Change your habits change your life pdf

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30 DAYS. Copyright © 2014 by Marc Reklau  All rights reserved. Cover design by Printed by CreateSpace, An Company  Without limiting the rights under copyright reserved abo above ve no part of this book may be reproduced in any form for m or by any electronic or mechanical means including information storage and retrieval systems, withou withoutt permission in i n writing from the author. The only exception is by a reviewer,  who may quote quote short excerpts in a review. review.


 This book is designed to to provide in information formation and moti motivation vation to our our readers readers.. It is sold with the understanding understanding that the publisher is not engaged to rende renderr any type of psychological, psychologi cal, legal, or any other kind of professional advice. advice. The instructions and advice in this book are not intended as a substitute for counseling. The content of each chapter chapter is the sole expression and opinion of its author. No warranties or guarantees are expressed or implied by the author’s and publisher’s choice to include any of the content in this volume volume.. Neither the publisher nor the individual author shall be liable for any physical, psycho psychological, logical, emotional, financial, or commercial damages, including, but not limited to, to, special, incidental, consequentia consequentiall or other damages. Our views and rights are the same:  You  You must test ev everything erything for yourself according to your your own situati situation on talents and aspirations  You  You are responsible ffor or your own own decisions decisions,, choices choices,, actions, actions, and results. results.

Marc Reklau  Visit my website website at ISBN-13: 978-1502749635 ISBN-10: 1502749637


  30 DAYS DAYS – Change your habits, Change your life

“The beginning is the most important important part of the work.” work.” Plato



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  30 DAYS DAYS – Change your habits, Change your life

CONTENTS 1 REWRITE YOUR STORY .................................................................... 1 2 SELF-DISCIPLINE AND COMMITMENT .................................... 3 3 TAKE FULL RESPONSIBILITY RESPONSIBIL ITY OF YOUR LIFE! .......................5 4 CHOICES AND DECISIONS............................................................. 9 5 CHOOSE YOUR THOUGHTS ........................................................ 11 6 WHAT DO YOU BELIEVE?............................................................. 13 7 THE IMPORTANCE OF YOUR ATTITUDE .............................. 16 8 PERSPECTIVE IS EVERYTHING ................................................. 18 9 HAVE HAVE PATIENCE AND NEVER GIVE UP! ............................... 20 10 LEARN THE “EDISON MENTALITY” ..................................... 22 11 GET COMFORTABLE WITH CHANGE AND CHAOS! ......25 12 FOCUS ON WHAT YOU WANT .................................................. 27 13 WATCH YOUR WORDS .................................................................. 29 14 NEW HABITS, NEW LIFE! ............................................................ 31 15 KNOW YOURSELF .......................................................................... 33 16 KNOW YOUR TOP 4 VALUES ..................................................... 37 17 KNOW YOUR STRENGTHS ......................................................... 39 18 HONOR YOUR PAST ACHIEVEMENTS .................................. 41 19 WRITE DOWN YOUR GOALS AND ACHIEVE THEM ......43 20 NEXT! ................................................................................................... 47 21 AVOID ENERGY ROBBERS ......................................................... 49 22 MANAGE YOUR TIME ................................................................... 51 23 START TO GET ORGANIZED! .................................................. 55 24 SAY SAY “NO” TO THEM AND “YES” TO YOURSELF ..............57 25 GET UP EARLY! SLEEP LESS ...................................................... 59 26 AVOID THE MASS MEDIA ........................................................... 61 27 DO YOU “HAVE “HAVE TO” OR DO YOU “CHOOSE TO” ............63 28 FACE YOUR FEARS! ........................................................................ 65 29 ELIMINATE EVERYTHING THAT ANNOYS YOU ............. 67 30 CLEAN OUT YOUR CUPBOARD ................................................ 69 31 UNCLUTTERING AND TOLERATIONS ................................. 71 32 THE MOST IMPORTANT HOUR ................................................ 73 33 FIND YOUR PURPOSE AND DO WHAT YOU LOVE .........75 34 TAKE A WALK EVERY DAY DAY ........................................................ 78 35 WHAT ARE YOUR STANDARDS? STANDARDS? .............................................. 79 36 ADAPT AN ATTITUDE OF GRATITUDE! .............................. 81



37 THE MAGIC OF VISUALIZATION VISUALIZATION ............................................ 83 38 WHAT IF? ............................................................................................ 85 39 LET GO OFF THE PAST ................................................................ 87 40 CELEBRATE YOUR WINS............................................................. 89 41 BE HAPPY NOW! .............................................................................. 90 42 MULTITASKING MULTITASKING IS A LIE! ............................................................ 92 43 SIMPLIFY YOUR LIFE .................................................................... 93 44 SMILE MORE! .................................................................................... 95 45 START POWER NAPPING ............................................................ 97 46 READ HALF AN HOUR EVERY DAY ....................................... 98 47 START SAVING SAVING ................................................................................. 99 48 FORGIVE EVERYBODY EVERYBODY WHO HAS WRONGED YOU ....101 49 ARRIVE 10 MINUTES EARLY.................................................... 103 50 SPEAK LESS, LISTEN MORE! .................................................... 104 51 BE THE CHANGE YOU WANT TO SEE ................................ 105 52 STOP TRYING TRYING AND START DOING ...................................... 107 53 THE POWER OF AFFIRMATIONS ........................................... 108 54 WRITE IT DOWN 25 TIMES A DAY ........................................ 110 55 STOP MAKING EXCUSES .......................................................... 111 56 KEEP EXPECTATIONS LOW AND THEN SHINE ............ 113 57 DESIGN YOUR IDEAL DAY DAY ...................................................... 115 58 ACCEPT YOUR EMOTIONS ...................................................... 117 59 DO IT NOW! ..................................................................................... 119 60 FAKE IT TILL YOU MAKE IT.................................................... 121 61 CHANGE YOUR POSTURE ........................................................ 122 62 ASK FOR WHAT YOU REALLY WANT .................................. 124 63 LISTEN TO YOUR INNER VOICE ........................................... 127 64 WRITE INTO YOUR JOURNAL ................................................ 129 65 STOP WHINING! ............................................................................ 131 66 BECOME A RECEIVER ................................................................ 133 67 STOP SPENDING TIME WITH THE WRONG WRONG PEOPLE ..135 68 LIVE YOUR OWN LIFE ............................................................... 137 69 WHO IS NUMBER ONE? ............................................................. 138 70 YOUR BEST INVESTMENT ........................................................ 141 71 STOP BEING SO HARD ON YOURSELF .............................. 143 72 BE YOUR AUTHENTIC SELF .................................................... 145  73 PAMPER YOURSELF ..................................................................... 147 74 TREAT YOUR BODY LIKE THE TEMPLE IT IS ................. 148 75 EXERCISE AT LEAST 3 TIME A WEEK................................. 149 76 TAKE ACTION. ACTION. MAKE THINGS HAPPEN! ..........................151  v vii

  30 DAYS DAYS – Change your habits, Change your life

77 ENJOY MORE .................................................................................. 153 78 STOP JUDGING .............................................................................. 155 79 A RANDOM ACT OF KINDNESS EVERY DAY ...................156 80 SOLVE YOUR PROBLEMS, ALL OF THEM ..........................158 81 THE POWER OF MEDITATION ............................................... 161 82 LISTEN TO GREAT MUSIC – DAILY! ..................................... 163 83 USE NO WORRIES 164 84 YOUR TRAVEL TRA................................................................................. VEL TIME WISELY ........................................ 166 85 SPEND MORE TIME WITH YOUR FAMILY ......................... 167 86 DON’T BE A SLAVE SLAVE OF YOUR PHONE ................................ 168 87 HOW TO DEAL WITH PROBLEMS ......................................... 169 88 TAKE TIME OFF ............................................................................ 171 89 HAVE HAVE A HIGHLIGH HIGH LIGHT T EVERY DAY DAY ......................................... 173 90 STEP OUT OF YOUR “COMFORT ZONE” ........................... 175 91 WHAT PRICE PRIC E ARE YOU PAYING ............................................ 177 92 THINGS ARE ONLY TEMPORARY ......................................... 179 93 GET A COACH! COACH! ............................................................................... 181 94 LIVE YOUR LIFE FULLY. FULLY. DO IT NOW! ................................. 183  ABOUT THE AUTHOR AUTHOR ...................................................................... 187

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  30 DAYS DAYS – Change your habits, Change your life

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS  Thanks to my father (R.I.P.), (R.I.P.), who in his very own way helped me become the person I am today. My mother Heidi for handing me the book that changed my life about 25 years ago, teaching me values and letting me go without any emotional black-mailing when I had to follow my heart for the first time and every time thereafter. My granny - for being one of my best buddies buddies and providing retreat retreat  when I needed it. My cousin Alexander Reklau, who - when we were 16 years old - spoke very wise words words which became part of my life story and probably saved me: “My father did with his life what he  wanted; I will do with my life what I want!” I picked these words up two years later after burying my father and decided to live by them ever since. My friends Pol and Inma for letting me stay at their house on the beautiful Island of Ibiza. A wonderful wonderful place to get the creative juices flowing. My editor Gisela who helped me fine-tune the book. My friend and mentor Stefan Ludwig, who provided me with his advice for over ten years now. My friend Claudio – always there. Sabrina Kraus, Mari Arveheim, and Marc Serrano Ossul for their feedback during the writing process. My own coach Josep Anguera, who with his skills helped me to get unstuck after 5 years of stagnation. Talane Talane Miedaner, whose book “Coach “Coach yourself to success” was my first contact with coaching and applying some of the tips she suggested changed my life dramatically.  Thank you to all of my clients for trusting me, letting me be a part of your enormous growth, and allowing me the opportunity to grow  with you all. Last but not least, thanks to everybody I met along the way. You  were either a friend or a teacher, teacher, or both!




  30 DAYS DAYS – Change your habits, Change your life

  INTRODUCTION “If you think you can you’re right, if you think you can’t you’re right”   right” Henry Ford

Look around you. What do you see? Look at your surroundings, the atmosphere, and the people around you. you. Think of your current life conditions: work, health, friends, people surrounding you. What do they look like? Are you happy with what you you see? Now look inside of you. How do you feel RIGHT NOW in this moment? Are you satisfied with your life? Are you longing for more? Do you believe that you can be happy and successful? What is missing from your life that you need to call your life happy and/or successful? Why do some people seem to have everything and other people nothing? Most people have no idea how how they get what they get. Some of us just blame it on fate and chance. I’m sorry that I have to be the one to tell you: “Sorry friend! You have created the life you have! Everything that happens to you is created by YOU - either consciously by design or unconsciously by default; it’s it’s not a result of fate or circumstances. I decided to write this book because I’m seeing so many people that are dreaming of improving their life, life, being happier, becoming  wealthier yet according to them, the only way that could happen  would be due to some kind of miracle: winning the lottery, lottery, marrying marr ying rich, or some other stroke stroke of luck. They are looking for outside outside



influences to happen by chance and change everything. They think life happens to them. Most of them have no idea idea that they can be in total control of their life eac each h and every moment and every day of their lives. So they continue daydreaming, doing those things that they’ve always done, and waiting for some miraculous outcome. Sometimes they actually don’t even know what they want! The following is a conversation I actually had: Q:”What would would you do if you had enough time and money?”  A:”Man! That would would be great! I would be happy!” Q:”And what would ‘being happy’ look like to you?”  A:”I would do do everything I want to do!” Q:”And what is ‘everything you want to do’?”  A:”Oh! Now you got me. I don’ don’tt even know!” know!”  The true tr ue tragedy is that if they would only stop for one moment, ask themselves what they really want in life, write down their goals and start working they make clients: those miracles happen. I see towards it day in them, and day outcould withactually my coaching people that come to me because they want to change something in their lives,, and instead of sitting around and waiting and dreaming lives dreaming of a better life, they actually take matters in their own hands and start taking action! And the results are fabulous! Remember: You are leading the life that you have chosen! How?  This is because we create our life every moment through our thoughts,, beliefs, and expectations and our mind is so powerful that it thoughts  will give us what we ask for. for. The good g ood thing is that you can train your mind to give you only the things you want, and not the things that you don’t Andcan’t it gets even inbetter: youefficient can learn deal  with thingswant! that you control a more andhow less to painful manner. I’ve been studying the principles principles of success and how to achieve achieve happiness for nearly 25 years now. What I always subconsciously knew became a structured method using using the tools and ex exercises ercises of coaching. More than ever, I’m convinced that success can be planned and created. For the skeptics who think that all this is metaphysical nonsense, just look at the enormous progress science has made and how it can now prove many things which only 25 years ago could only be believed without being proven. The most important message  Your  Y ourI want happiness depends of some YOU, YOU , and in this little nobody else! book In thisis:book, to introduce you to proven


  30 DAYS DAYS – Change your habits, Change your life

tips, tricks and exercises that can improve your life beyond your constantly and p persistently ersistently. imagination if you practice them constantly More good news: You don’t need to win the lottery to be happy! You can start by doing little things in your life differently in a constant and consistent manner, and over time results will show. This is how my coaching clients achieve incredible results: creating new habits and  working towards their goals consistently, consistently , and doing thingsYou thatcan bring them closer to their goals every single day. It is possible! do it! You deserve it! Simply reading the book won’t help you a lot, though. You have to take ACTION! That’s the most important part – (and it is also the  You ou have part that I struggled with the most for many, many years).  Y to start doing and practicing the exercises and introducing new habits into your life. If you are very curious - read the whole book once with a pen or pencil and a notebook in hand to make notes if you like. Then read the book a second time – this is when the rubber meets the road – and now now start doing some of the exercises and introducing newand habits into youryour life. life life. If you the exercises in this book regularly consistently, willdo change for the better! Experts in the field of success teachings, teachings, coaching and Neurolinguistic Programming agree that it takes 21 to 30 days to implement a new habit. 30 days that can make a difference in your life. 30 days of working consistently on yourself yourself and your habits habits can turn it all around – or at least put you in a better position. At least try it out! Stay with some of the exercises for at least 30 days days.. Do the ones that come easy to you. If it doesn’t doesn’t work out for you, write me an email  with your complaint to [email protected] [email protected] I have have also provided couple of WORK SHEETS on  www Download them and HA HAVE VE FUN! F UN!



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“Change the way you look at things and the things you look at change”   change” Wayne W. Dyer

 The first time I came in contact with this idea was nearly 25 years ago  while reading Jane Robert’s Robert’s book “Seth speaks”. Seth says you are the  writer, director and main actor of your story. story. So if you don’t don’t like how the story is playing out…change it! At that time I thought it’s it’s kind of a comforting idea, gave it a try, and have lived by it ever since - in good times and bad times. It doesn’t matter what happened in your past. Your future is a clean sheet! You can reinvent yourself! Every day brings it theatopportunity to start a new So life!who Youare getyou to choose yourwith identity each and every moment! going to be? It’s up to you to decide who you are going to be from this day on. What are you going to do? If you DO some some of the things things suggested in this book, book, create new habits, and do just some of the many exercises that you will find here, things will start to shift. It’s not going to be easy and you will need discipline, patience, and persistence. But the results will come. In 2008, when FC Barcelona’s coach Josep “Pep” Guardiola took charge of the team that was in a desolate desolate state, he told the 73000 people in attendance in the stadium stadium and the millions of viewers on Catalonian television, in his inauguration speech: “We can’t promise


  you titles, what we can promise you is effort and that we will persist, persist, persist until the end. Fasten your seatbelts - we are going to have fun”. This speech started the most successful period in the 115 years history of the club and few people think it can ever be repeated. The team went on to win 3 national championships, 2 national cups, 3 Spanish Supercups, 2 European Supercups, 2 Champions Leagues, of andW2orld World Club(IfChampionships in their 4 years of domination football. you don’t don’t follow soccer:  This is like a mediocre NFL team winning 4 Superbowls Superbowls in a row).  They rewrote their story.

Now it’s your turn. Make some effort and persist, persist, persist! Don’t give up! Fasten your seatbelts and have some fun!


  2 SELF-DISCIPLINE AND COMMITMENT “It was character that got us out of bed, commitment that moved us into action and discipline that enabled us to follow through.” Zig Ziglar

“If you cannot do great things, do small things in a great way.”  Napoleon Hill

 This is one of the first chapters, chapters, because it will be the foundation of your future success! Your way to success and happiness is deeply connected to your willpower and commitment. These character traits  will decide whether you do what you said you would do and go through with it. These will keep you going towards your goals even  when everything seems to go against you. Self-discipline is doing the things you need to do, do, even if you are not in the mood for for it. If you train to be self-disciplined and have the will to succeed, you can do great things in your life. But even even if you don’t don’t have the slightest bit of self-discipline within you right now - don’t don’t worry. You You can start star t training your self-discipline and willpower from this moment on! Self-discipline is like a muscle. The more you train it, the better you get. If your self-discipline is weak right now, now, start training it by setting yourself small, reachable goals goals..


   Write down the success you have and keep in mind that you don't  Write have limits - only the ones you set for yourself. Visualize the benefits you will have have at the end of the road: F For or example if you want to go running at 6 a.m. in the morning and you just don't seem to make it out of bed - imagine how good you will feel when you are at the fitness level that you want to be at and how great you will look. Then jump book out ofwill bed, putwork on your running clothes clothes, andthe go! discipline Remember:  This only if you have the will ,and to make it work!  What is your word worth? Take your commitments seriously! Because not keeping your commitments has a terrible consequence: you lose energy, you lose clarity, you get confused along the way to your goals, and even worse you lose self-confidence, and your selfesteem takes a hit! To To avoid this this,, you have to become aware of what is really important to you and act in line with your values.  A commitment is a choice! Only make commitments that you really want. That can mean mean fewer commitments and more “NOs”. If you commit - keep whatever Giveofthem the importance andyour valuecommitment that they deserve andit takes. be aware the consequences of not keeping them.  Time to take action! Ask Ask yourself the following questions: questions:

In what areas are you lacking self-discipline at the moment? Be completely honest.  What benefits will you obtain if you had more self-discipline?  What will be your first step towards towards reaching your your goal?  Write  W rite down your plan of action in small steps. steps. Give yourself yourself deadlines. How will you know you've you've reached your goal of having more selfdiscipline in _______?


  3 TAKE FULL RESPONSI RESPONSIBILITY BILITY FOR YOUR LIFE! “Peak performance begins with your taking complete responsibility re sponsibility for your life and everything that happens to you.”  you.”  Brian Tracy

"Most people do not really want freedom, because freedom involves responsibility, and most people are frightened of responsibility.”   responsibility.” Sigmund Freud

 There only oneboss, person your life and is  YOU!  YO U! is Not your notthat's your responsible spouse, notfor your parents, notthat your friends, not your clients, not the economy, not the weather. YOU!  The day we stop blaming others for everything that happens in our life, everything changes! Taking responsibility for your life is taking charge char ge of your life life and becoming becoming the the protagonist protagonist of it. Instead Instead of being a victim of circumstances, circumstances, you obtain the power power to create your own circumstances or at least the power to decide how you are going to act in the face of circumstances that life presents to you. It doesn’ doesn’tt matter what happens to you in your life; it matters what attitude you adopt. And the attitude you adopt is your choice! If you your life on others, others what has to happen to make yourblame life better? All situation of the others have ,to change! change! And that my


  friend I tell you, is not going to happen. If you are the protagonist,  YOU  YO U have the power to change the things that you don't like in your life! You You are in control of your thoughts, actions, actions, and feelings. You You are in control of your words, words, the series you watch on TV, TV, and the people you spend your time with. If you don't like your results results,, change your input - your thoughts, emotions, and expectations. Stop reacting to isothers and start responding. Reaction is automatic. Responding consciously choosing your response. “You take your life in your own hands, and what happens? A terrible thing: no one to blame” - Erica Jong Jong Reactive Responsibility Proactive Responsibility (Victim) (Protagonist) Internal and external dialogue

I depend on external factors. I can’t change anything. Life happens to me.

I initiate change. Life happens, but I choose my behavior


Outside of me. Focuses on excuses (Crisis, age, “it’s not a good time”)

Inside of me. Options and power of choice. Success only depends on me. (e.g. change jobs)


Focusing on problems. Everybody else is wrong. I’m right. Searching for causes.

Focusing on solutions. I act where I have control and accept where I don’t have control

Luck vs. Influence

Life is not fair. You can’t influence it. It’s It’s just a matter of luck.

Luck doesn’t exist. Focus on opportunities, create them if necessary. It depends on the work you put into it.

 The victim says: Every bad thing in my life is others’ fault, but if you are not part of the problem, then you also can’t can’t be a part of the solution or - in other words - if the problem is caused by the outside outside,, the solution is also on the outside. If you’re you’re coming in late to work because of “traffic”, what has to happen happen so that you can get to w work ork on time? Traffic has to disappear magically! Because as long as there is traffic - you will always be late. Or you can act like a protagonist and leave home on time. Then it depends on you. So once again: ag ain: even if you don’t don’t have control over over the stimuli that


  environment sends you continuously, you have the liberty do choose your behavior in facing the situation.  The person with a “victim mentality” only reacts, is always innocent, and constantly blames others for his or her life situation, while using the past as justification and putting their hopes on a future which will miraculously solutions to problems or a change in others who are causing thebring troubles troubles. .  The protagonist knows that he or she is responsible, chooses adequate behavior and holds himself accountable. He uses the past as a valuable experience from which to learn, lives in the present where he sees constant opportunities for change, and decides and goes after his future goals. The most important question is: “Who will you choose to be – by your actions – when life presents you with these circumstances?” Gandhi said it very nicely: “They can’t take away our self-respect if we don’t don’t give it to them.” them.”  Ask yourself yourself the following questions: questions:

 Who are you blaming for your life situation right now? (Your (Your partner? Your boss? Your parents? Your friends?)  What would happen if you stopped blaming the others for what happens to you in your life?  What would happen if you would stop being a victim of the circumstances? Is it comfortable for you being the victim?  What benefits does it have have for you to be a victim?  What would happen if you stopped suffering in your life and took the decision to change it?  What would you you change?  Where could you start? How would you start?


   Action Step:  Write  W rite down five things that you can do in the coming week to start changing the course and start taking charge of your life. life.


  4 CHOICES AND DECISIONS “Once you make a decision, the universe conspires to make it happen.”   happen.” Ralph Waldo Emerson

Maybe you have have heard that your life is the result of the decisions you made. How do you feel about that? Is this true for you? It's important that from now on, you are aware of the power you hav havee over your life by making decisions! Every decision, every choice has an important influence on your life. In fact, your life is a direct result of the choices and decisions you you made in the past and ev every ery choice carries a consequence! Start making better choices. Remember that  you choose your thoughts and even your feelings.  The most important thing is to make decisions. Whether the decision is right or  wrong is secondary. secondary . You Youhave will made soon areceive feedback thatit will to progress. Once you decision, go with and help take you the consequences.. If it was wrong, learn consequences learn from it and forgiv forgivee yourself knowing that at that point in time and with the knowledge you had, it  was the best and the right decision to take. take.  YOUR  YOU R ATTITUDE + YOUR YOUR DECISIONS = YOUR YOUR LIFE

 Victor Frankl was a Jewish psychologist imprisoned in Germany’s Germany’s concentration camps during the Second World War. He lost his entire family except his sister. Under these terrible circumstances, he becamenot aware namedwards “the could ultimat ultimate e human freedom”,  which evenofthewhat Naziheprison take away away from him:


  they could control his external circumstances,   but in the last instance it was him who CHOSE HOW these circumstances  were going to affect him!  He found out that between STIMULUS and RESPONSE there  was a small space in time in which he had the freedom to CHOOSE his RESPONSE! This means that even even if you may not be able to control the circumstances that those life presents to you, and you by candoing always choose your response in facing circumstances, so have a huge impact on your life. In other words, what hurts us is not what happens to us, but our response to what happens to us. The most important thing is how we RESPOND to what happens to us in our lives. And that is a CHOICE! Do you want to be healthier? Make better choices about food and exercise. Do you want to be more successful? Make better decisions about who you surround yourself yourself with, what you read, read, and what you  watch. There are no excuses! excuses! Forgive Forgi ve me if I make thes assumption that your situationfor is not  worse than Victor Frankl’s Frankl’ when he made this life discovery: me being a Jew in a German concentration camp in WW2 is as bad as it gets. Questions to ask yourself:

 What decisions could you make make today to start change?  Will you choose to be more flexible? More positive? positive? Healthier? Happier?  Action Steps:  1) Write Write down at least three changes that you want do make today: 1 _________________________________ ________________________________________ _______ 2________________________________________ 3________________________________________ 2) Read Viktor Frankl’ Frankl’s book “Man in search of meaning”.


