How often do i change air filter in car

Good question! When replacing your car’s air filter, you should check your owner’s manual for recommended change times. Different cars may have different needs, but the general rule is that you should swap out your air filter every 12,000 to 15,000 miles.

However, it’s important to clarify that your car actually has two air filters. They both serve distinct purposes and should be changed periodically for the sake of health, safety, and driving performance.

Cabin air filters collect pollen and dust that might come inside through the air conditioning, heating, or ventilation systems. Your problem is likely related to the cabin air filter. Changing this filter is especially important if you live in an area with poor air quality.

Engine air filters stop particles of dust and dirt from getting into your engine. It’s hard to make a universal rule for changing your engine filter because the recommended time varies from car to car. However, it may be a good idea to get your filter checked if you’ve driven more than 30,000 miles without changing it. Clogged engine filters can lead to decreased mileage, lower acceleration, and higher emissions.

Alternatively, clogged cabin filters could damage your air conditioning system. Failure to replace air filters can be pricey and rarely covered by insurance. However, policy add-ons like mechanical breakdown insurance (MBI) may provide coverage, depending on your provider’s definition of wear and tear.

If MBI sounds like a must-have, try calling your insurance provider and asking if they offer it. Make sure to ask about its range of coverage and any exclusions before making a final decision.

If you can’t find what you need at your current provider, check out the Jerry app. We’ll get you customized quotes from top insurers in seconds, so that all you need to do is pick the plan that works best for you. And once you pick one, we’ll even help you switch!

Best of luck with getting that air filter taken care of!

1. Increased fuel efficiency

Replacing a clogged air filter can increase fuel efficiency and improve acceleration, depending on your car make and model. When you realise that, it makes sense to regularly replace your air filters.

How can an air filter make so much difference? A dirty or damaged air filter limits the amount of air flowing into your car’s engine, making it work harder and, therefore, using more fuel. As your engine needs more than 10,000 litres of oxygen to burn every litre of fuel, it’s important not to restrict this air flow.

2. Reduced emissions

Dirty or damaged air filters reduce the air flow to the engine, changing your car’s air-fuel balance. This imbalance can pollute spark plugs, causing the engine to miss or rough idle; increase engine depositions; and cause the ‘Service Engine’ light to turn on. More importantly, the imbalance also has a direct impact on your car’s exhaust emissions, contributing to the pollution of your surrounding environment.

3. Prolongs engine life

A particle as small as a grain of salt can get through a damaged air filter and do a lot of damage to internal engine parts, such as cylinders and pistons, which can be very expensive to repair. That’s why regularly replacing your air filter is so important. A clean air filter is designed to capture dirt and debris from the outside air, preventing them from reaching the combustion chamber and reducing the likelihood of you receiving a large repair bill.

A dirty filter lets polluting and allergen particles, dust, sand, and other debris, into the motor and car. Over time, they can result in motor damage and health complications. That’s why you need to change air filters when necessary.

How often to change (or wash) your air filters in your car depends on multiple factors.

The distance traveled, your vehicle’s specifications, and the environmental conditions in which you drive all play a role in your filters’ durability. Besides mileage, we’ll share several tips indicating when it’s time to replace the filter.

What Are Car Air Filters For?

A car typically comes with two air filters — one for the engine and one for the cabin.

The screens are made of breathable material, such as paper, cotton, or foam. Their primary role is to trap sand, pollution, dust, pollen, and even mold before they reach you or the engine.

Engine Filters

The air quality entering the motor plays a crucial role in your engine’s performance. Without screens, these particles would find their way in, damaging the engine’s cylinder walls and pistons (1).

Cabin Filters

Whether inside your home or driving your car, air pollution can lead to cardiovascular and respiratory disease (2). To put it bluntly, it kills millions of people yearly.

High-efficiency cabin air filters — such as HEPA filters — are useful in this area. They can capture 99.97 percent or more of all particles 0.3-microns or larger, significantly protecting drivers’ health (3).

Although there is no set and universal schedule, here are some useful guidelines.

Driving Frequency

How often you change your car’s air filter depends on how frequently you drive. Generally speaking, you should replace it every 30,000 miles.

The brittle material can tear over time and let debris in. Regardless of miles, however, you should change the screen every three years.

Your Vehicle’s Model

Every manufacturer may have a different recommendation when it comes to filter maintenance. Check your vehicle’s manual.

For instance, Chevrolet recommends filter maintenance every 45,000 miles. On the other hand, Ford advises changing one every 30,000 miles (4).

