Why did lowes lower my credit limit

It may be shocking to find that your credit card issuer has reduced your credit card limit, especially if it happens without warning. Your bank can technically change your line of credit anytime it wants to, bringing your balance dangerously close to the new limit. If this happens to you, there are options for coping with a reduced credit limit.

1. Contact your issuer

Ask your bank why your credit limit was reduced. Have any particular behaviors led them to think you’re going to become a credit risk? Are they suspicious of unusual spending patterns? Or, do they have information that is inaccurate — a possible result of an error in your credit report or even identity theft?

Also, make a case for yourself: Tell your issuer about your record of on-time payments or a recent salary increase, for example. If you did happen to fall behind on payments but have a good reason for it (like a medical emergency or temporary layoff because of COVID-19), let your issuer know about that as well. If the account representative isn’t able to help, politely ask to speak to a supervisor.

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2. Pay down your balance

As a rule of thumb, you you should try to keep your balance no higher than 30% of your overall credit limit. The more you owe compared with your total available credit, the higher your credit utilization ratio — and the more likely your credit score will take a hit.

If your slashed credit limit puts your balance above that 30% threshold, you should make an effort to pay down your outstanding balance, especially if you’re planning to apply for a new loan in the near future. Building your credit score makes you more likely to qualify and get lower interest rates.

3. Consider transferring your balance

If the credit limit cut will put you above your limit, you should consider transferring your balance to another card. A 0% balance transfer card might be a good idea, since you could save money on interest payments. However, those can be difficult to qualify for. On the other hand, if you just want to shift part of your balance to stay under the limit, consider a card with no balance transfer fee.

One thing you shouldn’t do in response to a credit limit reduction: cancel the card. Even with a reduced limit, the card is still contributing to your credit score. Keeping more accounts open, having a longer average account history and maintaining a larger overall credit limit all work to help your credit score.

My 2¢.

In your future, apply for cards in the store/branch. A friend of mine applied online for a Lowe's card, got one with a $500 CL. My SO applied for a Lowe's card, talked with the person pushing the card about anticipated spending, got a $10k initial CL, an auto CLI 6 months later pushed it to $16k. A few years ago another friend wanted a State Farm Rewards card and applied online, was approved with a $1k starting CL. I wanted the card as well after I found out about it but talked with an agent instead and was approved with a CL of $12.5k (it's a US Bank card now). I've got a few more of these comparisons to offer but you get the idea...

For a helpful tip regarding Lowe's, stop focusing on Lowe's so much but your other opportunities. Lowe's gift cards are on sale pretty much everywhere and are on sale somewhere at a 10% discount pretty much all of the time. They're on sale at that rate in my Chase Rewards portal now and at Office Depot, where I can use my Ink Cash card for the discount (10%) plus a 5X redemption for Ultimate Rewards. Bookmark the Doctor of Credit web site or Slickdeals for opportunities with Lowe's, which is floundering financially of late and really wants foot traffic in their stores.

At Experian, one of our priorities is consumer credit and finance education. This post may contain links and references to one or more of our partners, but we provide an objective view to help you make the best decisions. For more information, see our Editorial Policy.

In this article:

  • Why Did My Credit Limit Go Down?
  • What You Can Do After a Credit Limit Decrease
  • How Does a Credit Limit Decrease Impact Your Credit Score?
  • How to Minimize the Impact of a Decreased Credit Limit
  • When Will Your Credit Score Recover?

If you recently noticed that your credit card limit has decreased, you may wonder why. Perhaps you closed a credit card account, prompting a drop in your overall credit limit. Or maybe a credit card issuer decreased your credit limit because your spending habits changed.

If your credit limit decreases, you can take steps to improve your situation, such as lowering credit card balances and building your credit limit back up. In the process, you might see your credit scores eventually go up. Here's how.

Why Did My Credit Limit Go Down?

Your credit limit is the ceiling for how much money you can borrow through a revolving account, such as a credit card or line of credit. For example, $3,000 might be the maximum amount you can charge on a credit card.

Several factors go into determining your credit limit. A lender normally sets your credit limit after reviewing at least one credit report and one credit score supplied by the three consumer credit bureaus (Experian, TransUnion and Equifax). Your credit report and credit score reveal your creditworthiness, which reflects how much money you owe to other lenders and other indicators of how you handle credit. The lender also might consider your household income and your payment history.

But even after your credit card issuer sets your original credit limit, it can decrease that limit without warning. When a card issuer reduces your credit line, however, it cannot impose an over-the-limit fee or penalty interest rate if you go over your new credit limit until 45 days after you've been notified about the lower limit.