  5 CHOOSE YOUR THOUGHTS “The universe is change; our life is what our thoughts make it.” Marcus Aurelius

“You are today where your thoughts have brought you; you will be tomorrow where your thoughts take you.”  you.”  James Allen

If you want to improve improve your life, the first thing you have to do is improve your thoughts. Your thoughts create your reality so you better have them under control! By controlling your thoughts, ultimately you control your life and your destiny. So observe your thoughts every your now thoughts and then. are, Peace Peace quote think “If you realized how powerful youPilgrim‘s would never a negative thought.” says it all: don’t get stuck in negative thoughts. Replace them with positive thoughts such as “everything is going to be all right” every single time they come up. up.  Think positive! A positively thinking person is not a dreamer, who thinks there are no problems in life. Instead he or she recognizes that problems are opportunities to grow, and knows that they only have the meaning that they are given. Positive thinking is to see reality as it is, accept it, and make the best best of it. Don’t let your thoughts dominate you, instead dominate your thoughts and control their quality. Train your mind to concentrate


  only on positive, creative, creative, and inspiring thoughts. thoughts. If you train your mind like this for a while you will see that the the circumstances of your life change too. You You are the creator of your thoughts, thoughts, but you are not your thoughts. Your thoughts are energy and the energy follows the thought. Thoughts create emotions, which create behavior, which create actions, and those actions have consequences in your daily life.  THOUGHT ! EMOTION ! BEHAVIOR !  ACTION  ACTION

 Your thoughts depend on your beliefs about life. If you don’t  Your don’t like  what you are receiving then have a look at what you are sending! Everything that is in your life has been created by your thoughts, expectations,, and beliefs. So analyze them! If you change your beliefs, expectations beliefs, you will get new results! Practice a thought often enough so that it becomes a belief, and your behavior and actions will follow follow its lead. For inst instance, ance, if you constantly worry about not having enough money, you’ll create behaviors based on fear. You’ll play smaller. You’ll try to hang on to the money you have versus playing to win.  Action Step:

 Try to have no negative thoughts for 48 hours.  Try hours. Block them from the first moment and substitute them with positive positive thoughts of love, love, peace, and compassion. Even Even if it seems difficult at the beginning, hang in there. It gets easier. Then try this for 5 days, and finally a  week. What has changed in your life since you started thinking positively?


  6 WHAT DO YOU BELIEVE? “These then are my last words to you. Be not afraid of life. Believe that life is worth living and your belief will help create the fact.” fact.”   William James

“The outer conditions of a person's life will always be found to reflect re flect their inner beliefs”  beliefs”  James Allen

 What do you believe? This is extremely important, because ultimately your beliefs create your reality! You create what you believe and your  world is only your interpretation of the reality. reality. In other words, words, we don’t see the world how an it is,approximation but how we were conditioned to see of it. Our perception is only appro ximation of reality. reality . Our maps reality determine the way we act more than reality itself. Each  on  one e of of us sees the world through the lenses lenses of their own beliefs. Does this sound like hocus-pocus to you? It did to me too until I studied two semesters of Psychology at my High School and learned about the Placebo Effect, The Pygmalion Effect, and SelfFulfilling prophecies. Studies on these subjects out there show how powerful our thoughts and beliefs really are! But what is a belief? It’s the conscious and unconscious information that we accept as true. Robert Dilts defines beliefs as judgments and assessments about ourselves,pattern. ourselves , others,Once and the worldbelieves around something us. us. A belief is a (whether habitual thought a person is true


  it’s it’s true or not) he or she acts ac ts as if it were - collecting facts to prove prove the belief belief even if if it’ it’ss false. false. Beliefs are like a self-fulfilling prophecy. They work like this:  your beliefs influence your emotions, your emotions influence your actions and your actions influence your RESULTS!   Depending on your belief-system you live your life one way or another. I want of youyour to realize life doesn’t just happen you!  It’stoa reflection beliefs, beliefs,that thoughts, thoughts , and expectations. expectations . If to you want change your life you have have to first change your patterns of thinking. thinking. Even if beliefs come from early childhood programming for most of us, we are able to change them. Nobody can impose your beliefs on you. It’  It’ss always you who who in the last instance can permit per mit a belief to be true for you or not! Believing in yourself is an attitude. It's a choice! choice! Remember what Henry Ford said! If you think that you won’ won’tt make it, if you think that it’s it’s impossible, then you will not achieve achieve it even if your effort is huge. For many decades it was thought impossible that man could

run a mile under four minutes. Therecould wereall even studies on the subject. These studies be scientific shredded papers on Mayand 6th  1954, when Roger Bannister proved everybody wrong at a race in Oxford. From then on over a 1000 people have done it. I highly recommend that you you let go of limiting beliefs such as:

• One can’t can’t be totally happy as there is always something that goes  wrong..  wrong • Life is tough. • Showing emotions is for weak people. onlyhave knocks once. over my life. •• Opportunity I’m helpless and no control • I don’t deserve it. • Nobody loves me. • I can’t. • It’s impossible. • ….  And pick up some empowering empowering beliefs beliefs such as: • I create my destiny. • Nobody can hurt me if I don’t don’t allow it. • Life is great! •• Everything forbea all reason. Everything happens is going to right.


  • I can do it!  Ask yourself yourself the following questions: questions:

 What do I believe to be true about myself? myself ?  What are my beliefs concerning money?  What are my beliefs concerning my relationships?  What are my beliefs about my body?  To  T o change a belief follow this exercise exercise and say to yourself: yourself: 1) This is only my belief about reality. reality. That doesn’t doesn’t mean that it is the reality. 2) Although I believe this, it’s not necessarily true. 3) Create emotions which are opposite to the belief.

4) 5) Imagine Be awarethe thatopposite. the belief is only an idea that you have the have about reality and not reality itself. 6) For just 10 minutes minutes a day ignore what seems to be real and act as if your wish has come true. (See yourself spending money, money, being healthy, more successful, etc.)  Alternative exercise: 1) Write down the limiting belief. 2) Remember the sequence: sequence: belief – emotion – action – result. 3) To To get a different result – in what way do you need to act?

4) different How do you need to feel in order to act differently and get g et a result? 5) What do you need to believe in order to feel differently, differently, act differently, and get a different result?


  7 THE IMPO IMPOR RTANCE OF YOU YOUR R ATTIT ATTITUDE UDE “Everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of human freedoms – to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances”   circumstances” Victor Frankl

 Your Attitude is crucial for your happiness! It can change your  Your  way of seeing things dramatically and also your way of facing them.  You  Y ou will suffer less in life if you accept the rules r ules of the game. g ame. Life is made up of laughter and tears, light and shadow. shadow. You You have to accept the bad moments by changing changing your way way of looking at them. Everything that happens to you is a challenge and an opportunity at the same time. Look at the positive positive side of things in life even in the worst worst situations. There is something good hidden in every bad – although

sometimes it might take some time to discover it. I’ll tell you again: it’s not what happens in your life that’s important; it’s how you respond to what happens to you that makes your life! Life is a chain of moments – some happy, happy, some sad - and it depends on you you to make make the best of each and every every one of those moments. Did your wife leave you? So will you be unhappy forever or will you go out and meet new people? Losing your job might open new doors. Many years ago all of the success teachers and positive positive thinkers described it this way: “If life gives you a lemon, add sugar to it, and make lemonade out of it”. Younger Younger readers might say that “If life gives you a lemon, ask for some salt and Tequila”. You get the point, 16

  don’t you? For example, some healthy attitudes are:   • Allow yourself yourself to make mistakes mistakes and learn from them. • Admit that there are things you don’t know. • Dare asking for help and let other people help you.

and• Differentiate between what you have done in your life until now  what you want to to do or better still, will do from no now w on!  Action Step:   Think of a negative situation and turn turn it around.


  8 PERSPECTIVE IS EVERYTHING “The optimist sees the donut, the pessimist sees the hole.”  hole.”  Oscar Wilde

“A pessimist is somebody who complains about the noise when opportunity knocks.”  knocks.”  Oscar Wilde

 William Shakespeare said “There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so”. Put things into perspective! The closer you are to the problem and the more in front of it, the less you see. Step back and get a more global view of it. Understand ho how w you feel faced  with the problem and evaluate thehelpful! real importance of it. Even seeing the problem as a challenge will be Every negative experience in your life has something good   in it search for it! If you get into the habit of always searching searching for the good in every situation you will change the quality of your life drastically. Experiences themselves are neutral until we start to give them meaning. Your Your vision of the world and your perspective “decide” if something is “good” or “bad”.  What may be a great g reat tragedy to you could be a wakeup call for me to take my life into my hands and thrive. In coaching we use what is called “Reframing” to change change the perspective that a client has of an event. One of my favorites favorites is changing “Failure” to “Feedback” “Feedback” or


  “Learning experience”. How do you you feel if you say “I failed terribly in my last relationship”? Now try saying “I learned so much from my last relationship, I’m sure I will not make the same mistakes again!” Can you feel the difference? Here are some more examples of reframing: I’m jobless

I have time to figure out what I really want to do for a living

I’m sick

Cleansing, Giving my body a  break

That’s the way I am

I can look for another perspective

I can’t

Let’s see which options I have




Challenge / Opportunity to grow


Learning experience

I have to / I should

I choose to / I will

I try

I do


Until now



 Action Step:

 Write down at least five situations in your life that you thought were  Write negative, however with time you clearly saw that you got something good out out of it.

 19 19

  9 HAVE PATIENCE AND NEVER EVER GIVE UP! “Our greatest greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to  succeed is always always to try just one more more time”  time”  Thomas Alva Edison

“Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.”  counts.”  Winston Churchill

Perseverance is more important than talent, intelligence, and strategy.  There is great virtue in never giving up. up. When life doesn’t doesn’t go according to plan, keep moving forward, no matter how small your steps The topreal twochange habits that decide failure,are.between and will staying in between the samesuccess place and are patience and perseverance. It’s highly possible that before success comes, there may be some obstacles in your path. If your plans don’t don’t work work out see it as a temporary defeat, and not as a permanent failure. Come up with a new plan and try again. If the new plan doesn’t doesn’t work out either, either, change it, adapt it until it works. This is the point at which most people give up: They lack patience and persistence in working out new plans! But watch out. Don’t confuse this with persistently pursuing a plan that doesn’t doesn’t work! If something doesn’t doesn’t work… changeyou it! Persistence means persistence towardWhen achieving your goal.  When encounter obstacles - have patience. you experience


  setback - have patience. When things are not happening - have patience. Don’t Don’t throw throw your goal away at the first sign of misfortune or opposition. Think of Thomas Edison and his ten thousand thousand attempts to make the light bulb. Fail towards success like he did! Persistence Persist ence is a state of mind. Cultivate Cultivate it. If you fall down, down, get up, up, shake off the dust, and keep on moving towards towards your goal.  The habit of persistence is built as follows:

1. Have a clear goal and the burning bur ning desire to achieve it. 2. Make a clear plan and act on it with daily action steps. 3. Be immune to all negative and discouraging influences. 4. Have a support support system of one or more people who will encourage you to follow through with your actions and to pursue your goals g oals..


  10 LEARN THE “EDISON MENTALITY” “I failed myself to success”  success”  Thomas Alva Edison

“It is hard to fail, but it is worse never to have tried to succeed.” succeed.”   Theodore Roosevelt

Let’s talk about failure! This subject is so important and yet so misunderstood! Paulo Coelho hits the spot when he says “There is only one thing that makes a dream impossible to achieve: the fear of failure.” failure.”  The fear of failure is the number one dream killer, but why? Why are we so afraid of failure? Why can’t can’t we see it like Napoleon Hill who indicated that “Every adversity, every failure, every heartache carries with it the seed of an equal or greater benefit.” Or in other words, words, how how would our life change if we could see failure exactly like Napoleon Hill did?  Why not see it as a learning experience that is necessary for growth and which  provides us with information and motivation? motivation?  What would happen if you could fully embrace the idea that in realit realityy failure is a sign that points towards progress? Learn the “Edison Mentality”. Edison himself himself said things like “I failed myself to success” or “I have not failed. I’ve I’ve just found 10,000  ways that won’ won’tt work.” work.” This is what enabled him to bring many of his inventions to us. The man just didn’t give up!


   Accept your mistakes as feedback and learn from them! Luckily,, as kids we didn’t Luckily didn’t have the mentality which many of us have adapted as adults – because because if we did then many of us wouldn’ wouldn’tt know how to walk! How did you learn walking? By falling many times and always getting up again. Unfortunately, somewhere along the road you picked up the idea that failure is something terrible. And as a

result this nowadays nowad ays we failout once doing doingwe things simply ofbecause it didn’t work theand firstthen time,stop because got rejected, because our business venture didn’t work out right away. NOW is the time to change your mentality towards failure! Why don’t you look at it in this way from now on: Every failure is a great moment in our life, because it allows us to learn and grow from it!  Even more and more companies nowadays are shifting to a new mentality by allowing their employees to make mistakes, because they noticed that if people are afraid to make mistakes, mistakes, creativity and innovation die and the company’s progress slows down. At the end of the dayisitthe comes down this: this:decisions. Right decisions Success result of to right decisions are the result of experience experience,, and experience experience is the result result of wrong decisions.  Here is a story of a famous “failure” that literally failed hi hiss way to success: • Lost job, 1832 • Defeated for legislature, 1832 • Failed in business, 1833 • Elected to legislature, 1834 • Sweetheart (Ann Rutledge) died, 1835 •• Defeated Had nervous breakdown, 1836 for Speaker, 1838 • Defeated for nomination for Congress, 1843 • Lost re-nomination, 1848 • Rejected for Land Officer, 1849 • Defeated for Senate, 1854 • Defeated for nomination for Vice-President, 1856 • Again defeated for Senate, 1858 • Elected President, 1860  This is the story of  Abraham Lincoln, a man we would not exactly characterize a failure, wou ld we?failures:  And here areassome otherwould famous


  Michael Jordan:  cut from his high school basketball team. Steven Spielberg: rejected from film school three times.  Walt  W alt Disney:  fired by the editor of a newspaper for lacking ideas and imaginat imagination. ion.  Albert Einstein:   at a late age and performed poorly in school. He learned to speak  John  Joh n Grisham: first novel was rejected by sixteen agents and twelve twelve publishing houses.  J.K. Rowling Rowling:  was a divorced, divorced, single mother on welfare while writing writing Harry Potter otter.. Stephen King:  his first book “Carrie” was rejected 30 times. He threw it in the trash. His wife retrieved it from the trash and encouraged him to try tr y again. Oprah Winfrey:

fired Beatles: from her  television reporting job as “not suitable for television.”  The told by a record company that they have “no future in show business”.  Answer the the following questions: questions:

Have you had any failures in the last years?  What did you learn from it?  What was the positive positive you got out of it?


  11 GET COMFORTABLE COMFORTABLE WITH CHANGE AND C CHAOS! HAOS! “Be willing to be uncomfortable. Be comfortable being uncomfortable. It may get tough, but it’s a small price to pay for living a dream.”  dream.”  Peter McWilliams

 The way to success goes through change and chaos. chaos. For For personal growth you have have to be in a constant state of feeling slightly uncomfortable. Get into the habit of doing things that others don’t want to do.  Y  You ou have to choose to do what needs to be done regardless of the inconvenience! inconvenience! That means: to forgive forgive instead of holding a grudge, grudg e, to go the extra mile mile instead of saying it can’t can’t be be done; to take take 100% of the responsibility for your behavior behavior instead of blaming others. Most of us think that to change our lives we we have to make huge changes, and then we get overwhelmed by the hugeness of the task and end up not doing anything, and get stuck with our old habits. The answer is: baby steps! Start changing small things which don’t require a big effort and those small changes will eventually lead to bigger changes. Start changing your way to get to work, the restaurant you’re you’re having lunch at, or meet new people.  Action Steps:

1) Do something that makes you feel slightly uncomfortable every day. 2) What will you change tomor tomorrow? row? Y Your our daily routine? Exercise? Eat healthier? 25

   26 26

  12 FOCUS ON WHAT YOU WANT, NOT ON WHAT YOU LACK! “It is during our darkest moments that we must focus to see the light.”   light.” Aristotle Onassis

 The number one reason why people are not getting what they want is because they don’t even know what they want. The number two reason is that  while they are telling themselves what they want, they are concentrating on what they don’t want, and what you are concentrating on…Expands! Remember to focus on what  you want from now on! Where is your focus? On the positive or the negative? On the past or the present? Do you focus on problems or solutions? This is crucial! Here is where where the law of attraction goes  wrong for most people and they give up! They say “I’m attracting money”, “I’m prosperous”, but at the same time they they focus most of their time on the bills they have to pay, on the money that goes out, on the fact that they are not earning too much. So what happens?  They attract more of the things they don’t don’t want!  You  Y ou will attract more of what you focus on!  Y  Your our energy will flow into the direction of your focus and your your focus determines your overall perception of the world.  Focus on opportunities and you will see more opportunities! Focus on success and success will come to you.

Use the following questions to change your focus:


  How can I improve this situation?  What can I be thankful for?  What is great in my life right now?  What could I be happy about right now if I wanted to? Is this still important in ten years?  What is great about this challenge? How can I use this to learn from it?  What can I do to make things better?


  13 WATCH YOUR WORDS “But if thought corrupts language, language can also corrupt thought.”   thought.” George Orwell, 1984

“The only thing that's keeping you from getting what you want  is the story you keep telling yourself.”  yourself.”  Tony Robbins

 Watch your words! Don’t  Watch Don’t underestimate them! They are very powerful!  The words that we use to describe our experiences become our experiences! You probably encountered a situation or two lifin e, when w words ords a lot of damage. And this is butdid also talking to  yourself  yourself  true in notyour onlylife, talkingspoken to others, . Yes, this little voice in your head - the one that just asked “Voice, what  voice?”  You  Y ou are what you tell yourself the whole day!  Y  Your our inner dialogue is like the the repeated suggestion sugg estion of a hypnotist. Are you complaining a lot? What story are you telling yourself? yourself ? If you say that you are bad, weak, and powerless then that’s what your world will look like! On the other hand, if you say you are healthy, healthy, feeling great, and unstoppable you will also reflect that. Your inner dialogue has a huge impact on your self-esteem. So be careful with how you describe yourself: “I’m lazy”, disaster”, never be able to do that”,  such or myaspersonal fav“I’m favorite orite a“I’m tired”“I’ll because of


  course the more you tell yourself that you are tired, the more tired you will get! Watching your inner dialogue is very important! The way you communicate with yourself yourself changes the way you think about yourself, which changes the way you feel about yourself, which changes the way you act and this ultimately influences your results and the perception that others have of you. Keep the conv conversation ersation  with yourself positive positiv suchgood”, as “I want to achieve success”, “I want to be slim”, “God, I eam because your subconscious mind doesn’t understand the little word “NO”. It sees your words as IMAGES. Don’t think of of a pink elephant!  See - I bet you just imagined a pink elephant.  And - I will repeat myself – please focus on what you want. Keep in mind that your words words and especially the questions you ask yourself have a huge influence on your reality. I tell my coaching clients to never tell me or themselves that they can’t do something, but instead always ask “How can it be done?” If you ask yours yourself elf “how”, “how”, your your brain for anchange answer your and come with it. The thing is thatwill yousearch can really life byupchanging yourgood language, talking to yourself in a positive way way,, and starting to ask yourself different questions.  Why wait? Start asking yourself different questions now!


  14  NEW HABITS, NEW LIFE! “We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.”  habit.”  Aristotle

It takes about 21 days to implement a new habit. About 2500 years ago, the Greek philosopher Aristotle said that you change your life by changing your habits. The coaching process is, in its essence a process of changing the client’s client’s habits over time time by introducing new ways ways of doing things and substituting old behaviors. The most important step in the process of changing your habits is to become aware of them! Did you hear the saying that If If you keep doing what you are doing you will keep getting the results you you are getting? Einstein himself defined the purest form of insanity as "doing the same things over and over, expecting a different result". Is this you? life Don't worry and go on reading! If youdifferently. want different different results in your thenworr youy have to start doing things You can change this and it's relatively easy if you put in some w work ork and discipline. Develop Develop habits that steer you towards your goals. If you do that- success in your live is guaranteed. Here are some examples of “bad” habits that might be good to get rid of: being constantly late, working late, eating junk food, procrastinating, interrupting  while somebody else is talking, being a slave to your phone, etc. Our goal in this chapter is to introduce 10 new healthy daily habits into your life within the next three months. I don’t want you to be overwhelmed, so why not introduce three habits each month? With time these ineffective habits will habits improvewhich your until life considerably they your will substitute now have and drained


  energy.  Action Step:

 What 10 habits are you going to introduce? It's not necessary to introduce BIG changes. The usual habits my clients introduce are: • Exercise 3 times a week. • Focus on the positive. • Work on your goals. • Walk by the beach or in the woods. • Spend more time with your family. • Eat more vegetables. vegetables. • Meet with friends. • Read 30 minutes a day. • Spend 15 minutes on “alone time” a day , etc. It helps to have a visual display! display! And don't forget to reward yourself for your successes! Start RIGHT NOW NOW by making a list of 10 daily habits you will introduce into your life from today.


