Hands feet and mouth disease in adults

Hand, foot and mouth disease is a common infection that causes mouth ulcers and spots on the hands and feet.

It's most common in young children – particularly those under 10 – but can affect older children and adults as well.

Hand, foot and mouth disease can be unpleasant, but it will usually clear up by itself within 7 to 10 days. You can normally look after yourself or your child at home.

The infection is not related to foot and mouth disease, which affects cattle, sheep and pigs.

Symptoms of hand, foot and mouth disease

The symptoms of hand, foot and mouth disease usually develop between 3 and 5 days after being exposed to the infection.

The first symptoms may include:

  • a high temperature (fever), usually around 38°C to 39°C (100.4-102.2°F)
  • a general sense of feeling unwell
  • loss of appetite
  • coughing
  • abdominal (tummy) pain
  • a sore throat and mouth 

Mouth ulcers

After 1 or 2 days, red spots appear on the tongue and inside the mouth.

These quickly develop into larger yellow-grey mouth ulcers with red edges.

The ulcers can be painful and make eating, drinking and swallowing difficult. They should pass within a week.

Spotty rash and blisters

Soon after the mouth ulcers appear, you'll probably notice a rash made up of small, raised red spots on the skin.

These typically develop on the fingers, the backs or palms of the hand, the soles of the feet, and occasionally on the buttocks and groin.

The spots may then turn into small blisters with a grey centre.

The spots and blisters can sometimes be itchy or uncomfortable and typically last up to 10 days.

What to do if you or your child has hand, foot and mouth disease

If you have hand, foot and mouth disease, the best thing to do is to stay at home until you're feeling better. There's no cure for it, so you have to let it run its course.

Hand, foot and mouth disease is a common childhood illness that can also affect adults. It usually gets better on its own in 7 to 10 days.

Check if it's hand, foot and mouth disease

The first signs of hand, foot and mouth disease can be:

  • a sore throat
  • a high temperature
  • not wanting to eat

After a few days mouth ulcers and a rash will appear.

Ulcers appear in the mouth and on the tongue. These can be painful and make it difficult to eat or drink.


Hercules Robinson / Alamy Stock Photo //www.alamy.com/stock-photo-vesicle-on-tongue-of-child-with-coxsackie-a16-virus-infection-hand-12876583.html?pv=1&stamp=2&imageid=E0442865-9287-42AE-A268-26DB0F32DA91&p=18517&n=0&orientation=0&pn=1&searchtype=0&IsFromSearch=1&srch=foo%3dbar%26st%3d0%26pn%3d1%26ps%3d100%26sortby%3d2%26resultview%3dsortbyPopular%26npgs%3d0%26qt%3dhand%2520foot%2520and%2520mouth%26qt_raw%3dhand%2520foot%2520and%2520mouth%26lic%3d3%26mr%3d0%26pr%3d0%26ot%3d0%26creative%3d%26ag%3d0%26hc%3d0%26pc%3d%26blackwhite%3d%26cutout%3d%26tbar%3d1%26et%3d0x000000000000000000000%26vp%3d0%26loc%3d0%26imgt%3d0%26dtfr%3d%26dtto%3d%26size%3d0xFF%26archive%3d1%26groupid%3d%26pseudoid%3d%26a%3d%26cdid%3d%26cdsrt%3d%26name%3d%26qn%3d%26apalib%3d%26apalic%3d%26lightbox%3d%26gname%3d%26gtype%3d%26xstx%3d0%26simid%3d%26saveQry%3d%26editorial%3d1%26nu%3d%26t%3d%26edoptin%3d%26customgeoip%3d%26cap%3d1%26cbstore%3d1%26vd%3d0%26lb%3d%26fi%3d2%26edrf%3d0%26ispremium%3d1%26flip%3d0%26pl%3d

Raised spots usually appear on the hands and feet, and sometimes on the thighs and bottom as well. The spots can look pink, red, or darker than surrounding skin, depending on your skin tone.


sinsy / Alamy Stock Photo //www.alamy.com/allergic-rash-skin-of-babys-right-foot-hand-foot-and-mouth-disease-image333897813.html

The spots become blisters which appear grey or lighter than surrounding skin and can be painful.


