Letter introducing new teacher to parents from principal

Dear Babylon Elementary School Community,

It is an honor to introduce myself as the new principal of Babylon Elementary School and to join this extraordinary school community. I hope that this note finds you enjoying the rejuvenating days of summer and that you and your children are looking forward to beginning a wonderful school year together in September. I can assure you that I share in this school community’s commitment to caring for your children each and every day while providing them a world-class learning environment.

I arrive to Babylon as a seasoned elementary teacher and building principal, but in addition to my role as an educator, I am first and foremost a father and husband. In September, my daughter Scarlett begins third grade, my daughter Quinn begins second grade, and my son Ashe joins his big sisters for the first time as a Kindergartener in the Three Village School District. My three-year old son, Graham, will be in “Mommy School” learning the important lessons of life from the best teacher I have ever met, my wife Danielle. I look forward to introducing my family to the many wonderful people that call Babylon “home” in the near future.

The 2016-2017 school year will mark my 16th year in education. Since graduating from the University of Notre Dame, I have served communities in under-resourced schools in Mississippi, in a resource-rich educational center in Rockefeller Center, New York, in a Blue Ribbon school located in the Research Triangle of North Carolina, and as a tenured principal at the elementary and secondary level here on Long Island. Although I have always felt at home in the classroom, it is in my position as an elementary principal where I have been most fulfilled in my life’s work. The elementary principalship provides me the chance to work collaboratively with teachers on a daily basis, while also remaining connected to young students learning and growing in the classroom. I firmly believe that every child can excel and that the partnership between home and school builds confidence in students to use their powers to shape their future and the future of our community and our nation.

My conversations with district staff and families over the last few months have brought me privileged insights into the core beliefs and values that underlie the Babylon School District. With my goal of continuing the tradition of excellence here at Babylon Elementary School, I am committed to always exploring new ways to meet the needs of all students and to more effectively communicate with parents and community members. We will be meeting with parents, students, and as a staff throughout the year to identify specific goals in the areas of student achievement, school climate, and parent communication. Our first Meet and Greet opportunity will take place on July 20th, from 10-11 a.m. at Babylon Elementary School. We will serve light refreshments, juice, and coffee. Please feel free to stop by on your way to the beach, during your work break, or after your morning workout to join the conversation.

To our students, I cannot wait to meet you all! I hope that you are excited for this coming school year and that you are out this summer playing and reading tons of books with your family and friends. It is going to be a fun year learning together. If you are nearby the school at all this summer, please stop by and say hello!

In closing, please know that my door is always open to you. I heartily welcome your conversation and positive input throughout this year. Let us always keep our students the primary focus of our work. I look forward to celebrating our collective successes during the 2016-2017 school year.

Enjoy the remaining days of summer!


Mr. Travis Davey
Babylon Elementary School

The first contact that you make with the student’s parents is through the teacher introduction letter. If you have not written this kind of letter before then, there is sample mentioned below to help you out. When a new school year begins, you will hardly find any time to meet every student’s parent. Thus, to make things simple, the teacher introduction letter is written. There is no need for you to wait for the school to open to introduce yourself to them. This letter can be written before the school re-opening.

This kind of letter will be divided into three parts introduction, body and conclusion. Begin the letter by addressing the parents and then introducing yourself. You need to include your name, past teaching experience, and qualification. If you are a veteran teacher, then limit your work profile to 2 schools to the maximum. Also, include your background details. The next paragraph should focus on the teaching philosophy. Make certain that you do not use the technical language as your audience may not be able to understand what you mean to say completely. Do not just mention everything about yourself but focus on the teaching philosophy more because parents are more concerned about that.

Tips For Writing the teacher introduction letter

  • Be particular in writing what the classroom will entail.
  • Mention throughout that the letter that the parents need to get involved with the child’s studies as it will help the child grow.
  • Mention your contact number as well as email address.
  • Also, include the preferred hours to contact on the phone number.

Use our free school transfer letter template to help you get started.  If you need additional help or more examples, check out some of the sample letters below.





(Date) ___________





Sub: Teacher Introduction

Dear Families,

As the new year at school is going to start in a couple of days, I would like to introduce myself to you all. My name is Sarah Danes, and I will be the teacher in the school for your child. I am pleased to have got an opportunity to teach your bright child. I assure you to do my job proficiently and effectively.