  15 KNOW YOURSELF “Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom.”  wisdom.”  Aristotle

 The firstand stepwhat’s beforemissing. changing your take life issome becoming of where you are Please timeaware to answer the following questions.   What are your dreams in life?  _________________________________  ________________ _________________________________ _____________________  _____   _________________________________  ________________ _________________________________ _____________________  _____   _________________________________  ________________ _________________________________ _____________________  _____   _________________________________  ________________ _________________________________ _____________________ _____  At the end of your life, what do you think you would most regret not having done for yourself?  ________________  _________________________________ _________________________________ _____________________  _____   _________________________________  ________________ _________________________________ _____________________  _____   _________________________________  ________________ _________________________________ _____________________  _____   _________________________________  ________________ _________________________________ _____________________ _____ If time and money were not factors, what would you lik likee to do, be, or have?  _________________________________  ________________ _________________________________ _____________________  _____   _________________________________  ________________ _________________________________ _____________________  _____   _________________________________  ________________ _________________________________ _____________________ _____


   What motivates motivates you in life?  _________________________________  ________________ _________________________________ _____________________  _____   _________________________________  ________________ _________________________________ _____________________  _____   _________________________________  ________________ _________________________________ _____________________  _____   _________________________________  ________________ _________________________________ _____________________ _____  What limits you in life?  _________________________________  ________________ _________________________________ _____________________  _____   _________________________________  ________________ _________________________________ _____________________  _____   _________________________________  ________________ _________________________________ _____________________  _____   _________________________________  ________________ _________________________________ _____________________ _____  What have been your your biggest bigg est wins in the last 12 months?  _________________________________  ________________ _________________________________ _____________________  _____   _________________________________  ________________ _________________________________ _____________________  _____   _________________________________  ________________ _________________________________ _____________________  _____   _________________________________  ________________ _________________________________ _____________________ _____  What have been your your biggest bigg est frustrations in the last 12 months?  _________________________________  ________________ _________________________________ _____________________  _____   _________________________________  ________________ _________________________________ _____________________  _____   _________________________________  ________________ _________________________________ _____________________  _____   _________________________________  ________________ _________________________________ _____________________ _____  What do you do to please others?  _________________________________  ________________ _________________________________ _____________________  _____   _________________________________  ________________ _________________________________ _____________________  _____   _________________________________  ________________ _________________________________ _____________________  _____   _________________________________________________  _________________________________ _____________________ _____  What do you do to please yourself? yourself ?  _________________________________  ________________ _________________________________ _____________________  _____   _________________________________  ________________ _________________________________ _____________________  _____   _________________________________  ________________ _________________________________ _____________________  _____   _________________________________  ________________ _________________________________ _____________________ _____  What do you pretend not to know? know?  _________________________________  ________________ _________________________________ _____________________  _____   _________________________________  ________________ _________________________________ _____________________  _____   ________________  _________________________________ _________________________________ _____________________  _____   _________________________________  ________________ _________________________________ _____________________ _____


   What has been the best work that you have done in your life until today?  _________________________________  ________________ _________________________________ _____________________  _____   _________________________________  ________________ _________________________________ _____________________  _____   _________________________________  ________________ _________________________________ _____________________  _____   _________________________________  ________________ _________________________________ _____________________ _____ How exactly do you know that this was your best work?  _________________________________  ________________ _________________________________ _____________________  _____   _________________________________  ________________ _________________________________ _____________________  _____   _________________________________  ________________ _________________________________ _____________________ _____ How do you see the work you do today in comparison to what you did 5 years ago? What’s the relationship between the work you do now and the work you did then?  _________________________________  ________________ _________________________________ _____________________  _____   ________________  _________________________________ _________________________________ _____________________  _____   _________________________________  ________________ _________________________________ _____________________  _____   _________________________________  ________________ _________________________________ _____________________ _____  What part of your work work do you enjoy the most? most?  _________________________________  ________________ _________________________________ _____________________  _____   _________________________________  ________________ _________________________________ _____________________  _____   _________________________________  ________________ _________________________________ _____________________  _____   _________________________________  ________________ _________________________________ _____________________ _____  What part of your work work do you enjoy the least?  ________________  _________________________________ _________________________________ _____________________  _____   _________________________________  ________________ _________________________________ _____________________  _____   _________________________________  ________________ _________________________________ _____________________  _____   _________________________________  ________________ _________________________________ _____________________ _____  What activity or thing do you usually postpone?  _________________________________  ________________ _________________________________ _____________________  _____   _________________________________  ________________ _________________________________ _____________________  _____   _________________________________  ________________ _________________________________ _____________________ _____  What are you really proud of? of ?  _________________________________  ________________ _________________________________ _____________________  _____   ________________  _________________________________ _________________________________ _____________________  _____   _________________________________  ________________ _________________________________ _____________________ _____


  How would you describe yourself?  _________________________________  ________________ _________________________________ _____________________  _____   _________________________________  ________________ _________________________________ _____________________  _____   _________________________________  ________________ _________________________________ _____________________  _____   _________________________________  ________________ _________________________________ _____________________ _____  What aspects of your_________________________________ behavior do you you think you should improve? improve?  _________________________________  ________________ _____________________  _____   _________________________________  ________________ _________________________________ _____________________  _____   _________________________________  ________________ _________________________________ _____________________ _____  At this moment in time, how would you describe your commitment level to making your life a success?  _________________________________  ________________ _________________________________ _____________________  _____   _________________________________  ________________ _________________________________ _____________________  _____   _________________________________  ________________ _________________________________ _____________________ _____  At this moment in time, would you describe your general state of well-being, energy, energy , andhow self-care?  _________________________________  ________________ _________________________________ _____________________  _____   _________________________________  ________________ _________________________________ _____________________  _____   _________________________________  ________________ _________________________________ _____________________ _____  At this moment in time, how would you describe how much fun or pleasure you are experiencing in your life?  _________________________________  ________________ _________________________________ _____________________  _____   _________________________________  ________________ _________________________________ _____________________  _____   _________________________________  ________________ _________________________________ _____________________ _____ If you could put one fear behind you once once and for all, what woul would d it be?  _________________________________  ________________ _________________________________ _____________________  _____   _________________________________  ________________ _________________________________ _____________________  _____   _________________________________  ________________ _________________________________ _____________________  _____   _________________________________  ________________ _________________________________ _____________________ _____ In what area of your life do you most want want to have a true breakthrough?  _________________________________  ________________ _________________________________ _____________________  _____   ________________  _________________________________ _________________________________ _____________________  _____   _________________________________  ________________ _________________________________ _____________________ _____


  16 KNOW YOUR YOUR TOP 4 V VALUE ALUES! S! “Efforts and courage are not enough without purpose and direction.”   direction.” John F. Kennedy

Let’s talk about values. Not in a moral or ethical way, but looking at  what fuels you and what motivates motivates you. Being clear about and knowing your values values is one of the most important steps to getting to know yourself yourself better. better. By knowing your values, values, you you will be able to attract more of what you want in your your life. If there is a big difference between the life you are living and your values, this might create suffering and tension. Once you find out what your values are, you will be able to understand yourself yourself and your actions a lot better. When your goals are aligned with your values you will notice that you achieve them much quicker lot lesstwo resistance. Everything changedand forhit meaaround years ago  when I gained a clear knowledge of my values. values. I finally knew where the tension and stress at my work work and in my life came from ((not not one of my core  values was being applied!) and I could understand my reactions in  various situations situations a lot better. better. So what is really important to you?

Find out what your most important values are that bring you joy, peace, and fulfillment. From From the list of values (you can download it on my webpage for free)  choose 10. You may find that you can your top four values. values.  group values. Then narrow them down to your  Also answer answer the following questions: questions:


   What is very important in your life?  What gives purpose to your your life?  What are you usually doing when you experience that feeling of inner peace?  What are you doing that is so much fun that you usually lose track of time?  Think of some people that you admire. Why do you admire them?  What kind of qualities do you admire admire in them?  What activities do you enjoy the most? What kind of moments bring you joy and fulfillment?  What can’t can’t you put up with?  Visualization:  Take some time.  Take time. Close your eyes and relax. Imagine that it is your 75th birthday. You're strolling around in your house. All your friends and family are present. What would you like the most important person in your life, your best friend, and a family member say to you? Write it down. 1) The most important person in your life says.... says.... 2) Your best friend says.... 3) Your (family member) says…


  17 KNOW YOUR STRENGTHS “A winner is someone who recognizes recognizes his God-given talents, works his tail off to develop them into skills, and uses his skills to accomplish his goals.”  goals.”  Larry Bird

 You don’t  You don’t have to be good at everything. Focus Focus on your strengths. strengths. Remember that what you focus on tends to expand. What are you good at? Time to find out – isn’ isn’tt it? So let’s let’s get started: List your TOP FIVE Personal Qualities and Professional Strengths below:  (What are your unique strengths? What are you most proud of? What do you do best?)  _________________________________  ________________ _________________________________ _____________________  _____

 _________________________________________________  _________________________________ _____________________  _____   _________________________________  ________________ _________________________________ _____________________  _____   _________________________________  ________________ _________________________________ _____________________ _____ List your Most Significant Personal and Professional  Accomplishments:  (What are you most pleased about and proud of having accomplished?)  _________________________________  ________________ _________________________________ _____________________  _____   _________________________________  ________________ _________________________________ _____________________  _____   _________________________________  ________________ _________________________________ _____________________ _____


  List your Personal and Professional Assets:  (Who do you know? What do you know? What gifts do you have?  What makes you unique unique and powerful?) powerful?)  _________________________________  ________________ _________________________________ _____________________  _____   _________________________________  ________________ _________________________________ _____________________  _____   _________________________________  ________________ _________________________________ _____________________  _____

 _________________________________  ________________ _________________________________ _____________________ _____ Once you know your strengths it’s time to strengthen them. Practice them and concentrate on them - the ones you have and the ones you  want (see also chapter 60: Fake it till till you make it). it).  Action Step:

If you are up for it, send an email email to 5 friends and/or colleagues and ask them what they consider your greatest strengths! This can be quite inspiring and a true self confidence booster!


  18 HONOR YOUR PAST ACHIEVEMENTS “The more you praise and celebrate your life, the more there is in life to celebrate”  celebrate”  Oprah Winfrey

 This is a very important chapter. chapter. It’s It’s one of my favorite favorite exercises to boost my clients’ self-confidence (and my own). Its purpose is to empower you and make you aware aware of what you have already achieved achieved in your life! We are always so centered in the things that don’t work so well or what we haven’t achieved that we forget what we have already achieved. I’m sure that you have fantastic achievements in your life and in this chapter chapter you will become aware aware of those past successes and use them as rocket fuel to achieve your goals and have you future successes! So the big question is: What great things have achieved in your your life so far?  You  Y ou have pute yourself through college, colleg e, traveled the great career, hav lots of great friends. Maybe you lived liv edworld, abroadhave for aa while all on your own. Or maybe you have overcome a tough childhood and major personal setbacks. Maybe you raised fantastic children.  Whatever challenges you’ve you’ve overcome or successes you have achi achieved eved  —now is the time to look back back and celebrate them. Remember the chapter about focus? In this case, it means that the more you  remember and acknowledge your past successes, the more confident you’ll become. And because you are concentrating on successes you will see more opportunities for success! Make your list! Remind nd yourself yourself yo past succe successes! sses! Give Give   Remi  yourself a pat on the shoulder and and of sayyour touryourself “Well “Well done!”


   The important thing is the experience of success! Get into the same state that you were in, see the success once again in your mind, feel again how it felt then!  Action Step:

1) life! Write down a list of the biggest Write big gest successes you’ve achieved achieved in your 2) Read them out loud loud and allow you yourself rself to feel fantastic for what you have accomplished!


   19 WRITE DOWN DO WN YOUR GOALS AND ACHIEVE THEM! "People with clear, written goals accomplish far more in a shorter  period of time than than people without without them can ever ever imagine."   Brian Tracy

“A goal is a dream with a deadline."    Napoleon Hill

 The huge majority of us don’t don’t have even the slightest idea of where to start to make our dreams come true. Most people overestimate  what they can do in a month and under-estimate what they can do in a year. If you go one step at a time and remain flexible, then over time you can achieve things that you couldn’t even imagine before. And the funny thing is: It’s not even about reaching the end goals; it’s about the person you become in the process.  The journey is more important than the destination – and also in goal setting! So why write down your goals? Because they will drive you to take action! Having clearly defined goals in your life is crucial to your way towards success and happiness.  They are like a GPS system leading the way way.. But to be led, first of all you have to know where you want to go! This is so important that entire books are written on the subject of goal setting! I will make it as short as possible.


   The first step to achieving your dream ggoals oals is to put them in writing writing.. I was very skeptical about this until I started writing down my goals and then I wish I had started two decades ago. I became so much more productive and focused that I could hardly believe it. As I said before, for many years I didn’t care about goal setting. To be honest, I think it made me feel uncomfortable because committing to goals and meant that Iand could measure what had writing achievedthem anddown what suddenly I did not achieve, I didn’t have theI courage to do that. It’ss important to write down your goals for various reasons: It’ 1) When you write them down, down, you declare to your your mind, that out of the 50000 to 60000 thoughts you have a day, THIS ONE written down is the most important. 2) You start concentrating and focusing on the activities that bring you to your You also starttotaking betterkeeping decisions, you closer are focused ongoal. where you want go, always in while mind  whether what you are doing in this moment is really the best use of your time. 3) Having a look at your written goals everyday forces you to act and helps you to prioritize your actions for the day day by asking yourself questions such as “In this moment, is doing what I’m doing bringing me closer to my goals?” Before starting the change process, you have to be clear about your goals. them down small and make aThen list ofbreak all the steps thatinyou willachievable take take to getaction there. steps Calculate how long it will take you. Don't forget to set a deadline for each action step and goal. Don’t Don’t worry if you don’t don’t reach reach the goal by the exact date you set; it’s it’s just a way of focusing on the goal and creating a sense of urgency. urgency. One of my favorite favorite quotes from my my coaching training is “If you put put a date on a dream it becomes a goal.”  So it’s GO time for you now: In the following exercise I want you to write down what you want your life to look like in 10 years. When you write it down, I want you  write youlimits wan want, t,tonot what you think is possible. to  So GO BIG!down  Therewhat are no your imagination. The answers you


   write here are the direction in which your life is headed. Create a clear vision of your goals in your your mind. See yourself yourself as already having achieved the goal: How does it feel? How does it look? How does it sound? How does it smell?    The goals have to be yours, yours, specific, stated positively positively,, and you have to your commit to reward them. yourself  When  Another for important  pursuing goals, the effort effor point: t put in, and not just for the results.  Self-punishment is not allowed! Keep in mind that you are much further than you were a week or a month ago.

Other useful tips that enhance your goal setting journey: jour ney: • Put a little card with your goals written on it in your wallet and reconnect 4-5 times daily. • It’s It’s very beneficial to have a to-do list. Put your action steps on it, as  well the time it takes to do the task as and put the deadlines for each as task. • Balance your goals (physical, economic, social, professional, family, spiritual). Exercise:

1) What do you want your life to look like in 10 years? There are no limits! Go big! 2) What do you have to have achieved in 5 years to get closer to your goal in 10 years? 3) What do you have to have achieved in 1 year to get closer to your goal in 5 years? 4) What do you have to have achieved in 3 months to get closer to your 1-year-goal? 5) What are the things that can you do NOW to reach your 3 month goal?  Action Step:at least three things and TAKE  Write  W rite down TAKE ACTION! ACTION!


   46 46

  20  NEXT!  I take rejection rejection as someone someone blowing a bugle in my ear  ear  to wake me up and get going, rather than retreat.  retreat.  Sylvester Stallone

 Another one of the big biggest gest fears that we have is the fear of rejection!  Wee don’t  W don’t ask the girl for a dance because we fear rejection, we don’t don’t send the CV because we fear rejection, we don’t even ask for the upgrade to business class or the best table in the restaurant because  we fear rejection!  To  T o reach your goals in life, you will have to learn how to  handle rejection. It’  It’ss a part of life and to overcome it you have have to become aware that - same as failure - it’s it’s only a concept in your mind!  The most successful people are not much different from you.  They are handling  Now that’s isn’t it? On just yourbetter way toatyour goals, rejection! you will probably havesomething, to face rejection many times. Just don’t give up. And above all don’t take rejection  personally!  Think about it. If you ask someone out and he or she doesn’t doesn’t  want to go out with you, actually nothing has changed. He or she was not going out with you before and she is not going out with you now.  Your  Y our situation is the same. Rejection is not the problem; it’s the inner dialogue you start after being rejected that is the problem:  “I knew I can’t do it. I know I’m not good enough. Father was right. I will never achieve anything in life”. The important thing is to go on!

 The most successful salesmen’s salesmen’ goal 100 is to“No’s”, hear “No’s” “No’ a day, day because they know that if theys hear “No’ s”,100 there wills”also be,


  some “Yes’s”. It’s a  numbers game!  The most successful “Don  Juans” of my friends are the ones who dealt with the “No’ “No’s” s” the best.  They knew that if they talk to 25 girls a night, eventually there will be someone who will have a drink with them. Others gave up after hearing two or three “No’s”.  Just be prepared to get rejected many times on your way to success. The think secret“NEXT”. is to not give When tells you “No, thanks” you Didup! you knowsomebody that Sylvester Stallone’s script for the movie “Rocky” was rejected over 70 times? Jack Canfield’s and Mark Victor Hansen’s “Chicken Soup for the Soul”  was rejected a 130 times and that Canfield was actually laughed at  when he said that he wanted to sell 1 million books. His editor told him he‘d be lucky to sell 20,000. Well, the first book “Chicken Soup for the Soul” sold 8 million copies, the whole series about 500 million! Even J.K. Rowlings’ “Harry Potter” was rejected 12 times!  Answer the the following questions: questions:

 What are you taking away away from this chapter? How will you deal with rejection from now on?


  21 AVOID ENERGY ROBBERS “Energy “Ener gy and persistence conquer all things.” things.”   Benjamin Franklin

"The energy energy of the mind is the essence of life."   Aristotle

 Your energy is crucial for boosting you towards your goals and  Your happiness. There are some things in your life that drain your energy and then there are things that add energy. Don’t underestimate the importance of energy and keep it up! In my coaching processes, we we put a lot of emphasis on activi activities ties that bring energy and cut loose things thatyou drain energy my clients’ lives. lives.feel good,  When operate onout lowofenergy energ y you don’t g ood, you are not happy, you send out low vibes, and chances are that you will attract  what you are sending! Stop doing or exposing yourself to things that drain your energy like unhealthy eating habits, alcohol, drugs, caffeine, sugar, tobacco, lack of exercise, negativity, negativity, sarcasm, unfocused goals, the news, and tabloid newspapers among others. All these things drain your energy. energy. And beware of the “energy vampires” amongst your colleagues, friends, and even family. Why would you spend time with people that only drain you?


  Become very selfish on how you manage your energy: • Eliminate all distractions. • Finish your unfinished business. • Work on your tolerations. (See Chapter 29) • Say good bye to all energy robbing people and relationships. Questions:

 What are the energy robbers in your life?  _________________________________  ________________ _________________________________ _____________________  _____   _________________________________  ________________ _________________________________ _____________________  _____   _________________________________  ________________ _________________________________ _____________________  _____   _________________________________  ________________ _________________________________ _____________________ _____  What will you do about it?  _________________________________  ________________ _________________________________ _____________________  _____   ________________  _________________________________ _________________________________ _____________________  _____   _________________________________  ________________ _________________________________ _____________________ _____


  22 MANAGE YOUR TIME “Theree is nothing so useless as doing efficiently that which should “Ther not be done at all.” Peter F. Drucker

Do you work lots of overtime and still don’t don’t have time for everything you need to do? Are you one of those people that would lo love ve to have have 28 hours in a day? Well, unfortunately you also have only 24 hours like everybody else on this planet. Oh and I’m sorry, I forgot: There is no such thing as time management! You can’t manage time. What you can do is use your time wisely and manage your priorities . Everyone who comes comes to me and mo most st of my friends say “I “I don’t have time to_________ (fill in the blank).” The fastest way to gain time is to watch one hour less of TV every day. day. That’s That’s 365 hours a year, which equals 28 hours a month! What would you do with seven extra a week?25). Another trick to gain more time is getting up earlierhours (see Chapter Set priorities and choose what activities to invest your time in. Set clear rules about when you are available and when you are not available  and don’t let other people steal your time.  The funny thing is, the more you value value your time, the more you wil willl have of it, because people will also value your time. time. If you allow people to interrupt you all the time, you’re essentially showing them that your time is not very valuable in which case you will not be able to work effectively, no matter how many hours you work. Recent studies have found out that each minute interruption work costs 12 minutes, because your 5brain needs 7 minutes at to refocus! Howyou many


  interruptions do you have per day? 10? 12? Imagine how much time you can gain back when you decrease the number of interruptions. Every 3 minute interruption costs you 10 minutes. Let’s say you get interrupted 12 times in one working day: 2 hours gone! In a month that’s like having an extra week! Don’t let employees, friends, or clients interrupt you. Set those clear rules NOW.  Another big time robber is social media and e-mail. Setting fixed times for your social media activity and checking emails is another means to gain a lot of time.  I started gaining a lot of time at work when I learnt to say “NO”. (See Chapter 24). My personal number one time saving technique is taking 30 to 60 minutes on Sundays to plan my week ahead. I put my personal and professional goals for every ever y week in my excel sheet.  And don’t forget to schedule in some free time, relaxation time, like power naps, reading, meditation, etc. and some buffer time

for I also take 15 minutes every day to to plan my on next day.emergencies In this way, too. I give my subconscious mind a chance work it already while I sleep. This works! When I start the next day I don’t have to think much: I just go to work. Some more time saving tips:  • Make a to-do list with date and the time the task takes. • Limit your phone calls to 5 minutes per call. • Be aware of the result you want for each call that you make make.. • Work Work against time and you’ll get your work done faster (set an alarm clock and work against it).

• them Writein Write 5 things youpriority want .for the next day each evening and list order of priority. • Create blocks of time (90 minutes blocks). blocks). • Track your time. Take a look at how you are currently using your time by tracking your daily activities. • Do the unpleasant things first. • Stop being busy and go g o for results. Be careful with the following time robbers:  • Lack of information for completing a task. • You You do everything yourself (Is delegating an option?).

Y ou get distracted easily anda set boundaries!). •• You Your Your phone calls are too (Focus long (Put 5 minutes limit).


  • You You spend a lot of time in searching for files (Get (Get organized!) • You keep doing things the same way and don’t realize that there could be a more efficient way of doing it. • You You think you have to be reachable all the time and eeverywhere verywhere (Really?). you insist theone excuse So younogoing to do thatwhat you are have time or willnext? you  Will start making timeon with little thing at a time and experience the change for yourself? What are you going to do? Remember it’s it’s all about decisions and habits!  Action Step:

 Write down 5 things you will  Write will start doing NOW! NOW!  _________________________________  ________________ _________________________________ _____________________  _____   _________________________________  ________________ _________________________________ _____________________  _____   _________________________________  ________________ _________________________________ _____________________  _____   ________________  _________________________________ _________________________________ _____________________  _____   _________________________________  ________________ _________________________________ _____________________  _____   _________________________________  ________________ _________________________________ _____________________  _____   _________________________________  ________________ _________________________________ _____________________ _____


   54 54

  23 START TO GET ORGANIZED! “Organizing is what you do before you do something,  something,  so  so that when  you do it, it is not all mixed mixed up.”  up.”  A.A.Milne

“For every minute spent organizing, organizing, an hour is earned.”  earned.”  Anonymous

 Are you too busy to get organized? You are surrounded by mountains of paper and have post-its all over over your table. table. And you feel you are really busy but you just can’t breathe and you just can’t handle your work work even if you do extra time?  THEN READ CLOSELY NOW, because I’m especially talking to YOU It’s not that you are too busy to get organized, it’s because !you are not organized that you are so busy! And to make it worse: Being busy doesn’t mean that you are effective! Just because you have the messiest table in the office, doesn’t mean you are the one  who works hardest.  There are studies that today’s today’s executives executives spend between 30% and 50% of their time searching for paperwork! paperwork! Can you believe that? So, my overwhelmed worker, go on reading and TRY OUT these little tips, as they can change your life! I have been there and I turned it around using the little tips below:


  • Spend the first 15 minutes of your working working day prioritizing what to do. • Spend one hour a week for organizing org anizing and filing papers. • Spend 15 minutes a day throwing away away papers and clearing away your desk • Spend the last 15 minutes of your working working day to go through taskse-mail for tomorrow. What’sget urgent? • your Use your inbox as What’s a to-do important? list. Tasks solved archived and tasks unsolved stay in the inbox. • If there are any e-mails and tasks that you can do in less than 5 minutes, always do them the m right rig ht away! ALW A LWA AYS! • Don’t Don’t accept any new tasks until you are in control. • Do the job right the first time, so that it doesn’t doesn’t come back to haunt you and cost you more time later. Do you remember that typical colleague who always completed his  work fast, but not thoroughly and then during every step of the process go back for more m ore information? Instead of doing it you wellhad onetotime with to with allhim of the correct documentation which takes 15 minutes, he rushed it in 5 minutes, and later you had to go back to him three more times thus losing another 30 minutes. So instead of 15 minutes he actually took 35 35 minutes to complete the task. Do it right the first time! Like everything else in this book, saying “That won’t won’t work for me” doesn’tt count as an excuse! Try doesn’ Try it for at least two weeks and if it still doesn’tt work for you write me an email and complain to me! doesn’  Action Step:

 Which of the tips will you try first?