Some of the reasons a lender might decrease your credit limit include:

  • Missed or late payments: The lender might have detected a number of missed or late payments, suggesting that you might be experiencing financial difficulties.
  • High credit utilization: Your credit reports might show that you're using a significant amount of credit. This is reflected in your credit utilization ratio, or the amount of revolving debt you're using. The ratio is figured by dividing the amount you owe across all of your credit cards and other revolving credit accounts by the credit limits of those accounts. A ratio of 30% or more can start to hurt your credit scores, while a ratio in single digits is considered ideal. Always aim to keep the ratio under 30% to maintain a healthy credit score.
  • Low credit utilization: If you haven't used a credit card much or at all over a certain amount of time, the card issuer might lower your credit limit.
  • Change in buying behavior: Credit card issuers track your spending and how it changes, and may use the data they gather to alter your credit limit. But here's the good news: If you pay your card balance in full each month, the issuer could maintain the credit limit you had before you changed your spending habits.

What You Can Do After a Credit Limit Decrease

A lower credit limit can come as a shock. Fortunately, you can take action to address the lower limit:

  1. Contact your credit card company. Ask why it lowered your credit limit. Based on that knowledge, you might be able to take action to get your previous limit restored.
  2. Check your credit reports. Monitor your credit regularly and look for any negative issues or errors that might have caused a card issuer to decrease your credit limit. If you see any inaccuracies that could be hurting your credit, work with the issuers of the reports to correct them.
  3. Use credit responsibly. Making on-time payments and paying off your balance in full each month are two steps to help improve your standing with the card issuer that lowered your credit limit.

How Does a Credit Limit Decrease Impact Your Credit Score?

A decrease in your credit limit might cause your credit scores to go down. Why? As noted above, a big part of your credit score calculation is based on your credit utilization ratio.

Your credit utilization ratio represents all of your credit card balances at a certain point in time divided by the total of your credit limits. So, if the balances on your credit cards add up to $2,000 and your total credit limit is $10,000, your utilization ratio comes to 20%.

When you close a credit card account or a card issuer decreases your credit limit, your overall credit limit declines. Using the example above, let's say you cancel a card with a $2,000 limit, so your total credit limit now is $8,000. Meanwhile, your total balances stay at $2,000. This results in your credit utilization rising from 20% to 25%. If a decreased credit limit results in a credit utilization above 30%, your credit scores can suffer.

How to Minimize the Impact of a Decreased Credit Limit

If one of your credit card issuers reduces your credit limit, don't worry. It doesn't need to be permanent. Follow these three tips to ease the impact of a lower limit on your credit scores.

1. Reduce Your Debt

Look at your credit card spending. Are you carrying balances from month to month? If so, try to pay off some or all of that credit card debt, and keep those accounts open. By doing so, your credit utilization ratio will drop.

2. Consider Opening a New Credit Card

Opening another credit card account can bump up your overall credit limit. Check out Experian CreditMatch™ to see cards. Remember to always maintain low balances on both your old and new credit cards and pay your credit bills on time every month. Keep in mind that if you open a new credit card account, the hard inquiry on your credit reports might lead to a temporary and small dip in your scores. Over time, a new account can reduce your credit utilization rate and lift your credit scores as long as you manage it responsibly.

3. Ask for a Credit Limit Increase on a Current Credit Card

If you've been a good customer, some credit card issuers will instantly increase the credit limit on a credit card that you already have upon request. To find out, call the card issuer to seek a credit limit increase or check your account online for instructions on how to ask for an increase.

When Will Your Credit Score Recover?

If your score falls after your credit limit decreases, it will bounce back as long as you take the right steps, such as reducing your debt and making credit card payments on or before the due date. It might take a few months, but if you focus on those two moves, your credit scores can climb.

Why did my Lowes card credit limit decrease?

As outlined in the Fair Credit Reporting Act, credit card issuers have the right to lower credit limits at will and may do so when a cardholder appears to be in financial trouble. If you missed due dates or carry high debt and only send the minimum payments, the issuer may shorten the limit.

Why was my credit limit lowered?

Credit card issuers may lower credit lines to limit risk and increase their ability to lend to new customers. You may be at risk of a credit limit decrease if you under- or over-use your card, or if the economy is in turmoil. At Experian, one of our priorities is consumer credit and finance education.

Does Lowes lower your credit limit?

Lowes Synchrony bank - Not Good I read reviews that they will randomly lower your credit limit. I checked and realized that they had indeed lower my available. So it was like they used reasons like debt ratio my high balances and they determined that they should lower my available balance.

Why did synchrony decrease my limit?

It's likely that Synchrony Bank lowered your credit limit because your recent credit history showed that you were a higher-risk customer than you had been in the past.


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