(Mention your past work experiences)

(Mention your classroom philosophy)

(Mention your goals)

(Mention the importance of parents’ involvement in their curricular)

You can contact me on *********** or email me if you have any doubts or questions on . I would request you to contact me from 5 pm to 9 pm. Also, I would be grateful if you could meet me in school for studies related doubts. If there is anything else related to the child’s future, I am available on the phone from 5 pm to 9 pm.

Hope to see you soon at the parent’s teachers meet on DD/MM/YYYY.

Yours Sincerely,

Sarah Danes

Sample Letter

The following is an example of a sample letter of teacher introduction letter.


Sarah Danes

Springdale’s school

New Delhi



The parents

Dear families,

My name is Sarah Danes, and I am the teacher in grade 1. I am happy to welcome you and your child to my class this year. I am extremely pleased to teach the bright students. I graduated from the University of Texas with a major in Literature and English. I had been teaching the students of the nursery in Moon and Flower University for the past two years. I have a blog of my own and love reading books. I completely agree with the fact that reading helps you grow and I will try my best to inculcate this good habit in your child as well.

I am looking forward to meeting all of you with your children so that we can all work together and grow your child. It is imperative for you to attend all the parents’ seminars and meetings so that you know how your child is performing. Also, I do not only focus on academics but other activities and making your child a good human being, because that’s what ultimately matters. For all this, I will need your help, and I am sure to get it.

In case you would like to discuss your child’s performance, or if he or she has any problems in the classroom, then you can call me at********** or email me on . In case you would like to meet in person, I would highly appreciate you fixing the meeting at least a day in prior.

Yours Sincerely,

Sarah Danes

Email Format

Communication through e-mail makes the teacher-parent interaction easier.



Subject: Teacher Introduction

Dear Families,

My name is Sarah Danes, and your child has enrolled in my class this year. I am delighted to teach the bright students. I graduated from the University of Texas with a major in Literature and English. I had been teaching the students of the nursery in Moon and Flower University for the past two years. I have a blog of my own and love reading books. I completely agree with the fact that reading helps you grow and I will try my best to teach this good habit in your child as well.

Your child must have bought home the syllabus of the year, and I would suggest you go through before the school re-opens so that you know what the year has in store. The syllabus does include not only the academics but also the activities. 

We focus on making your child a good person and will provide them with whatever required. I would highly appreciate if we get your involvement as well. A child learns things at home and in school. If we work together, then the child will shine brightly.

You can contact me on *********** or email me if you have any doubts or questions on . I would request you to contact me from 5 pm to 9 pm. Also, I would be grateful if you could meet me in school for studies related doubts. If there is anything else related to the child’s future, I am available on the phone from 5 pm to 9 pm.

Hope to see you soon at the parent’s teachers meet on DD/MM/YYYY.

Yours Sincerely,

Sarah Danes

How to write a teacher introduction letter to parents?

You can use the intro letter to parents from teacher template, example and format that has been shared below to create your own teacher introduction email to parents. I am thankful to you for allowing me to work with your child for this academic year. My name is Ana Smith and I will be teaching your child Science this year.

How do you write a welcome letter to a new principal?

Thank you for your continued support. As a principal, you serve the role of educator and leader. You are also an essential source of information for the parents at your school. This is why it is crucial for you to draft a detailed welcome letter from the principal every time schools reopen. Keep your letter factual and professional.

Is it a principal’s duty to draft a letter to parents?

As a school principal, it is your duty to draft this letter. The parents at your school will be looking to you for an accurate, informational, and up to date message. They will also appreciate a warm welcome to play their role in the success of the term.

When to write a letter to introduce yourself to a new school?

There is no need for you to wait for the school to open to introduce yourself to them. This letter can be written before the school re-opening. This kind of letter will be divided into three parts introduction, body and conclusion.

How do I write an introduction letter to my parents as a new teacher?

How to write a letter of introduction as a teacher.
Address the parents. ... .
Introduce yourself right away. ... .
Write an attention-grabbing subject line. ... .
Include your teaching experience and education. ... .
Focus on your teaching philosophy. ... .
Invite parents and guardians to be active participants. ... .
Share your contact information..

How do you introduce a new teacher to a new class?

An informative introduction does not have to take more than 30 seconds. In this time, give your name first and tell students what they should address you as. Give your students a little glimpse into your personality by sharing a couple of details about yourself, like your hobbies, favorite sports or other interests.


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