

2. Rubber Mop– This is the same tool window washers use when cleaning your car’s windows. It only has a longer handle for easier working. The technique is just as easy as cleaning your car’s windows.

All you need to do is place the rubber on the floor and make sure there is a nice seal. Then pull back on the mop to gather up all the dog hair and other dirt. Once you have a pile of dog hair, you can vacuum it up or sweep it up into a dustpan and toss the hair into the trash can.

3. Scotch Tape- This is the toughest of all the methods you can try. When you select this option, it means you will need to get down on your hands and knees to get all the dog hair.

All you have to do is cut off a long enough piece, probably a size that will wrap around your hand once, and make sure the sticky side is facing out. Then you get down on your knees and start grabbing dog hair bit by bit. It will take a while to do this if there is a lot of dog hair to pick up.

Best way to keep dog hair off hardwood floors
Best way to keep dog hair off hardwood floors

4. Dryer Sheets– This is sort of like using a microfiber-covered mop without the handle or the mop. Just rub the dryer sheets over the spots where you see the dog’s hair. The sheets should pick up the hair fairly quickly and not let go.

It is possible to add a little moisture to the dryer sheet. The extra moisture will pick up more dog hair faster than if you used a dry one.

Some Final Words

Best way to keep dog hair off hardwood floors
Best way to keep dog hair off hardwood floors

Having a dog in the house is a positive and uplifting experience. Not only do you get a good friend, but you also get a playmate for the kids or yourself. Unfortunately, dogs do not know much about being hygienic or shedding outside.

That is why you need to pick one of the methods described above or find one on your own that will do the same job. There is a little effort involved in cleaning up dog hair but with all that your dog provides you, it is not a bad or tough job to do.

Please keep in mind that we may receive a small commissions when you click our links and make purchases. However, this does not impact our reviews and comparisons. We try our best to keep things fair and balanced, in order to help you make the best choice for you.

How can I keep my floor dog hair free?

Microfiber Mop or Duster Using a microfiber mop like a Swiffer or other mop works great for removing dog hair from hardwood floors because they'll pick up the dust and dirt and take the hair along with it. You can use a mop with disposable pads or reusable ones that you can wash between uses.

How can I stop my dogs hair from going everywhere?

There's Dog Hair Everywhere: How To Control Dog Fur For Good.
Groom Your Dog Regularly. ... .
Vacuum Daily. ... .
Clean Bedding. ... .
Sweep or Mop Floors. ... .
Don't Forget to Dust. ... .
Keep Pet Hair Removal Tools Handy. ... .
Give Your Dog Designated Sleeping Areas. ... .
Put Clean Clothing Away..

What picks up dog hair from the floor?

The best way to remove pet hair from hardwood and tile floors is using a dust mop. A dust mop has microfibers that make picking up pet hair a lot easier than the suction from a vacuum. These mops are the perfect choice for removing pet hair from hardwood and tile floors.

How do I control dog hair and dust in my house?

Minimizing Dust-Bunnies: 9 Ways to Prevent Your Home from Becoming a Furball Haven.
Provide your pets a good diet. ... .
Play with your pets outdoors. ... .
Get a good pet brush or comb. ... .
Wash your pet. ... .
Get an air purifier. ... .
Use a moist rag to dust. ... .
Shake couch cushions and pet beds outdoors. ... .
Change bed sheets weekly..