Will plan b make me get my period

For women who have recently had birth control fail them, or may have forgotten it altogether, the morning after pill can be a life saver. Emergency contraception, such as Plan B or ella, should never be relied on as your main form of birth control, but can be extraordinarily helpful if something happens and you end up needing to prevent an unwanted pregnancy. It is important to note that the morning after pill is NOT the same as an abortion pill. Emergency contraception prevents pregnancy, while abortion terminates an existing pregnancy.

Taking the morning after pill can be a little scary if you don’t know what to expect. Many women wonder how the pill will affect their next period, especially because they’re eager to get it and confirm they’re not pregnant. Let’s take a look at what your first period after emergency contraception will look like.

What can you expect for your first period following the morning after pill?

The way the morning after pill works is by delivering a high dose of a hormone called levonorgestrel, a type of progestin or artificial progesterone. When your body gets bombarded with this hormone, it can affect your period (and entire menstrual cycle) in a few different ways:

  • Timing: Your first period after taking emergency contraception may follow your normal schedule. It is common, however, to get it either about a week early or a week late. If your period is two weeks late or more, you should consider taking a pregnancy test.
  • Duration: Your period may last longer than usual after taking emergency contraception.
  • Flow: Some women experience a lighter or heavier flow during their first period after the morning after pill. Heavier flow is more common than lighter.

Next period vs. morning after pill spotting

After taking emergency contraception, it is normal to experience some light bleeding or spotting as an effect of the extra hormones. It is important to note that this bleeding is not the same as your period. Here’s what you can expect from any morning after pill bleeding:

  • Timing: Any bleeding from the morning after pill will start within a few days after taking it.
  • Duration: If you do bleed, it will only last a day or two, or occasionally slightly longer.
  • Flow: Morning after pill bleeding will be very light, possibly even just a few spots.
  • Other potential side effects: The hormones in the morning after pill can also cause side effects like abdominal pain, nausea, headaches, fatigue, breast tenderness, and dizziness. These should subside within a few days.

If you find yourself in need of the morning after pill, South Avenue Women’s can help. Our medical professionals can help you access emergency contraception and then set you up with a reliable birth control option. If you missed the window for emergency contraception and are dealing with an unplanned pregnancy, we can also can provide information about and perform safe, confidential, and effective abortion services if you decide that’s what is right for you.

Call us today at 585-271-3850 to schedule an appointment with our caring team members!

  • Plan B can affect your period for one menstrual cycle and alter when your period comes, menstrual flow, and how long your period lasts.
  • This is due to the active hormone in Plan B called levonorgestrel that prevents pregnancy. 
  • Plan B does not terminate pregnancy and should not be taken as regular birth control.

Plan B is a form of emergency birth control, often referred to as the morning-after pill, that can help prevent pregnancy in the event of unprotected sex or birth control failure. 

Taking Plan B could affect the timing of your next period or cause other menstrual irregularities like bleeding between periods, and heavier or lighter menstrual flow. However, plan B's effects on your period shouldn't persist beyond one menstrual cycle.

Plan B should only be used as a backup in case you need emergency birth control. It should not be taken regularly or used as a replacement for other forms of birth control.

Here's how plan B may disrupt your menstrual cycle and what to expect after taking it.

What is in Plan B? 

"Levonorgestrel is the active hormone in Plan B," says Krishna Kakani, an MD who has her own OB/GYN practice. 

Levonorgestrel is a synthetic progestin hormone that prevents pregnancy in two ways: 

  1. By delaying the release of the egg from the ovary. 
  2. In case the egg has already been released, it works by blocking fertilization and altering the uterine lining so that the egg cannot attach itself to the wall of the uterus. 

It's important to note that plan B works to prevent fertilization, it will not terminate a pregnancy if the egg has already implanted. 

Since levonorgestrel affects ovulation and the uterine lining to prevent pregnancy, taking Plan B could alter the timing, length, and flow of your next period. 

"Emergency contraceptives that contain levonorgestrel are most effective if taken within 72 hours of unprotected sex," says Kakani. Plan B is just one type of emergency contraceptive that contains levonorgestrel. Others brands include: 

  • Next Choice 
  • My Way 
  • Option 2 
  • Fallback 
  • Opcicon 

Levonorgestrel is also an ingredient in other forms of birth control like oral birth control pills, vaginal rings, contraceptive implants, and birth control patches. 