  24 SAY SA Y “NO” TO THEM AND “YES” TO YOURSELF “I don’t know the key to success, but the key to failure is trying to  please everybody.” everybody.”    Bill Cosby  Cosby

HereWhen is another one of wanting these small exercises that improved impro ved my being life a lot: I stopped to please others and started myself, a lot of it came with the word “No”. Every Every time you say “No” when you mean  “No”, you are actually saying “Yes” to yourself! Before learning to say “No”, I often went out with my friends although I didn’t want to or went to events I didn’t enjoy. The result was I was there physically but mentally I was in another place and honestly I was not the best company. When I decided that a “Yes” is a “Yes” and a “No” is a “No”, I felt much better. I went out less with my friends and telling them “NO” was hard at the beginning, but the result was that when I was with my friends I was fully Inthere. my work life, the impact was even bigger. When I started  working in Spain I wanted to be a good colleague and said yes to every favor I was asked for. Guess what happened? I ended up being totally overwhelmed overwhelmed at work, because I was asked for a lot of favors  – usually work nobody else wanted to do. do. It took me a while to put my foot down, but finally I said “Enough!”. From then on my first answer to all questions for favors was “NO! Sorry. Can’t do it. Very busy at the moment!” By starting to say “No” often, I improved my  work life a lot and actually freed up a lot of time. But make sure you say “NO” without feeling guilty! You can explain to the person in question that .it’s not anything against them, own wellbeing. wellbeing I could still do mypersonal colleagues a favor, favor , but but onlyfor if Iyour had


  enough time and decided to. Suddenly I was in the driver’s driver’s seat. If I  was up for it I would mention to the colleague in question that I’m only doing a favor and in no case do I want to end up doing the job. Selfish? Yes! But keep in mind who the most important person in your life is. That’s right! YOU are the most important person in your life! You You have to be well! Only if you are well yourself, can you be  well towards others and from level you can others, but first be well yourself. Youthis can always buy contribute some timetoand say “maybe” at first, until you come to a definite decision. Life gets a lot easier if you start saying “No”!  Ask yourself yourself the following questions: questions:

 Whose life are you living? Are you living your own life or trying to please and fulfill the expectations of others?  Who and what are you going to say NO to starting NOW? NOW?  Action Step:

Make a list of things that you will stop doing! doing!


  25 GET UP EARLY! SLEEP LESS! “It is well to be up before daybreak, for such habits  contribute to health, wealth, and wisdom.”  wisdom.”  Aristotle

 The first benefit of getting up an hour earlier is that you gain g ain around 365 hours per year. 365! Who said “I don’t have time!”? When clients come to me telling me that they don’t have time, the first thing I ask them is how many hours of TV are they watching. watching. This usually provides them with the time they need. To those who stopped  watching TV and still don’t don’t have enough time I ask them to get up one hour earlier. earlier.  There is a very special energy energ y in the morning hours before sunrise. Ever since I started getting up around 5.30 or 6 o’clock, my life changed completely. I’m much more calm and relaxed and don’t start the day already already running around stressed. I usually go running half an hour before the sun rises so that on my way back I see the sun rising “out of ” the Mediterranean Sea. This is absolut absolutely ely mind boggling and already puts me in a state of absolute happiness. happiness.  And for those of you who don’t don’t live next to the sea: A sunrise “out of ” fields, forests, forests, or even a big city is just as exciting. exciting. Just go  watch it and let me know! Starting your day like this is very beneficial for your happiness and peace of mind. Another great advantage of getting up earlier is that it reinforces self-discipline and you’ll gain self-respect. Many successful leaders were were and still are members of the early birds club, for example, Nelson Mandela, Mahatma Gandhi, Barrack Obama, and many more. It’s scientifically proven that 6 hours should be enough sleep per 59

  night paired with a 30 to 60 minutes power nap in the afternoon.  Your  Y our freshness depends on the quality of your sleep, not on the quantity.. You quantity You have to try and figure out for yourself how many hours of sleep you need to feel refreshed. But you should definiti definitively vely give give it a try. It will improve improve your quality of life a lot. Don’t Don’t forget that getting up early is a new habit, so give it some time and don’t give up after first still feel tiredin. after getting up earlier earlier. .’tThe habit the needs at week least 3iftoyou 4 weeks to kick If you absolutely can can’t get up one hour earlier, try half an hour. hour. And don’t don’t forget that your attitude, thoughts, and beliefs about getting up an hour earlier play a big role, too. To me it was always intriguing how it was so difficult for me to get up at 6.45ish to go to work after after 7 or 8 hours of sleep, but before every vacation I usually slept 4 hours and woke up before the alarm clock went off and I was totally totally refreshed and energized. In In the end, getting up or hitting the snooze button is a decision you make. It’s up to you. How important is a better lifestyle and more time for you?


  26 AVOID THE MASS MEDIA “A democratic civilization will save itself only if it makes the language of the image into a stimulus for critical reflection — not an invitation for hypnosis.”  hypnosis.”  Umberto Eco

“The news is glorified gossip.”  gossip.”  Mokokoma Mokhoana

 You want to make fast progress, don’t  You don’t you? Here is one tip that will set free a lot of energy and time! How many hours do yyou ou spend in front of the “box” every day? The average average American spends 4 to 5 hours a day in front of thea week! TV, TV, and sameThat’s goessfor Europeans. Europeans . That’s That’ between 28 and 35 hours Boom! That’ a lot of time you cans gain right there! Apart from gaining time there is an even more beneficial benefi cial side effect! effect! TV is one of the biggest energy drainers, drainers, if not the number one! Do you ever feel renewed or reenergized after watching the news, or better better still turn off  watching TV? Stop watching  your television!  Why would would you expose yourself to so much negativity? Don’t expose yourself to too much of the garbage that out there is on TV. TV. Substitute your habit of watching TV for a healthier habit like taking a walk, spending more time with your family,, or reading a good book. family Ithat stopped watching thetonews years over ago when became while on the train workmany I got upset thingsI heard andaware seen


  on the morning news and I thought to myself, “I can’t go to my stressful workplace workplace being already stressed, simply because of what politician A said or banker B did or because there is a war in C. Just one week after stopping watching the news I felt a lot better! Don’t believe me? Just try it for yourself! Don't watch the news for a  week and see how how you feel. feel.  I'm they not telling you ignorant to becomeisignorant – even person though here in the happiest in the Spain say “the  village”. You can still read the newspapers. I would recommend the headlines only. You will still be up to date with the important stuff, because your family, friends, and colleagues will keep you updated.  Just choose and be selective how much garbage you expose your mind to. If you need more reasons to stop watching watching television television read one of the great books that are out there about how the media manipulates us and how nearly everything is fake! Control the information that you are exposed to. to. Make sure it adds to your life. Instead of  watching trashtheTV, TVnews , watch documentary a comedy. comedy . Instead of listening to in a your car listenor to an audio-book or motivational CDs.


  27 DO YOU “HAVE “HAVE TO” OR DO YOU “CHOOSE “C HOOSE TO”? “It’s choice – not chance – that determines your destiny.”  destiny.”   Jean Nidetch  Nidetch

Do you have many things in your life that you “should” or “have to” do, but never do? How many “shoulds” do you have in your life? Should you exercise more, go to the gym more, stop smoking, eat healthier, and spend more time with your family?  Those “shoulds” don’t don’t help you to get anywhere; they only imply that you are not good enough and just drain your energy, because they come with a bad conscience and self-torture. “Why am I not going to the gym? I’m so bad! I will never lose weight” and so on and so forth. Make a list of all your your “shoulds” and then forget it!  What? Forget it? Yes! I’m not kidding, forget it! If you have had a goal yearingand haven’t about it, the thengym you and are bettersince bette r off last forgetting forgett about abou t it. Ifdone youranything goal is going goin g to you didn’t didn’t go for a year, let it go. go. With the goal you also let go off the bad con-science and the self-punishment for not accomplishing it.  Throw out all your “shoulds” “shoulds” and set some new goals! Stop doing things that you “have to” do and instead choose your goals  and - very important- substitute “I should” and “I have to”  with "I choose to", "I decide to", “I will” and “I prefer to”. I choose to exercise more, I will eat healthier, I choose to read more. How does that feel? It’ss important that you enjoy your activities – if not, don’t It’ don’t do them.  Try  T ry out this little exercise:


  I have to _____A_____. If I don’t don’t do _____A_____, then _____B_____ will happen.  An  A nd if _____B______ then _____C______ and then  _____D______ and _____E______ _____E______ and then ____Z_____. ____Z_____. I prefer _____A______ to _____Z______ That’s why I choose  _____A______  Action Step:

Make your your list of “shoulds” and let go of them or rephrase them them to “I choose to” or “I decide to”.


  28 FACE YOUR FEARS! “The fear of suffering is worse than the suffering itself.” itself.”   Paolo Coelho

“You gain strength, courage, and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. You must do the thing which you think you cannot do.”  do.”  Eleanor Roosevelt

Don’t let your fears frustrate you, limit you, or paralyze you!  David Joseph Schwartz  puts it this way: “Do what you fear and your fear disappears” and Mark Twain already knew over a hundred years ago that "20 years from now you will be more disappointed with the things you didn't do than with the ones that you did."  Or as one of my favorite favorite sayings goes: "Never regret the things yyou ou did; only those you never tried!" So face these fears! Ninet  Ninetyy percent percent of them are pure imagination anyway. anyway. Illusions! Incredible stories of drama and disaster that will probably never happen and are made up by your mind - “the world’s world’s greatest director of soap operas”, as T. T. Harv Eker says - to keep you in your comfort zone. The only problem is that great things like development, growth and success happen outside of of the comfort zone zone.. Fears are a survival sur vival mechanism mechanism of your mind. Your Your mind wants to keep you safe and anything that your mind doesn't know, scares it. I

had behind many fears in mygreat life and still do butwaited I learned overcome them and my fears opportunities for to me. So I made it a


  habit to use my fear as a springboard. Just ask yourself, "What's the  worst thing that can happen to me if I do this?"  Then Then evaluate if the risk is worth worth taking o orr not.  Be careful! There is also a price for not taking a risk or stepping out of your your comfort zone. zone. Ask yyourse ourself lf “What price am I paying for staying the same or not doing this?” Is it an even higher one than the price of happiness, taking the risk? This includes intangible things   Change your relationship like inner peace, health etc.also  with fear. fear. Let it warn you and consult you, you, but don’t let it  paralyze you! you! For example, I used to be totally paralyzed by fear, and stayed stuck stuck in my job for five five years because of fear of change or the unknown. Nowadays when I’m invaded by fears and doubts I think to myself, “Hm, “Hm, if there are so many doubts and fears I must must be on a good track. I better take action.”  Try  T ry new things and attempt the seemingly impossible! Ironically it's the things that you most fear that will be the most positive for your development and growth once you overcome them. Do the things youdon't fear:want maketothat want to make, send email you send,call askyou thatdon't person you’re afraid to ask that and see what happens. When you notice fear have a look at it, observe it, analyze it, but don't believe it. Instead ask it,  “Fear, my old friend!  What are you doing here again? Do you want to warn me or do  you want want to paralyze me? What's your your game?”   What are you afraid of ? Failure? Failure? Success? Making mistakes?  Taking  T aking the wrong decisions? Do as Susan Jeffers says: "Feel "Feel the fear and do it anyway”! If you want to reach reach new territories you have to take some risks and continuously do things that you are afraid of. Mistakes don’t matter as long as you learn from them and don’t make thebysame and aover again. or Theprocrastinating same goes for decisions  – the mistakes way notover taking decision is also a decision!  Answer the following following questions in your your workboo workbook k or journal:

1) What is stopping you from living the life you want to live? 2) What excuses are you making for justifying staying where you are? 3)afrai What’ What’s s the worst afraid d of doing? doing ? thing that can happen if you do what you are


  29 ELIMINA ELIMI NATE TE EVERYTHING THAT THAT ANNO ANNOYS YS YOU “Great things are done by a series of small things brought together”   together” Vincent van Gogh  Gogh

“It isn’t the mountains ahead that wear you out. It’s the grain of  sand in your shoe.” shoe.”    Robert Service  Service

 This is usually one of the first exercises I do with my coaching clients. Everything that annoys you drains your energy.  In coaching, we call it tolerations.  For example, a missing button on your favorite shower curtain, kitchenowed cupboard thata doesn’t close, shirt, your the bossdirty micromanaging you,amoney to you, disorganized guest room, broken tools, a messy and disorganized desk, clothes that don’t don’t fit any more etc. are tolerations. For as long as you don’t fix them they keep draining your energy. As soon as you eliminate them you will have more energy to concentrate on the things that move you forward. So your exercise will will be to make a list of all the things that annoy annoy you: in your private life, your job, your house, your friends,  yourself, etc. Don’t get scared if you write down 50 to 100 things. Don’t things. It’s It’s normal. Once you write them all down group them. Which ones are easy to


  handle? Which ones can YOU handle? For now, leave the ones that don’t depend on you. Have a look at them after two or three weeks. The funny thing I’ve seen with my clients is that some of the tolerations that don’ don’tt depend on you disappear on their own own once you take care of the ones that you can handle. For example, client drained Martinaher had huge She problems colleague at work. my He really energy. worked with on thea tolerations she could handle and the list got emptier. Three months later her colleague suddenly changed jobs and left the company! Now  was that just a coincidence or was it a consequence of her working on her tolerations? I’ll leave the choice to you. Fact is that she is a lot happier at work now! Try Try it out for yourself and keep me posted!  Action Step:

Make a list of all the things that annoy you. In your priv private ate life, your job, your house, your friends, yourself, etc. Start working on it as described above!


  30 CLEAN OUT YOUR CUPBOARD “Bottom line is, if you do not use it or need it, it’s clutter, and it needs to go.”  go.”  Charisse Ward

Do you want something new to come into your life? Do you ever notice that as soon as you get rid of some stuff and create space the universe doesn’t take long to fill this space again? It’s all about energy. If you have have too much stuff that you don’t don’t use in your your house, it drains your energy! Coaching is about improving your whole environment and that includes uncluttering. Start with your cupboard. Here are some tips: • If you haven’t haven’t worn it for a year, you probably won’t wear it any more. • When you think “This will be useful one day” or “This “ This reminds me of good times” - out it it goes.  When I unclutter I usually give stuff away away for free. It just makes me feel better and somehow I think life/God/the universe will reward me for it. Once you are done with the cupboard take on the whole bedroom. Later move on to the living room, clean out your garage and end up cleaning up your your entire home & office. office. Get rid of everything that you don’t use any more: clothes, journals, books, CDs, even furniture, and so on. One of my clients uncluttered his whol wholee apartment in one weekend. He felt so much better and lighter and got an energy boost that helped him to finish a whole bunch of his short term goals. He never looked back.  When will you start uncluttering? 69

   Action Step:

Schedule a weekend and get rid of everything you don’t don’t need any more! SCHEDULE THE WEEKEND NOW!


  31 UNCLUTTERING AND TOLERATIONS TOLERATIONS GO HAND H AND IN HAND HAN D – A REAL LIFE EXAMPLE “Clutter is nothing more than postponed decisions.”  decisions.”   Barbara Hemphill  Hemphill

Uncluttering and Tolerations go hand in hand. I have here a real life example of my client Lawrence, Lawrence, who describes what happened during the process: uncluttering my life, itit was like like I was "When I went through the process of uncluttering creating a new sense of freedom for myself. Before I understo understood od what what cluttering cluttering is, I had been going through life picking up so many bad habits and discouraging thoughts along the way... way... They weren't the type of habits like like a vice, for example, example, smoking or drinking.  They were more like small tolerations that were seemingly insignificant insigni ficant to begin begin with, but as I gained gained more and more of them in my life and  just accepted them as something I couldn't change, they grew heavier until I was very weighed down.  These tolerations made me feel like I was moving like a sloth.  Things like like procrastination, procrastination, lack of sleep, not gaining gaining fulfillment fulfillment from my work, getting used to take-out take-out food too often, often, beating myself up for not achieving achieving more success...Somew success...Somewhere here along the way I lost sight of my goals in life and I just allowed these tolerations to clutter things up to the point that I felt stuck. When my coach Marc introduced the idea idea of uncluttering uncluttering to me, it was was truly a revelation.  I understood what it meant immediately, but I just didn't know why I was this this way or how how to fix it and and climb out out of the hole. With the tools that Marc helped to equip me with, I can now recognize my tolerations and work on unloading them.  I've identified the ones that I could quickly fix and have gotten rid of them: fixing fixing the window sill that wouldn't wouldn't open, hanging up the pai paintings ntings that I left in storage when I moved, replacing my old mattress that was not so comfortable.  I also recognize the tolerations that will take more time to resolve, 71

  and I work on them all the time, time, like like challenging challenging myself more at work and  getting gratification from that productivity.  I've written written down all all of them to keep keep track trac k of and to hold hold myself accountable accountable,, and I write write down new tolerations tolerations as I identify them along the way. Uncluttering the tolerations in my life, that were jumbled together in my mind and slowing me down, has made me feel like I am 10x lighter now. I have more energy,that moremyspirit, andsurr enthusiasm. as I uncluttered the tolerations,  found physical sumore rroundings oundings became becamAnd e unclutter uncluttered ed as well. My apartment isI cleaner and more open, so I feel like I'm in a clutter-free environment at home."


  32 THE MOST IMPORTANT HOUR… “Write it on your heart that every day is the best day in the year.”  year.”   Ralph Waldo Emerson

 The most important hour of your day is composed of the thirty minutes after you wake up and the thirty minutes before you fall asleep. This is when your subconscious is very very receptiv rece ptivee so it’s it’s of big importance what you do in this time.  The way you start your day will have a huge impact on how the rest of your day develops. develops. I’m sure you have had days which have started off on the wrong foot and from then on it got worse and  worse  – or the opposite where you woke up with that feeling that everything will go your way and then it did. That’s why it’s very important to begin your day day well. Most of us just get into a rush from minute one after waking up and that’s how our days unfold. No  wonder most around stressed nowadays. nowada ys. What getting up half people an hourrun or an hour hour earlier every morning do for would you?  What if instead of hurrying and swallowing swallowing down your breakfast or even having it on the way to work, you you get up and take half an hour for yourself? Maybe you even create a little morning ritual with a 10 or 15-minute meditation. Do you see what this could do for your life if you made it a habit? Here are some activities activities for the morning ritual. Give it a shot! • Think positive: Today Today is going to be a great day! •• Remember 5 minutes g rateful for. for. 15 minutes minutes for of quiet time. time. what you are grateful


  • Imagine the day that is about to start going g oing very well. • Watch a sunrise. • Go running r unning or take a walk. • Write in your journal.  The last half an hour of your day has the same importance! The things you do in the theduring last half an sleep. hour before sleeping will to remain in your subconscious your So then it’s time do the following: • Write Write into your journal again. • Now is the time for reflecting on your day day.. What did you do great? What could you have done even better? • Plan your day ahead. What are the most important things you  want to get done tomorrow? • Make a to do list for the next day. • Visualize your ideal day. • Read some inspirational blogs, blogs, articles, or chapters of a book. • Listen to music that inspires you. I highly recommend that you NOT WATCH THE NEWS or MOVIES that agitate you before you are about to go to sleep. This is because when you are falling asleep you are highly receptive to suggestions. That’s why it’s a lot more beneficial to listen or watch positivee material. The planning ahead positiv ahead of your day and the list of things to do can bring you immense advantages and time saving. The things you have to do will already be in your subconscious plus you  will get to work very focused the next day if you already know what your priorities are. Questions:

How will your mornings and evenings e venings look from now on?  Will you get up 30 minutes minutes earlier and develop a little ritu ritual? al?  What will your last activities activities be before you go to sleep?


  33 FIND YOUR PURPOSE AND D DO O WHAT WHAT YOU LOVE “The purpose of life is not to be happy. It is to be useful, to be honorable, to be compassionate, to have it make some difference that you have lived and lived well.”  well.”  Ralph Waldo Emerson ”The two most important days in your life are the day you are born  and the day you find out why.” Mark Twain

One of the most important things along your life’ life’ss journey is the discovery of your purpose. So what exactly exactly does that mean? It means doing what you love to do. Your answers to the questions “What  would you do if success was guaranteed?”  or “What would you do if you had ten million dollars, dollars, seven houses, and ha have ve traveled to all of your favorite favorite destinations?” will lead you to your purpose.  You  Y ou spend more time at your job than with your loved ones, so you better enjoy enjoy what you are doing! The 2013 Gallup “The state of the American Workplace Workplace report” states that up to 70% of people are not happy at their work! 50% are not engaged, not inspired, and just kind of present and around 20% have have resigned internally and are actively disengaged! I was part of the 50% for five five years and it was horrible. The worst thing was that I didn’t even notice it! We all have great ideas or dreams about what we could be, have, and do. What

happened to your dreams? This is where the value exercise from Chapter 16 comes into the picture. 75

   The ideal picture is to build your goals around those values and have a job which allows you to live according to your values. You don’t have to rush into something new, but you can start doing more of the things you love. love. It sounds like jargon, but when you have found your purpose, things will start to fall into place. You will start to attract people, opportunities, and resources naturally and incredible thingswho willisstart to what happen! attracts success more than somebody doing theyNothing love to do! My friend Yvonne Yvonne followed followed her hunch, dropped out of Law School, and started selling shoes at a big department store. She loves to help people and she loves shoes so for her the choice was obvious. She went with her gut even though people made fun of her. She was even called the “female Al Bundy”. Not a great compliment. But she didn’t care about the jokes and went on to become the number one Sales Woman Woman in the department store, selling hundreds of thousands of dollars’ dollars’ worth worth of shoes each each year, taking taking home home Employee Employee of the  Year  Y ear awards one year after another and earning a decent salary. salary. In fact she does well minute that theofVIP her. She enjoyssoevery enjoys her clients work. only want to be served by If you feel like you you are driving without a roadmap or a GPS and don’tt really know where to go or if you never quite know don’ know what you are doing here and why, why, and you feel kind of lost and empty, empty, then that’s a sign that you have not found your purpose. But don’t worry, that can be fixed in no time. You can find clues to your purpose by examining your values, skills, passions, and ambitions and by taking a look at what you are good at. Here are some more questions that should help you. Have Have the courage to answer them to yourself and  write them down. Nobody else but you can see the answers. (Don’t skip them, changed!) like I did for 15 years! When I finally answered them, everything  Answer yourself yourself the following questions: questions:

 Who am I? Why am I here? Why do I exist? exist?  What do I really want to do with my my life?  When do I feel fully alive? alive?  What were the highlights of my life?


   What am I doing when time flies by? What inspires me?  What are my greatest strengths?  What would I do do if success was guaranteed?  What would I do do ifthe I had ten million Dollars, Dollars, seven houses, houses, and had traveled all around world?  Action Step:

 Watch the video “What if money was no object?” (3:04) on  Watch  YouT  Y ouTube. ube.


