How to write a personal recommendation letter for a friend

A Personal Reference Letter is a written endorsement by a friend or family member of an applicant who is applying to fill a position or rent a property. 

The person you could be writing a Personal Reference Letter for could be applying to:

  • Become a tenant

  • Fill a job position

  • Work in a community position 

  • Join a club or organization

Personal Reference Letters are usually written by someone who has known the person being recommended for at least five years, and they outline what makes this person qualified and deserving of the vacancy they are applying for. 

Use our Personal Reference Letter template to make recommending someone close to you a stress-free process. 

Examples of Personal Recommendation Letters

If you need to write a Personal Letter of Recommendation, it’s because you have a close relationship with the person who needs the reference. 

Examples of the type of person asked to write a letter include: 

  • Friend

  • Family Member

  • Coach

  • Neighbor

  • Teacher 

If you have a long-lasting relationship with the applicant, you can provide a great endorsement to help them during the application process. 

Below, you can find an example of a Personal Recommendation Letter for a friend, and one for a family member.

By reviewing these examples, you’ll have a better idea of how to structure your letter

Friend Personal Reference Letter Example

If a friend of yours asks you to write a Personal Reference Letter, it’s essential to know what to include and how to structure it

Have a look at the example below to understand how to write a Personal Reference Letter for a friend.

[Friend’s name]

[Friend’s address]


[Recipient’s name]

[Recipient’s address]

To whom it may concern,

I am writing to recommend [friend’s name] for the position of [job position]. I have known [friend’s name] since [year], and I have always been impressed with [his/her] professionalism, dedication, and positive attitude

[He/she] has been a dedicated member of the community and has shown herself to be an important asset to any team she is on.

[He/She] has always been dedicated to serving our community, especially through their work with [community organization].

During [his/her time there, she was able to bring in new members and increase attendance at events by nearly 50%. 

She is a great leader who can motivate others through her enthusiasm and kindness.

[Friend’s name] would be an excellent addition to your team! Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or concerns regarding this recommendation letter.

Kind regards, 

[Your name]

Example of a Personal Letter of Recommendation for a Family Member

As a family member, you may be asked to promote a relative to fill a vacancy. Review the following example to better understand how to create your document. 

[Family member’s name]

[Family member’s address]


[Recipient’s name]

[Recipient’s address]

To whom it may concern,

I am writing to recommend [name of family member]. I have known [name of family member] since [he/she] was a child, and have seen him grow and mature into a leader and an asset to our community.

[Name of family member] has always been driven by a desire to help others. [He/She] has volunteered with several community groups over the years. He has also worked as a tutor at school to help other students learn English. 

He is a natural leader who wants to see his friends succeed, so he often takes on leadership roles in clubs and teams that he participates in.

In addition, [name of family member] has been working at [company name] for the past 2 years. The company's management team has been impressed with his work ethic and dedication.

[His/her] supervisor says that “[name of family member] works hard every day and never misses a deadline.” The supervisor also mentioned that “[his/her] attention to detail is second to none.”

I hope that you will consider this reference letter when making your decision about whether you want [name of family member] on your team. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or concerns about him as an employee or tenant; I would be happy to provide further insight. 

Kind Regards,

[Your name]

When are Personal Reference Letters Used

Personal Reference Letters are most frequently used when a detailed description of someone’s personality is needed or could be useful. 

It’s often required when someone is applying to fill a vacancy, such as for a job position. It could also be for someone trying to enter an organization or get into college. 

Here are certain situations when a Personal Recommendation Letter may be required: 

  • Adopting a child: In many cases, an adoption agency will ask an adopting parent or parents to provide a Personal Reference Letter. Submitting a letter gives the agency a better idea of whether the applicants will be fit parents.

  • Property rental: A Personal Letter of Reference for an apartment or other type of property can provide insight into an applicant’s tenancy history. If they paid rent on time could be included and help with their rental application.

  • Scholarships: A Recommendation Letter may be required along with the scholarship application. Sending a letter can explain why the applicant deserves the scholarship. 

  • Adopting a pet: Some pet adoption organizations request a Recommendation Letter to establish that the applicant will be a trustworthy pet owner. 

