Who was nominated on big brother tonight

After the back-to-back unanimous evictions of Terrance Higgins and Michael Bruner, there was nowhere to hide in the “Big Brother 24” house. Just five players remained in the hunt for the $750,000 grand prize, and the Head of Household key was up for grabs yet again. So who won HOH after Thursday’s dramatic double eviction, and which two contestants did they nominate for eviction?

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Below, read our minute-by-minute “Big Brother” recap of Season 24, Episode 29 to find out what happened Sunday, September 11 at 8:00 p.m. ET/PT. Then be sure to sound off in the comments section about your favorite “BB” houseguests on CBS’s reality TV show, who annoys you the most and who you think will ultimately join the “Big Brother” winners list.

The five remaining houseguests are Alyssa Snider, Brittany Hoopes, Matthew “Turner” Turner, Monte Taylor and Taylor Hale. There are currently six members in the jury: Indy Santos, Jasmine Davis, Joseph Abdin, Kyle Capener, Terrance Higgins and Michael Bruner.

SEE ‘Big Brother’ winners list: All seasons, plus spin-offs

Keep refreshing/reloading this “Big Brother” live blog for the most recent updates.

8:30 p.m. – “Previously on ‘Big Brother’!” In the 28th episode, Turner, Monte and Michael created an all-guys alliance (it didn’t last long) as a way of combatting what they saw as an all-girls alliance between Alyssa, Brittany and Taylor. Later, host Julie Chen Moonves presided over the elimination of Terrance, and then surprised the houseguests by telling them it was a double eviction episode. Turner won the live HOH and nominated Alyssa and Brittany. Then Monte won the Power of Veto and removed Alyssa. Turner replaced her with a salty Michael, who was promptly evicted. But enough about last week — let’s see who wins tonight’s HOH comp!

8:33 p.m. – As soon as Michael walked out of the door, emotions ran high with the houseguests left in the game. Brittany felt betrayed by the pitch he made in order to save himself, Turner was offended by his claims of manipulation, and Monte said that he had to do what he could to take Michael out because all of them would have come in second to him no matter what. The remaining five agreed that now they all would have a chance of winning instead of playing for second place.

8:36 p.m. – In a rewind, we saw that Turner’s actual plan for the double eviction was to get Brittany evicted for going around the house trying to make deals with everyone she could. He put her up against Alyssa as a pawn and even hugged it out with Michael, telling him that Brittany is the aim. Monte was also on board with going for Brittany in that moment because they could right out the guys alliance with Michael, but everything changed with Monte won the Veto and had the power in his own hands to finally take out Michael. Knowing it was the perfect opportunity to get Michael out, Monte made a last minute pitch to Turner that they do it and Turner only agreed if Monte could secure all the votes from Alyssa and Taylor to actually pull it off. Monte even wanted to shore up his relationship with Michael so he decided to tell Michael in advance. Michael pleaded with Monte to not do it, even against Michael’s claims that the current jurors are not going to vote for Michael. Michael then made a last ditch effort to get Taylor and Alyssa to save him, arguing that this would be their opportunity to take Monte’s big move away from him by sending Brittany home instead.

8:48 p.m. – Both Monte and Turner were concerned that they’d be a target from the women, so they banded together to protect each other to the end of the game. First they made a final three deal with Alyssa with the aim of going after Brittany next. Meanwhile, Taylor was on her own contemplating the fact that Turner has a lot of comp wins now and should be the next to go. Turner tried to build a bridge with Brittany, hoping that if she wins that she won’t put him up, but Brittany knew that Turner had put her on the block every opportunity he had and so he would certainly be her target if she won.

8:55 p.m. – For the HOH comp, each player had to enter a horror house with the goal of being the first to doorjamb six doors in the house in complete darkness. After all four made a pass through the house, the scores were: Taylor with a time out of 60 minutes, Alyssa with 22:24, Monte with 15:15 and Brittany with 15:24. That meant Brittany lost out on a pivotal HOH by only 9 seconds and Monte was in power with the goal of protecting his alliance with Turner.

9:13 p.m. – Up in his new room, Monte was certain that there’s “no way” he was going to nominate Turner or Taylor, so when he spoke with Alyssa he assured her that the target is Brittany, but because of his relationship to the others that it would mean Alyssa has to go up as a pawn against Brittany. Secretly, Monte was concerned with how many friends Alyssa has in the jury house and could consider her as a decent second option for eviction.

9:20 p.m. – Brittany’s pitch to Monte was that there are bigger targets in the house and that Alyssa’s been throwing his name out there as the next one to go. Monte thought Brittany was throwing Alyssa under the bus just to save herself and so he didn’t necessarily trust what she was saying. Taylor was interested in getting Turner on Monte’s radar, but Monte countered that Turner is a shield for him and said that the best case is that Taylor wins Veto and pulls someone down so that Monte’s only option is Turner going up and then whoever votes can vote him out.

9:26 p.m. – At the nomination ceremony, Monte stuck to his word and put Brittany and Alyssa on the block. He told them that there were “lapses in communication” with Brittany and that he’s “been at a distance” with Alyssa despite them getting closer. For the women in the house, they all knew that this week’s Veto would be a huge turning point in the game if they can win and somehow get Turner on the block as the replacement.

SEE exclusive predictions: Who will win ‘Big Brother’?

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Who did Michael put up on Big Brother?

Terrance wasn't pleased with Michael's reasons which included him being accused of keeping secrets, wanting to keep Kyle in the game and formulating a plan to backdoor Michael. Michael has put up Alyssa and Terrance up for eviction. Terrance gave Michael the business in the HoH room following the nominations.

Who won the veto on big brother tonight?

It was revealed on the live feeds that Brittany won the Power of Veto and because she did, that guarantees her a spot in the final four.

Who did Turner put up in Big Brother?

In the last episode, Turner turned on his alliance The Leftovers and put Brittany and Taylor on the block.

Who has the most nominations in Big Brother?

The most nominations in a single season: John McGuire, 9 Janelle Pierzina holds the record for most lifetime nominations with 10 (spread across three seasons).

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