  34 TAKE A WALK EVERY DAY “An early-morning walk is a blessing for the whole day.”  day.”   Henry David Thoreau

 Whenever possible,with go out timeoraround nature. Takearea  walk and connect it. Wand atchspend a sunset a sunrise. If you going for a run or a walk in the mornings you’ll surely say that Henry David Thoreau is right! Our rhythm of life has become so fast and so stressful that taking some time and walking through the woods can bring you down to earth and provide you with deep relaxation. Listen to the silence and enjoy it. Taking a walk is a great way to reenergize your body and your mind.  A new Stanford study that just came out concludes that walking improves your creative thinking. When my wife had a hard time at  work was on and the aedge outhelped we started long  walks and for an hour half of eachburning day. day. That her totaking disconnect from her stressful workday workday, forget her anger ang er of the day, day, and talk about and analyze her emotions. Due to this activity she also fell asleep easier and had a better and more refreshing sleep at night.  After only a week she felt a lot better! Another advantage of the long  walks what that she got tired, lowered her guard, and even started listening to what her husband had to say …  When will you start walking one hour per day? Do it for 30 days and let me know how it feels!


  35 WHAT WHA T ARE YOUR STANDA STANDARDS? RDS? “I teach people how to treat me by what I will allow.”  allow.”   Stephen Covey

Expect and demand more from yourself yourself and from those around you. If you really want to make make a change in your life you have to raise yo your ur standards. Have a zero tolerance policy for mediocrity, procrastination, and behavior that impedes your best performance!  Your  Y our standards could be, for example, to always tell the truth, to always be punctual, to really listen to people until they are finished, and so on. Hold yourself yourself to high standard standardss and - what is of the same or even more importance - set boundaries for those around you! Boundaries are things that people simply can’t do to you like yelling at you, make stupid jokes around you, or disrespect you. Communicate clearly and make it a habit to address anything that bothers you on the spot. Remember what the proverb says: “In the right tone you can say everything, in the wrong tone nothing, the art is to find the right tone”. Practice saying things in a neutral tone of  voice like you’ you’d d say “the sun is shining”. If somebody is overstepping your boundaries inform  them: “I didn’t like that comment” or “I don’t like you talking to me in that tone”. If they go on, request them to stop: “I ask you to stop talking to me like this”. By now most people should get it, but there are always one or two two that continue. If that happens - insist: “I insist that you stop talking to me in that way.” way.” If all three steps don’t don’t help – leave!  Walk away neutrally stating “I can’t have this conversation,  while you are _______. Let’ Let’s talk later.” later.”


   Action Steps:

 Write  W rite down the following following things:  Things you will no longer accept in your life.  All the behaviors you will will no longer tolerate from others others..  All the things you want to to become.


  36 ADAPT ADAP T AN ATTITU ATTITUDE DE OF GRATITU GRATITUDE! DE! "Be thankful for what you have; you'll end up having more. If you concentrate on what you don't have, you will never, ever have enough."   Oprah Winfrey

Listen to Oprah! Be grateful g rateful for what you have every day and you will attract more things to be grateful for. Gratitude recharges you with energy and boosts your self-worth. It’s directly linked to physical and mental well-being. well-being. The “attitude of gratitude” leads you directly to happiness and is the best antidote to anger, envy, and resentment! Let it become part of your nature! nature! Be grateful for what you have, for all the small things around you, and even for the things you don’t have yet!  Don’t say: “I’ll be grateful when…” like I did for many years.  Take  T ake the shortcut: Be grateful NOW NOW - no matter what - and make gratitude a daily habit: Start the day by saying thank you for what you have (instead of complaining about what you don't have). have). This will have an immediate effect on your life. Focus on the good things that you can find every day. day. The following exercises are part of every one of my coaching processes. processes. Do them and observe what happens.  Action Steps:  1) Make a list of everything you have have in your life that you are grateful for. Write Write down everything you can think of. (This should be a long list) 2) For 21 days every day write 3 to 5 things that you are grateful g rateful for,

that day in your journal. Before going to sleep relive the moments. moments. Relive the happiness. 81

   82 82

  37 THE MAGIC MAGI C OF VISUALIZATION VISUALIZATION “The best way to predict the future is to create it.”  it.”    Peter Drucker

 Visualization is a fundamental resource in building experiences. The subconscious part of your brain cannot distingu distinguish ish between a well done visualization and reality. reality. This means that if you visualize your goals with a lot of emotion and in great detail, your subconscious mind will be convinced that it's really happening. You will then be provided with motivation, opportunities, and ideas that will help you to transform your life into that desired state. What am I saying? Can you practice sports by pure visualization?  Well  W ell actually you can. There are various studies that confirm the power of visualization. visualiza tion. As early as in the 80’s, 80’s, Tony Tony Robbins worked  with the U.S. Army Ar my and used visualization techniques to dramatically increase pistol shooting performance. There have also been other studies done for improving improving free throw throw shooting percentages of Basketball players using the same techniques. The results were amazing! If you look closely at athletes they all visualize visualize their races and matches. Look at how skiers, formula 1 drivers, golfers, tennis players, and even soccer players visualize in-game situations, days and hours before the actual match. Jack Nicklaus, Wayne Gretzky, and Greg Louganis - to name a few - are known to have achieved their goals  with visualization. In coaching we use visualization techniques with goals. See yourself yourself as already having achieved achieved the goal. See it through your own eyes and put all your senses in it: smell it, hear it, feel it, taste it. The more emotions you put into into it, the more of an impact it  will have. have. If you do this for 15 minutes every day over time you will 83

  see enormous results. Make time for you daily visualization either in your morning ritual or in the evening before going g oing to bed. It can be helpful to make make a collage of images that represent your goal on a A3 sheet of cardboard and put it up in your bedroom or somewhere where you can see it. Buy some journals and cut out the photos that represent your goals. You could also create a screensaver of various computer or adesktop. desktop your bills, goal or is  wealth, put aphotos photo on of your you dream house, photo .ofIfdollar  whatever wealth means to you. If you search for “vision board” on Google, you will will surely find lots of examples. examples. Look at your collage every day 5 minutes after getting up and 5 minutes before going to bed and imagine yourself vividly with your goal already accomplished.


  38 WHAT IF? “Our expectancies not only affect how we see reality reality but also affect the reality reality itself.”  itself.”  Dr. Edward E. Jones

 Always expect the best! Life doesn’t doesn’t always give you what you want, but it sure gives you what you expect! Do you expect success? Or do you spend most of your time worr worrying ying about failure? Our expectations about ourselves and others come from our subconscious beliefs and they have an enormous impact on our achievements. Your expectations influence your attitude and your attitude has a lot to do with your success.  Your  Y our expectations also affect your willingness to take action and all your interactions with others. others. Many of us know all this and yet most of us expect negative outcomes outcomes when asking one of the favorite favorit questions of on thewhat mind:doesn’t the question qtuestion “Whatifif it ”. doesn’t By asking it it,,  we are eoften focused doesn’ work: “What work out?”, “What if she doesn’t doesn’t go out with with me?”, “What if I don’t don’t get the job?”, “What if I don’t don’t get the raise?”, “What if I lose my job?” However neither does that feel good, nor is it good to focus on what  we fear. Why not turn tur n this around and ask yourself for every limiting or negative negative thought, thought, “What if the opposite opposite is true”?, “What “What if it  worked  work ed out great?”, “What if she says yes?”, “What if I get g et a raise?”, “What if I become a millionaire millionaire with this this idea?”, “What if I found resources?”, “What if I can make it happen?”, “What if now is the the time?”, “What if this little book helps me change my life for real?”    The in howyou youget. ask  questionyour transforms your single energy,adjustment and the answer It achanges thinking you, and


  your inner dialogue. Suddenly Suddenly you start asking what if up questions in your head, rather rather than what if down questions. questions. The benefits of shifting your thinking will be: • Less stress, fear, and anxiety. • You will feel more peaceful. • Your energy level will go up. • It allows you to be the inventor of your own experience.  Try it out! How did you feel just now reading it? Write a list of all  Try your fears and negative “What ifs” and then turn it around.


  39 LET GO OF THE PAST “We must be willing to let go of the life we’ve planned, planned,  so  so as to have the life that is waiting for us.”  us.”  Joseph Campbell

“When I let go of what I am, I become what I might be.  When I let go of what I have, I receive what I need.”  need.”  Tao Te Ching

Every moment you spend in your past is a moment you steal from your present and future. Stop reliving your drama– Don’t hang onto it. LET GO OF IT! Only if you have have the the courage courage to let go of the old, can you be open to new things entering your life. Don’tt waste your time thinking of things that could or should Don’ have happened or that didn’t work out as you wanted in the past. It doesn’t make sense! You can’t change it! Remember to focus on  what you want, not what you don’t want.  If you focus focus on situations that didn’t didn’t work work out in the past, you might attract more of these situations. Learn from your past experiences and move on.  That’ss all you have to do from now on. Easy,  That’ Easy, isn’t it? Concentrate on  what you want to do well in the future and not what went wrong in the past. You You need to let go of the past so that you are free and new things can come into your life! Let go of old baggage, finish unfinished business, and get closure with people. Deepak Chopra is


  right when he says “I use memories, but I will not allow memories to use me.” Complete the past so that you can be free to enjoy the present. From now on, adopt the mindset that you will always finish your business. Don’t leave anything incomplete in your relationships, work, and all other areas. Keep moving forward.  Action Step:

   What is incomplete in your life? Make Make a list and work on it!


  40 CELEBRATE CELEBRA TE YOU YOUR R WINS! “Celebrate what you want to see more of.”  of.”   Thomas Peters

On yourimportant way forward changing yourprogress! life and Stop reaching it’s it’s also to betoaware of your everyyour nowgoals and then and celebrate your wins! Celebrate that you are better than  you were last week! Don’t let your small victories go unnoticed! During the work with with my clients, clients, one of their consistent tasks is to celebrate their small wins. Every action step completed is worth celebrating. For every exercise in this book that you complete, reward yourself: buy yourself something you always always wanted, go to the movies, do whatever feels good for you.  If you you lea learnt rnt new habits and see great improvement, go on a short trip! You earned it! What will you reward reward yourself yourself with for your your progress so far?  Will you have a spa day or a nice dinner? Will you go for a  walk?

1._______________________________________________ 1._______________________________ ___________________ ___ 2._______________________________ 2.______________ _________________________________ ___________________ ___ 3._______________________________ 3.______________ _________________________________ ___________________ ___ 4._______________________________ 4.______________ _________________________________ ___________________ ___ 5._______________________________ 5.______________ _________________________________ ___________________ ___


  41 BE HAPPY NOW! “Happiness is the meaning and purpose of life”  life”  Aristotle

Happiness is a journey, not a destination! Happiness is also a choice! It is an inner state, not an external state. Happiness is a habit, a state of mind. Happiness is so many things! But the decisive and most important thing is: What is happiness to  YOU?  YO U? You can be happy right now! You don't believe me? Okay. Okay. Close your eyes for a moment. moment. Think of a situation that made you you really, really happy. Relive this situation in your mind. Feel it, smell it, hear it! Remember the excitement and joy! And? How did it feel? Did it work? How are you feeling now? Happiness doesn't depend on your car, your house, or anything in the outside world. You can be happy right here, right now! Don’tt miss out on the small pleasures of life, while you go after Don’ the big ones. Enjoy the beauty around you! Enjoy the small things! Don’t postpone life until you win the lottery or retire. Do the fun things now with what you have. have. Live each day fully as if it were your last! Start by being happy now. now. Smile as much as you can - even if you are not in the mood, because by smiling you're sending positive signals to your brain. Fun and humor are essential for a good, long life, job satisfaction, personal fulfillment, personal relationships, and life balance. So laugh lots and have have lots of fun! Which of of these reasons do YOU have right now for being happy? • You have a great job. • You love your work.


  • You have great kids. • You have a great partner. • You have great parents. • You are free. •… Questions

 What is happiness for you? (Be specific.) specific.) How many smiles have you gifted last week? How many smiles have you received? rece ived?  Action Steps:

Remember the moments that made you the most happy in your life.  W  Write rite down at least five moments that made you feel exceptionally great: 1._______________________________________ 2._______________________________________ 3._______________________________________ 4._______________________________________ 5._______________________________________ Re-live these moments with all their emotions and happiness. How does it feel?


  42 MULTIT MUL TITASKI ASKING NG IS A LIE! “Most of the time multitasking is an illusion. You think you are multitasking, but in -reality -reality you're actually wasting time switching  from  fro m one task to another.” another.”   Bosco Tjan

DO one thing at a time!  The newest studies show that multitasking is actually less productive than doing one thing at a time with a concentrated effort. Some studies even imply that it makes you slower and - careful now dumber! Even if you think you are multitasking multitasking you are actually doing one thing at a time, aren’t you? You might have five tasks on your hands, but I’m sure you don’t do all five things at the same time. You are  writing an e-mail. You stop writing it and take a phone call. You hang

up and continue writing the e-mail. A colleague comes to you with a question. You stop writing your e-mail and answer the question and so on. So forget about multitasking. Focus on doing one thing at a time and do it with concentration!


  43 SIMPLIFY YOUR LIFE LI FE “Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated.” complicated.”   Confucius

“The key is not to prioritize what’s on your schedule, but to  schedule your priorities.” priorities.”   Stephen Covey

If you started applying applying some of the things that that you have have learnt learnt until now in this book your life should already be a little simpler. Did you unclutter? Clean out your your cupboard? Get rid of some toleration? Did you get rid of some of the people that drag you you down? It It was Stephen Coveyand who that “most “mos us spend too much muc  what is urgent notsaid enough time tonofwhat is important.” important. ” h time on Do you know your priorities or are you just floating around handling whatever comes up, extinguishing fires all the time? Maybe it’s it’s time to make some time for the really important impor tant stuff in your life.  A huge step towards towards simplifying your life is to concentrate on the important, on the activities that make sense for you, and find a way to eliminate or downsize the other activities. This can be done by automating, delegating, eliminating, or hiring help. If you  want to do everything, in the end you’ll get nothing done.  Is your schedule too busy? Do you have too many commitments? Simplifying is about downsizing your life and learning to live with less. What  can you downsize?  Do you own too many clothes and


  items? Are you spending too much time cooking? Why not get help or just prepare simpler meals? Which of the family can support you? Can you simplify your financial life by online banking? Why not pay everything in cash and buy only things you really need? What about you online life? Do you spend too much time on social media or instant messaging? Then it might be time to get a little bit more disciplined. fixed times for whenthe youdesktop are online and stick to them! Put a timer Set if necessary necessary. . Unclutter on your PC and your e-mail inbox. My client Marc did this and virtual uncluttering had the same effect on him as physical uncluttering. uncluttering. He let go of a big weight that he was carrying around and hence got a lot more energy. Check your e-mails only at certain times during the day and turn turn off the tone of e-mail and text delivery so that you are not distracted all the time. Now is also a good time to unsubscribe from journals that are just piling up and that you you never read, and to ask yourself if you really need to read three different newspapers every day. Are you commuting totwice work? MaybeAre you ask your work from home once or a week. youcan working too boss manyto hours? See if the chapters on time management and getting organized in this book can help you to reduce your working time and find more time to do the things you love. And do yourself a favor: Don’ Don’tt bring your work home -not physically and not even mentally. mentally. If you didn't get it done at work, examine your working working habits and change them if possible. This is extremely important. Stop thinking about work  when you are home. Worrying orr ying about something that can’t be changed at the moment is wasted energy.  Think about what you can do about it tomorrow at work and forget about it for now. Questions:

1) Where do you see the excess in your life? 2)Do you have too many things you don’t need or use? 3) Is your schedule always booked? 4) Do you have time in your your schedule for yourself and the things you enjoy doing? 5)What are the most important tasks in your day-to-day life (home and/or work)? 6) Which of the these tasks can be easily delegated, automa automated, ted, or eliminated?


  44 SMILE MORE! “Sometimes your joy is the source of your smile,  smile, but sometimes  your smile can be the source source of your joy.” joy.”   Thích Nhât Hanh

Smile! Even if you don’t don’t feel feel like it! Smiling improves improves the the quality of your life, health, and relationships. If you don’t don’t do it already, already, start to smile consciously today. Although I can’t confirm the study that is cited in many self-help books and blogs that 4 to 6-years old children laugh 300-400 times a day and adults only 15, it might well be true.  Just take our personal experiences with kids and honestly it fits very  well with the results of the study. study.  What is confirmed is that laughing and smiling is extremely good for your health! Science has demonstrated that laughing or smiling a lot daily improves your mental state and your creativity. So laugh more!! I make it a point watch at least 1 hour of comedy or My fun wife stuf stufff and a day and laugh until to tears roll down out cheeks. cheeks. W Wee feel a lot better and full of energy since we started this habit! You try it out too!  A study by Tara Kraft and Sarah Pressman at the University University of Kansas demonstrated that smiling can alter your stress response in difficult situations. The study showed that it can slow your heart rate down and decrease stress levels – even if you are not feeling happy happy.. Smiling sends a signal to your brain that things are all right. See also Chapter 60 “Fake it till you make it” and Chapter 61 “Change your Posture”. Just try it next time you feel stressed or overwhelmed, and

let mehold knowa pen if itor works. works . If youwith thinkyour you youteeth. have It nosimulates reason ata smile all to smile, a chopstick


  and might produce the same effects. effects. If you need even more incentives for smiling, search for the study by Wayne University on smiling which has found a link between smiling and longevity! When you smile your entire body sends out the message “Life is great” to the world. Studies show that smiling people are perceived as more confident and more likely to be trusted. People just feel good around them. Further benefits of smiling are: • Releases serotonin (makes us feel good). g ood). • Releases endorphins (lowers pain). • Lowers blood pressure. • Increases clarity. • Boosts the functioning of your immune immune system. • Provides a more positive outlook on life (Try being a pessimist  while you smile…). Exercise:

For the next seven seven days stand in front of a mirror and smile to yourself for one minute. minute. Do this at least three times a day day and observe how you feel.


  45 START POWER NAPPING “When you can't figure out what to do, it's time for a nap.” nap.”   Mason Cooley

One of my absolute favorites. favorites. And at the same time, it’ it’ss scientifically proven that a power nap at midday reenergizes, refreshes, and increases productivity. For me it was an absolute eye opener. During my most stressful period at work - when I was close to burning out, because the stress, and client threats and complaints  were getting unbearable (sometimes I thought we were doing emergency surgery, yet we were just producing books.) - I started taking a power nap and the change was extraordinary. I was far less stressed and a lot calmer while hearing complaints and finding solutions. For a while, I slept for 25 to 30 minutes on a bench in a park close by, by, and later I just put two chairs together toge ther in the office and slept there. It felt as if my working day day suddenly had two halv halves es and midday  was halftime. I started the “second half ” always fresh and I also performed a lot more productively because the typical tiredness after lunch between 2 and 5 p.m. was gone.  Are you going to try power napping? When will you start?


  46 READ FOR FO R HALF AN HOUR EACH DA DAY Y “The man who doesn’t read has no advantage over the man that can’t read.”  read.”  Mark Twain

“The man who doesn’t doesn’t read has no advantage over the man that can’t read” says Mark Twain. Twain. If you read for half an hour a day that’ that’ss three and a half hours a week and 182 hours a year! That’s That’s a lot of knowledge at your disposal. One of my first written goals during m myy coaching training was “to read more”(not very specific, but it  worked).  work ed). That was at a time that I hadn’t hadn’t read a book for years years.. Now I’m devouring an average average of two books a week. I studied more in the last 6 months that in the whole 15 years before including my International Business studies. So always have a book  with you. If you substitute substitute the habit of watching TV TV - or even worse - the news by reading a good book just before going to bed, you will derive deri ve the additiona additionall benefit of peace of mind.  Another side effect is that you increase your creativity. creativity. So what are you waiting for? Make Make a list of 6 books that you will read in the next three months! If you don’t don’t know know what to read check out my webpage for recommendations. recommendations. But make that list NOW!


  47 START SAVING “Personally,, I tend to worry about what I save, not what I spend.”  “Personally spend.”  Paul Clitheroe

 This taught by all the wealth gurus. sI read the firstyourself time many years one agoiswhile reading Talane Miedaner’s Miedaner’ bookit“Coach to success”. This single advice changed really everything for me and was the basis for leaving my job and following my dream many years later. Once you have saved enough living expenses for nine months to one year, things start changing. This is a huge advantage. For example, you stop depending of your boss’s boss’s mood. You You can stand up for yourself and say: “If you hav havee problems with my work just tell me”. If at your current job people are not respecting your your boundaries or even harassing you, in the worst case you can even quit your job and find another one. Or take a sabbatical. Furthermore you are not desperate whenjobyou’re going As to ajob interviews you still don’t need the new that badly. coach, for mebecause it was and is important to always have a reserve, so that I have the freedom to  work only with my ideal clients and can afford to say “No” to clients that aren’t a fit (which a coach should do anyway, because coaching only works if if the “chemistry” is right). Working Working out of a need for money surely wouldn’t wouldn’t bring as good results results.. Having a reserve of 9, 12, or even 18 months salaries (the more the better!) saved up just takes a lot of stress off and makes you you feel a lot more secure and gives you peace of mind. To To start saving you have to spend less or earn more. Most of the time it’s it’s easier to cut down your spending and take a look at where your money is going g oing..


   The best way is to automatically deduct the sum from your your account at the beginning of the month and put it into a savings savings account. Questions:

 Will you give give it a shot?  What’ss your excuse  What’ excuse not to start saving?  When will you start saving?


  48 FORGIVE EVERYBODY WHO HAS WRONGED YOU (…AND (…A ND MOST OF ALL YOURSELF) “The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness Forgiveness is the attribute of the  strong.”  str ong.”   Mahatma Gandhi

“People can be more forgiving than you can imagine. But you have to forgive yourself. Let go of what’s bitter and move on.”  on.”   Bill Cosby

Forgiveness is crucial along your way towards success, fulfillment and happiness! Personally I needed a long, long time to learn this! Why forgive someone someone if the person did me wrong and it's only their fault?  The short answer: It's a selfish act!  You're doing it for yourself, not for the other person! This is not about being right or wrong!  This is about you being well and not losing a lot of energy! Anger and resentment and - even worse - reliving hate over and over again are huge energy drains! Who has sleepless nights? Who is full of anger and doesn't enjoy the present moment? You or the person you're not forgiving? forgiving? Do yourself a favor and let go! When a journalist asked the Dalai Lama whether he is angry at the Chinese for occupying his country, he answered: “Not at all. I send them love and forgiveness. forgiveness. It's It's of no benefit at all to be angry at them. It will not change them, but I could get an ulcer from my anger and that  would actually benefit THEM.” THEM.” Adapt the attitude of the Dalai Lama 101

  toward the people who have done you wrong and see what happens. Let go, forgive the people that hurt you, forget them and move on. But be careful. If you say “I forgive forgive them, bu butt I don’t forget”  you are not forgiving!  This doesn't mean you can't put limits on others’ behavior or call them out on the spot. But afterwards understand the consequences and let go. Call up people that you have  wronged hurt,. Abov and apologize, and if that’s that’s! When too uncomfortable  Above e all: forgiv f orgive e yourself you learn to  write themora letter letter. forgive yourself yourself it will be easier to forgive others. others. Just do it! The changes you will see when you manage to forgive others and abov abovee all yourself your self are amazing! amazing!  Action Steps:

1. Make a list of everybody that you haven’t haven’t forgiven. forgiven. 2. Make a list of everything that you haven’ haven’tt forgiven forgiven yourself for. 3. Work on the list. Questions:

 What would your life be like if you accepted acc epted yourself just as you are  without self-criticism?  What would your your life be like if you forgave yourself yourself and others?