A letter can be sent with an application whether it is required or not. If it is well-written, it will likely help the candidate secure what they are applying for. 

How to Write a Personal Recommendation Letter

To write an effective Personal Recommendation Letter, it is essential to know how to format your document correctly

The letter’s length could vary depending on what type of application it is going to accompany. However, it should not be too lengthy. Two pages should be the limit for a Recommendation Letter. 

Follow the format below to create a well-written Personal Letter of Recommendation. 

  1. Introduction: Write a salutation and explain your relationship with the applicant. It should also state who you are and how long you’ve known the applicant. 

  2. Body: The body paragraph or paragraphs could be longer or shorter, depending on how well you know the applicant. This part explains the applicant’s skills, experience, and accomplishments. Also, how they would be a great fit for whatever the position or responsibility is. 

  3. Conclusion: The ending of the letter gives a summary of why you are recommending the applicant. Include a way the recipient can contact you if they would like, and use a formal farewell. 

Writing a letter like this makes it easy for the recipient to understand the applicant’s qualifications.

Use LawDistrict’s Personal Letter of Recommendation template to make the writing process stress-free.

What to Include in a Personal Letter of Recommendation

It is always essential to include the correct details in your Personal Reference Letter. Leaving out unnecessary information will also be critical. 

Depending on what your friend or family member is applying for you may wish to include any of the following

  • Soft or hard skills

  • Accomplishments

  • Grades

  • Work experience

  • Charity experience 

  • Personality traits

  • Rental history

Remember to also add how you know them and how they’ve been a good friend, neighbor, student, etc. 

You should also avoid adding irrelevant information

For example, if the letter accompanies a job application, you do not need to add much information about how the applicant maintains their property. 

How to Ask for a Personal Reference Letter

If you need a Personal Reference Letter, ensure you select the correct person to make the letter. 

You can do several things to make the process simple for everyone involved.

  1. Create a letter yourself: Before asking someone to write the letter, you can create a letter yourself. You can give it to the person to use as a reference. Use our expert-written template to make the job easier. 

  2. Choose the right person: Depending on what you are applying for, you should select the person who knows the most relevant information. If you are applying for a job position, you can ask a former co-worker or a friend that knows your qualifications. 

  3. Politely ask the person: You may select a close family member or friend to write your letter, however, it’s always a good idea to make a formal request. 

By asking the person in this manner, you make it easier for them to say yes and receive a well-written letter.

Personal Reference Letter Sample

To further assist you in writing your Personal Reference Letter, we have included a sample for you to review.

FAQs About Personal Recommendation Letter

To answer any questions you may still have about creating a Personal Recommendation Letter, we have answered the most commonly asked questions on the subject.

Who Should a Personal Letter of Recommendation Be from?

When you select someone to write a Letter of Recommendation, always choose someone that knows you well and can attest to your capabilities. 

They should know about your skills and personal qualities concerning what you are applying for. 

For instance, if you are applying for a scholarship, it would be ideal to ask a former teacher. If you are submitting a rental application, it’s best to ask a former or current landlord. 

How to get a Personal Reference Letter?

To receive a Personal Reference Letter, you can create one from scratch, although this is not ideal. You could also pay someone to write one on your behalf. 

The best way to get a Personal Reference Letter is by using a template that makes the writing process simple and stress-free. 

Use LawDistrict’s Personal Reference Letter template to easily create your document.

How do you write a personal reference for someone?

If you agree to provide a reference, follow these tips:.
Keep the information factual. Avoid opinions about issues such as personal conflicts. ... .
Qualify what you say. ... .
Make your praise specific. ... .
Refer to specific tasks or projects. ... .
Avoid examples that highlight a candidate's weaknesses..

How do you write a personal reference letter for a friend in a coop?

In general, the letter should begin by explaining how the person met you and explicitly state how long they've known you. The person should continue by telling personal stories or giving specific information and facts that speak to your good character (i.e., honesty, trustworthiness, etc.).

How do I write a simple letter of recommendation?

How do I write a personal recommendation letter?.
Always start with the date..
State who you are recommending and what you are recommending them for..
Describe how long you know the person and in what capacity..
State their best qualities..
Give details about the person's character, morals, and values..


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