Driving Conditions

Certain factors will increase the frequency of filter changes. Hyundai suggests changing it every 15,000 miles when driving on unpaved roads, in hot weather, or in high traffic conditions. Driving in a highly polluted environment also falls into this category.

Clues to Look Out For

If you haven’t kept track of your driving distance, here are some other helpful tips.

1. Lack of Power

A clogged filter can cause ignition issues, and your vehicle may take some time to start.

You won’t burn more gas, but a dirty filter can affect acceleration power. A clean filter can improve acceleration time by six to 11 percent (5). So if you feel that your car is slow to gain momentum, this could be a sign your screen needs changing.

Remember that decreased power happens gradually; you may not notice it immediately.

2. Visual Inspection

If you notice any other color but white or grey on the screen, it’s a clear sign it needs to be replaced.

Most car owners change the engine oil every 3,000 to 15,000 miles, depending on the vehicle’s make. Whether done professionally or on your own, it’s usually a good idea to check all filters simultaneously.

3. Black Smoke

To work smoothly, a motor needs about 14.7 pounds of air to fuel one pound of gas (6). If the vehicle doesn’t have enough air, the fuel will create a dark residue, leading your exhaust to deliver a thick black smoke (7).

This is a sign that your engine is receiving an improper amount of air and oxygen, and you should check the air filter.

How Often to Change Cabin Air Filter

You should replace cabin air filters yearly or every 12,000 to 30,000 miles. This also depends on the uses and conditions we’ve previously described. Here are some indications you might need to change your cabin filter:

  • Bad smells in the cabin.
  • Reduced airflow through the cooling or ventilation system.
  • Noisy air circulation.
  • Suffering from allergies or other respiratory conditions while driving.

How to Change an Air Filter

A car dealership can replace the filters for you. However, the engine and cabin filters are easy to check and replace when needed.

Engine Air Filter

This filter is generally found under the hood, inside a filter box. While you can access some by simply unlocking the box, other models will require a screwdriver. When purchasing a new screen, ensure it fits the box’s measurements.

Cabin Air Filter

In most cars, the cabin air filter is often placed either behind the glove box or under the dashboard. It may take a bit longer to change the first time, but overall, it is an easy process.


Why Does My Car Air Filter Get Dirty So Fast?

There are several reasons why your air filters get dirty fast. You might be buying cheap air filters that are lower quality, you may have the A/C set to “On” permanently, or it may be the driving conditions.

What Happens If You Don’t Change an Air Filter In a Car?

If you don’t change an air filter in a car, it restricts airflow and reduces performance. It also leaves you at risk of higher contaminants entering the cabin because there’s only so much dirt a filter can hold.

Is It Safe to Run Your AC Without a Filter?

It is not safe to run your A/C without a filter because you will fill the car cabin with contaminants. It also clogs your A/C system, causing it to fail.

Does the Air Filter Get Changed With an Oil Change?

The air filter does get changed with an oil change because it maintains the smooth running of the engine and keeps it at peak performance.

Does the Brand of Car Air Filter Matter?

The brand of air filter only matters if it is compatible with your vehicle and the extra expense translates into improved performance. You may notice better fuel efficiency and performance, but it will only be marginal.

Filtering Down

Both the engine and cabin air filters are essential to keep your vehicle and lungs performing well. How often to change your car’s air filter depends on the distance driven. Some visual indicators can, however, give you hints on whether the screen needs to be changed.

Note that not all filters must be replaced; some models can be washable and, therefore, more eco-friendly. If you’re going for a one-time-use filter, don’t throw it away — many dealers can recycle them. Whichever screen you select, make sure it’ll fit its dedicated emplacement.

If you don’t feel comfortable changing filters, or lack time, bring your car to your mechanic. They will be able to change them for you.

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How often should air filters be changed car?

Replacement Time This is generally every 12,000 to 15,000 miles, depending on your vehicle. If you have driven more than that since the last time you replaced the air filter, it's probably time to get it changed.

How do I know if my air filter needs changing?

6 Signs You Need a New Car Air Filter.
It Looks Dirty. ... .
Your Car Doesn't Have as Much Power. ... .
You're Paying More at the Pump. ... .
You Smell Gas When You Start Your Car. ... .
Flames or Black Smoke Come From the Tailpipe. ... .
The Check Engine Light Comes On..

What happens if you don't change air filter in car?

When the air filter gets too dirty, it will get clogged and the engine won't be able to suck up enough air to the combustion chamber. When this happens, the engine will use more gas and less air, which will result in poorer performance and a drop in fuel efficiency.


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