Scott Camazine / Alamy Stock Photo //www.alamy.com/ulcer-in-hand-foot-and-mouth-disease-in-a-4-year-old-boy-image3361429.html?pv=1&stamp=2&imageid=8B2A7E44-B651-433D-957E-AF02E3FF727C&p=9949&n=0&orientation=0&pn=1&searchtype=0&IsFromSearch=1&srch=foo%3dbar%26st%3d0%26pn%3d1%26ps%3d100%26sortby%3d2%26resultview%3dsortbyPopular%26npgs%3d0%26qt%3dhand%2520foot%2520and%2520mouth%26qt_raw%3dhand%2520foot%2520and%2520mouth%26lic%3d3%26mr%3d0%26pr%3d0%26ot%3d0%26creative%3d%26ag%3d0%26hc%3d0%26pc%3d%26blackwhite%3d%26cutout%3d%26tbar%3d1%26et%3d0x000000000000000000000%26vp%3d0%26loc%3d0%26imgt%3d0%26dtfr%3d%26dtto%3d%26size%3d0xFF%26archive%3d1%26groupid%3d%26pseudoid%3d%26a%3d%26cdid%3d%26cdsrt%3d%26name%3d%26qn%3d%26apalib%3d%26apalic%3d%26lightbox%3d%26gname%3d%26gtype%3d%26xstx%3d0%26simid%3d%26saveQry%3d%26editorial%3d1%26nu%3d%26t%3d%26edoptin%3d%26customgeoip%3d%26cap%3d1%26cbstore%3d1%26vd%3d0%26lb%3d%26fi%3d2%26edrf%3d0%26ispremium%3d1%26flip%3d0%26pl%3d

The symptoms are usually the same in adults and children, but they can be worse in babies and children under 5.

It's possible to get hand, foot and mouth disease more than once.

If you're not sure your child has hand, foot and mouth disease

Look at other childhood rashes.


Hand, foot and mouth disease has nothing to do with foot and mouth disease that affects farm animals.

How to treat hand, foot and mouth disease yourself

You cannot take antibiotics or medicines to cure hand, foot and mouth disease. It usually gets better on its own in 7 to 10 days.

To help the symptoms:

  • drink fluids to prevent dehydration – avoid acidic drinks, such as fruit juice
  • eat soft foods like yoghurt – avoid hot and spicy foods
  • take paracetamol or ibuprofen to help ease a sore mouth or throat

A pharmacist can help with hand, foot and mouth disease

Speak to a pharmacist for advice about treatments, such as mouth ulcer gels, sprays and mouthwashes, to relieve pain.

They can tell you which ones are suitable for children.

Find a pharmacy

Non-urgent advice: See a GP if:

  • your symptoms or your child's symptoms do not improve after 7 to 10 days
  • you or your child has a very high temperature, or feels hot and shivery
  • you're worried about your child's symptoms
  • your child is dehydrated – they're not peeing as often as usual
  • you're pregnant and get hand, foot and mouth disease

Hand, foot and mouth disease can be spread to other people.

Check with your GP surgery before going. They may suggest a phone consultation.

How to stop hand, foot and mouth disease spreading

Hand, foot and mouth disease is easily passed on to other people. It's spread in coughs, sneezes, poo and the fluid in the blisters.

You can start spreading it from a few days before you have any symptoms, but you're most likely to spread it to others in the first 5 days after symptoms start.

To reduce the risk of spreading hand, foot and mouth disease:

  • wash your hands often with soap and water – and children's hands too
  • use tissues to trap germs when you cough or sneeze
  • bin used tissues as quickly as possible
  • do not share towels or household items like cups or cutlery
  • wash soiled bedding and clothing on a hot wash

Staying off school or nursery

Keep your child off school or nursery while they're feeling unwell.

But as soon as they're feeling better, they can go back to school or nursery. There's no need to wait until all the blisters have healed.

Keeping your child away from other children for longer is unlikely to stop the illness spreading.

Hand, foot and mouth disease in pregnancy

Although there's usually no risk to the pregnancy or baby, it's best to avoid close contact with anyone who has hand, foot and mouth disease.

This is because:

  • having a high temperature during the first 3 months of pregnancy can lead to miscarriage, although this is very rare
  • getting hand, foot and mouth disease shortly before giving birth can mean your baby is born with a mild version of it

Speak to a GP or your midwife if you have been in contact with someone with hand, foot and mouth disease.

Can hand

Is it more dangerous in adults? According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) , HFMD is generally not serious in adults or children. The CDC notes that most people recover from HFMD in 7–10 days without medical treatment. However, children under the age of 2 years may stay sick longer.

How long does hand

Symptoms of hand, foot, and mouth disease include fever, painful blister-like sores in the mouth, and a rash that may appear as blisters. It is usually a mild disease, and nearly all infected people recover in 7 to 10 days.

How is hand

Most people with hand, foot, and mouth disease get better on their own in 7 to 10 days. There is no specific medical treatment for hand, foot, and mouth disease.

Is foot mouth and hand disease contagious to adults?

Your child is most contagious during the first week of having hand-foot-and-mouth disease. But the virus can remain in the body for weeks after the symptoms go away. That means your child still can infect others. Some people, especially adults, can pass the virus without showing any symptoms of the disease.


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