Ella, another emergency contraceptive, contains a different hormone, known as ulipristal acetate. Like levonorgestrel, it works by preventing the release of the egg from the ovary. However, unlike levonorgestrel, which only offers you a 72-hour window, ella offers you a 120-hour window to prevent pregnancy after having unprotected sex. 

How does Plan B affect your cycle? 

A 2006 study investigated how emergency contraceptives containing levonorgestrel affect menstruation. The study found that approximately 15% of women experienced disruptions in their menstrual cycle after taking the medication. The women reported some or multiple of the following side effects: 

  • Delayed or early periods 
  • Bleeding between periods
  • Shorter or longer periods 
  • Heavier or lighter menstrual flow

You can take Plan B at any point in your menstruation cycle. However, the side effects you experience could vary depending on where you are in your cycle. For instance, a small 2005 study found that participants taking Plan B in the first few weeks of their menstrual cycle  caused their period to arrive earlier than usual; whereas taking it in the last week of their cycle delayed their period.

Apart from affecting your menstrual cycle, taking Plan B can also cause short-term side effects that may start when you take the pill and persist for a few days. Side effects may include: 

  • Nausea 
  • Vomiting 
  • Diarrhea 
  • Pelvic or abdominal pain 
  • Fatigue 
  • Dizziness 
  • Headache
  • Breast pain or tenderness 

Plan B is typically administered as a single tablet. However, you may need a second dose if you vomit within two hours of taking the pill, as it could mean that the pill hasn't been absorbed and is therefore ineffective in preventing pregnancy. If this is the case, contact your doctor and see if you should take a second dose. 

It is not recommended to resume sexual intercourse without another form of contraception, as Plan B does not provide lasting protection against pregnancy and is not intended to replace other forms of birth control. However, if you have unprotected sex again, you can take Plan B if you need to. 

In fact, there's no limit on how many times you can take plan B in one cycle. While it could cause short-term side effects and affect your next period, it doesn't affect your fertility in the long-run. It is just not as effective as regular birth control methods that are taken correctly.

Research shows that the side effects of Ella are similar to those of emergency contraceptives containing levonorgestrel, like Plan B. However, you need to wait five days after taking Ella to resume other hormonal contraceptives like birth control pills, rings, patches, implants, or injections.

If your cycle is altered by Plan B, how will you know that you're not pregnant? 

Experiencing vaginal bleeding after taking Plan B could be a sign that you aren't pregnant. "You may experience bleeding similar to a period after taking Plan B, which may indicate that fertilization has not occurred," notes Kakani.

Your cycle should also go back to normal soon. Most of the changes caused by emergency contraceptives like Plan B do not persist beyond one menstrual cycle. 

If your period is over a week late after you've taken Plan B, there's a chance that you may be pregnant, so consider taking a pregnancy test. 

Insider's takeaway

Plan B is an effective form of emergency contraception that you can take up to 72 hours after having unprotected sex. It delays ovulation and prevents fertilization, which may cause side effects like nausea and vomiting, as well as disruptions to your next menstrual cycle. 

Plan B should therefore be taken only in emergencies, if you've had unprotected sex or if your regular birth control method has failed. It's not recommended to take Plan B frequently, or as a substitute for  other forms of birth control.

Related stories about birth control:

  • Plan B: Side effects, how long they last, and how to get relief
  • You can get pregnant with an IUD but it's extremely rare
  • When to take a pregnancy test for the most accurate result
  • Birth control pills may be making part of your brain smaller
  • Planned Parenthood is expanding its birth control app to all 50 states in the wake of Trump's massive funding cut

Sanjana has been a health writer and editor since 2014. She has written extensively for platforms like Livestrong.com, Verywell Mind, and Times Internet. Her work spans various health-related topics, including fitness, nutrition, mental health, and wellness. Sanjana balances her love for chocolate with a penchant for fun workouts like aerial yoga and kickboxing.

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Can a Plan B make your period come on?

It can also cause your period to start up to a week earlier or a week later than you would otherwise expect. Your first period after taking Plan B could be somewhat lighter or heavier than is normal for you. Everyone is different, so some people will have spotting and bleeding before their next period and some won't.

How long after Plan B will I get my period?

It can also cause your period to start up to a week earlier or a week later than you would otherwise expect. Your first period after taking Plan B could be somewhat lighter or heavier than is normal for you. Everyone is different, so some people will have spotting and bleeding before their next period and some won't.


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