  49 ARRIVE TEN MINUTES EARLY "The while we keep a man waiting, he reflects on our  shortcomings." French Proverb

Punctuality is a sign of discipline and respect for others others.. Without it, you might come across as slightly offensive, offensive, even if you are the nicest person in the world. Of course there are cultural differences. differences. For example, while in Mexico and Spain people are very relaxed about punctuality, in Germany not being punctual is seen as highly unprofessional and might ruin r uin your chances in any endeavor. endeavor. Here is another great tip from Talane Miedaner’s book, “Coach yourself to success” which I have have made into a habit: being 10 minutes early to every appointment - not to be especially polite, but instead for myself. This is because when I started being punctual I noticed tend.minutes made me feel a lot better and gave me a lot of that peace peacethose of mind. min  When I arrived at a place, it wasn’t wasn’t in a rush and I actually had ten minutes to compose my thoughts and get used to the environment, and instead of feeling rushed I felt very very relaxed. I also ffeel eel very comfortable, professional, and polite when I arrive 10 minutes early.  Try ry it In fact I now feel uncomfortable when I arrive just on time.  T and see for yoursel yourselff if it adds to your your life life or not!


  50 SPEAK LESS, LISTEN MORE! “When people talk, listen completely. completely. Most people never listen.”  listen.”   Ernest Hemingway Hemingway

One of the most most important important tools tools of a coach and and also one one of the most important lesson from my coaching training is the ability and skill of "active listening" or listening profoundly profoundly. Listening profoundly means to listen to the person in front of of you  while giving your full full attention. It means to quiet do down wn the little voice in your head that comes up with advice and a solution thirty seconds after the person starts star ts speaking. Many people are not listening to understand, but to answer!   They are just waiting for their counterpart to pause so that they can begin to speak. If you are rehearsing what you are going to say next you are not listening! Don't interrupt. Listen until the person is finished. If If you want want to give give advice, advice, ask for permission. permission. Most of the time the person who is speaking will come up with the solution if you let her or him finish.  Try  T ry it out! You might take your conversations and relationships to a completely new level when, people feel that they are listened to by you. Be a good listener!


  51 BE THE CHANGE YOU W WANT ANT TO SEE IN THE WORLD! “Be the change you want to see in the world”  world”  Mahatma Gandhi

 Are you trying to change other people? I’ve got news for you: You can stop right NOW. It’s impossible! You can’t help people who don’t  want to get help and you just can’t can’t change other people. So stop  wasting precious energy and start concentrating on what you can do. do.  And that is being an example! Be the change you want to see in the world! Have you heard about the idea that other people are like mirrors mirrors of us? That means that things we don’t like about them, are often things we have to work on ourselves and/or balance them out. When I was “stuck” I always got mad at the lack of manners in young people who didn didn’t ’t offer offer their seats to elderly people on the train. Whenever I observed this, I used to start a negative inner dialogue about “where the world is going, this can’t be, young people have no manners, why should I get up, I’m 40 years old, blah blah.” Until one day I stopped complaining about the young people and offered my seat. Man, that felt good! I’m not responsible for other people’s behavior. I’m only responsible for my own behavior. So by being an example I win twice: Once by not having this inner nagging dialogue and secondly, because I feel like I did something right and that feels so good! And maybe I even served as an example to somebody else to offer his or her seat the next time. time. One of the greatest insights that my clients have is when they shift shift from “others have have to change” to “what if I change, maybe then the other also changes”. You can literally see the 105

  light bulb going on over their heads. You cannot change others. The only thing you can to do is accept them as they are and be the best example and person that you can be. Are you complaining about your partner, colleagues, or spouse? Be the best colleague or spouse possible! Are you complaining about your employees? Be the best boss possible! Do you want to be loved just as you are? Start with loving other people just the way they are. Questions:

 What do you want to change? change?  Why not start with yourself? yourself ?  What will you do differently? differently?


  52 STOP TRYING TRYING AN AND D ST START ART DOING DOING!! “Try not. Do or do not. There is no try.”  try.”   Master Yoda, Star Wars

 You can do yourself a huge favor if you stop using the word “try”.  You  Trying rying implies failure.  What  Throw it out of your vocabulary!  T  would you rather have a person say to you if you put them in charge of a task: “I’ll try to get it done” or “I’ll get right on it”? Do or do not!   When I was at the beginning of my coaching career I found out quick that those of my clients, who tried to do their homew homework, ork, usually didn’t do it. Those who tried to find more time, didn’t find it.  Those who tried to exercise three times a week week didn’t didn’t do it. From then on when someone said to me “I’ll try”, I asked them  There is no try! “Will do youit!” or do won’t you?” It’s asIfNike says, “Just it!”doIfityou it and it works…great! works…great! Well Well done! you do it and it doesn’t work. Ok. Let’s have a look at it. What went wrong? Did you learn something from the experience? What can you change trying ying doesn’t take you to get the result you want? Go again!  Just tr anywhere. I’m in line with Master Yoda: Do or do not!


  53 THE POWER OF AFFIRMA AFFIRMATIONS TIONS “Here is a most significant fact—the subconscious mind takes any “Here orders  given orders  given it in a spirit of absolute absolute FAITH, FAITH, and acts acts upon those orders,  although the orders often have to be presented over and orders, over again,  again, through repetition, before they are interpreted by the  subconscious mind."  mind."    Napoleon Hill, Think and Grow Rich

 We already talked about the importance of positive  We positive self-talk. One  very good technique is using Affirmations. By repeating positive positive statements many times a day you convince your subconscious mind to believe them. And once your subconscious mind is convinced, you start acting accordingly and “attract” circumstances into your life and see opportunities everywhere. It’s important to state them positively and in the present so that your subconscious mind can’t differentiate between if it’ it’ss already true or “only” imagined.  Affirmations  Affir mations do have to be personal, positively positively stated, specific, emotionally charged, and in the present tense. Here are some examples: • Money comes to me easily and effortlessly. effortlessly. • Opportunities come into my life right now. • Speaking in front of of a large audience is easy for me. • I am successful in my business. • I am healthy and fit. Use affirmations to attract the things you want in your life. The more you practice, the better you get. The first time you say, “Money


  comes to me easily and effortlessly”, your inner voice will still say, “Yeah right! No way!”. However after repeating it 200 times every day for a week you should have silenced your inner critical voice. Make your affirmations your permanent per manent company company.. Repeat them as often as you like and have a look at what happens in your life. Nevertheless, there are some studies that claim that affirmations actually haveIf negative youratinner just doesn’tt get convinced. doesn’ you caneffects, see nowhen benefit all, critic try other techniques like subliminal subliminal tapes or ask yourself other questions such as, “Why am I so happy? Why is everything working out?” Noah St. John John has written a whole book on the power of asking yourself the right questions. His “Book of  Affirmations”  Affir mations” might be able able to help you! you!


  54 WRITE IT DOWN 25 TIMES A DAY “It’s the repetition of affirmations that lead to belief. And once  once  that belief becomes a deep conviction, things begin to happen.”  happen.”  Muhammad Ali

 The purpose of this exercise is to help you to “hammer” your desires into your subconscious mind until you actually believe it’s true! Remember how your subconscious mind works. To create a new belief in your belief-system you you have to repeat over over and over again. Even if this exercise gets boring, go on writing! So how does it work? work? 1) Pick your statement. 2) Make it personal, start with “I am”. 3) Make the statement positive. 4) Use present tense. For example, “I am earning ear ning X thousand Euros/Dollars a year.” 5) Do this exercise first thing in the morning mor ning.. It’s good to get a small booklet for it. You can enhance your results by doing the exercise twice a day: in the morning and just before going to sleep.


  55 STOP MAKING EXCUSES. “The only thing standing between you and your goal is the bullshit  story  you  story  you keep telling telling yourself as to to why you can't can't achieve it.” it.”   Jordan Belfort

 What happens when you start stepping out of your comfort zone? Due to fears and doubts, your mind comes up with the greatest excuses: “it's not the right moment”, “I'm too young” , “I'm too old”, “it's impossible”, “I can't”, and my favorite one, “I have no money”. Guess what people with money say: “I have no time”. “Yes, but my case is different”, you might say. No, it's not! Believe me. The right moment never comes, so you might as well start here and now or wait forever. A crisis is always an opportunity.  You're  Y ou're neither too young nor too old. Do a search on the Internet. It's full of stories of people who fulfill fulfill their dream dreamss at an older older age or start an enterprise at aspending young age. No money? Or just it in the wrong places by buying a new TV or video game console instead of investing it in yyour our training? The funny thing is people who work with a serious financial advisor or financial coach suddenly find money! In the same way as all of my clients who thought they didn't have time found time. “Yes, “Yes, but my case is different!” Well, Well, you can keep telling that to yourself for some more time or you get rid of the excuses once and for all and start taking action, because one thing is for su sure: re: If you keep doing what you are doing you will keep getting what you are getting! So what is it going to be?

111 111


 What are you going to choose from now on? Excuses or focused action?  What are the excuses you are using to not change and stay in the same place?


  56 KEEP EXPECTATIONS LOW AND THEN SHINE “Always deliver more than expected.”  expected.”  Larry Page

 This another big gie and my probably the best time ever islearnt. It biggie changed professional and management private life trick in anI extraordinary manner and reduced stress at work to virtually zero! Most of my stress at work work came from deadlines and I - or we as an enterprise were always struggling, which made days when our products were shipped to the clients - which was every day in high season - horrible and very stressful.  Wee were always just in time or sometimes maybe a couple of  W hours late and I had to calm down angry and sometimes hysterical clients…until I started to under-promise: I figured out that over 90% of our late deliveries deliveries were were just a question question of a couple of hours, hours, so I got my boss started mygave ownme delivery that the onlypermission I receivedofaccess to. Ifand to. production a delivery delivschedule ery date of April 5th, I told the client April 10 th. So if we delivered delivered on April 7th, instead of an angry angr y client threatening to fine or sue us, us, I suddenly had extremely grateful clients that thanked me for delivering three days early e arly..  Within a short time we reduced late deliveries from nearly 50% to  virtually 0% over the next three years. As it worked out so well I started applying it to my whole life. When my boss gave me a project that took me 3 days, I told her I was going to need 5 days. If I had it completed after four days I looked looked great and if I took a little longer I  was on time – and without weekends thebe office. had still to stay at work longer I told my wifeat I’ll homeIf atI knew 9 p.m.I


  Coming home at 8:30 p.m. I looked like a hero. Careful here! This  worked  work ed for me. My colleagues who knew the trick always warned me that one day I could encounter an unpleasant surprise in the cupboard…Well cupboard…W ell these are things we see in movies…


  57 DESIGN YOUR IDEAL DAY “I’ll see it when I believe it!”  it!”  Dr. Wayne Wayne W. Dyer D yer

 This is thecoaching favorite favorite processes. exercise ofDesign many coaches and day! the  What starting point for many your ideal  would  you like your ideal life to be? What would you do if you had all the time and money in the world? Where would you live? Would  you have a house or an apartment? What's your job?  Who are  you with?  What What are you doing? It's time to dream big again! Don't limit yourself. Imagine your ideal life vividly! How does it feel?  Write  W rite it down in detail! By now you have learnt about the power of writing writing things down! down!  Write down exactly how you would like  your ideal life to be. Have a special notebook or scrapbook for your ideal day/life creation. Many people even make a collage with photos that dreams or ideals and put it upitsomewhere they represent can see their it daily. Very important: Make FUN! It’swhere very important to create this vision and have it in mind. So let’s let’s start: 1) No distractions. Sit down for an hour. Turn Turn off everything. No cell phone, no radio, ra dio, no TV. TV. 2) Make it come alive! Describe everything. What time do you wake up? What kind of home do you live in? How’s How’s your health? Who is surrounding you? What’s What’s your job? Remember there are NO LIMITS! 3) Once a week, read your ideal day day out with enthusiasm. Put a lot of emotion in it!



 You can also tape record yourself reading out your ideal day with  You emotion and listen to it every night before going to bed.  Are you ready? Start writing out your ideal ideal day right now!


  58 ACCEPT YOUR EMOTIONS “Your intellect may be confused, but your emotions will never lie to you.”  you.”   Roger Ebert

 Who is responsible of how you feel? YOU! YOU! Do you remember  what we said about responsibility and choices? Do you remember that you are are in control of your  thoughts? Well, your emotions come from your thoughts. How? An emotion is energy in motion, a physical reaction to a thought. If you can control your thoughts,, you are also capable of controlling your emotions. thoughts emotions. Don't be scared by them! Your Your emotions are part of you but they are not  YOU  YO U. Accept them. Every emotion has its function. Fear protects you. Anger allows you to defend yourself, put limits on, and show others what bothers

you. you etc. to mourn identifytoa be lack. Happiness allowsSadness you to allows feel great, It's veryand important connected to your emotions and know how to express them and not to neglect yourself and say “I’m “I’m happy” happy” if you’re you’re not.  them. Don’t fool yourself Instead analyze where the emotion comes from. Don’t identify yourself with the emotion. I repeat, you are not your your emotions! Become an observer and watch where your emotions lead you. Observe them and watch them pass by like the clouds on a blue sky.  Accept them like you accept rainy days. days. When you look out of the  window and it rains you don’t think that it will rain all the time now, now, do you? You You accept the rain as part of the meteorological climate – that doesn’t that fear, it rains the time. Youthey can do the same  with anger, mean sadness, etc.all Just because show up atthing one


  moment in time doesn’t mean that they will be there forever. It helps to know that emotions are not bad or good. They just are. If you you  want to write something to get them out of your system – do it. They  will pass. pass. Emotions are messengers that we feel in our body. body. Listen to them! If you are hooked to an emotion, you are hooked to the past and you are losingoutside the present moment. What is of it you searching and start searching inside you. really need? Stop MANAGING EMOTIONS  It’s the skill to perceive, use, understand, and manage emotions. You can use this on yourself yourself or on others:

1) Perceive Perceive and express emotions (Permit yourself to feel it). 2) Facilitation Facilitation of feelings (How can I feel a different different emotion). 3) Understanding (Why is this emotion coming c oming up). 4) Emotional adjustment (Now I know why the emotion was felt…). Once again, everything everything is a question of of attitude  (acceptance or refusal). YOU CHOOSE! CHOOSE!   Advantages of managing of emotions: • You recover better and faster from problems and setbacks. • You You achieve better and consistent professional performance. perfor mance. • You You are able to prevent those tensions from building up that destroy your relationships. • You You govern your impulses and conflicting conf licting emotions. • You stay balanced and serene even in critical moments.  The first step towards get g et there is to identify your emotions and to explore  them, which means to  permit their expression  and then analyze the problem that provoked them. Connect and talk to the emotion: breathe, relax, and relive the situation. Questions:

1) Can you spot a "negative" emotion? 2) What symptoms do you feel and in what part part of your body? 3) How do you feel? Be precise!


  59 DO IT NOW! “You cannot escape the responsibility of tomorrow by evading it today.”   today.” Abraham Lincoln

“Only put off until tomorrow what you are willing to die having left undone.”  undone.”  Pablo Picasso

Listen to Dr. Wayne W. Dyer when he says “Go for it now. The future is promised to no one.” That unwritten e-mail, the old friend you want to reconnect with, the time you want to spend with your family: don’t don’t put putItitonly off causes any more. Do And yourself yourself favor the procrastination. anxiety! mostaof most the and time stop you will find that things that you procrastinated for days causing you anxiety and a bad conscience are actually done in an hour or so and afterwards you feel so much lighter because you can forget forg et about it. Procrastinating is avoiding something that should be done. It’s putting things off hoping that they magically get better without actually doing anything about them. But things don’t get better on their own. Most of the time, the cause of procrastination is some kind of fear. fear. Fear Fear of rejection, rejection, fear fear of failure, failure, even even fear of success success.  Another cause is feeling overwhelmed. overwhelmed.


   Wee procrastinate in three different ways:  W ways: 1) Doing nothing instead of what we are supposed to do do.. 2) Doing something less important than what we should be doing. 3) Doing something more important that what we are supposed to do.  As a freelancer and owner of his time, my client Marc struggled strug gled with procrastination a lot. It caused him a lot of anxiety and even cost him some sleepless nights. It was always the same pattern. He procrastinated and felt burdened and anxious. In our coaching sessions he admitted that some of the stuff that causes this anxiety anxiety, he could actually finish in one hour! He became aware that he was paying a high price for procrastinating, and in the future when tempted to procrastinate he decided to ask himself: what price will I be paying for procrastinating this task? Is it worth it to be burdened by and lose my sleep over a task that I could have finished in one or two So dotomorrow whatever or it next is thatweek! you have your mind right Don’t start Start on NOW! now. hours? Questions:

 What are you procrastinating?  Are you productive productive or are you just being busy?  What is really important right now?


  60 FAKE IT TILL YOU MAKE IT! “If you want a quality, act as if you already have it.”  it.”   William James

 Act as if if!! Act as if you have already achieved your goal. g oal. Act as if you already have the quality quality of life, the lifestyle, lifestyle, the job etc. If you want to have more self-confidence act as if you already hav havee it. Speak like a self-confident person, walk like a self-confident person, have the body posture of a self-confident person. (See Chapter 61).  Your  Y our subconsc subc onscious ious can’t differe diff erentia ntiate te between bet ween realit rea lityy and imagination. Use this to your your advantage by acting “as if ” you already have a strength, a character trait, etc. In Neuro-linguistic Programming and coaching, this is called modeling. A good way to become successful is to observe and copy already successful people. Use this for any character trait you you want. Start acting “as if ” and see  what happens. happens. Fake Fake it till you make it! it! Questions:

 Which quality do you want? want? How would would you act if you already had that quali quality? ty? How would you speak, walk, behave, etc.?


  61 CHANGE YOUR POSTURE “Act the way you'd like to be and soon you'll be the way you'd like to act.”  act.”  Bob Dylan

 This is an exercise taken from Neuro-linguistic Programming which proclaims that changing your posture also changes your mind. People I tell this to usually think that I’m joking. joking. But before writing this off as nonsense… try it out!  When you feel sad and depressed you usually look at the floor, keep your shoulders down, down, and adapt the posture of a sad person, right? Now try the following just for a moment: stand upright, shoulders up, chest out, and hold your head up high - you can even exaggerate exagg erate it by looking up. up. How does it feel? If you smile, laugh and  walk with your head held high, you will realize that you feel a lot better. impossible to more feel sad walkingconducted around likeonthat, it? A  AndIt’s there has been research thisisn’t subject. study by Brion, Petty, and Wagner in 2009 found that people who  were sitting straight had higher self-confidence than people sitting slumped over! There is also an amazing TED Talk by Amy Cuddy called “Your body language shapes who you are” about the research she did together with Dana Carney at Harvard University. The study has shown that holding "power postures" for 2 minutes creates a 20 percent increase in testosterone (which boosts confidence) and a 25 percent decrease in cortisol (which reduces stress). Imagine this. this. If you have an important presentation, reunion, or competition, just take onontheyour posture confident person for twowonder minutes. minutes. Put Put your hands hips of anda spread your feet (think woman) or


  lean back in a chair and spread your arms. Hold the posture for at least two minutes…and see what happens!  Action Step:  Watch  W atch Amy Cuddy’s TED-Talk TED-Talk “Your body language shapes who

you are”!


  62 ASK FOR WHAT YOU REALLY WANT “Ask and you shall receive”  receive”  Matthew, 7, 7

 Just ask! It’s It’s far better to ask and get rejected that to not ask and go along with the thought “if I had only asked”. Ask for a better table in the restaurant, ask for the upgrade at the airport, and ask for the salary raise you have been waiting for. ASK! You already have the “No” for an answer, but maybe you will will see some surprises. If you ask you at least have the opportunity to get what you want.  Ask your loved one for what you want. Your boss, your friends. friends. Don’t expect them to read r ead your mind! Think about it! Aren’t Aren’t many things that hurt us based on the too high expectations that we had?  This happened to me mostly in my romantic relationships. relationships. I was disappointed many times because my loved one just wasn’t able to read my mind. That is, until I said, “That’s it” and finally started asking for what I wanted.  Another example is our boss! We We are putting in so much work work and are waiting for this raise or promotion to come, but it doesn’t come!  Ask for it! What’s What’s the worst thing that could happen? You already don’t have it. You already haven’t gotten the raise or the promotion! If you don’t don’t ask it will probably stay stay like this. this. If you ask you will at least get an answer and know where you are at.  When you ask keep keep the following th things ings in mind:

1) Ask with the expectation to receive. 2) Know that you can receive it. 124

  3) Remember to keep your thoughts, feelings, feelings, and inner dialogue positive. 4) Ask the person who is in charge. 5) Be specific. 6) Ask repeatedly like you did when you were a kid.  Action Steps:

 Write  W rite a list of all of the things that you want want and don’ don’tt ask for for.. Start asking. Work on it.


   126 126

  63 LISTEN TO YOUR INNER VOICE “The intuitive mind is a sacred sacred gift and the rational mind is a  faithful servant.  servant.  We have created a society that honors the servant and has  forgotten  for gotten the gift.” gift.”  Albert Einstein

 Albert Einstein already knew about the great gift our intuition can become for us! Listen to your inner voice, go with your hunches. It’s not easy to distinguish your intuition from the “other” little voice in your head – the one that comes from rationality and often tells you  what you should do or can’t can’t do. do.  You  Y ou will need to practice a little. Start with little things. things. For example, which road to take to work each morning, or whether to take your sunglasses withintuition you although totally remember practicing my when I it’s wenta to high cloudy school. day. ThereI  were two ways to get to school and both had a train crossing with trains coming from different directions (both train crossings were  very rarely closed at the same time). I made it a game g ame to consult with my inner voice which way to go - sometimes following the intuition, and sometimes going against it - just to get to stop in front front of the closed train crossing. crossing. Some weeks ago I was driving on the German Autobahn and I had two options to get to my destination. I wanted to take one road, but I had very strong hunch to take the other one, even though it looked verya crowded.


   Thirty minutes later I heard on the radio that there was a 25 km traffic jam on the other autobahn! We would have been stuck right there! I thanked my inner voice right away…! You probably already have experienced intuition. Did it ever happen to you you that you thought of a person and just a second later the phone rings and it’s it’s that person? Or you think of somebody a minute later you intointhem at the voice, shopping center? Theand more you practice andrun trust this inner the stronger it gets, ge ts, the more results you are going to see, and the easier it  will be to distinguish from the other little rational voice in your head. It’s amazing! Meditation has been proven to be a great tool to get closer to your intuition. Just sit still for five or ten minutes and listen to what’s coming up. Once you’ve learned to listen to your intuition act on it immediately! It can be a hunch to write an e-mail, or to talk to somebody somebod y. If it comes in the form of an idea, act on the idea.


  64 WRITE IN YOUR JOURNAL “Everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing himself.”  himself.”  Leo Tolstoy

I wouldn’t miss this exercise for the world! An important exercise that I recommend to all of my clients: have have a journal and reflect on your days. days. This is about taking a couple of minutes at the end of your day and to take a look at what you did well, get some perspective, relive the happy moments, and write everything down in your journal. By doing this, you you will receive an extra boost of happiness, motivation, and self-esteem every morning and evening! It has the positive side effect that just before sleeping, you will be concentrating your mind on positive things, which has a beneficial effect on your sleep and your subconscious mind. Your focus is on the positive things of the day and gratitude instead of of the things that didn didn’t ’t work work  well which probably would keep you awake, awake, and by now you know how crucial that is! For my clients and also for myself this little exercise has led to enormous enor mous changes in our wellbeing. wellbeing. Make an effort to answer the following questions each night before sleeping and write them in your journal:  • What am I grateful g rateful for? (Write (Write 3 -5 points) • What 3 things have made me happy today? • What 3 things did I do particularly par ticularly well today? 129

  • How could I have made today even better? • What is my most important goal g oal for tomorrow? Don’tt worry if the words don’t Don’ don’t flow right away away when you start his exercise. Like will get just better practice. If youallareother blocked blockthings ed and your can’t can’t journaling think of anything, holdwith on for five minutes longer. Write what comes to mind without thinking and don’t judge it. Don’t worry about your style or mistakes. Just  write! Do this every day for a month and observe the changes that take place! A regular notebook or calendar should do. I’m using a lovely little book called THE FIVE MINUTE JOURNAL. Have a look at it my webpage.


  65 STOP WHINING! “Never tell your problems to anyone...  anyone...  20% don't care and the other 80% are glad you have them.” Lou Holtz

“It is better to light one small candle than to curse the darkness.”  darkness.”  Confucius

Complaining is poison in your desire to become happier. It’s an absolutely useless behavior that encourages self-pity and doesn’t accomplish anything. Complainers are not attractive at all. It’s the mentality of a victim and that isn’t isn’t you any more, is it? Stop cursing the darkness and light a candle. Stop complaining about not having time and get up an hour earlier (Chapter 25). Stop complaining about your weight and start exercising (Chapter 75). Stop blaming your parents, your teachers, your boss, the government, or the economy, and take responsibility for your life (Chapter 3). It’s nobody’s fault that you go on smoking, that you eat unhealthy food, or that you gave up on your dream, but your own. It’s It’s you who pushes the snooze button instead of getting up half an hour earlier and who chooses fear over risk. Don Don’t ’t blame others for not living a satisfying life. You own your life! You can do anything you want with it. The sooner you get this, the sooner you can move on in the direction of your dreams. dreams.


  Remember where to keep your focus! Complaining about your present circumstances will put your focus on them and attract more of what you don't like. like. You You have to get out of this vicious circle and concentrate on what you want instead (Chapter 12). Look inside yourself, encourage your positive ambitions and your will to succeed. Now go and create the circumstances you want. Start taking decisions and start living.  Action Steps:

Make a list of all your complaints. complaints.  What have your your complaints achieved? achieved?  Transform  T ransform your complaints into requests. requests.


  66 BECOME A RECEIVER! “I can live for two months on a good compliment.”  compliment.”   Mark Twain Twain

Do find itYou difficult to accept or a compliment? Well, this stopsyou NOW! have to becomea agift receiver! It’s very important to accept gifts and things with joy and it’s also the secret to getting more of what you want. want. If you get a present and you’re you’re saying “Oh. That’s That’s not necessary”, you are taking away the joy joy of giving a gift from the other person, and the same thing goes g oes for compliments.  Take  T ake a closer look at this behavior! Is there a hidden feeling of “I don’t deserve this”, or “I’m not worth it” behind the “That’s not necessary?”. There is no need for justification. Don’t diminish the pleasure of giving for the other person. Just Just say “Thank you!” From today on I dare you to practice your your “receiving skills”. If somebody gives you a compliment, accept it graciously withI’ma happy “Thank Own it. Don’t return it. You may say: “Thank you! youyou”. feel that way!” and let the other person enjoy the experience. It will help you a lot and take your your self-esteem to a whole new level if you manage to eradicate the following behaviors: • Rejecting compliments. • Making yourself small. • Giving credit to others although you have earned it. • Not buying something nice because you think you don’t deserve it. • you. Looking for the negative negative if someone does something good for


   Action Steps:

From now on just say “Thank you!” for every gift and compliment you receive! (Don’t explain or justify)  Analyze have any of the five five behaviors mentioned above. above. If yes, workifonyou it/them.


  67 STOP SPENDING TIME WITH THE WRONG PEOPLE! “Whatever you do you need courage. Whatever course you decide upon,  there will always be someone to tell you that you are upon, wrong.”   wrong.” Ralph Waldo Emerson “The person who says it can’t be done shouldn’t interrupt the  person who is doing doing it!”  it!”  Chinese proverb

 WATCH WHO YOU ARE SPENDING YOUR  WATCH YOUR TIME WITH!  Jim Rohn said that “You “You are the average of the five persons you spend the most time with”, so you better take this seriously!   Choose to spend more time with people who bring out the best in you, who motivate you, who believe in you. Be around people who empower conta gious.  you. Remember that emotions and attitudes are contagious. People around you can be the springboard to motivate yourself, gain courage, and help you take the right actions, but on the other hand can also drag you down, drain your energy, and act as brakes in the achieving of your life goals. goals. If you are around around negative people all the time, they can convert you into a negative and cynical person over time. They might want to convince you to stay where you are and keep you stuck, because they value security and don’t like risk and uncertainty. So stay away from the naysayers, the blamers, the complainers.  The people who are always judging or gossiping and talking bad about everything. And as Steve Jobs said at the famous 135

  “Don’t ’t let the noise noise of the opinion opinionss of othe others rs Stanford address “Don drown your own inner voice.” It will be difficult for you you to grow and thrive, thrive, if people around you want to convince you of the contrary. contrary. And what do you do if it’s it’s people close to you? The only thing you can work on is becoming a better person yourself. If you grow and develop, develop, soon negative

people you because don’t their purposeswill anyturn more.away Theyfrom need somebody whoyou shares theirserve negativity and if you don’t don’t do that they will look for somebody else. If that doesn’tt work you seriously doesn’ seriously have to ask you yourself rself the question if you should start to spend less time with them or stop seeing them at all. But that’s a decision you have to make. In my whole life I automatically separated people from my life that didn’t support me and I never regretted it, although it wasn’t easy! After my own coaching training - when I reinforced all the principles that you are learning learning in this book and changed myself some of my colleagues had no other other explanation than actually actually thinking that I had joined a sect!  Action Steps:

Make a list of all the people you have have in your life and are spending time with. (Members of your family, family, friends, colleagues).  Analyze who is positive positive for you and who drags you do down. wn. Spend more time with the positive people and stop seeing the toxic people (blamers, complainers) in your life, or at least spend less time  with them. Choose to be around positive people who support you.  Watch  W atch Steve Jobs’ Jobs’ Stanford commencement address on YouT YouTube. ube.


  68 LIVE YOUR OWN LIFE “Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life.  Don't be trapped by dogma - which which is living with with the results results of other people's thinking. Don't let the noise of other's opinions drown dro wn out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is  secondary.”  secondary .” Steve Jobs

 Actually the Steve Jobs quote already says everything! It’s It’s difficult to add something to his wise words. Live the life you want and not the life other people people expect of of you. Don’t worry about what your neighbors or other people think of you, because if you care too much about what they say, there will be a moment when you don’t live your your own life any more, but the life of other people. Listen to your heart. Do the things you want to do, and not necessarily those things that everybody else does. Have the courage to be different! Paulo Coelho reminds us, us, “If someone isn't what others want them to be, the others become angry. Everyone seems to have a clear idea of how other people should lead their lives lives,, but none about his or her own. “  Action Step:  In what aspect are you not living your life right now? Make a list!


  69 WHO IS NUMBER ONE? "No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.” consent.”   Eleanor Roosevelt

Love Lov e yourself like your your neighbor! Many times you see the good in others and fail to see it in yourself! The most important relationship that you have have in this life is the one you have have with yourself! yourself ! If you don’t like yourself, how can you expect others to like you? How can you expect to love love others, if you don’t don’t love love yourself first?  Wee are going to work on your most important relationship.  W relationship. Most of the problems my clients come to me for depend directly or indirectly on self-confidence. The salary raise they don’t get, the appreciation they don’t get, the relationship they don’t find. So I usually work with them on their self-confidence while working towards their goal. How do you gain more self-confidence? acceptt yourself yourself as you are.  You don’t have to be First of all accep perfect to be great! Learn to spend time with the most important  person in your life – YOU. YOU. Enjoy going to the movies with the best company you can imagine: YOU! French writer and philosopher Blaise Pascal says “All “All of humanity's problems stem from man's inability to sit quietly in a room alone.” Dr. Wayne Dyer adds “Y “You ou cannot be lonely if you like the person you're alone with.” Get comfortable with spending some alone time. Find a place where you can disconnect from the speedy everyday life. It can’t be mentioned often enough:  Accepting yourself is a key element of  your wellbeing. wellbeing. Recognize your value as a person. Know that you

earn respect. If you make a mistake, mistake, don’t don’t beat yourself up over it, it, accept it, and promise yourself to do your best to not repeat it. That’ That’ss 138

  it. There is absolutely no use in beating yourself up about something that you can’t change. Be selfish!  What? What am I saying? Yes you read right: Be selfish! I don’t mean in an egocentric way, but by being well within yourself so that you can transmit this wellness wellness to your whole environment. If you are not well well within yourself yourself you can’t can’t be a good husband, these wife, son, daughter daughter, , or friend. if you feeland great you can transmit feelings to your whole But environment everybody benefits. Exercises to boost your self-confidence: self-confidence:  1) The Journaling Exercise from Chapter 64 2) Make a list of your successes and achievements. achievements. 3) Make a list of all of the things you you are doing great. 4) Mirror exercise (Tell (Tell yourself how great you are in front of a mirror! It may feel strange at first, but you’ll get used to it).

5) Increase somebody else’s else’s self esteem.


   140 140

  70 YOUR BEST INVESTMENT “An investment in knowledge pays the best interest.”  interest.”  Benjamin Franklin

“If you think education is expensive, try ignorance.”  ignorance.”  Derek Bok

 The best be st thing you can do for your further personal and professional growth is to invest in yourself. yourself. Commit Commit yourself to becoming the best person you can be. Invest Invest around 5-10% of your income in training, books, CDs, CDs, and other ways of personal development. Stay curious and eager to learn lear n new things and better yourself.  A nice effecta of investi investing ng inyou yourmight personal that  while you side become wiser person, also growth becomeismore  valuable for your company. company. There are so many possibilities: you could do training that improves your negotiating skills, time management, financial planning, and much more. In a two or four-hour workshop you can learn powerful strategies or tools that transform your life. Or you can decide to go all in and get a life coach and really start  working on yourself. yourself. One of my best investments investments in myself myself ever was hiring hiring a coach. He helped me to get unstuck, get clear about what I really want from my life, and change my relationship with fear completely. You can also start in a less expensive way by reading more or listening to a learning CD or a course. I made it a habit to read at least one book a week,


  buy a new course every two months, and sign up for at least two seminars or trainings a year.  What are you going to do? Remember that baby steps count, too!  Action Step:

 Write  W rite down what you you will commit to in the next 12 months:

I, _____________ will read __ book(s) a month, listen to __ learning CDs or audiobooks per month, and sign up for __ training(s) in the next six months.

Date: ___________ Signature: ____________



“Because one believes in oneself, one doesn't try to convince others. Because one is content with oneself, one doesn't need others' approval. Because one accepts oneself, the whole world accepts him or her.” Lao Tse

It’s easy to fall into the habit of self-criticism because of past It’s mistakes or because things didn’t work out as we wanted them to. But does it serve you? No, NADA, zip! It’s time you accept something here: You are not perfect!  You  You never will be, and - the best thing is - YOU DON’T HAVE TO BE! So once and for all stop being so hard on yourself yourself ! This is one of the people from living a happy and fulfilled reasons that prevents people Did you know that a lot of the misery we have in our life life is because we subconsciously think we have to punish ourselves for something? I’m glad I left the habit of exaggerated self-criticism and self-punishment behind a long time ago. I’m just conscious that I’m doing the best that I can at any time.   That doesn’t mean I don’tt analyze the many mistakes I made. If I can correct them I do; don’ if I can’t can’t correct them - I accept them, let go, go, and promise m myself yself not keep to repeat them, because I know   it’s only a problem if I keep repeating the same mistakes over and over again. Is that too difficult? Do you to know the magic recipe? It’s not for sale in any pharmacy phar macy andwant it’ it’ss free! Ready?


  1) Accept Accept you yourself rself as yo you u are!  2) Forgiv Forgive e yourself yourself ! Lov Love e yourse yourself lf !  3) Take Take extreme extremely ly good care of yo yourself urself ! (Chapter 73)  That’s it! Easy,  That’s Easy, isn’t it? Start NOW and ask yourself yourself the following questions:  In what areas of your life are you being too hard on yourself?  What benefits do you get from being too hard on yourself? yourself ?


  72 BE YOUR AUTHENTIC SELF “We have to dare to be ourselves, however  frightening  frightening or strange strange that self may prove to be.”  be.”  May Sarton

“To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you  you   something else is the greatest greatest accomplishment.” accomplishment.”   Ralph Waldo Emerson

 The most successful people are the ones who are authentic. They are not playing any roles. They are who they are. What you see is what you get! They know their strengths and their weaknesses. They have no problem in being vulnerable and taking responsibility for their . mistakes. mistakes . Neither do they fear judgment of others Don’t let the world tell you who you are supposed to be.  Y  Your our fake self is who you are when you want want to please everyone else.  That’ss when you have a mask on and are keen to get feedback from  That’ the people who surround you such as colleagues, friends, neighbors, etc. Don’t play any roles! Stop thinking about what others want of give e yourself yourself permission to be you, or might think of you, and giv  your authentic self.  The rewards are awesome! Funnily enough, you  will notice that the more you are yourself, the more people will be attracted to you! Try it out!



1) On a scale of 0-10 how would would you quantify quantify your level level of authenticity?  An eight? Congratulations! You You are quite close. Keep Keep on improving!  A four? Well Winellthis there is some work to to you do, but exercises book you will help get going closer!through the 2) How many roles do you play? 3) Who are you when you are alone? 4) When was the last time you felt authentic?


  73 PAMPER YOURSELF “You can change the way people treat you by changing the way  you treat treat yourself.”  yourself.”  Unknown.

 This onegsofthat myyou favorite exercises for my cclients! lients! Write a list of 15isthings thin you can do to pamper pamper yoursel yourself f and thendown do one one of them every other day for the next two weeks. This exercise is truly miraculous! (Examples: read a good book, go to the movies, get a massage, watch a sunrise, sit by the water, etc.) Once you start treating yourself yourself well, it will do miracles for your self-confidence and self-esteem! Start doing it NOW! 1________________________________________ 2________________________________________ 3________________________________________ 4________________________________________ 5________________________________________ 6________________________________________ 7________________________________________ 8________________________________________ 9________________________________________ 10________________________________________ 11________________________________________ 12________________________________________ 13________________________________________ 14________________________________________ 15________________________________________


    74 TREAT TREA T YOUR BODY LIKE THE TEMPLE IT I T IS! “To keep the body in good health is a duty, otherwise  otherwise we shall not be able to keep our mind strong and clear.”  clear.”   Buddha

Isn’t it ironic? If you listen to people most of us say that health is the Isn’t the most important thing in our lives; nevertheless many people drink, smoke, eat junk food, food, or even take drugs, drugs, and spend most of their free time on the couch without any physical activity. Remember – it’s easy!  A healthier life is only a decision away. away.  Decide NOW to live healthier. Follow a balanced diet, exercise regularly,  and stay or get in physical shape so that your brain has all the nutrition it needs to produce a positive positive lifestyle. Take Take care of your body, body, because if the body is not well the mind doesn’t work well either. Here are some examples: • Eat more fruit fr uit and vegetables. • Reduce Reduce your intake intake of red meat. • Drink at least 2 liters of water each day. day. • Eat less! • Stop eating junk food. • Get up early.  Action Steps:   What will you do now for for a healthier lifestyle?

 Write  W rite down at least 3 things:


  75 EXERCISE EXER CISE A AT T LEAST LEA ST 3 T TIMES IMES A WEEK “Those who do not find time for exercise will have to find time for illness.”   illness.” Edward Smith Stanley

I think I’m not coming to you with with breaking news here if I tell you how important exercise is for you. you. And even if we all know about the importance of exercise, there are many of us who just don’t don’t do it.  The best excuse is always: “I have no time”. But what if somebody  were to tell you that your life depends on it? And if you don’t don’t start exercising right know you will be dead in a month? You will surely find time, wouldn’t you? So time is not the problem. I also won’t won’t put a lot of work into convincing convincing you how important exercise is and how you can find time, because you already know that. I will just list the benefits that exercising three to five times a week  will bring you. And then - if you want - you will find the time. 1. Exercising will keep you healthy. 2. Exercising will help you lose weight, which will improve your health and also make you look better. better. 3. Exercising will make you feel better and you will have have a lot of energy. 4. Once the kilos start dropping there is a big chance that your self-esteem will go up. (I can confirm that one) 5. Problems with falling asleep? Exercise for 30 minutes a couple of hours before you go to sleep and see what it does for you. 6. First Haveofyou exercise significantly allever therenoticed are thethat endorphins, but the the otherreduces thing isstress? that


    you just might get your mind off the things things that that were were stressing stressing you out. Furthermore, studies show that regular exercise makes you happier, can reduce the symptoms of depression, reduces the risk of disease (heart, diabetes, osteoporosis, high cholesterol, etc.), lowers the risk of ayou premature and Don’t improves your memory, memory and many more.  Are in? Onedeath, last thing: Don’ t force yourself to ,exercise. Enjoy it. Look for a recreational activity that fits you and that you enjoy doing such as swimming, for example. Even walking an hour a day can make a difference. (Chapter 34)  Action steps:

Find some studies about the the amazing benefits of exercise on the Internet.  When will YOU YOU start exercising? If you think you don’t don’t have have time, go back to the Chapters about finding time.


  76 TAKE ACTION. MAKE THIN THINGS GS HAPPEN! "Whatever you do, or dream you can, begin it.  it.    Boldness has genius genius and power and and magic in it." it." Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

“I am only one, but I am one. I cannot do everything, but I can do something. And I will not let what I cannot do interfere with what I can do.”  do.”  Edward Everett Hale

One of the secrets to success and happiness in life is to m make ake things happen. JustFord talking about it iscan't not enough. It’s the results count  “You build  a reputation on that what you or as Henry said, are going to do.”  Without action, there are no results. Without results, there is no feedback. Without feedback, there is no learning. Without learning, we can’t improve. Without improving, improving , we can’t can’t develop our full potential. C.G. Jung said it correctly, “You are what you do, not what you say you'll do.”  There are too many people who want to change the  world yet never picked up a pen to start writing a book or an article or did anything about it. It’s a lot easier to complain about our politicians, than to start pursuing a political career or become more active in politics.


   Your life is in your hands so start acting on your ideas.  Your ideas. You don’t don’t have to go for the big challenges at once. By now you have learned that doing small things consistently on a daily basis can get you great results.. Dare to do the things you want and you will find the power to results do them. But by all means START NOW!  The biggest difference between who reach their goals andare people is  ACT  ACTION ION.people . People who reach their goals doerswho whostay arestuck taking action consistently. consistently. If they make a mistake they learn from it and go on; if they are rejected they try again. People who stay stuck just talk about what they are going to do and don't walk their talk. Don't wait any longer! The right moment never comes! Just start with what you have and go one step at a time. Do as Martin Luther King, Jr. said, “Take the first step in faith.  You  Y ou don't have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step.”  Action Step:

 What will you start TODA TODAY?


  77 ENJOY MORE The present moment moment is filled with joy and happiness.  happiness.   If you are are attentive, you you will see it.” Thích Nhât Hanh

“Real generosity towards the future lies in giving all to the  present.”  pr esent.”   Albert Camus

It’s very important to enjoy the present moment! If you don’t It’s don’t then life goes by and you don’t even notice it, because you are never right here, in the moment! When you’re you’re working you think think of the  weekend, on the weekend you think of all the things you have to do on Monday, Monday, when you’re you’re eating the appetizer you think of dessert, and when you eating dessert you think of the appetizer - with the result that you don’t fully enjoy neither the one nor the other. Living like this you never never get to enjoy your point of power, power, the only moment that counts - the present moment. Eckart Tolle wrote an entire book about “The power of NOW” NOW” which I highly recommend to you. Think about it: Do you have any problem RIGHT NOW NOW just being in the moment? Do you cconstantly onstantly live with guilt for your past actions and/or with fear of an unknown future? Many people are constantly worrying about things in the past that they can’t change or things in the future that – even funnier - mostly


  never happen, and meanwhile they miss out on the NOW or as Bill Cosby puts it, “ The past is a ghost, the future a dream. All we ever have is now.” Just be present and enjoy enjoy the journey. journey.  Action Step:

Remind yourself yourself to be more in the present moment! (My friend David wears his wristwatch on his right arm. This reminds him to be in the present moment whenever he watches his left arm for the time and notices it’s it’s not there.)


  78 STOP JUDGING! “Beforee you accuse me, take a look at yourself.”  “Befor yourself.”  Eric Clapton

“Before you start pointing fingers, make sure your hands are clean.”   clean.” Bob Marley

 Judging goes hand in hand with the vices of blaming and  Judging complaining! On your way to a happier, more fulfilling life that’s another bad habit you have to leave behind! Accept others without judging them, and without expectations. expectations. I know that’s that’s easier said than of it this way: each time done, but there issomebody no way around it! Think  you’re judging you are you actually judging yourself. Isn’t it true that the things that bother us the most about others are actually the things that bother us the most about ourselves?  Action Step:

Make a list of what bothers you the most about others. others. Put some though in it. What could this say about you?


  79 A RANDOM ACT OF KINDNESS EVERY DAY “One of the most difficult things to give away is kindness;  usually it comes back to you.”  you.”  Anonymous

"The smallest good deed is better than the grandest intention."   Anonymous

How can you make the world a little bit better today and every day?  Why not be nice to a stranger every e very day? Be creative! Every now and then I pay for two two coffees instead of the only one that I drank and tell the server ser ver to save it, in case somebody needs it and can’t can’t pay for it entirely. entirely . In the trip supermarket super marketgive if I itget 10% discount voucher for my next shopping I usually to athe person behind me in line.  You  Y ou can offer your seat in the train or subway subway to somebody or even just gift somebody with a smile. Acknowledge people sincerely, treat people great, say thank you genuinely, hold the door open for somebody, help somebody whose hands are full to carry something, or store away somebody’s heavy hand luggage on your next flight. Be creative! Start today! The great thing is: “What goes around comes around.”” So when you start doing random acts of kindness, more around. kindness is coming back to you! Doing good begins to become the same thing as feeling good. The good that we do for others really does have the power to change us.


  If you want to improve the world start with yourself yourself ! Be the change you want to see in the world!   Do at least ONE random act of kindness every every day. day. Positively and significantly impact the lives of other people. PAY IT FORWARD!  Action Step:

Commit yourself yourself to doing one random act of kindness a day day for the next 2 weeks. Observe what happens, but don’t expect anything in return!


  80 SOLVE SOL VE YOUR PROBLEMS, ALL OF THEM “Most people spend more time and energy going  around problems than in trying to solve them.”  them.”   Henry Ford  Ford

Solve your your problems. Face Face them. Because if you are running away from them they will come after you. If you don’t don’t solve solve them they will repeat themselves over and over again until you learn something and are ready to move on. For For example, if you change jobs because of problems with a colleague that you didn’ didn’tt face, in another job you may face the same challenge with another person.  This will go on until you learn something out of the situation and solve the problem once and for all. Did you notice that you may continue to encounter the same set of problems in multiple multiple romantic relationships until you stop and

solve the recurring problems? Another giant waste of energy is to dance around problems and responsibilities instead of somebody taking ownership and starting to solving problems. I hear this over and over again from my clients: they procrastinate, they dance around the problem, and end up with a high level of anxiety and feeling really bad. Once they decide to go against all their fears and confront and solve the problem, they feel much better and find out that it was a lot less painful to face the problem and solve it, than the whole process of dancing around it. Stop searching searching for the solution solution to your problems “out there”, and start looking for it within you.



How can you be different?  What can you do differently?  What can YOU do do to solve the problem?  Action steps:

Make a list of all your problems and start working on their solutions solutions.. Examine your problems problems.. Look for patterns (Do the same things happen to you over and over again?)


   160 160

  81 THE POWER OF MEDITATION “All of humanity's problems stem from man's inability to sit quietly in a room alone.”  alone.”  Blaise Pascal

 The benefits of meditation are widely known by by now. now. More and more people have started practicing it. Its practitioners highlight its usefulness in calming the mind after a stressful day, and in warding off anxiety, anxiety, anger, insecurity, insecurity, and even depression. Other studies point out that meditation can reduce blood pressure and pain response. It’s It’s an easy way of stress combat and quieting our information-overloaded mind. Just sitting still for 15 to 20 minutes once a day can already make a difference and help you to recharge. recharge. If you do it twice a day...even day...even better! Here is how to begin your habit of daily meditation: 1. Look for a space, were you won’t be disturbed and just be in silence for 15 to 2o minutes. Make it a ritual. It’s beneficial to practice in the same spot and at the same time every ever y day. day. Do you remember the magic of the early morning hours? Maybe that’ that’ss also a good time for your meditation. 2. Before you start use the power power of affirmations to get yourself yourself in a relaxed state by saying for example, “I’m now focused and calm.” 3. worried Set yourabout alarmwhen clockto forstop twenty so that notable to yourminutes meditation, meditation, andyou areare fully


    concentrate. 4. Sit or lie down and shut your eyes. You can also leave your eyes open and focus on one point in the room or on nature if you are sitting facing a window. 5. While focusing, concentrate on your breath and start relaxing. relaxing. 6. When your mind wanders let it wander. Don’t resist. See your thoughts passing by like clouds in the blue sky and just empty your mind. See your mind still like a lake without the smallest ripple. Meditating for 2o minutes a day will surely provide you with great results once you have made it a habit. The six steps mentioned above are only a suggestion. Meditation can’t be done  wrong and only you will know what works best for you. There is also a lot of information on the Internet, as well as classes and   TheTAKE most seminars may isbe–available close toinwhere live. importantthat thing as everything this you book –TO  ACTION! Try Try it out!


  82 LISTEN TO GREAT MUSIC – DAILY! “Life is one grand, sweet song, so start the music.”  music.”  Ronald Reagan

 An easya way to feel happy instantly is tofavorites listen yourlisten favorite favorito te music! Make soundtrack of your all-time fav oritesto and them, dance, sing! It might feel stupid at first, but doing this every day will favorite songs of all time?  be very beneficial!  What are your top 5 favorite 1.______________________________________ 2.______________________________________ 3.______________________________________ 4.______________________________________ 5.______________________________________  Why not make a playlist on your iPod, iPod, phone, or PC and listen to them right now! Do it NOW! Come on!  How did you feel after listening to your favorite song?  Any changes in your mood?   What would happen happen if you made made this a daily habit?


  83  NO WORRIES WORRIES “If a problem is fixable, if a situation is such that you can do something about it, then there is no need to worry.  If it's not fixable, fixable, then ther theree is no help in worrying. worrying.   There is no benefit in worrying whatsoever.” Dalai Lama XIV

Many people are constantly worrying. They worry about things that happened in the past that they can’t change, things in the future that they have no influence over, or about economy, wars, and politics  which they have no control over. over. Even funnier is that most of the catastrophes that you are worrying about turn out to be a lot less horrible in reality or just never happen. Mark Twain was right when he said, “I'v “I've e had a lot of worries in my life, most of which never never happened.” Keep in min mind: d: it doesn’t matter how much you worry, it will change neither the  past not the future! Also, worrying usually doesn’t make things any better, does it? Instead, it will drag you down and you will lose the present moment. Can you already grasp what a waste of time and energy worrying is or shall I give you another example? This example is from Robin Sharma’s book “Who Will Cry When You Die?” A Manager who did one of the exercises Robin Robin suggests sugge sts at his seminars identified identified the following: 54% of his worries were about things that w would ould probably never happen. 26% were related to past actions that couldn’t be changed. 8% were related to other people’s opinions which he didn’t


  even care about. 4% were personal health questions that he had already resolved. Only 6% referred to questions that needed his attention. Identifying his problems and dropping the ones he couldn’t couldn’t do anything about or which were just draining energy, the man eliminated 94% of the worries that had tortured him so muc much! h!  Action step:

Make a list of your worries: worries: Questions:

 Which ones are related to the past?  Which ones are related to the future?  Which ones are outside your control? control?  Which ones can you actually do something something about?


  84 USE YOUR TRAVEL TIME WISELY “Time is what we want most, but what we use worst.”  worst.”  William Penn

How much spending everysay dayit’sinbetween the car 60 or and public transport on time your are wayyou to work? Statistics 90 minutes per working day! That means in a month we are talking between 20 to 30 hours.  Who said, “I don’t don’t have enough time.”? time.”? We just found you another 20 to 30 hours to read (when on a bus or train), or listen to audio books in your car. What if you really spent that time listening to empowering CDs, CDs, mp3s, or reading inspirational inspirational books instead of listening to the negative news from the radio or reading about it in the newspaper? Questions:   Are you ready to try it out?

 When will you start? Do it for two weeks and let me know how your life changed.


  85 SPEND MORE TIME WITH YOUR FAMILY “Family is not an important thing, it’s everything.”  everything.”  Michael J. Fox

 Walt Disney once said, “A man should never neglect his family for  Walt business.” Yet I have to dedicate an extra chapter to this one.  Just to make sure that you don’t skip it!  It’s It’s kind of sad that I have to mention it, but when I interview leaders and executiv executives es most of the time what comes up is that they just cannot (?) (?) spend a lot of time  with their families! In Bronnie Ware’ Ware’ss book (See also Chapter 94), one of the top regrets of the dying is to not have have spent more time with their fami families lies and having spent too much time time at the office! Don’t Don’t become one of them and start making time for your family NOW! And if you are  with the family…do everybody a favor and BE FULLY with the family. During our vacation in the Florida Keys last year I saw an absurd situation. A family was on a sightseeing walk with the father running ahead in the front making a business phone call, while the  wife and daughter were following looking kind of sad which is understandable. It was even a Sunday! It seemed like something taken out of a comic book, and yet it was very very real and sad to see.  WAKE UP! V  Value alue your family and friends. friends. They are your constant source of love and mutual support, which increases your self-esteem and boosts your self-confidence. Questions:  How are you going to find more time for your family? (Tip: Use the  Time Management tips in this book) What will you stop doing to find

more time?


  86 DON’T BE THE TH E SLA SLAVE VE OF YOUR PHONE “Men have become the tools of their tools.”  tools.”  Henry David Thoreau

Going to theDon’t busy father in thephone last chapter, this tip comes back in handy. alwaysmentioned pick up your each time it rings; your phone is supposed to be for YOUR convenience, not for those who call you. Give Give yourself the freedom to continue what you are doing and let the call go g o to voice mail. Some time ago I always got very anxious when I didn’t take a call. I thought I had missed something. My roommate Pol was much cooler about it. He only answered the phone when he wanted to,  when he felt like it, and if not - he just went on doing what he was doing without bothering bothering.. I started liking the idea and worked on adapting this “Zen-like” mentality telling myself that myself “They willwill callnot again.” that if it’s it’s a really important call the caller give Iupalso andlearnt probably call five times within 3 minutes...  Action Step:

 Try  T ry it out! Don’t Don’t be a slave of your phone and leverage voicemail. voicemail.


  87 HOW TO DEAL WITH PROBLEMS "Every problem problem has in it the seeds of its own solution. solution.    If you don't have have any problems, problems, you don't get any se seeds." eds."  Norman Vincent Peale

Do you have many problems? Congratulations!!! And I’m not kidding! You have many opportunities to grow, because a problem is always an opportunity to grow by learning from it! So let’s have a better look at this. Over 20 years ago, when I started working at Disneyworld in Orlando, we – the newbies – were taught that the  word “problem” doesn’t doesn’t exist in the vocabulary of a Disney Cast Member: “We don’t have problems, we only have challenges here”. Dr. Lair Ribeiro writes that “Your problems are your best friends” and Leadership Guru Robin Sharma asks us to see our problems as blessings! So what are problems now? Challenges, blessings, friends? Or all three of them? Isn’t Isn’t life life just facing one problem after another?  What makes all the difference is how you face it and how you learn from it! When you start learning from your problems life gets much better. Look back at the problems you had in your life. Didn’t each one of it have something something positive? Maybe a loss in business saved you from an even bigger loss, because you learnt from it. In hard times it can be very beneficial for you to adapt the belief that life/God/the universe universe only puts a problem in your way way if you are able to solve solve it!



 What problems do you have in your life right now that you haven’t haven’t found a solution for yet? Make a list of your problems. problems.  What would change if you see these problems as challenges or even opportunities? How would it make you feel?


  88 TAKE TIME OFF “There is more to life than increasing its speed.”  speed.”  Mahatma Gandhi

 With the stressful, fast paced life that we are living it becomes even more important to slow down down your pace of life and take a break!  Take  T ake some time off. Recharge your batteries by being around nature.  You  Y ou can start by scheduling some relaxation time into your weekly schedule which by now you are hopefully making time for (see Chapter “Manage your time”). If you dare - start with week weekends ends in  which you are completely disconnected from the Internet, TV, TV, and your electronic games. g ames. One of my best vacations vacations ever - if not the best - was was being on a houseboat in the Midi Channel in the south of France. N No o mobile phone, no 5Internet, noso TV. boat’s to topslow speed was It 8 km/hr (= miles/hr) weOnly were ducks. literallyThe “forced” down. is also due to the fact that when you are floating on the channel, children on their bikes overtake overtake you on the bike bike paths on the side of the channel. The villages you pass through are sometimes so small, that they don’t even have a supermarket. So the whole trip comes down to the question, “Where will we get food?” No worries! There is always a restaurant close by, but the charming thing is to cook your own meals on the boat and have dinner at the harbor watching the sunset or just being around nature. Once we had dinner in the middle of a vineyard! Priceless! So is to  walk into a tiny French village villag e in the morning and get your baguette for breakfast from the only bakery in town. We got up at sunrise and


   went to bed two chess matches after sunset. Or as my wife described it afterwards “We got up with the ducks and went to sleep with the ducks.”  Take  T ake time off and connect with nature! It doesn’t doesn’t have to be a long trip. Walk in the woods, on the beach, or in a park whenever you get the chance and observe how you feel afterwards. Or just lie down on alast bench in the grassbarefoot and contemplate theonblue sky. When was the timeoryou walked on grass or a beach? Did you get the idea of how important, relaxing, and reenergizing taking some time off is for you? I hope so! What will you do?   Action Step:

Schedule some relaxation time in your calendar right now!


  89 HAVE HA VE A HI HIGHL GHLIG IGHT HT EVE EVERY RY DA DAY Y "I believe the key to happiness is someone to love,  love, something  something to do, do, and something to look forward to."   Elvis Presley

Don’t let routine and boredom crawl into your life. Create things you look forward to after a hard day at work work instead of just ending up in front of the TV every evening. evening. Here are some examples: • Take some “alone time”. • Go for a walk in the nature with your spouse. • Take a bubble bath or have a spa day. • Celebrate something: a good job, family, life! • Call a friend. • Take somebody for lunch. •• Get a massage. Go for a drink. • Go to the movies/theater/a concert. • Get a manicure/pedicure. • Movie night at home. • Watch a sunrise, etc. Remember to reserve some time for your special moments in  your schedule! schedule!


   174 174

  90 STEP OUT OF YOUR “COMFORT ZONE” “As you move outside of your comfort zone, what was once once  the unknown and frightening becomes you new normal.”  normal.”  Robin Sharma

“One can choose to go back towar toward d safety or forward toward growth. Growth Gr owth must be chosen again and again;  fear must be overco overcome me again and again.” again.” Abraham Maslow

Have you you ever heard of the saying, “The magic happens outside of your your comfort comfort zone?” But…what the heck is the comfort zone?  The following metaphor describes it very well: if you put a frog into a pot of boiling water, water, it jumps out! But But if you put it into a pot and start heating up the water gradually, it doesn’t react and dies by being boiled! And that’s what happens to many people who are trapped in their comfort zone without even knowing it.  Your  Y our comfort zone is the limit of your current experience. It’s It’s  what you are used to doing, thinking or feeling based on your current level of knowledge. It’s It’s where it’s it’s nice and cozy and where we know most of the time exactly what is going to happen. It’ It’ss where you liv livee life on autopilot. It’s also where change doesn’t happen. Personal growth and development development happen out outside side of your comfort zone. zone. So if


  you want to change jobs, start start an enterprise, be creative, get out of a relationship that has stopped working, working, you have have to step out of your comfort zone. Unfortunately it’s more comfortable to stay where you are and your mind is doing everything to keep you there! When I was trapped in a job that I didn’t didn’t like any more I caught myself saying the entire it’s notjob thatI bad, could beworse” Who knows, time, “Well maybe in another wouldit be even   And so I continued in a job that no more made sense to me day in day out. On Monday I was already looking forward to Friday, and when I came back from my vacations I was already looking to the next ones. Can you imagine that? I should have watched Steve Jobs’ commencement  Address at Stanford some years earlier. earlier. ( Did Did you watch it yet?). Jobs had a great technique: each day he looked looked at himself in the mirror day on earth, would I do and asked himself, “If this was my last day  what I’m about to do today?” and if he answered answered “No” “No” to himself himself for too many days in a row, he changed! because once  When you  start Be careful if you that technique, asking yourself yourself thisuse question everything changes. you step out of your comfort zone and start to ventu venture re towards the the unknown, you start to grow.  Y  You ou will start   feeling uncomfortable and awkward. That’s a great sign! That’s actually a sign  that  you are growing and moving ahead.  Act in spite spite of fear and doubt! Questions:

How can you yousmall challenge yourself to step out of your comfort zone? (Remember, steps!)yourself Is there anything that makes you uncomfortable that you can do NOW?


  91 WHAT WHA T PR PRICE ICE ARE Y YOU OU PAYING FOR NOT CHANGING? “The price of doing the same old thing is far higher than the price of change.”  change.”  Bill Clinton

 Another question that forced me out of my comfort zone when I  was evaluating my situation was, “What is the price you are paying for not taking action?”  I was on the worst possible way to being seriously burnt out. Of course it was very very risky to just walk away from my secure job without putting up a fight in the worst economic crisis the world had seen, but what was the price I was paying to stay? Serious health problems? No thanks, thanks, buddy! I’m out of here. Since then I never looked back. Many years ago my boss at Volkswagen in Mexico came to me the intern – and said, “Marc, I don’t know what to do any more. I’m close to a breakdown due to stress, but I’m on a three years Expatcontract and if I break it, I will be looked at as a failure at the headquarters in Germany. What would you do?” I told him, “Look, your health is the most important thing you have. have. If this job affects your health any more, leave. leave. Because if you get a heart attack and die, the people that are now giving you the worst time will say what a great guy you were at your funeral in front of your wife and kid. I’m talking from my own personal experience: the people that harassed my father the most at his workplace, actually wanted to speak at his funeral! Unbelievable! For now, I would hang in there and see what happens, because I really believe that life is a miracle,


  everything happens for a reason and in the end everything is always going to work out!”  Two  T wo months later he contacted me from Germany Ger many.. He was still on his Expat-contract, however he had returned to Germany and was  working on a new project with far better work conditions! Life is a miracle – it always works out in the end! But there is always a price  you ar e paying are and it’s  your your live with the consequences.   decision if you want to pay it and  The price you pay if you want to get in shape is that you have to exercise. The price you pay pay for not exercising is getting overw overweight. eight. If you want more time the price is getting up an hour earlier or  watching less TV. TV. The price you pay for procrastination is anxiety and feeling bad. Choose your your suffering wisely!  Question:

 Are you paying a price for doing the same old thing? thing?


  92 THINGS THIN GS ARE ONL ONLY Y TEMPORARY TEMPORARY “You can't connect the dots looking forward;  you can only connect them loo looking king backwards. backwards. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future.” Steve Jobs

“It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop.”  stop.”  Confucius

Everything is temporary. All triumphs, defeat, joy, sadness that happen in our life go by. What seems to be very important today is not important anymore in a month or three months.  And what seems to be a disaster today can be a great learning experience three months from now.  When I was jobless for over over nine months right after finishing college and was rejected by, I don’t even remember how many companies, each one of my friends w was as pitying me and most of all I pitied myself, but somehow deep down inside me I knew that all all of of the rejection is because something s omething better is waiting for me. In the end, I started working in Barcelona, Barcelona, one of the most beautiful cities in the world with lots of culture, beaches, beaches, a fantastic climate, a great football team, and about 300 days of sun a year (very (very important for me at that time). My friends went directly from pity to envy and


  from “poor Marc” to “lucky bastard!” Look at life with a little more ease and sobriety knowing that misfortunes pass. Or as Rudyard Kipling in his fantastic poem “IF” says: “If you can meet with Triumph Triumph and Disaster and treat those two impostors just the same; […] yours  yours is the Earth and everything my son!” that's in it, And - which is more - you'll be a Man, Keep your attention on what you want and keep moving forward. Do you remember the saying, “In 6 months we are going g oing to now? This phrase actually laugh about it!”? Why not laugh already now? got me through my International Business studies. I remember many nights before the exams at 3 a.m. – a few hours before the exam –  when I was totally stressed out out in the dorm room of my friend Jorge Jorge and on the verge of a breakdown (failing those exams exams would have have meant dropping out of college or worse still… be thrown thrown out..) and “Marc,even in 6now months wey are going he always about just laughed and W said, to laugh tonight!”  We e actually – nearly nearl 20 years later - still laugh about those stories. Try Try this technique! I hope it helps you as it helped me!  Action Steps:

 Think back on other hard times in your life and how you got out of it and maybe even found something positive in it after some time. MAPPING LIFE:  1. Make a timeline of your life. From From birth until now. now. Mark every key event in your life on the line. All and any moments that changed your life. 2. Write the great moments, the successes above the timeline. 3. Write the challenges, the tragedies, the failures below the timeline. 4. Examine the events below below the line and write the positiv positivee effects of them above the line. (For example, somebody close to you died. A positive could be that you value your life more. Or perhaps you got fired from a job. This opened doors to an even better job that you have now.) 5. Have a close look at your timeline.


  93 GET A COACH! “Make the most of yourself....for that is all there there is of you.”  you.”  Ralph Waldo Emerson

 After having a huge impact in business life, coaching is also becoming more and more available for private persons in the form of life coaching. coaching. Many people have the wrong concept that yyou ou only take on a coach when something is wrong, but leaders like Eric Schmidt actually take on coaches to get even better, or to have a neutral, objective partner with whom they can bounce back and forth their ideas and who keeps them grounded. g rounded.  A coach can help you to achieve clarity on what you really want in life, encourage you to keep on going when you would normally stop, help set better and more rewarding goals for yourself, get results more easilyexperience and quickly, overcome fear, communicate much more effectively, a faster personal development, overcome selfsabotaging habits, find your true purpose, and to live aligned with your true values. During the coaching process you will learn to take responsibility for everything in your life and take better decisions. Coaching achieves extraordinary results because you and your coach become a team, focusing on your goals and accomplishing more than you would do alone. You take more action, think bigger, and get the job done, because because of the accountability the coach coach provides. A coach knows how to help you to make better decisions, set the best goals, and restructure your professional and personal life for maximum productivity. Coaching works because it brings out the best in you. A coach is trained to help you find your own best


  answers and will support you in the course of that process process.. Coaching is usually done during regular, weekly sessions by telephone, skype, sk ype, or in person which last between 30 and 60 minutes. In every session coach and coachee work on the coachee's goals, creating options and setting setting a plan of action for the coachee's coachee's next steps. While working towards the coachee's goal, the coach also  works on the coachee's development. coaches, coaches, for example, in online online personal directories of CoachUYou or can the find International Coach Federation (ICF). Most coaches offer complementary strategy sessions. That's how you and your coach get to know each other and find out if you are comfortable working together. Chemistry is crucial in a coaching relationship.  There is no guarantee that coaching works. Your success depends on you!  From my experience I can say that the coachees that attend their sessions, are committed to their coaching process, and do their work, end up being successful in their endeavors. That’s why I even offer a 30 days money back guarantee (based ground don’t ’t hesitateon to some contact me. rules). If you want to try out Coaching don


  94 LIVE YOUR LIFE FULLY. DO IT NOW! “Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future,  future, concentrate the mind on the present moment”  moment”  Buddha

Most of us live like like we have all the time in the world! We We are so busy going after the big pleasures pleasures of life that we forget about about the small ones. When will you start to take better care of yourself, start exercising, learn something new, do the things you always  wanted to do, do, spend more time with your family? Tomorrow? Next  week? Next Monday? Next month? When you win the lottery? When W hen you have another job? When the next project is finished?  Yes  Y es I know. know. There are so many other things you have to do right now.. You now You just don’t have time right now! A lot of people never n ever discover the meaning of life until it’s it’s too late and they are just about

to die. Bronnie Ware, Ware, an Australian nurse who accompanied the dying  wrote down their top five five regrets: 1. I wish I'd had the courage to live a life true to myself, not the life others expected of me. 2. I wish I didn't work so hard. 3. I wish I'd had the courage to express my feelings. 4. I wish I had stayed in touch with my friends. 5. I wish that I had let myself myself be happier.

Don’t wait any longer. that Liveproblems your lifeare fully. NOW! Remember failure is only feedback, opportunities to grow. that Do


  the things you always wanted to do. Don’t postpone them any longer. Don’t fight life! Let it flow, because as Paulo Coelho says “One day  you will wake wake up and there won't be any more time  to do the things you've always wanted to do. Do it now.”  The great Steve Jobs put it this way: way:

“Remembering that I'll be dead soon is the most important tool I've ever encountered to help me make the big choices in life. Almost everythingever ything--all -all external expectatio expectations ns,, all pride, pride, all fear of embarrassment or failure--these things just fall awa awayy in th thee face of death, leaving only what is truly important. Remembering that you you are going g oing to die is the best way I know to avoid the trap of thinking you have something to lose. You are already naked. There is no reason not to follow your heart. No one wants to die. Even people who want to go to heaven don't want to die to get there. And yet, death is the destination we all share. No one has ever escaped it, and that is how it should be, because death is very likely the single best best invention of life. It's life's change agent. It clears out the old to make way for the new.” Every day brings with it opportunities to move closer to what you  want, every day contributes to the end result. Don’t Don’t let these opportunities pass. It doesn’t take months or years to change  your life; you change it step by step, day by day – starting NOW! The results however, however, you will see for months and years. a favor andafter START START LIVING NOW NOW: the kidsDo areyourself out of the house, you have ha ve finished the: not nextafter project, after you have got the new car, after you have moved to the new house, or after you have have got a better job. Don’t Don’t be one of those people who say they don’t have time, but spend 30 hours a week in front of the TV, TV, playing video games, or going g oing out drinking. Do the things you always wanted to do NOW. Make plans NOW!


  List 5 things you always wanted to do and set a date: 1. _____________________ Date: ___________ 2. _____________________ Date: ___________ 3. _____________________ Date: ___________ 4. _____________________ Date: ___________ 5. _____________________ _____________________ Date:____________


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   ABOUT THE AUTHOR AUTHOR Marc Reklau (Esslingen am Neckar, Germany, 1973) is a Life and Executive Coach and personal development expert. After an amazing and rewarding life journey that took him from his native country to the United States, Mexico and Spain, he finally found his calling Coaching. His current homebase is the beautiful beautiful city of Barcelona, Spain and Marc's mission is to empower people to create the life they want and to give them the resources and tools to make it happen. He spend thousands of hours researching, studying studying and applying the principles and secrets of success and happiness. happiness. His message is simple: Many people want to change things in their lives,, but few are willing to do a simple set of exercises constantly lives over a period of time. Y You ou can plan and create success and happiness in your life by installing habits that support you on the way to your goal. If you want to work work with Marc directly contact him on his homepage  www where you also find more information about him.

Facebook: //  Twitter: @MarcReklau  Twitter: e-mail: [email protected]

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